In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 40: The Gate Of Justice! Broken!

Garp was halfway through his words when the door of the office was violently pushed by a panting Marine. Marine looked at Marshal Marine and Marine Hero out of breath, with a terrified expression on his face. "What happened!!" Seeing his look, Sengoku's heart tightened and he stood up directly. This Marine was a communication soldier specially used to convey messages to him. He had experienced both the capture of Roger and the battle against Rocks over the years. Such a veteran with experience in major battles, at this moment, looked like a baby who was scared to death by a beast. Even Garp put away his idiotic face when he saw the expression of this Marine. He stared at Marine with a pair of tiger eyes, walked over, and put his hands on Marine's shoulders. "Tell me slowly! What happened!" At this moment, Garp's voice was surprisingly deep. This Marine Hero, who had defeated the Great Poseidon Rocks and captured the pirate Roger, appeared in front of Marine and gave him courage. He suppressed his trembling body and shouted at the top of his lungs. "The Gate of Justice has been blasted to pieces!!!!!!"


The table in front of Sengoku was shattered in an instant, and waves of Buddha light emanated from Sengoku's hands. The weathered table had accompanied Sengoku all the way from colonel to marshal.

Sengoku smashed it with a palm under his rage.

The expression on Garp's face continued to become gloomy.

A shadow was cast on his face, as if a terrible beast had awakened in his body.

"What did you say!!!"

Compared to Garp's shock, Sengoku calmed down at this time.

Whenever there is a big event, there is a calmness. The teachings of the previous generation of Marine Marshal Kong rang in Sengoku's ears. 、

"The news must be blocked immediately, notify CP0 members, and all news will be blocked immediately. In addition, compared with the Gate of Justice, I am more worried about the advancement now!"

"Has Magellan been contacted?" The terrifying Buddha light on Sengoku's body began to gradually fade away.

The voice was calm and cool, but Garp's understanding of his old comrade who had been inseparable for decades told him.

At this moment, Sengoku was completely in anger.

But as a marshal, he could not lose his mind because of anger. Instead, he calmly began to think about how to solve the subsequent problems like a machine.

A flash of anger flashed in his eyes as deep as the sea from time to time, which showed Sengoku's true emotions now.

"There is still no news from Impel down, but..." Marine looked at Sengoku with hesitation.

Da Da Da~

A flustered and hurried running sounded in the corridor, and a Marine holding a red Den Den Mushi in his hand rushed into the office anxiously.

"Marshal Sengoku! It's Admiral Akainu's call."

Sengoku took the crimson Den Den Mushi with a cloak of justice and answered it.

"Hello~ It's me, I'm Sengoku!"

"What~!!!" Sengoku's face changed drastically the next second after answering the phone, and his facial features were squeezed together hideously.

The dark clouds once again covered the sun, and the shadow happened to hit Sengoku's face.

And at this moment, Sengoku's heart was like this dark cloud.

It was stained with a layer of.

Deep haze.

"Notify the Five Elders to convene a supreme meeting~" Zhan hung up Sakazuki's phone, his expression was gloomy as if water could drip out.

Everyone, including Garp, felt nervous.

Is there going to be another bloody storm on the sea?


Before that, the World government might have a big earthquake.


For most pirates in this world, the World government is terrifying and fearful.

It exists like their natural enemy. How many pirates are like stray dogs under the gunfire of the Marine, and can only run away with their tails between their legs.

How many powerful pirates tremble like ants under the prestige of the three Admirals.

Not to mention being able to spy on the news about that behemoth.


In front of the real strong, even the World Government may not be able to keep many secrets in front of them.

Not long after Mo Yi destroyed the Gate of Justice.

New World...

In the Whitebeard fleet station.

A huge flying bird with light blue flames burning all over its body kept soaring in the sky.

The beautiful flame illuminated the night sky, like a mythical beast from a legend.

But soon.

The flame bird swooped down on the pirate ship.

The moment it landed, the flames disappeared inch by inch, like a firefly.

A man staring at the yellow pineapple head appeared on the ship.

The captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Phoenix Marco.

Just this name is enough to shock a group of strong people on the sea.

"Dad~ Didn't the doctor tell you not to drink anymore!"

Landing on the Mobidi, Marco looked at the man in front of him with a headache.

Even sitting on the chair mountain, it was as tall as a small mountain.

He held a huge wine bowl in his hand and poured the strong liquor into his mouth in big gulps.

The aura emanating from his body was like the sky, making people breathless.

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