In Konoha, Ashura Chakra is dropped at the beginning

Chapter 136 Liu Sheng: They killed your entire clan, so why don’t you kill their entire clan too?

After Uchiha Itachi died, Uchiha Sasuke, who had exhausted his chakra, also lost consciousness.

When he woke up, he was already in a wooden house, lying on a wooden bed, staring at the ceiling with a dull expression, without any pleasure of killing Uchiha Itachi and avenging his parents and clansmen.

Although Uchiha Itachi's voice before his death was as soft as a mosquito's, Uchiha Sasuke still heard it.

What exactly does that sentence mean?

Didn't he want to take his eyes and become the second Uchiha Madara?

Why didn't he look unwilling before he died, but smiled?

Why did the cold and cruel murderer who exterminated the clan suddenly become the gentle brother he once was?

What is going on? !

Uchiha Sasuke's thoughts are very confused now, but he knows nothing about politics and can't figure out the reason at all.

"'re awake."

At this time, a familiar and unfamiliar voice came into Uchiha Sasuke's ears.

Following the direction of the voice, Yagyu, who was sitting on a wooden chair, immediately caught Uchiha Sasuke's eyes.

Uchiha Sasuke sat up and was slightly surprised.

Because he found that he was completely unharmed, and all the injuries left by Uchiha Itachi disappeared.

Without asking, it was definitely Yagyu who treated him.

Then, Uchiha Sasuke did not ask Yagyu why he saved him, but asked: "Who is the masked man?"

"He is the culprit who caused the demise of your Uchiha clan." Yagyu smiled, "On the night of the genocide that year, in addition to Uchiha Itachi, he was also the one who took action."

Hearing this, Uchiha Sasuke's eyes instantly turned into three-magatama Sharingan, murderous.

But soon, he suppressed the killing intent, his eyes returned to their original state, staring at Yagyu, and asked: "What do you know?"


Yagyu smiled and said: "Do you want to know why the Uchiha clan perished, why Uchiha Itachi killed his parents and clansmen, and why he said that to you in the end?"

"What do you need me to do?" Uchiha Sasuke asked, after all, there is no free lunch in this world, he still knows.

"It's very simple."

Yagyu smiled and said: "After I succeed the Sixth Hokage, I need you to return to Konoha and become the Minister of Anbu."

Hearing this, Uchiha Sasuke couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Obviously, he didn't expect Yagyu's condition to be this.

He thought Yagyu needed him to do something unknown, or pay a price, etc...

Unexpectedly, Yagyu actually asked him to return to Konoha and become the Minister of Anbu under the Hokage and above everyone else.

This is the second-in-command of Konoha who holds real power!

However, thinking of the village where he had lived for twelve years and the bond he had given up for revenge, Uchiha Sasuke nodded: "Okay, I promise you!"

"That's great, then listen to my story patiently."

Yagyu slowly got up, and the scene inside the house around him began to change dramatically, turning into a dark and windy night.

Then the scene came to a cave, where a red-haired woman had just given birth and was holding a newborn baby with a beard on his face.

Seeing the baby's hair color and beard, Uchiha Sasuke said in surprise: "This is... Naruto?!"

"Yes, he is Naruto."

Yagyu nodded, and then the figures of Minato Namikaze and the masked man also appeared. The latter snatched Naruto away, put a detonating talisman on him, and then forced Minato Namikaze to save his son first, and teleported to other places with the detonating talisman to detonate.

When he came back, Uzumaki Kushina had been captured.

Looking at the face of Minato Namikaze, which he saw for the first time but was extremely familiar to him, and which he had seen countless times in books or on the Hokage Rock, Uchiha Sasuke said with a complicated expression: "Naruto's father is the Fourth Hokage."


The scene continued, and came to Uzumaki Kushina being pulled out of the Nine-Tails by the masked man, and then summoned in Konoha.

As soon as the Nine-Tails appeared, it wreaked havoc on Konoha. For a moment, the red vertical pupils turned into the shape of the three-magatama Sharingan.

"This is... Sharingan!"

Uchiha Sasuke widened his eyes and said in shock: "That masked man, is he also from the Uchiha clan?!"

"He calls himself Uchiha Madara."

Yagyu sneered: "But his chakra is too weak, and he doesn't have the domineering power of the Shura of the Ninja World. If he doesn't have a transplanted Sharingan, he is a lucky person who accidentally inherited the legacy of Uchiha Madara while wandering outside."

