In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 19: The Most Ancient King! Also The God-Slayer!


The space was like a broken mirror, cracks began to appear.

From behind the cracked space, there seemed to be countless strange eyes staring at Mo Yi's voice.

He left greedy saliva.

Although the Lord of the Sky could not see all this, the instinct from the beast made it aware of the danger.

If it were not for this moment.

If the master he respected most stood on his head, he would have roared and fled from this space that made him extremely uneasy.

As for the Sky Island on his back.


The High Priest of the Empire of God once said that for those who are not from my country, life and death are all destiny.

Behind the countless broken spaces, under a pair of greedy and evil eyes, there is a very terrifying eye.

Those eyes stared at Mo Yi's back.

The hatred in his eyes was almost overflowing, and the heart-wrenching hatred seemed to be integrated into the blood.

It makes people feel chilling.

And Mo Yi didn't even look back at the eyes. A golden sun slowly appeared behind Mo Yi's head.

"Ah!!!!!! Gilgamesh!! Impossible!!! How could you be resurrected!!!"

"No!! No no no!!! You should sleep!! Forever!"

Countless unwilling roars came from the crack and fell into Mo Yi's ears.

Listening to the resentful wail.

A cruel and bloodthirsty smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Hehe~ bastards! I'm back!!"

"Are you ready? Do you hate me and curse my name day and night in the prison of sin, or choose to come out of the shadows!"

"Then become my enemy, and finally be reduced to..."


Boom! ! ! !

The sky seemed to be completely torn apart at this moment, and countless terrifying beings peeked at everything happening in the sky from all angles.

Sky Island was like a fragile lamb, exposed to the eyes of countless hungry wolves.

The people of Sky Island looked at the thunderbolts disappearing in the sky with curiosity.

They looked at each other, wondering what happened to the tyrant Enel.

Compared to them.

Enel was having a very bad time at the moment.

Enel in the palace was trembling all over.

The countless powerful auras were almost about to crush him, and his body kept falling, but the pride in his bones did not allow him to kneel down again.

"Damn it!!!" Enel's veins popped up on his head, and sweat kept oozing out of his head.

Just when he was about to be unable to bear the aura like the power of heaven and was about to kowtow.

A voice suddenly appeared in his heart.

"Stand up straight, in the whole world, except for my king, we don't need to kneel to anyone, even in front of..."


"Roar!!!!" The Lord of the Sky roared at the higher sky.

The terrifying evil spirit from the ancient barbaric period continued to spread on its body.

As one of the king's mounts 1.

When facing an enemy who dared to challenge the king's dignity, it would use its life to maintain the king's honor.

"Gilgamesh, you shouldn't wake up." An ancient and grand voice sounded slowly between heaven and earth.

His voice spread throughout the entire Sky Island.

But no one could hear it.

People only felt a breeze blowing.

"Hehe, bastards, in the eight hundred years since I fell asleep, you seem to have done a lot of shameful things."

"For example, you have become, 'his' running dog!!!"

Kakakaka! ! !

Kakaka! ! !

Mo Yi's whole body was shining with golden light, and endless power surged out of his body.

The big sun behind him seemed to open the door to a space.

Countless terrifying treasures continued to condense and appear in that space.

Among them, the spears were crying and wailing, as if they were longing for the blood of the enemy.

There is a Fang Tian Hua Ji evolving in the endless void, and a big man whose expression cannot be seen clearly stands beside the Fang Tian Hua Ji, like a god.

There is a burning torch that can ignite human greed, igniting white desire in the constant demands of humans.

There are countless such magic weapons, and the king is at the top of these countless terrifying magic weapons.

Standing proudly is a general.

A "beautiful" long sword exuding the breath of the beginning of heaven and earth.

The moment the sword appeared in front of everyone, even the air around it seemed to be solidified.

Space, time, everything seems to be nothing in front of this sword.

With a slight swing, everything in the world can be killed.

Even the kingly aura of the original sin and holy power was eclipsed at the moment when this sword appeared.

Wushuang stared at Mo Yi's eyes through the space fragments, and couldn't help shrinking his pupils because of the appearance of the sword.

At that moment, they seemed to have returned to eight hundred years ago, one person and one sword, cutting off the endless night.

Just like...

The creation of the world.

"I haven't seen this terrifying sword for eight hundred years. I almost forgot your first name."

"God Slayer"


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