In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 45 Four Emperors Shock!

Rayleigh obviously knew something, but looking at his expression, Beckman knew that Rayleigh would not say it.

Do what you want for your people.

As the brain of the Red Hair Pirates, Beckman must plan everything for Shanks.

"Does it really exist? That kind of legend~" Beckman whispered.

"Of course it exists!! My son said that he saw a whale thousands of meters long!! It is said that eating its meat can make you immortal!" Yasopp's head pressed on Beckman's head.

He raised a thumb with a proud face, believing in his son's words.

Beckman couldn't help but raise a black line on his head.

Then he heard Laki Lu at the top righteously retorted

"Humph!! Absolutely impossible!! The meat made from such a big guy must not be delicious!!"

Beckman's black line on his head became heavier~

MD led such a group of idiots, is there still fun?

Is this the highest cadre of the Red Hair Pirates?

It's really funny! !

"Shanks! Your crew looks good!" Suddenly, a vicissitudes of life sounded in Beckman's ears.

His pupils suddenly shrank.


New World...

In the territory of BIGMOM.

Two huge figures on an island that does not belong to the Dessert Empire, constantly collided with each other.

Under the huge force collision, the island seemed to be at risk of being destroyed at any time.

The aftermath of the terrifying power continued to rage in the sky, the ocean, and the earth.

The space even began to distort because of the power of the two.

Just a pure physical contest can cause such terrible damage.

It is hard to imagine what kind of terrible momentum these two guys will cause once they get serious.

Wearing a black waistcoat, the collar blocked half of the man's face, and the short red hair kept flying back with the strong wind.

He walked on the island where the two fought.

Facing the monsters fighting like ancient beasts, he was unmoved, and his narrow dark red eyes flashed with bursts of light.

Suddenly, his head tilted slightly, as if he had foreseen the future, and a terrifying sword energy passed along her cheek.



He raised his head calmly, looking at the fat woman in pink clothes with terrifying power on the battlefield, and shouted


This handsome man is called Sherlock Katakuri.

He is the second son of the Four Emperors, one of the three generals of the BIGMOM Pirates, and the "Pink Minister" among the thirty-four ministers of the Candy Kingdom.

And the only one he can call mom is...

That one of the Four Emperors...

Sherlock Linlin~

The most tyrannical existence among the Four Emperors! ,

Boom boom! ! !

Peng Peng! ! !

The two huge figures suddenly became extremely fast, dragging the huge body, leaving a trail of afterimages in the air.

Boom boom! ! !

The two stretched out their left hands and clenched their fists at the same time, and hit each other hard.

The tyrannical force instantly raged on the entire island.

The island was constantly shaking because of this force, the white clouds in the sky were shattered, and the sea was even more turbulent.

The violent breath kept flowing

The fierce momentum was also stirring~

"Mah-mah-mah-mah!" Sherlock· Linlin·1 saw his most proud son appear on the island.

He laughed loudly and stopped his hand movements.

He stretched out his fat tongue and licked his bright lips, and said.

"Katakuri~ My son, is my cake ready! Mah-mah!!" The deafening laughter echoed on the island like thunder.

The man opposite looked at Sherlock· Linlin and stopped and sat cross-legged on the ground.

His naked upper body revealed ferocious muscles, which were covered with dragon scale tattoos. His lush hair made him look like a savage, and a pair of huge dragon horns grew on his head.

Can fight with Sherlock Linlin, one of the Four Emperors, and not lose.

Such strength, such appearance.

Of course, only those who are also Four Emperors can do it.

Kaido of the Beasts can do it.

The two were once members of the Rocks Pirate and have not seen each other for a long time. Today he suddenly visited and happened to catch Sherlock Linlin's illness, and thought he had returned to the Rocks period.

Kaido was of course not afraid of having to compete with him. When he was in high spirits, Katakuri's appearance made Linlin regain consciousness.

"Hey~ Kaido! You guy, when did you come here? I tell you! There is no share of my cake for you!!" Sherlock Linlin noticed Kaido on the side.

It is obvious that the memory of the previous mental disorder has been forgotten by her again.

" Laozi is not interested in your cake. I came to tell you something important today, but now it seems that you will know it soon!"

Kaido showed a meaningful smile.

Looking at Katakuri who was hesitant to speak, it seemed as if he had known what he was going to say to Linlin.

He had an expression that said, "I've seen through you a long time ago," which made Katakuri feel a little uncomfortable.

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