The scene fast-forwarded and soon came to the end of Minato Namikaze sealing the Nine-Tails with the Shikigami Fuujin.

Then there was the scene where Shimura Danzo made trouble in a meeting of Konoha's high-level officials, suspecting that the Nine-Tails Rebellion was caused by the Uchiha clan, and finally forced the Uchiha clan to move their clan territory from the central street of Konoha to the vicinity of the Nanga River.

Yagyu said softly: "These scenes are all memories captured from the brains of the Fourth and Third Hokages by me to let Orochimaru reincarnate the previous generation of Hokage. The masked man is the culprit that caused the conflict between Konoha and Uchiha."

"Moving from the central street of Konoha with the best geographical location to the vicinity of the Nanga River, and the instigation of Konoha's high-level officials, the Uchiha clan was rejected by Konoha, and gradually the conflict became more and more serious. Finally, the Uchiha clan decided to launch a coup."

"However, Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi both opposed the family's war with the village. Uchiha Shisui even wanted to use his Mangekyō Sharingan's exclusive eye technique to end the coup, but unfortunately he overestimated the top leaders of Konoha."

As Yagyu's words fell, the scene of the illusion world changed again. Shimura Danzo dug out his eyes and Uchiha Shisui gave his last words, and finally jumped into the river to commit suicide. The scene of Uchiha Itachi opening the Mangekyō Sharingan was all reflected in Uchiha Sasuke's eyes.

"Brother Shisui, it turned out that Itachi didn't kill him!"

Uchiha Sasuke stared at this scene blankly. He didn't expect that all his and 'Uchiha Yusuke's' guesses were overturned.

The way Uchiha Itachi opened the Mangekyō Sharingan was not to kill Uchiha Shisui, but to witness Uchiha Shisui's death and be stimulated to awaken.

No wonder Uchiha Itachi was so angry that day when he was a child. It turned out that the family wanted to launch a coup, which eventually led to the suicide of Shisui's elder brother, so that the family lost its strongest man to suppress their idea of ​​a coup.

"Although the death of Uchiha Shisui temporarily dispelled the idea of ​​a coup, in the next two years, under the control of the Konoha high-level officials, their relationship with the villagers reached its limit again, and the idea of ​​a coup rose again. This time, the pressure came to Uchiha Itachi."

The picture continued, and it was the picture of Uchiha Itachi being asked to become a double agent.

Finally, it was the conversation between Uchiha Itachi and Shimura Danzo after he desperately discovered that he could not stop the coup.

When seeing Shimura Danzo asking Uchiha Itachi, a double agent, to make a choice on the condition that he could save Sasuke's life, Uchiha Sasuke was completely broken, his eyes turned into the shape of a hexagram, and he roared loudly: "Asshole, I'm going to kill him!"

"Calm down, don't waste your pupil power on the illusion of illusion."

Yagyu controlled the branches to tie up Uchiha Sasuke, absorbing his chakra to calm him down.

Then, the scene of the illusion world continued, and it was a scene where Uchiha Itachi found a masked man wandering in Konoha and asked him to help him destroy his family.

In the end... the ninja school held a random test, and while Yagyu and others were doing survival exercises, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Obito began the night of genocide.

Uchiha Sasuke, who relived the scene of genocide again, had a dull face, and the hatred in his heart was like a precursor to a volcanic eruption.

Finally, Uchiha Itachi disguised himself as an Anbu and warned Shimura Danzo not to attack Uchiha Sasuke, then he turned into a crow and disappeared, and then went to meet the Third Hokage and went to Akatsuki to be a spy.

Black gas emanated from Uchiha Sasuke involuntarily.

Just like the original work, Uchiha Sasuke began to turn evil, and his hatred shifted from the dead Uchiha Itachi to the Konoha F4.

The conditions he agreed to Yagyu had long been thrown away by him.

At this moment, Yagyu's voice came into his ears again: "Want revenge? I'll help you!"

The evil Uchiha Sasuke suddenly widened his eyes and stared blankly at Yagyu who lifted the illusion and sat back on the wooden chair.

In response, Yagyu raised his mouth slightly and said: "In fact, I had awakened the Wood Release Kekkei Genkai when I was seven years old, but I didn't slowly expose it until the death of the Third Hokage and the succession of the Fifth Hokage."

"The reason I hid it was because the demise of your Uchiha clan reminded me."

