Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9403: Holy Land

"I'm coming!" Upon hearing Guan Heng's words, Ruotao walked forward without hesitation, and Qing Huang reminded: "Taotao, be careful."

"It's okay, isn't it just some golden soil? I'm not afraid." Ruo Tao is brave and self-reliant, and didn't put this thing in his eyes. She has already stepped on the edge of the golden soil as she spoke.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh soon

"Yeah, it's a bit evil!" Seeing this scene, Ruotao was a little surprised, but did not retreat because of this. At the same time, three shadows appeared beside her, it was the Four Arms Mountain Wing, the Bound Demon King and the Golden Wren. bird.

"Roar!" At the next moment, Shanwei suddenly shook his four arms and blasted his fist in the air. The ghost king hissed and shook his claws to draw a cold light, and the little golden wren also released a rapid electric energy, and the three forces suddenly converged. They swept across the surface of the air waves released by the golden soil.


In the sound of the violent sound, the golden light of the soil weakened and became a bit bleak, "Whhhhhhh!" Then, three groups of pale golden soil slammed into the wind, and hit Shanwei, the ghost king and the little golden wren in response. It was so fast that they didn't even have time to react.

"Hey, are you all right?" Seeing this, Ruotao frowned and asked a little worried.

"Choop, chirp!" At this moment, the golden wren chick hit by the golden clod shook his head, happily fell back to Ruotao's shoulder, and whispered that he had nothing to do.



At the same time, Shanwei and the King of Ghosts also fell back to Ruotao. Seeing their appearance, it didn't seem like they had been hurt.

"How could this be?" Ruotao looked a little puzzled, she turned her eyes, and suddenly said, "Hey, you three, quickly use your aura to see what new changes have taken place in your own state."

"Chirp?" Upon hearing this, the little golden wren took the lead in spreading its wings, "Why!" In a short time, its body surface showed a chirping electric energy and roaming around the body, there seemed to be nothing unusual, but it was just a short time. The feathers of the golden wren chicks suddenly cast a light golden light.

"Hey, this is earth spirit!"

The Earth Palace Toad could see clearly from the side, and immediately shouted. "How can there be earth aura in Wrenbao?" Ruotao was very curious. After thinking for a while, she blurted out subconsciously: "Is it related to the pale golden soil that hit it and the ghost king and Shanwei just now?"

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! , Ghost King used only fire aura before.

"Well, it seems that the three changes of them really have something to do with this golden soil."

Guan Heng nodded slightly, and then said: "Earth Palace Toad, Shi Jingwei, Stone Turtle Beast, you guys will also go up and release your attacks towards the soil to see what effect it will play. Mo Shiwei also released them, asking everyone to try them one by one."

"Yeah, we are all good at using the earth profound aura. I don't know how we will react when we come into contact with this golden soil. We must try it." The earth palace toad laughed, and then said, "Everyone, I am willing to One go!"

"Okay." After hearing this, Guan Heng, the girls and the group of beasts stepped out of the way, and the big toad swept across the golden soil in two leaps.

"Papa!" It was too late, then soon, the earth palace toad fell on the ground in a flash.


The surrounding soil felt like the toad belongs to the earth-type spirit beast. Suddenly, a strong aura sounded, turning into a huge wave and rushing towards it. It seemed that the golden soil did not want to give it easily this time, but Want to plunder the breath of the earth palace toad.

Because the toad has an earth profound aura, even several times stronger than the aura of the golden soil itself, how can it not be coveted?

"Huh, I want to take the aura from my body and dream!"

"Grungy!" It was too late to say, then soon, the earth palace toad roared wildly, and instantly jumped up to the height of Zhang Yu. "Swishwww!" The soil breath suddenly disappeared, and the big toad laughed and opened his mouth. Breathing hard, "Huh—" The soil breath immediately entered its mouth.

"It tastes good." After the earth palace toad landed, he licked his lips, and then raised his voice: "Master Guan, you guys, I feel that this soil has a sense of vicissitudes and ancient times that has been passed down through the ages. Maybe this is really a long time ago. Good stuff."

"Oh, I thought about..." Suddenly, Zhu Xin Guzhen said loudly: "I don't know how many years ago I heard of this kind of soil. Even in the ancient years when the aura was abundant, they were very rare things. ."

Hearing this, Guan Heng narrowed his eyes and asked softly: "So, do you know the names of these soils?"

"Yes, they are called'Ancient Holy Land'."

As Gu Xiao recalled, he said: "The number of holy soils is scarce and quite rare. Even I have only heard of them, but now looking at their characteristics, I can guess that they are ancient holy soils."

"Do these soils have any special effects?"

"In addition to gathering a lot of pure earth auras, they also have the power to restrain evil and purify them."

"Really? Just now these characteristics, the golden soil has indeed appeared." Upon hearing this, Qing Huang nodded and said: "A Heng, it seems that these are really ancient spiritual holy soil. "

"Since it is a good thing, it should belong to us." Xiaoxin smiled and said, "Because it is only in your hands, it is not wasted, right?"

"Of course." Guan Heng touched his chin, and then said: "Look at how this whole piece of land can be moved into the ethereal toad cauldron, what do you think?"



"Once this piece of ancient spirit holy soil is moved into the ethereal toad cauldron, it might be able to feed countless psychic plants. That's great." The girls and the beasts like Mandrill raised their hands in approval, Guan Heng said. : "Then it's so decided."

After that, he waved his hand to everyone again: "Keep out of the way, let me try what is special about this ancient sacred soil." Zhu Xin Gu Xiao reminded: "Master Guan, be careful."

"Hehehe, even the earth palace toad is not afraid of this holy soil, how can it treat me? Don't worry." Guan Heng shrugged, smiling nonchalantly, and stepped into the scope of the ancient spirit holy soil.

"Huh—" A light breeze blew, this ancient spiritual holy land changed from a state where a stranger entered just now, it would set off a surge of spiritual energy, and even the light golden light that originally bloomed gradually weakened.

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