Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9412: Yin Mo is saved (third shift)

"Hahaha, it turns out that to release those poisonous mists needs to consume your essence, so you will become weak, right?" Seeing that the other party didn't even have the strength to escape, the tiger head sheep hoof monster immediately laughed wildly. : "Yin Qian, your death date is here!"

"Damn it, even if I die...I won't give you this ancient cave, let's... let's all die together!"

The Poison Marsh Hidden Harp gave a low roar, and then slammed into the nearby rock wall with his body, "Boom and rumble---" In an instant, countless rubble fell from the top of the wall, it seems this It's the last killer of the Hidden Dragon. When necessary, you have to use this trap to die with the enemy.

"Goddamn, how dare you be so crazy?!"

Realizing that even oneself can hardly withstand such a serious collapse, the sheep's hoof monster was frightened immediately. This guy wants to be dead now, what use is there to occupy the ancient cave? So he turned madly and fled outside the cave.

"You'd better stay here!" Suddenly, a voice rang nearby, "Bang!" The tiger head and sheep hoof monster was hit by the door, causing the guy to bleed from his mouth and nose, and fell to the ground.

It was the Mandrill who drove over from the opposite side. It saw the fallen sheep's hoof monster being hit by rocks on its head and body, wailing and screaming, and then sneered: "I can't bear such a small pain? It's useless? thing!"

"Damn, who are you? Why are you attacking me..."

"Bang!" Before the wailing and screaming Tiger Head Sheep-hoof Monster could finish speaking, the mandrill had already kicked over, abruptly kicking off a few ribs on the upper body of this guy.

At the moment when the goat-hoofed monster violently sprayed blood and mist, the mandrill said coldly: "Miscellaneous, who made you speak, if you want to die, just say something!"

"Eh?!" Hearing this, the tiger-head and sheep-hoof monster that was hit by severe pain suddenly shut up. By now, it understands that the opponent is far better than itself and can always find an excuse to deal with it ruthlessly. You just have to talk!

"Poisonous Marsh Hidden Carp is here!" At this moment, King Armor and Earth Palace Toad had already swooped up to the ruins of the collapsed rock in front of them, pulled them three times and pulled them out, pulling out the hidden Hidden Carp buried underneath.

" are..."

"Don't gossip, wait until we get you to a safe place." After saying that, the earth palace toad had already asked his companion to put it on his back, and quickly ran toward Guan Heng and other companions. He Laohou caught the tiger head and sheep's hoof monster and followed closely behind.


After a few moments, the Poison Marsh Hidden Carp guided them to the ancient cave where they lived.


The mandrill threw the tiger-head and sheep-hoof monster on the ground. At this moment, Qing Huang looked left and right, and then said: "What a peculiar place. According to our previous observations, there are no signs of aura haunting the Tianhuo Lake ruins, but It’s different here, you have plenty of aura."

"Girl, you are right."

Yin Qian whispered: "In this cavern area, there are only a few remaining aura derived areas in Tianhuo Lake. Over the years, I have been able to find the aura derived from Tianhuo Lake by relying on my ability to probe the roots of the aura. Settle there and absorb spiritual energy for a living."

"So that's the case." Guan Heng smiled when he heard this, and then said: "It is said that Huohu Lake's aura is dry, barren and dilapidated. I didn't expect that there will be places where these auras can grow. It's no wonder that other beasts have moved away. You alone live well."

"Oh, let the Lord Guan read the joke." Poison Marsh Yinqin laughed bitterly, and then said: "If it weren't for the last time I entered the mysterious gate, I got this ability to detect where the spiritual energy is, I'm afraid it would be too early. Just moved from this place."

"Also, over the years, I have been constantly absorbing aura, which caused the remaining aura-rich places to be completely scrapped. Now, only this ancient cave still has some aura.

Speaking of this, I paused for a while before Yin Qian continued: "So I originally planned to absorb all the aura in the recent period, and then leave the Tianhuo Lake ruins and move to another place."


Hearing these words, the most disappointed and painful was the tiger-headed sheep-hoof monster who fell on the ground and lingered.

This guy tried his best, even at the expense of many of his subordinates. He wanted to occupy the habitat of the poisonous marsh hidden arachnids, just for this aura-rich site. Unexpectedly, the aura here is about to dry up, even if it is really It is grabbed, and there is no use value at all.

"You, you don't have aura here, why don't you say it earlier...Puff!!" Struggling to say this, the tiger-head sheep-hoof monster suddenly spewed a **** arrow, the guy's eyes protruding out of his orbits, his head He fell heavily to the ground, and he was dead.

"Hmph, coveting what you don't deserve, this is the best end."

"Plap!" Guan Hengji snapped his fingers as he said, a flame appeared out of thin air and fell on the opponent's body, instantly turning the sheep hoof monster into ashes.

Seeing that the flames burned out and the opponent slowly floated up, Poison Marsh Hidden sighed: "Oh, if only I could absorb this superb fire spirit every day."

"It's not impossible." Guan Heng said casually, "As long as I help you find the source of the spiritual energy in this cave, maybe it can continue to produce spiritual energy."

"Really?" Hearing this, Poison Marsh Yinyan was so happy that he said quickly: "If Lord Guan can help me, the young one will do his best to repay you."

"It's not that serious." Guan Heng smiled slightly, and then said: "We only want the topographic map of the stone rubbings you got from the mysterious gate, and we also want to inquire about the situation there."

"This is absolutely okay." Poisonous marsh Yin Qian said: "I haven't been to the mysterious gate for many years. It's useless to keep the stone rubbings, but I only know a little about the situation there."

"It doesn't matter, intelligence, too much is too much, too little is not too little." Guan Heng said, "It's strange to say that you who have entered the mysterious gate seem to be only familiar with the area you have walked through, but yes. The rest of it is very strange, right?"

"Yes, that's it," said Poison Marsh Yinhang: "As a person who has entered the gate many times, I don't know much about other people's information. When we can meet each other, it is a short time to and from the gate."

"I know that some guys have sinister intentions and deliberately use this time period to rob the harvest of other alien animals." Coriand said next to him: "Hey, Yin Qian, to be honest, have you ever had this idea? "

"Yes!" Hearing the question from the princess, Poisonous Marsh Yinchen said truthfully without hesitation: "But I just think about it. With my little ability, it would be good not to be targeted by other strong people. Where I dare to do something, I still want to live."

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