Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9331: Burrowing worms (third more)

"The burrowing worm?!" Seeing these guys who looked like giant silkworms, the poisonous midges felt a little scalp numb, because the brute force of this kind of worms was amazing, and it was a group activity, which was very bad. Deal with.

If it is one or two, he can still use surprise attacks to kill them, but with the scale of dozens or hundreds in front of them, it is impossible for the midges to think hard.

So this guy quietly concealed into the nearby dark corner, holding his breath, and just waiting quietly for the other party to leave the neighborhood.

"Squeak, squeak!" Suddenly, the three scavengers walking at the end of the team screamed a few times. The leader worm glanced at them, then slightly nodded, and took the other companions away.

"Sha Sha Sha, Sha Sha Sha!" In the next instant, a few scavengers began to dig the nearby soil. The poisonous midges who were observing secretly were puzzled: "What are these guys doing?"



It was too late, then soon, a screaming scavenger poked his sharp mouth into the soil, and then quickly pulled it out. A fat black earthworm several feet long was immediately pulled out and was severely caught by this guy. Falling to the ground: "Pop!"

The fat black earthworm was smashed to death, and was immediately unable to move. Then, the other two scavengers dug up the same black earthworm, but the three scavengers did not eat these plump creatures. They are piled up in one place.

"I understand!" Suddenly, the poisonous midges flashed in their minds, guessing the intentions of these scavengers, because most of their companions were rushing on the way, unable to eat or rest, so these guys would Stay here to collect "emergency food" for your companions.

"It seems that the place where these scavengers go is not close to their nests. Now they are tired and hungry because of the rush, but they still refuse to stop and rest? Could it be that...where the scavengers are going? Very important, can't you delay time?!"

Suddenly thinking of this, the midge demon's mind turned away: "Maybe they are going to the same place as mine, which is the source of the fire aura in Huangyanyu!"

"Anyway, I don't have any other clues now, so I might as well follow these three scavengers to see the situation."

In fact, it is quite dangerous to track many scavengers. If they are noticed by the other party, they are dangerous. However, the poisonous midges are not easy to provoke, let alone whether they can Get a lot of fire aura, nothing to do.

"Squeak, squeak!" At this moment, several scavengers had collected nearly a hundred fat black earthworms.

The lead one whispered, and then opened his mouth and spit out a large amount of mucus covering the surface of the entire pile of black earthworms. The other two companions also did the same. The mucus quickly solidified after covering the body of the earthworm and became one. A huge sphere with a smooth surface.

Immediately afterwards, the three scavengers pushed the sphere and rolled forward. Seeing this scene, the poisonous midges immediately chased after them quietly. After a few moments, the guys responsible for collecting food had already caught up. Own companion.

The leader of the scavengers saw that the three of them brought the food, and he was naturally very happy. This guy raised his head and screamed: "Squeak!"

Hearing this, the other hungry scavengers leaned forward. The leader himself wanted to eat a few fat black earthworms, and then signaled them to start. The swarms immediately surrounded them and ate them, chewing squeaky. , If someone hears it, you will definitely feel very crippled.

At this moment, the leader of the food scavenger suddenly raised his head, his gaze fell on a corner not far away, and the poisonous midge who was hiding there shivered suddenly, and quickly shrank his neck and hid his head, hiding himself tightly. Strictly.

The leader took a few careful observations, thinking that he was too sensitive and had made a mistake, so he retracted his gaze, and it whispered several times to signal his companions to hurry up and continue on their way.

At the same time, the poisonous midge who was hiding next to him cursed in his heart: "Damn scavenger, eating food is so slow, really wasting Lao Tzu's time!"

However, after counting their breaths, the group had almost eaten them. After the leader roared a few times, they restored the order in the line and started to move on.

The poisonous midge also chose to follow behind quietly, and said in its heart: "God bless you, you must be looking for the source of the fire spirit, otherwise, even if this uncle has followed for a long time, the gain is not worth the loss."

With such a muttering, the midge had already followed the opponent out for hundreds of feet. After that, he saw several crossroads and tunnels extending in all directions. Just as the midge was wondering which way the other party would take, the leader of the eater suddenly rose. Lifting his forelimbs, signaled all his companions to stop.

"Sha Sha Sha, Sha Sha Sha..." The rustling sound suddenly came from a fork in the road nearby. At this moment, the leader of the rot-eating worm said: "Who is where?"

"Hehehe, is it Big Brother Ying? It's been a long time."

A sharp voice sounded, and then, a huge black ground spider with a radius of more than a mile swayed eight furry legs and crawled out of the road.

"Brother Black Earth Spider?" The Rotten-Eater was obviously very familiar with the other party, and took the initiative to say hello: "Why are you here?"

"Ha, you want to come and have the same purpose as Big Brother Ling, right?" The giant black spider said without hesitation: "It's for ‘that thing’."

"Oh, have you found the source of the fire aura?"

"Yes, but I only know the approximate location, brother, how about you?"

"It's just a fuzzy range."

Hearing the other party’s words, the leader of the scorching cat said: "But I have a lot of helpers by my side. With them searching together, I should be able to find the location of the source of the fire spirit soon. How about, Brother Black Earth Spider, and Let's find it together, and it will be good for everyone to share it equally."

"What's not said, what's not said, I agree with the big brother's decision." The giant black ground spider said: "When there is a shortage of food these years, the big brother has helped me and my little cubs so that we can overcome the difficulties. As long as it is your proposal, I They agreed unconditionally."

"Hahaha, good brother, you don't need to mention these little things anymore. We alien zerg who live underground have been squeezed and oppressed by terrible beasts on the ground for many years. If we don't stay together to survive, we will sooner or later die."

The leader said: "So being able to help each other is the most important thing. Let's go, I will take you to find some friends, and everyone will work together to obtain those fire spirits."

"Okay, big brother please." The giant black ground spider respected the leader of the scavengers very much, and obeyed his orders, and then followed the entire group of burrowing scavengers and moved forward with them.

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