A phalanx of 10,000 yellow turban soldiers approached them, and with a wave of the flag on the opposite side, the horseshoes shook the ground. How could the cavalry of the officers and soldiers want to take down tens of thousands of yellow turban thieves with a mere 500 people?

Huang Shao grinned grimly: Well done, I let this group of desperate cavalry break their bones!

The five hundred cavalry continued to accelerate. If you look down, you will find that it seems that a small beast has launched a challenge to the giant, and the two armies are really out of proportion.

Liu Ye urged the bay red horse under his crotch to lead the five hundred riders forward. Seeing that he was about to collide with Huang Shao's phalanx of ten thousand people, the yellow scarf bandits at the front were ready for handover. However, at this moment, the cavalry suddenly circled along the line of the yellow turban bandits, and shot dozens of sparse feathered arrows from the formation, but they all landed behind the horse's buttocks.

Although there were a large number of Yellow Turban bandits, they couldn't compare with the regular army after all. It was inevitable that some people couldn't keep up with the queue while walking, so a gap was exposed.

Liu Ye accurately grasped the gap, and rushed forward immediately, while the five hundred cavalry followed closely behind Liu Ye, piercing into the junction of the forward army formation and the left-wing army formation like a pendant. In the army of the Yellow Turban Thieves.

Bo Cai, who was watching among the Chinese army, could not help but sneer.

What? Is it possible that this officer still wants to capture the thief first?

As soon as Bo Cai said this, the surrounding generals burst into laughter.

how? Does this officer really regard himself as the Overlord of Chu? It's too funny to take the head of the general in the army, isn't it?

Decree! The three armies encircle and smash this official army into powder!

Bo Cai issued an order, and the soldiers waved the command flag among the Chinese army. Huang Shao, He Yi, and He Man followed the order one after another, and the command post encircled the Chinese army.

Breaking into the middle of the army, Liu Ye led the cavalry to look for gaps, and finally came here, but the formation was tight and they couldn't break in again. I saw Bo Cai's flag waving, it was only three hundred paces away, so Bo Cai must be under the flag.

Bring the bow and arrow!

Liu Ye casually inserted the long lance into the ground and stretched out his palm.

Even if there is a soldier handed over a three-stone iron tire bow, the bow string alone can kill the beast, let alone an ordinary soldier, let alone shoot an arrow, and the strength is already exhausted just by pulling it halfway. use.

After a visual inspection, Guan Hai said worriedly, Marquis Jun, this is three hundred steps.

Liu Ye didn't answer, but just put Pei Yuanshao's head in his arms, tied his loose long hair into a strand, and tied it to the carved feather arrow.

Holding the long arrow with his right hand, he placed it on the iron bow. Liu Ye took a breath, and the bow string was pulled into a full moon shape in one breath.


The fingers suddenly let go, the bow opened like a full moon, and the arrow shot out like a shooting star. Under the strength of Liu Ye's arms, the carved feather arrow shot out against the wind, carrying a dead man's head, and went straight to the flag.

Protect Bo Shuai!

The yellow turban thief really didn't expect that a carved feather arrow could shoot a distance of three hundred steps, even Bo Cai was surprised. The surrounding guards were taken aback, and more than a dozen guards raised their leather shields one after another and gathered in a circle.


Even though the arrow was three hundred steps away, its force did not decrease at all. It pierced through a shield with a bang, and shot through an arm. The arrow shaft trembled and buzzed endlessly.

Bo Cai was startled and gasped a few times in fright.

Bo Shuai, there is a human head on the shaft of the arrow.

Bring me handsome to have a look.

The personal guard cut off the hair tied to the shaft of the arrow with a knife and handed it over. Bo Cai took a closer look and was immediately furious.

This head was exactly that of Pei Yuanshao. His eyes were wide open and his hair was disheveled. It was obvious that he was beheaded head-on and died suddenly in the midst of a battle.

Liu Ye laughed heartily: Boy thief! Sending someone's head with a hundred steps, the courtesy is light and the affection is heavy, don't take offense!

The cavalrymen under his command laughed loudly, their morale was boosted, and they rushed out as Liu Ye adjusted the horse's head. Bo Cai ordered to release the arrows, but the rain of arrows was sparse, so how could he get the cavalry of the Licheng Army who came and went like the wind?

Liu Ye led the army at a gallop, and the speed of the four-legged infantry was naturally far faster than that of the two-legged infantry. Liu Ye saw that he knew it, and led the cavalry to charge left and right, and unexpectedly broke out of the encirclement of the three armies.

Fortunately, this is a Yellow Turban bandit, even if it is an elite, it will inevitably be loose. If it falls into the siege of the elite northern army led by a famous general like Huang Fusong, let alone an army of tens of thousands, even if it is 10,000, it is estimated that Liu Ye will not be able to gain wings. To escape, the only option is to fight to the death and fight a bloody path.

Five hundred cavalry troops galloped away, and soon disappeared from the sight of the Yellow Turban Thieves.

He Yi couldn't hold back her breath, and cursed a few words, while Bo Cai let out a long sigh.

Unfortunately, there are few horses in the Central Plains. In the future, we must ask the three generals of the great virtuous division for horses and form cavalry. Otherwise, how can we let the officers and soldiers come and go today?

With a long sigh, Bo realized that the morale of the tens of thousands of troops was already low after this battle. If he continued to besiege Changshe City, he would inevitably suffer heavy losses, so he sent his troops to the camp.

But after he came back, Bo Cai counted the troops and became even more angry.

Liu Pi guarded the big camp, and the 15,000 soldiers and horses who stayed in the camp were killed and scattered by Liu Ye. More than 3,000 people were killed and wounded, and more than 2,000 people fled. Pei Yuanshao's 2,000 elite soldiers were killed and 700 to 800 people fled. In addition, more than 10,000 people were killed and injured in the siege of Changshe City, and the 100,000 army lost nearly 20,000 people.

Huh! A mere unknown man, who can move freely in our army, how can someone command the Yuzhou Yellow Turban Army? Bo Cai snorted, angry and indignant.

All the generals under the seat did not speak. Originally, Pei Yuanshao's seat was vacant, while Liu Pi's face was pale and he lowered his head.

Gong Du raised his head, as if he wanted to say something, but felt that the atmosphere was serious, so he didn't dare to say more.

Bomin, if you want to say something, please come quickly.

Bo just snorted.

Gong Du stood up and clasped his fists together: Shuai Bo, then Liu Ye was born in Jinan, Qingzhou. He led the army to defeat Zhou Jun. Xu He is a famous and brave general. Xu He and I have a little friendship, so I heard that he was defeated, so I specially inquired about it.

Bo Cai frowned: Xu He is also proficient in the art of war, but he was also defeated by this Liu Ye. It seems that he has some skills.

When Zhang Jiao taught his disciples, there were thirty-six Qu Commanders. Bo Cai and Xu He knew each other at that time, and they knew each other knew the art of war, so they had some friendship. When they heard that Liu Ye had defeated Xu He, they immediately felt a little jealous.

Take a rest overnight. Tomorrow, we will encircle Changsha and not attack. We will organize our army to defeat the reinforcements on the outside first, so as not to disturb the morale of the army when we attack the city.

Bo Cai originally looked down upon the stagnant Yuzhou Army, but after such a commotion, he felt apprehensive.

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