"Uchiha Itachi was only 13 years old at that time. No matter how strong a person is, it is impossible to wipe out the largest and most powerful clan in Konoha in such a short time, let alone leave no one alive."

"The village couldn't fail to notice such a movement, but... no one noticed it, and Uchiha Itachi escaped."

Speaking of this, Yagyu couldn't help showing a sarcastic smile on his face: "Anyone with a little bit of brains will realize that there must be the participation of Konoha's high-level officials in this genocide, and even they are controlling it."

Hearing this, Uchiha Sasuke was ashamed.

Because he was accidentally scolded by Yagyu, he really didn't realize it at all.

Yes, Uchiha Itachi was only thirteen years old that year!

Even if Uchiha Itachi was already the captain of the Anbu at that time, he couldn't have killed so many clan members.

And his father was an elite jonin, so even if he killed his father, he would have to pay a heavy price.

Now think about it carefully, it's really all a conspiracy.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Sasuke hated the Konoha high-level officials and the masked man even more.

Yagyu continued, "As my strength grew, coupled with my relationship with the Fifth Hokage, I gradually came into contact with the darkness of the village. With the help of Lord Orochimaru, I also learned a lot of the truth."

"Those termites are hateful and pitiful. Because they are weak, they are suspicious of all kinds of things; because they are weak, they are extremely weak to the outside world, but they strike hard at the inside."

"They gnaw on the flesh and blood of the village, suck the blood of the major ninja clans, seize the heritage and heritage of the Fourth Hokage and his wife and the Uchiha clan, strengthen their own ninja clan, and want to train Naruto into a new war weapon."

Yagyu sneered, "If I had exposed the Wood Release Bloodline Genkai back then, my current situation would probably be similar to you and Naruto, and even a control-type technique would be implanted in my body."

"These termites should not exist."

Seeing Yagyu's disgust with the Konoha high-level officials, Uchiha Sasuke immediately liked him very much.

Uchiha Sasuke is an emotional person. If he were a girl, she would dare to love and hate.

The family is the first in his heart. If there is a coup, he will follow the family and not think too much.

Now he finds that the Konoha high-level officials and the masked man are the key to the demise of the family. He wants to kill the Konoha high-level officials and the masked man immediately.

In order to kill them, Uchiha Sasuke can still choose to abandon the ties with Team 7 as he did to join Orochimaru. Revenge is the greatest thing in the world.

In this way, he and Yagyu are enemies.

But now this enemy is willing to tell him the truth and help him get revenge. He also took away his own and Uchiha Itachi's bodies from the masked man.

In addition to the surge in favorability, Uchiha Sasuke is also full of gratitude to Yagyu.

If Yagyu helps him get revenge, then what's wrong with being his subordinate.

"Thank you, Yagyu." Uchiha Sasuke suddenly said sincerely.

Yagyu was slightly stunned, then teased: "This is the first time I hear you thank me, it's really rare."


Uchiha Sasuke blushed and turned his head away. His arrogant look made Yagyu want to take a picture of a man.

Looking at Uchiha Sasuke's shy look, Yagyu's smile slightly restrained and said: "No need to thank me, I actually have my own little thoughts. I want to borrow your hand to help me get rid of those termites, so that when I succeed the sixth generation Hokage, I don't have to look at the faces of those old guys."

Hearing this, Uchiha Sasuke said seriously: "Then what should I do?"

"Of course, give them the same way they have given you."

Yagyu sneered again: "Since they choose to destroy the Uchiha clan, then you should destroy their clan and let them feel your pain."

Uchiha Sasuke's heart trembled, and he subconsciously felt reluctant.

After all, he is not really evil, even if he hates, it is hatred for the Konoha high-level.

After recruiting Kizuki, he also strictly prohibited the murderous opponent from controlling his killing intent and not killing people indiscriminately.

Because Uchiha Sasuke subconsciously felt that those people were innocent.

As if he saw his thoughts, Yagyu said lightly: "They enjoy the foundation plundered by the Konoha high-level from the Fourth Hokage and his wife, as well as the Uchiha clan, which means that they bear this cause and effect."

"You Uchiha clan, not all of you want to launch a coup, there are many clansmen who have not opened the Sharingan and just want to live a quiet life. Aren't they innocent too?"

Hearing this, Uchiha Sasuke's mind instantly emerged nine years later, and the impression was still very deep. The appearance of the clansmen who were always gentle and kind on weekdays.

The reluctance in his heart was instantly replaced by coldness.

He just nodded to Yagyu: "I know!"

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