In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 62 Pass To The Underworld!

But the strength in his hand increased out of thin air, and the cold sword energy on the moon-white long sword became more intense.

Although I don’t know why this junior, who is known as the world’s greatest swordsman, would listen to Mo Yi’s words, it is no longer important.

Enemies who dare to stand in front of Pluton have already obtained a...


Death pass from the underworld...

Bang! ! !

The moon-white long sword and the pitch-black giant sword collided with each other, and the terrifying power burst out instantly.

With the two as the center, the aftermath of the collision of power formed a series of semicircular transparent waves that continued to erode around.

The attack of the two at this moment was just a collision of pure sword will, which formed such a situation.

The surrounding space seemed to be slightly distorted because of the power of the two people.

Kaka! !

Chi Chi Chi~

Sparks flew on the blade.

Mihawk looked at Rayleigh with a little surprise in his eyes.

His big black sword, Night, is one of the twelve supreme swords. There are only eleven blades in the world that can fight against it.

The sword of separation in Mo Yi's hand was full of power when it appeared, while the long sword in Rayleigh's hand was ordinary, and it looked like a Japanese sword with ordinary workmanship. '

But at the moment of collision, Mihawk clearly realized that the weapon in Rayleigh's hand was a divine weapon that was not inferior to the black sword, Night.

"One sword flow, Burning Heaven!" Mihawk's eyes flashed, the two people's strength and sword will were comparable, if they simply fought, it would be too boring.

I saw waves of black air on Mihawk's black sword, as if the endless night reappeared, and in the darkness, a ray of dark red sword energy burst out with terrifying power,

Mihawk's body twisted rapidly, and the moment the two blades staggered, the black sword suddenly swung out, and the dark red sword energy slashed down.

Bang! !

The strong sword energy came to Rayleigh at a very fast speed in almost the blink of an eye.

This knife was not only extremely powerful, but also had a tricky angle.

At this moment, Rayleigh could not turn back the knife in time, and the black knife went straight to his chest.

The first generation of Pluton, in the few breaths of the two people's confrontation, there was a life-and-death crisis.


Facing this knife that was about to kill him, Rayleigh's expression did not change at all, with a faint smile on his face.

"The younger generation nowadays is really amazing!" After saying that, Hawkeye only felt that Rayleigh in front of him was in a trance.

When the black knife arrived, there was no blood flowing as imagined, but Rayleigh's figure was split into two, and Rayleigh was like a bubble.

Directly shattered.

"When!!" Mihawk's heart tightened, and he used all his perception color to see it, and suddenly a feeling of fear rose out of thin air.

The black knife in his hand suddenly crossed his chest, and the armed color also quickly surged all over his body.

Dang! !

Ding! Ding! Ding...

A quick collision sound was heard, and sparks were seen bursting out from the black knife. Rayleigh suddenly appeared, and the long sword in his hand was like a dream. At a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye, he quickly tapped the black knife.

Even with Mihawk's strength, he felt a numbness in his palm.

"It's terrible! It's terrible!!" Morgans, who was sitting on the ground, kept muttering like a stupid goose.

Although he had seen the battle between Mo Yi and Mihawk before, the distance was far from being as close as it is now.

And the situation of Mo Yi fighting Mihawk was close to a crushing situation.

Although it was also shocking in Morgans' eyes.

But after all, he could not understand the level and level of the contest.

But at this moment.

Rayleigh and Mihawk in front of him were fighting evenly, and the sword energy that burst out brushed Morgans' feathers from time to time.

If it weren't for the protection of Mo Yi's golden holy light, I'm afraid that this albatross fruit ability user would have become a plucked chicken now.

Although Mo Yi did not look at Morgans.

But his peripheral vision had already noticed the embarrassing behavior of this newly recruited goose.

However, Mo Yi felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

After all, it was reasonable for a bird to behave in this way when facing a huge and powerful beast.

Sitting upright on the throne, he found a slightly more comfortable position and leaned on it.

Looking at the two people fighting in the air, it was like watching a unique drama.

A golden wine glass appeared out of thin air in his hand, and waves of rich wine aroma spread in the air.

Bang! ! Bang! !

In the sky, two figures like meteors slammed into the ground.

Raised bursts of dust.

In the dust, two figures, one large and one small, gradually emerged.

Morgans' eyes suddenly widened, and the albatross instinct reminded him that there were two terrifying monsters in front of him at this time.

Boom! !

The tyrannical breath continued to rage from the tall figure.

It was like a strong wind coming and blowing away all the dust.

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