Sakazuki, a character in the anime "Poseidon" and its derivative works, Marine codename "Akainu", one of the "three admirals" with the highest combat power in the original Marine Headquarters, and now the marshal of the Naval Headquarters. He has a straight character and is an iron-blooded soldier. He pursues "complete justice" and is cruel and merciless, and never allows a trace of "evil" to exist. In order to complete the mission, he can treat his colleagues and ordinary people as targets without any care.

Slip-Slip Fruit



Fumita Sugawara

Foreign name

サカズキ (Sakazuki)

Other names


Blood type

F type

Character relationship (4 people in total)








Eiichiro Oda



Fumita Sugawara


Character introduction

Image prototype


Fumita Sugawara

Sakazuki's appearance is based on the Japanese artist Fumita Sugawara. [1] Oda once said in an interview that his favorite idol for a period of time was Sugawara Bunta, and called him the world's greatest man.

Codename Prototype

The code names of the three Marine Admirals (Aokiji, Akainu, Kizaru) are based on the traditional Japanese fairy tale "Momotaro"; the story tells that the protagonist Momotaro and the pheasants, dogs and monkeys he took in along the way went to Onigashima to eliminate evil for the people. [2]

Identity Background

??? 4 photos


Sakazuki, Marine codename "Akainu", one of the original "Three Admirals", is currently the Marshal of the Naval Headquarters. A user of the Logia Lava-Lava Fruit ability, he is extremely powerful. When he first joined the Marine, he was called a monster. He was a student of the former Marine Admiral Black Arm Zephyr and pursued "complete justice". Later, he was called the "Three Marine Admirals" together with Kizaru and Aokiji. He defeated Aokiji in two years and became the new Marine Marshal.

Appearance and clothing



Has many tattoos on his body, a sword on his right arm, roses and sakura flowers on his left chest to his elbow, a corsage (rose)[3], a dark red suit, a Marine hat on his head, black leather gloves on his hands, and a Marine Admiral's coat behind him.

Two years later, he has a beard on his chin, a scar on his right cheek, and has started smoking cigars.


Akainu is upright but cruel and merciless, and will never allow a trace of "evil" to exist. In order to complete the mission, he can kill his colleagues and ordinary people without any care. In the Ohara incident, he ordered his subordinates to blow up the refugee ship full of Ohara residents on the grounds that it might be harboring archaeologists. In the Marineford incident, he also personally executed the Marine soldiers who were trying to escape because they were afraid of dying in battle. Akainu is also very careful to maintain the dignity of the Marines and is an iron-blooded soldier.

Character Abilities

Have Haki

Armament Haki

It can enhance personal defense, acting like invisible armor; it can also evolve into offensive power, and then compete with Demon fruit power, and even touch the entity of the "Logia" fruit ability user, which is known as the only means of countering Logia Demon fruit power in the world. However, Armament Haki can only capture the entity of the ability user, but cannot take away the ability user like "seastone". In addition to the body, Armament Haki can even be wrapped around weapons to enhance the attack power.

Observation Haki

Haki makes the five senses sharper, can detect the breath and emotional changes of surrounding creatures, and can also be used to foresee and avoid danger. It is called the heart net in Sky Island, which is a kind of mind reading, or "the power of hearing". As long as a person is alive, the body can make special sounds, through which the opponent's next move and position can be predicted, and the range can be expanded as long as it is trained.

Devil Fruit

Logia: Lava-Lava Fruit

Can turn its body parts into boiling lava, making physical attacks ineffective against it. It is extremely powerful. Its move Great Eruption can instantly evaporate ice blocks that are dozens of times larger than those of giants. It can also easily melt the ground. Even a powerful warrior will suffer severe burns if his internal organs and body are hit. It can also create volcanic bombs to attack the enemy. Since magma can devour flames and absorb their heat, it can also isolate the accelerant so that the flame cannot burn. Its density is also greater than that of fire, so it can extinguish and burn the flame. It has a superior-subordinate relationship with Mera-mera Fruit and is the biggest nemesis of Mera-mera Fruit. It has the highest attack power among the three types of Devil Fruit. [1]

Combat moves

Move introduction picture

Dark Hound

First, turn its hands into lava, then quickly spray magma in the form of grasping to attack the enemy. It is suitable for close combat. In the comics, it destroyed half of Whitebeard's face with one blow. In the animation, it pierced his abdomen with one blow.


Dark Hound

Great Eruption

Uses lava to form a huge lava fist attack, simulating the impact of a volcanic eruption. The power is enough to instantly shatter and evaporate large icebergs that are dozens of times larger than the giants. [4] After the Great Eruption explodes, it will turn into countless volcanic bombs, each of which is powerful enough to easily destroy a super-large warship.


Great Eruption


Volcanic bombs formed after the explosion

Dog-gnawing Red Lotus

Turns the molten arms into the shape of a dog's head to attack the enemy. Akainu used this move to attack Whitebeard, but was chopped away by Whitebeard.


Dog-gnawing Red Lotus

Meteor Volcano

Akainu's strongest move so far. His fists are transformed into lava to produce a large number of huge lava fists. Like the magma of a meteor shower, the earth is turned into a sea of ​​​​molten lava. [5]


Meteor Volcano

Interpersonal Relationship

Relationship Type Relationship

Teacher Zephyr

Akainu is Zephyr's first student. [6]

The man with different opinions Kuzan

The two of them had a bad relationship and hardly ever talked to each other. During the selection of the new marshal, they had a fight for 10 days and 10 nights because of their different opinions. [7]

Three Admirals Kizaru Aokiji

Two years ago, Kizaru, Aokiji and

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