Imperial Overlord

: Three hundred and forty-six greed is your original sin

Fleet on the sea, although there are fixed routes, flexibility is its real feature. Considering the danger of being intercepted by the German fleet, the CK-1 transport fleet made an unexpected choice to let the German fleet following on the side.

The fleet is heading south! Although the speed is not fast, the speed of their southward journey makes up for the low speed of the British main fleet!

Because their southward movement was equivalent to a disguised increase in the speed of the British fleet's northward movement, which suddenly disrupted the specific action plan of the German Navy's Tianming attack.

No one wants to be beaten passively. Naturally, there are still capable people in the British Royal Navy's century-old heritage.

The seemingly inconspicuous twelve-knot speed made the German fleet, which was planning to attack at dawn, suddenly become extremely embarrassing.

Lütjens was woken up in his lounge by his staff on duty, and at 2:37 in the morning, he came to the bridge command position.

"What's going on?" He came to the chart table and asked Lindemann, the captain of the battleship Bismarck on duty.

Lindeman frowned and answered the question: "Sir, the enemy's transport fleet turned abruptly a few minutes ago and started heading south..."

Measured on the chart with a compass, and then threw the tools in his hand on the table, Lütjens sighed: "It seems that the enemy's southern fleet has met."

At random speculation, he already knew that the British fleet had not found the German fleet in the encirclement, and had realized that the German fleet might be heading north.

The German naval partisan captain began to weigh in his mind whether he should take the risk and continue to follow the British transport fleet.

Judging from the speed and distance, this British transport fleet was taking the German fleet southwards, approaching the main British fleet.

If you continue to follow the British transport fleet, at dawn, you will definitely enter the combat range of British warships.

If the British fleet is bitten, the inferiority of the German fleet will be brought into play.

Although it seemed that Lütjens didn't speak, his current mind was spinning rapidly.

"Would you like to use the radar right now, start a night battle, get a good deal, and then retreat quickly?" Lütjens thought in his heart.

Another option is to take the fleet to the east immediately and rush towards the port of Brest as fast as possible.

The second option is the safest, because he has almost got rid of the British fleet now. Even if it is pure speed, the German fleet is now very safe.

"Sir! Order to fire! Since we have been discovered, there is no need to hide at this time!" Lindeman persuaded.

Although Lütjens hoped to open fire at dawn, by all indications the British seemed to have found their way.

In this case, the original plan of the German fleet to fire again for this dawn was not necessary.

"Order the fleet to enter combat mode! Raise the battle alarm!" Lütjens nodded and chose a more compromised option.

He intends to attack the enemy fleet now, then break away before dawn and start his own life on the run.

Captain Lindemann heard Lütjens's order, and quickly turned his head and commanded loudly: "All turrets are ready! Battle ready!",

"Battle ready!" The officer in charge of the artillery command repeated the order loudly, and then the entire battleship began to echo the battle alarm.

The sailors, who were still immersed in their sleep just now, lifted the quilt at once. Jumped from their beds and ran to their respective combat posts.

In an instant, the narrow hallway was crowded, with red alarms flashing above everyone's heads, and the screeching sound.

"Raise the battle alarm!" Putting down the telescope in his hand, seeing the Morse code flashing on the Bismarck pointing light, the duty officer of the battleship Tirpitz commanded loudly.

"Prepare for battle!" On the Gneisenau, the same order was issued a minute later, and the inside of the lifeless hull seemed to be resurrected in an instant.

At 3 o'clock on November 17, 1941, the German fleet was all ready for battle, and the battlecruiser Gneisenau fired first, opening the prelude to what is known in history as the "Sunday Battle".

On the originally dark Atlantic sea, the originally rough Atlantic sea, the artillery fire of the German warships, like a torch, illuminated the nearby sky.

Just as the flames on the battlecruiser Gneisenau went up, the cannons on the battleship Bismarck let out a roar of their own.

The outbreak of the naval battle threw the British transport fleet heading south into chaos. Although the two sides were more than fifteen kilometers apart, the cannonballs made the British fleet in the darkness feel unprecedented pressure.

The huge explosion caused huge waves, and the fire of the transport ship was hit and exploded, also illuminating the sky of the British fleet.

