Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9286: Platypus (third more)

"Okay!" Just as the king of armor and the dragon clam beast promised, the guy on the opposite side had already rushed over. It was a group of guys with flat beaks, human-shaped bodies, and healthy canine hind legs. They looked very ugly.

Guan Heng was looking at each other at this time, and those guys seemed to be eager to hurry. At first they ignored Guan Heng's group of people, but in the next moment, suddenly a flat beak monster pointed at the blue-eyed evil beast next to Guan Heng. Screaming: "Quack—"

"Kill!" The flat-beaked monsters who found the evil beast were furious, and rushed towards this guy. Seeing that, it seemed that there was something in common with him.

"Get out!" It was too late, then it was fast, Suddenly screamed at the sinking Armor King, most of the guys who were shocked subconsciously stopped, only the guy who was the head blushed. Shook a pair of sharp claws to hit the evil beast.

"Plap!" In the light of the fire, the oblique thorn suddenly stretched out Guan Heng's hand, and squeezed the other's neck, "Clap!" In a moment, the piercing sound of bone cracks suddenly sounded, and the flat beak monster suddenly hurt. Rolled his eyes.

"Boss——" Seeing this, the rest of the guys all screamed. In a hurry, they wanted to go forward and desperately. Guan Heng said indifferently, "You guys had better be honest, otherwise I'll take the Its neck is broken, and it will kill you again!"

"This..." The other party hesitated a bit. At this moment, the head of the flat beak monster who was locked in the neck was awake due to the severe pain. It cried hoarsely: "You, all back, don't act rashly. I lost my life for nothing."

"Yes, boss." After hearing this, many monsters took two steps back. Guan Heng smiled slightly, then released the other party and said: "You are smart, but I want to remind you of one thing. If I resisted, I wouldn’t have such a good temper to let you go."

"Yes, yes, thank you for not killing the strong man."

"Let's talk about it, why did you do it suddenly?"

"This..." Hearing Guan Heng's question, the leader of the flat beak monster didn't know where to start, hesitated, and looked at the blue-eyed evil beast with complicated eyes.

Guan Heng saw the other's concerns and said casually: "If it's because of this evil beast, you don't need to care about it, because it's just a prisoner I caught."

"Eh? Captive?!" Hearing this, the flat beak monsters were shocked, and the leader immediately shouted: "It turned out to be a misunderstanding. We thought that the strong man was the fellow of this guy. Damn it, I actually did it to you. , I am guilty of waiting!"

"Quickly, quickly, quickly apologize to the strong man!" As he said, the leader motioned to all his companions to kneel down, and slammed his head toward Guan Heng.

"Forget it, don't have to apologize so solemnly, anyway, I don't care, just get up." After all, Guan Heng motioned the other party to get up, and then asked: "It seems that you have something to do with this miscellaneous evil beast. Qiu, right?"

"Yes, since you ask the strong, the young one should tell the truth and dare not hide it."

The leader of the flat-beaked monster said: "The little ones are duck-beaked orcs living in nearby spaces. They make a living by hunting in space tunnels. Many years ago, **** blue-eyed beasts occupied a small space nearby and came out twice in three days. Robbing us, robbing our prey, and killing my compatriots is very hateful."

"Just a few years ago, the blue-eyed evil beast attacked our habitat by taking advantage of us adult orcs going out hunting for food."

When the platypus leader said this, he stared at the blue-eyed evil beast and gritted his teeth and said: "The children have become the target of the other party's wanton killing, and more than three hundred have all died under the opponent's poisonous hand..."

At the same time, the other platypus people also stared at the evil beast with angry eyes. The opponent was a little hairy, and subconsciously shouted: "This, this is our boss's order, and I and I are just implementing it."

"So, you have a part in killing other people's children?" At this moment, the Shui Xuan spirit beast sat up from the back of King Armor, and then raised his voice and asked, "Guan Heng, what should I do with such a bad guy? What?"

"Generally speaking, I would kill them without a word." Guan Heng said lightly, and then spoke to the platypus leader: "But, I'm going to the lair of the blue-eyed evil beasts to clean them. I need this guy to lead the way. , Let it live a little longer, are you okay?"

"No opinion, no opinion, everything depends on the strong." Hearing this, all the platypus including the leader were extremely happy.

They could see that both Guan Heng and King Armor had strong abilities, and it would be easy to destroy the blue-eyed evil beast family, so they didn't care about the early death of a young man.

"The strong man, the young one has a request, please fulfill it." Then, the platypus leader bowed deeply, Guan Heng seemed to guess what the other party wanted to say, and said: "What's the matter? Then you just say it."

"Yes, I would like to ask you to take me and go to the evil beast’s lair. Although I am a little overpowered, I still want to avenge the dead children’s enmity. Therefore, I want to challenge the blue-eyed evil beast boss. ."

"Oh, I understand." Guan Heng did not immediately answer the responder, but asked: "Then what about your companions? Do you want to go together?"

"No, their strength is worse than mine. Following you will only hinder the adults."

The platypus leader said without hesitation: "So I will let them return to their residence and wait for my news, my lord, look at this..."

"Follow us." Before it was finished, Guan Heng had already said this, and there was a trace of gratitude in the platypus's eyes, and then immediately walked to him and King Armor.


After a few moments, Guan Heng, led by the blue-eyed evil beast, came to a remote corner of a space tunnel.

"Here, here is the entrance to the small space where we live." The evil beast whispered, "But the time for opening the gap here is different every day. If you want to get in, you have to wait patiently..."

"No, no need to be so troublesome!"

"Qiang!" Guan Heng slapped the sword box with his backhand, and Hong Yun sword turned into a cold light and swept out, "Hiss!" Jian Feng opened the gap in the space instantly, and Guan Heng stepped in and said: "Keep up."

"Uh, I..." The most feared now is the evil beast that leads the way. This guy knows that if his boss knows that it leads the way and attracts the enemy, he will be dead, so he is extremely scared in his heart. Move before.

This angered the leader of the platypus next to him, and when he pinpointed his back, he kicked: "Bastard thing, go!"

"Oh!" The blue-eyed evil beast was kicked, and suddenly staggered into the gap of space!

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