Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 2151: Ape Pirate (third more)

At this time, the disgusted guy sprinkled the bear's blood in the bamboo tube on the skin, and the **** and furious time spread quickly, and a mountain wind poured into the bear cave.

"Uh-" It was late, and at that time, a grievous and angry roar suddenly came out of the cave. The two men suddenly raised their crossbow boxes with joy in their hands, and they said in unison: "It is finally coming out ! "

"That's right, the gray brown demon bear came out to find you the general ledger!" Suddenly, Guan Heng's voice sounded behind the two of them: "Six ghosts, up--"

"What? Who ..." Although these two men were strong red spirits, Nai He had been staring at the cave in front just now, totally unaware that Guan Heng and Liushen Ghost would suddenly attack from behind.

"Bang, bang!" The sharp claws of the six dead ghosts cut off the veins of the left hand of the man's hands, and the sapling green qi palm knife and snake-like bird's pointed beak also brushed off. On the spine of the right man, he stiffly discounted it: "click!"

The two vicious guys never expected that they would be suddenly abolished, and Guan Heng stretched his hands, slamming the two animals that were not as good as the animals, and threw them at the door of the bear cave, just catching the gray brown The demon bear roared and rushed out.

At one glance, the demon bear saw two killers and enemies falling in front of him. The angry bear slapped his hands and shot like time: "Bang, bang, bang!"

Until going out far, Guan Heng could still hear the sound of the two guys who couldn't stop screaming. He took a sip on the ground: "Deserve it, take care of yourself!"


At this moment, there was something happening to Agou in the village of Boyunling. Yesterday evening, Agou, Tian Lin, Ruo Tao, Swallow Guihu, and Jianzui Shanyu went to the village of the main peak with Chen Mao in one breath. As soon as everyone entered the village, they found something wrong. Many villagers are Grieving, crying and grabbing the ground, it's not clear why.

Chen Mao took everyone to find the patriarch "Pan Peng" and asked. It turned out that everyone was afraid that the legendary black gas monsters would enter the village and decided to move out of the mountain. However, for many days, they were blocked by huge rocks at the canyon entrance. They couldn't leave because they didn't know that the boulder had been leveled by them and they had another strange thing these days.

The Eastern Valley of Boyunling is an area where apes and monsters inhabit. It is very close to the villages where humans live. Although the apes and monsters are usually naughty, they never harass the villagers. Sometimes the villagers also use the medicine for the convenience of entering the mountains. The grain and fruit that they carry with them are given to the demon ape, asking them to help them pick precious spiritual grass on the cliff. The two sides can say that it is a mutually beneficial relationship.

But in these few days, those monster apes didn't know what kind of crazy disease they had committed, and even started to break into the village to grab the villagers' babies!

At that time, some villagers went home after working outside the house, but found that there were several agile monster monkeys hurrying out of the window, hugging their little babies. They were anxious and angry, and hurried to hunt with a hunting fork, but the monster monkey battle He is flexible and has long gone without a trace.

If this child is lost, can't he be anxious to be a parent? After the patriarch received the information, he immediately organized all the young and strong villagers to look for it, but they searched for a long time, and there were no signs of the demon ape and the baby.

Who knows that after the night, the child's mother hurriedly found the patriarch, saying that the demon apes sent the child back again, put it on the bed, and turned and ran away. The little baby didn't even have a hair, and There is also a big Ganoderma around.

After the patriarch knew the news, he was still not happy, and other villagers rushed to cry, saying that the baby of his family was also taken away by the demon ape. The patriarch was completely dumbfounded this time, and he really couldn't figure it out. What does Qunyu want to do?

In this way, for two days in a row, three or five monster apes suddenly appeared, sneaking away and holding away the baby in the village, as many as three or four hours, at least one or two hours, they would send the child back on time.

Although the demon apes will leave one or two things like ganoderma and wild ginseng as compensation, who wants their children to be tossed around like this? Therefore, everyone is in a desperate mood and looks sad.

When rushing to Chen Mao with Agou, they entered the village and came to the door of the patriarch's house. They happened to hear the patriarch Pan Peng cursing in the house: "Oh, these naughty crickets, what the **** are they doing? They ran to the village every day. Take the dolls away. Are they crazy? "

At this moment, Chen Mao shouted at the door: "Hey, patriarch, I'm back, and brought a few guests."

"Is it Chen Mao? There are huge rocks blocking the way at the mouth of the canyon. I thought you had to go a long way and you won't be able to return until tomorrow." Pan Peng, a 50-year-old patriarch, said to push the door out, and Chen Mao quickly introduced A-go to the patriarch They also thought out Guan Heng's plan to let Jianzuishan dig into the ground and sink the boulder.

"... This is how things happened. Thanks to these guests, the people in our village can immediately move out of the mountain."

After listening to Chen Mao's words, Pan Peng immediately blushed and said embarrassingly: "I'm really sorry, I even neglected a few VIPs. Please hurry up to the room to invite me. I've been too confused for the past two days. Alas, sorry, I'm really sorry. "

The people laughed, and left the devouring tiger and the sharp-billed mountain beetle outside, and entered the room with the patriarch.

Shang Tianlin said at this time: "Patriarch, those demon apes taking away the baby, we all heard everyone talk when we entered the village, haven't you encountered such weird things before?"

"Well, isn't it? People in our village have lived in Boyunling for hundreds of years, and they have always got along well with those apes and monsters, and can even be called friends with each other."

Pan Peng scratched his head at this time and said, "Never before has a monster ape secretly hugged a child. I don't know what happened recently. These puppets seem to be evil ..."

Ruo Tao asked, "I heard that those apes will send the children back soon, and they still have some elixir, right?"

"Yes, this is indeed the case." The chief of Pan Peng said with a bitter smile: "But what do you say? Although Lingcao is precious, the villagers do not want their children to be damaged in any way. It's a bit too much. "

Having said that, the patriarch paused for a while and continued to say, "Fortunately, this morning, they have brought back the two children they had taken away. As long as the remaining one is sent back, I will gather everything tomorrow. The villagers migrated down the mountain, and they will not fight with these demon apes in the future. "

"Patriarch, I told Elder Guo of Shaohe Town that our village was going to be relocated, and it was done to fulfill your entrustment." Chen Mao said at this time: "I have to go home and see my wife and children , Get ready for what you will take tomorrow. "

—— [The third change of 2016.12.3, everyone is good at noon, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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