Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 2078: Parting experience (fifth more outbreak)

"Is this true? Great!"

As soon as Guan Heng said this, not only was the leader of the army soldier Qiao Yan full of joy, but even the businessmen around him were happy. At the beginning, they were a bit afraid of swallowing the ghost, but the giant tiger was beside Guan Heng. The lazy one-beder was not scary from the outside, so everyone surrounded them and started talking about things.

But these people were so noisy, Guan Heng yelled suddenly: "Stop, two people just talk, the others shut up, you are really noisier than snake birds, annoying people."

Hearing this, the merchants were silent, and the snake-like bird that stopped on the head of the devouring tiger screamed dissatisfied: "Well!"

"Li Xiao, you and Qiao Yan told me what happened, everyone else sat down and calm down." After listening to Guan Heng's assignment, everyone found a clean place to sit around him cross-legged, this, At that time, Li Xiaocai told the story.

After breaking up with Guan Heng, Li and his son moved to Qinghe City, where acquaintances lived, overnight to avoid disaster. Fortunately, it wasn't far away.

In order to discuss their lives, Li Da and Li Xiao, a pair of fathers and sons, temporarily joined a caravan under the introduction of a friend to help the host of Qinghe City, Luan Yao, to transport a number of valuables from hundreds of miles back to Qinghe City. .

At the beginning, the caravan went smoothly, and Qinghe City sent a dozen earth soldiers to **** the caravan for insurance purposes. Who knows, just passing by here, a group of robbers rushed down from the nearby "Yangyang Mountain", they just killed the caravan protected by the soil soldiers, looted the goods, and finally went away.

"Fortunately, the robbers did not easily kill people. My men and a few merchants suffered minor injuries, and it was not a big deal."

Qiao Yue said at this time: "But valuable goods are lost. We, the soldiers and traders, are afraid of losing our lives, because the city owner ... hates his staff to do things badly."

When everyone said here, Guan Heng also had a little understanding of the host of the Qinghe City, Luan Yao, who had seized the site of Qinghe City many years ago, recruited soldiers, and named himself the city owner.

Qinghe City has no intention of surrendering to the six major tribes in the north of Chongguo. Luan Yao claims that he only pays tribute to the Chong King tribe each year and will never bow to any one.

Everyone knows that Luan Yao's domineering attitude and attitude depend on it. It turned out that the soil soldiers under Qinghe City had an elite army, known as "Qinghe Jiashi", with more than 300 people. It is the realm of dark blue aura, brave and fierce, dare to fight and fight, and the first four leaders are all crimson realms, and they are Luan Yao's powerful assistant!

Relying on the four leaders and three hundred soldiers, Luan Yao said nothing in the area of ​​Qinghe City within a hundred miles, and this person was greedy, vicious and cunning, especially with a narrow heart, no grace, no hatred. Newspaper, to be plain is a sentence, Luan Yao, it is not a thing!

Guan Heng glanced at the dark-faced Qiao Jun and other soldiers at this time, and knew that they were also worried about their lives, just because the owner and the four commanders of the group did not treat ordinary people as people. As an ant bug that can be crushed to death at any time.

"Eh, what are these goods?" Shang Tianlin asked curiously at this time: "If it is possible, let the merchants pay the city owner the price?"

"Well, girl, we can't afford it." At this moment, a businessman said bitterly, "Before the caravan left, the chief of the city's main government sent a message. If there is any damage to the goods this time, Or if we miss it, we have to pay more than 50 times the original price. Even if you sell iron, you can't afford these huge sums of money. "

"Brother Guan, the goods this time are expensive bronze wares and statues customized by the city's owners in several nearby large tribes, which are precious tribute to be dedicated to the Chong King family this year."

Qiao Yan shook his head and said, "Don't say it's 50 times the price of compensation, it's impossible to find exactly the same substitute. We, the net worth, have come to an end this time."

"Uh, it's really serious." Guan Heng and Shang Tianlin heard the words and looked at each other silently, but Ago muttered: "Well, what's the problem with this? If you lose something, you just lose it. That city was mostly dare to stare, and I'll pull his head off for you ... "

"Brother Gou!" Guan Heng nearly fell down because of the other party's words. He smiled bitterly and said, "There are many people under the city owner's hands. It is better for you to come and go by yourself. In case of an injury, the other party retaliates Everyone, how is this good? According to me, it is best to go to the mountains and find those thieves to take back the goods. "

As soon as this sentence came out, Guan Heng immediately turned his head and asked Qiao Ye: "The thieves are going to the nearby Poyang Mountain, shouldn't it be right?"

"Yes, yes, brother Guan, if you are willing to help us get back the goods, I would really appreciate it." Qiao said at this time: "I think so, I am familiar with the nearby roads, so How about I take you to Poyang Mountain? "

Guan Heng slightly raised his head and asked loudly, "Okay, who else wants to go with me?"

Shang Tianlin considered for a moment and said, "I won't go. There are a lot of wounded people here. I need to bandage the wounds for emergency treatment."

Upon hearing this, Agou slightly nodded his head, "Then Shanshan and I stay to protect everyone."

"Oh!" The sharp-billed mountain salamander beckoned like a snake bird, letting the other party pass by. The snake bird wanted to follow Guan Heng up the mountain to play, but at this time it fell on Ago's shoulder with reluctance .

"Then I will go up the hill with the boy with the swallowing ghost tiger." Ruo Tao said beside Guan Heng. After discussing their respective matters, Guan Heng led Ruo Tao and Swallowing the Ghost Tiger, led by the leader of the soldiers Qiao Yi, to the foot of Mount Poyang.

"Stop here first." Guan Heng remembered something suddenly and said, "Qiao Ao, are the robbers who have recently arrived here, or have been entangled for a long time, you must tell me clearly."

"Is that gangster?"

Qiao Zheng scratched his head at this moment, and then said a little awkwardly: "Brother Guan, if you do n’t ask, I really almost forgot to say that the robbers have been around Qinghe City for years, and they are the masters Yes, they are two older sisters. The older sister is called 'Teng Yu'. It is said that she is twenty-five or six years old and looks very beautiful. "

Speaking of this, Qiao Xuan saw Guan Heng and Ruo Tao listening very carefully, and then he continued to say, "Teng Yu's brother is called" Teng Jin ", a strong and powerful man from Kong Wu. Not long ago Just captured by the two chiefs of Qinghe Jiashi, who is now being held in a cell in Qinghe City. It is said that the owner ordered to execute him in public in order to intimidate the thief.

—— [Fifth more in 2016.11.18, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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