Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 2081: Resentment in the past (third)

"If I hadn't seen you and your group of men maintaining each other just now, I would have been too lazy to talk to you about these things. I would have pulled the goods directly from Houzhai and gone away."

Speaking of which, Guan Heng saw Teng Yu's face turn blue and white for a while, apparently he felt a little uncomfortable. He paused and continued to say, "But I can see that you don't look like a bad person, so I think Listen to you, what is going on. "

"Uh, since that's the case, then I have nothing to hide." Teng Yu saw Guan Heng asking so, and finally expressed his heart and his brother Teng Jin's lives, and how their sister and brother and Qing He The city resentment passed.

It turns out that Teng Yu and Teng Jin are from the remote Tribe Mountain tribe. This Tribe Mountain tribe is not only proficient in world-class medicine, but also good at studying all kinds of strange corpses, demon ghosts, and techniques to control them. What the outsiders see as extremely horrible, can be taken by them as their own.

"My brother and I grew up in Cabinet Hill. My father at home was an elder of the Wu tribe. Although he doesn't have any medical skills of his own, he is good at controlling the walking dead. Dabao and Xiaobao are the" walking dead "made by my father."

Teng Yu said, took out a copper whistle from his pocket, put it on his lips, and whispered, two walking corpses standing outside the door suddenly walked in.

"Woohoo ..." Dabao and Xiaobao whispered to Teng Yu's presence, and stood there stupidly.

Teng Yu smiled bitterly at this time and said, "Since my father was guilty of offending the patriarch and my sister became a slave, Dabao and Xiaobao have become the father's only relic. However, I have not been able to use control flexibly. They are far worse than their father. "

Guan Heng asked in amazement at this moment: "Why, your sister and brother were actually escaped by the Wushan tribe ... slaves?"

"Yes, a few years ago, my father messed up with a confidential task entrusted to him by the patriarch. As a result, he returned to the counter and was killed by the patriarch. Our sister and brother were also thrown into the corpse slave. "

Teng Yu remembered the tragic scene at that time, and her shoulders could not help but tremble slightly. She whispered: "The corpse slave is the place where the Wu clan used to store the corpses of various humans and monsters. A large number of convicted slaves They are there to take care of the corpses, but the venom or plague produced by those corpses will always kill people. "

Speaking of this, Teng Yu paused a little. She saw Ruo Tao approaching Dabao Xiaobao Station to observe the other party carefully. She didn't care, and continued to say, "And most importantly, my brother and I There was no full stomach there, so I had to take the walking dead left by my two fathers and desperately escaped from the territory of the Cabinet Hill and came to Qinghe City. "

After fleeing to Qinghe City, Teng Yu and Teng Jin did not dare to let the two corpses appear in front of others, because in that case, they would be misunderstood by others what a "monster" they were. The sister and brother found a secret outside the city. In the cave, big treasures and small treasures are hidden.

In the following half year, Teng Yu's brother and sister lived on short-term jobs to help each other. It didn't take long for the talented duo to gradually train themselves to the strong state of the peak of youth.

Just at this time, Qinghe City's elite personal soldiers, Qinghe Jiashi, wanted to recruit new members, and countless powerful men who came from the surrounding villages and towns wanted to be among them.

Because Qinghe Jiashi's treatment is very high, even an ordinary soldier, there are more than 50 tadpoles per year. If you join the queue of Qinghe Jiashi, it means no worries and luck within a few years, luck Well, being a little boss is even more beautiful.

After hearing this news, Teng's sister and brother were very happy, and they all signed up for the test. Their wishes were also very simple, as long as they could fill their stomachs and stop being bullied by others, it was enough.

The contest to determine the qualification of Qinghe Jiashi will be held for a total of three days. Sister Teng successfully defeated his opponent to advance on the first and second days. However, the young and beautiful Teng Yu was secretly followed by a hungry wolf. That guy is Luan Bai, one of the four chiefs of Qinghe Jiashi and the brother of the city's owner Luan Yao.

The boy Luan Bai relied on his elder brother to be the owner of the city, one of the four leaders of the Qinghejiashi ranks last, but also the strongest in the red realm. This boy is a devil and a disciple of flowers. Teng Yu, who competed with others, was young and beautiful, and suddenly had bad ideas.

On the third day, a well-planned good show kicked off. Teng Yu's opponent turned out to be more powerful than her. He beat Teng Yu on the ring and hurt him. Yu was completely defeated, and his brother Teng Jin was also beaten by strong opponents.

Seeing that his sister and brother had been selected as the Qinghe Jiashi, the hope was broken, and Teng Yu and Teng Jin had to drag away their wounded bodies and leave the city.

Who knows, Luan Bai came along and stopped the two brothers and sisters in the woods outside the city. He said that as the examiner for the selection of Qinghe Jiashi, he could open up to Teng Yu and Teng Jinwang. Let them join the ranks of soldiers, the condition is that Teng Yu must be his own concubine!

The two sisters and brothers suddenly realized that the reason why they would be defeated was the result of the bad villain Luan Bai in front of him. The angry Teng Yu flatly rejected the other party's unreasonable request, but Luan Bai was so fierce that he became Want to poison the two.

Teng Yu and Teng Jin both broke out to fight each other, but they could n’t fight each other. In anxiety, the two had to escape into the cave at the end of the forest.

The proud Luan Bai was like a cat who forced two mice to a dead end. No doubt there was him, and he went straight into the cave, but what Luan Bai didn't expect is that the poor sister and brother are here. Yu and Teng Jin hide two dead places.

Just between the flashes of light, Dabao and Xiaobao rushed out from the dark corner, hurting Luan Bai's left eye and an arm. The kid was guilty of guilty and turned away under severe injuries. The sister and brother escaped from danger and fled to the nearby Mount Poyang.

In the years after that, Teng Yu and Teng Jin built a humble cottage on the mountain, gathered some poor people who were persecuted by Qinghe City's harsh politics and lost their way. Everyone became a force of their own.

However, Teng Yuyan ordered all the soldiers not to rush down the mountain to rush, and everyone planted some grains and vegetables on the mountain and hunted some beasts and birds in the mountain, which naturally could satisfy their hunger.

Although life is difficult and abnormal, the years of mutual dependence have made everyone thank Ted's sister and brother Ded. After all, they gave these desperate people a place to eat.

But just a few months ago, Mount Poyang suffered unprecedented difficulties. !!

The grain planted on the mountain encountered a serious situation of under-harvest, almost no grains existed, wild beasts and birds only left the barren land, and the hunters had nothing to gain. The problem of eating was not solved, and everyone would starve to death.

—— [2016.11.19 third change, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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