Originally, it was very difficult to hit the opponent's battleship in a naval battle, and it was even more difficult to hit the opponent accurately in the dark.

But the formation of the British fleet was too dense, so dozens of artillery shells fell in one round, and there were still shells fired by German warships, and luckily collided with the ships of the British fleet.

Like the previous TC fleet, the unarmoured British transports could not withstand the main guns of German battleships.

The British transport ship, which was blown into two pieces by the shell, exploded and burned the fuel oil it loaded, illuminating the entire British transport fleet at once.

In the firelight, the silhouette of the British transport ship was very clearly reflected, which made the Germans' aiming more precise.

As soon as the battle began, the British convoys were completely disorganized. The shells fell like raindrops, and the advantages of the small caliber and fast firing rate of the German naval guns were vividly displayed at this moment.

This may be a sea battle tailor-made for the German Navy, fully bringing out the design concept of German warships.

Large ships and small guns allow German warships to have extremely high hit accuracy and firing speed when dealing with scattered small targets, and can give full play to their design advantages in breaking engagements.

The main guns of the battleship Bismarck could shoot at a limit rate of three shells per minute in battle, while other naval battleships of the same era had only about two rounds of fire.

Don't underestimate the gap of this projectile. The design gap of this projectile gave an amazing advantage to the total amount of ammunition dumped by the battleship Bismarck.

With the rate of fire of this extra shell, Bismarck can attack more Royal Navy transport ships before dispersal with higher efficiency.

This time, the British transport fleet showed its excellent training level and high quality of officers and soldiers. A few minutes after the German warships opened fire heavily, the British ships began to disperse in a planned manner.

The purpose of getting together is to prevent the attack of the opponent's submarine, but for the enemy battleship, it is an excellent attack target.

Scattering can reduce the opponent's hit accuracy, allowing the warship to hide in the night as soon as possible, reducing the efficiency of the opponent's attack.

For the British transports, as long as the battle was delayed until the early hours of tomorrow morning, it was their victory.

Compared with being alone and having to face the TC transport fleet of the opponent's aircraft, this time the CK-1 fleet has at least one hope.

They had the cover of night and poor sea conditions, which gave them the courage to procrastinate. On the other hand, being unable to see the loss late at night is also an important reason for their confidence.

Just as the British transports began to disperse, torpedoes fired by the German cruiser Nuremberg crashed into the chaotic British fleet.

As a battleship that came out to make soy sauce, in the darkness of night, there was no task of covering the aircraft carrier Zeppelin, and it became active in an instant.

The light cruiser's broadside is equipped with a full 6 torpedo tubes, which is much stronger than a U-shaped submarine's ability to drop torpedoes.

The warship had been moving closer to the British transport fleet, and fired all the torpedoes on the side of the ship before the Germans opened fire.

The terrifying sound of the explosion sounded again. This time, it was an arms ship that was hit. The flames of the explosion were even bigger, illuminating more places at once.

"Quick! Quickly send a telegram to our fleet! The Germans are indeed near us! They are shelling us!" The British military officer standing on the command ship of the **** fleet shouted to his men in horror.

Behind him, on the sea not far away, a 381mm artillery shell fell, hitting a fuel transport ship.

A huge explosion soared into the air, illuminating the slender body of the leading British cruiser. The firelight reflected the faces of everyone on the bridge of the The flickering light made everyone's faces look so distorted.

Charles stood on the bridge of the battleship HMS King George V, his hands behind his back, waiting for news from the front line.

An officer stepped forward and delivered the telegram he had been waiting for: "Sir! The CK-1 convoy was attacked by German warships and is currently at war."

The commander of the British Home Fleet pulled the telegram and looked at the contents: "Let them delay as long as possible, and we will be there before dawn!"

In about an hour and a half, his home fleet would arrive at the battle waters. Before that, the speed fleet will enter the battle circle ahead of time, dragging the German fleet.

That is to say, in another hour, the British fleet will be able to seize the troubled German navy and solve this huge trouble once and for all.

"Greed... is your original sin." With his hands behind his back, Charles looked at the pitch-dark sea and coldly commented on his opponent, Lütjens.

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