In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 38: The Speed Of Light? That’S A Bit Slow!

Absolute speed is equal to absolute power.

There is nothing in this world that cannot be defeated. If it cannot be defeated, then the speed is not enough.

This is Kizaru's life creed and his fighting style.



Kizaru's feet kicked out countless attacks in an instant.


A faint sneer appeared at the corner of Mo Yi's mouth.

The next moment.


Mo Yi's hands were raised at some point, and then those hands seemed to move, and it seemed that there was no other movement after they were raised. .

But Kizaru's eyes became extremely terrified.

Because at that moment, all his attacks were blocked by one hand.

What a joke! That's the speed of light! !

Kizaru's obscene expression disappeared.

"Is this the speed of light?"

Mo Yi glanced at Kizaru who was sideways with a sarcasm, and the next second his figure disappeared in front of Kizaru.

Kizaru reacted very quickly, and a flash of light burst out of his body, trying to evacuate.

But a beam of light was a few points faster than him.


Bang! ! ! !

Kizaru, whose body had turned into light, was hit in the stomach by a punch condensed by Mo Yi's holy light.

Under such powerful force, Kizaru didn't even scream.

He fell straight into the sea.

"The speed of light? Too slow." Mo Yi shook his head disdainfully.

He didn't even look at Kizaru.

It seemed that Kizaru was just a piece of garbage he threw away.

Crack, crack, crack~

Crack, crack!

There was a sound of freezing on the sea, and an ice surface made of ice appeared at the point where Kizaru landed.

He accurately caught the Marine Admiral who was defeated by one blow.

Kuzan's figure kept moving on the sea, and pieces of ice appeared wherever his toes touched.

He came to Kizaru's side in a flash.

"Are you okay?" Kuzan looked at Kizaru who fell to the ground and did not get up to help him.

"Ouch~ So scary~" Although Kizaru was lying on the ice, the obscene voice was still there.

Kuzan ignored Kizaru, and the coldness on his body floated out like a substance.

It seemed that the surrounding space was almost frozen because of his mood at the moment.

"It's an eyesore." Mo Yi didn't care about Aokiji appearing behind him.

Instead, he set his eyes on the Gate of Justice again.

In those cold eyes, there were some rare human emotions.


Deep disgust~

That feeling went deep into the bone marrow. There were not many things in the world that could stir Mo Yi's emotions.

Things that can make people so disgusted have been almost zero since eight hundred years ago.

"Sakazuki, go down, it's up to you and me here, don't play dead~" Aokiji looked at Mo Yi's back.

A huge pressure rose out of thin air.

Even though he hadn't made a move yet, he was already feeling so much pressure just by his aura.

Even Mr. Garp and Marshal Sengoku might not be able to do this.

Who is this guy? I've never seen him before.

What the hell~!

Where did such a powerful and young monster come from!

Kuzan cursed inwardly.

The coldness in his hand continued to condense into a crystal clear ice spear.

He held it in his hand.

Kizaru, who was still pretending to be dead at his feet, stood up after hearing what Kuzan said, and didn't feel anything wrong with his behavior just now.

"Hey~ This guy is so strong~" Kizaru curled his lips helplessly, and didn't expect that he would not only have to work overtime, but also look like a big job.

Mo Yi didn't care about the Marine Admiral who was staring at him from behind.

The so-called highest combat power is just two slightly larger ants in his eyes.

If you are ignorant.

He doesn't mind crushing them to death.

Suddenly Mo Yi opened his arms.

A terrifying force was constantly gathering behind him, and the expressions on Aokiji and Kizaru's faces changed.

The power contained in the golden holy light made the two feel palpitations.

"This pretty boy, what are you going to do? Naval Headquarters is not a place for you to mess around." Although Aokiji was a little afraid of the golden holy light behind Mo Yi.

But he still couldn't help but warn Mo Yi.

The ice spear in his hand was thrown out quickly as his voice fell.

Then endless cold air burst out from his body.

"Ice Age!!!!"

The terrifying cold air formed on Kuzan's hands. He quickly squatted down and pressed his hands hard on the ice under his feet.

The air around him seemed to be a little crystal.

The water ions in the air were constantly freezing

Crack~! ~


The freezing power that appeared in his hands in an instant quickly froze everything in front of him.

The waves on the sea surface froze in mid-air like an ice sculpture the moment the cold air passed by.

A seagull that happened to fly by was like a fossil from the Ice Age.

It fell from the sky and its body was smashed to pieces.

Even the air began to condense into a frost.

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