In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 53 The Clash Of The World's Greatest Swordsmen!

But the next moment.

A strange long sword suddenly appeared in Mo Yi's hand.

There were countless mysterious inscriptions on the golden hilt, and dark red veins were constantly intertwined on the sword body.

The moment the sword appeared.

Mihawk's expression changed.

That indifferent expression suddenly showed a bit of ecstasy.

His sharp eyes like an eagle stared at the sword of separation in Mo Yi's hand.

Kendo will! ~!

With the appearance of the sword of separation, waves of sword will that seemed to cut off everything in the world surged in Mo Yi's body.

Mihawk almost instantly determined that the man in front of him was a swordsman who was not inferior to himself.

In his hand, the big black knife · Night actually began to tremble slightly.

The trembling was not because of fear, but because of excitement.

Mihawk was excited.

The moment he felt Mo Yi's sword will, all the muscles in his body trembled uncontrollably.

There was only one voice left in his mind.

Opponent! !

This is the opponent I have been looking for! !

"Hu~" Mihawk took a deep breath, and the sword energy on the blade slowly faded.

The big black knife, Night, was inserted into the raft by him.

He could hardly suppress the excitement in his heart.

I don't know how many years it has been.

I don't know how many years I have been searching, have I finally found it!

"Okay! As long as you can let me taste the taste of failure, I am willing to be your subordinate, but what if you lose?"

"Me?" Mo Yi whispered softly, looking at Mihawk with an idiotic look and said, "How can I lose?"

Bang! ! !

As soon as the voice fell.

Mo Yi's figure suddenly disappeared, and the whole person's breath was almost completely hidden in an instant.

Mihawk's eyes suddenly condensed.

The black knife in his hand was instantly raised.

He rushed straight to the sky.

The terrifying sword energy condensed instantly.

A crescent-shaped sword energy.

With a will that seemed to want to cut through the sky.

Soaring straight into the sky.

The powerful force made the surrounding space begin to distort slightly.

The clouds in the sky were torn to pieces by the aftermath of the sword energy.

Mo Yi's figure suddenly appeared above the sword energy.

Facing such a powerful slash.

His eyes were like a dead sea, without a single ripple.



Hawkeye's slash not only did not weaken with the distance, but became more and more powerful.

Finally, it roared like a giant dragon and killed Mo Yi.



The sword of separation made a sound.

Mo Yi seemed to just swing the sword afterwards.


The dark red sword energy was directly slashed out under the sword of separation.

There was no fancy, nor any momentum.

It was just like an ordinary and casual slash.

Bang! ! !

The two sword energies collided with each other.

But the dark red sword energy, the next moment it collided with Hawkeye's black sword energy.

It was like a hot iron sinking into the snow.

It instantly melted Mihawk's attack, and seemed to absorb Mihawk's slash.

It turned into a more terrifying half-moon slash, tearing through the space and heading straight for Hawkeye.

Mihawk was not shocked at all when he saw this scene, but was surprised.

The person who ended his boring life finally appeared.

He raised his head and looked at the sword energy that was attacking him with an extremely eager look.

A sick red appeared on his usually indifferent face.

He was excited.

He was ecstatic.

He was swinging the sword!!!


The great black sword, Night, which was taller than Mihawk, was swung at a speed that was difficult to detect with the naked eye.

Mihawk tapped his feet lightly, and his body jumped up quickly. Facing the sword energy, he did not retreat but advanced. The sword energy surged on the black sword.


As he swung it, he split the terrifying sword energy into two.

That huge sword energy fell on the small islands on both sides.

Hualala! !

Bang bang bang! !

The small island was instantly cut off in half.

"Hahahaha!!! You are indeed the person I am looking for!! Come on, let me see where the pinnacle of swordsmanship is!!"

Mihawk laughed loudly.

He rushed straight to Mo Yi.

Mo Yi did not say anything, holding the sword of separation tightly in his hand.

He gave up using his great power and wanted to tell Hawkeye with his swordsmanship.

What is a real sword!!

"Your swordsmanship is not worth mentioning!!"

Bang bang bang! !

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!!

The two of them were like two streams of light in the sky, and gold and black were constantly intertwined in the air.

The roars were like the roar of the sky.

The surrounding space began to wail under the heavy burden.

And all this was seen by a pair of terrified eyes.

On the small island that was hit by an unexpected disaster.

A ‘bird’ in a black suit looked at everything in the sky with fear on his face.

He held the camera in his hand blankly.

He even forgot to take pictures.

Boom boom! ! !

The collision between the two produced a thunderous roar.

The bird man was frightened and staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Then he hurriedly picked up the camera in his hand and took a lot of pictures.

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