In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 82: Melee In Front Of The Holy Land!

"Hurry up!!! Hurry up!!!" Sakazuki ran towards the familiar breath in the sky like a flaming meteor.

His whole body was wrapped in terrifying magma, and he burst out at an extremely terrifying speed. The surrounding space was slightly distorted because of his temperature.

"Jackal!!!! Damn!! This guy actually dared to come to the Marine government to make trouble!!"

The huge jackal was too conspicuous in the entire Marineford. With a huge body of 120 meters, he appeared in front of Akainu like a hill.

"Fire Meteor 12 Streams!!"



Akainu spread his hands in the air, and his whole body burst out with even more terrifying high temperature. Then, one after another, magma fireballs appeared in his hands, like a baseball being swung, and all were thrown at the huge jackal.

Twelve flaming meteors flew straight to the jackal's head in the air in a "品" shape.

On the other hand,

The jackal was like a child, stepping on ants, wantonly killing the Marines who were not much bigger than ants. Every time he moved his body, he would take the lives of more than dozens of Marines.



"Ah! This is it." The jackal suddenly felt an extremely hot temperature rushing towards him, and instinctively raised his head to look at the horizon.

I saw twelve huge flaming meteors flying towards me, and the meteors were gradually getting bigger during the flight.

Of course, this enlargement is relative, after all, in the eyes of the wolf.

The meteor that was coming at high speed was about the same size as a "stone".

But the power emanating from the "stone" made the Jackal feel flustered.

The huge body represented an invincible body, but the overly large body also made the Jackal's reflexes particularly slow.

Although he had seen the route where the flaming meteor was constantly flying, the speed of his palm and body reaction was half a second slower.

The smile that was originally shown because of the slaughter of Marine also restrained, and the shadow of the meteor was reflected in his eyes.


"Don't shout! My ears hurt!!"

The panicked Jackal was about to shout Golden Lion's name, but he saw Shiki in a kimono, who had appeared in front of him at some point.

The dead wood in his hand, Sakura Ten, was already in his hand, and the cigar kept emitting white smoke, and an excited smile appeared on Golden Lion's face.

"Finally, there is some fun!"

"Two swords style·Lion ritual!!!"


Golden Lion held both swords together and slashed out horizontally. A huge half-moon sword energy appeared instantly, and it slashed at the flame meteor that was already close at hand.

Bang bang bang!!!

Boom boom!!!!

The sword energy and the meteor collided with everything in the air, and a terrifying explosion broke out almost at the same time, with debris flying and flames flying everywhere. The aftermath of the collision between the two instantly covered the entire sky.

The clouds in the sky shattered like bubbles.

"Shiki! Have you become his running dog~!!" [!" Sakazuki also arrived at the battlefield at the moment when the flame meteor was cut off.

Like a volcano, it emitted an astonishingly high temperature, looking at Shiki in front of him with a gloomy look, and a little caution flashed in his heart while he was furious.

Before advancing to Chengcheng, Marine hero Garp and Marshal Sengoku joined forces to take down Golden Lion Shiki. That battle lasted for three days and three nights. Sakazuki, who was QB on the side, was not a Vice Admiral at the time.

Although he released a few fire meteors from time to time to attack, he couldn't even hurt Golden Lion.

™Hehehe! Hehehe! You are the guy who attacked me at the entrance of Impel down. I didn't expect that you have become a Marine Admiral now. It seems that Marine really has no people left. "

"A clown can come out and embarrass himself. " Shiki looked at Sakazuki with a sneer, and his words were vicious, after all, Sakazuki called him a lackey right away.

Golden Lion, who always took the blame for his actions, was even more unforgiving now.

Sakazuki, who loved his reputation, was furious when he heard this, and his brows were almost filled with anger.

And for him, it was impossible to chat with pirates like Kizaru, and seeing Golden Lion's attitude, the corners of his mouth turned up.

Instantly, the magma all over his body became a little dimmer, but the temperature around him rose several times.

"Humph! Let me catch you in Impel down again this time!"

"Then we'll see if you have the ability! Hehehe!!"



Golden Lion held two swords, full of murderous aura, like a killing god. The terrifying sword energy kept entwining around his body, intertwining and interweaving like a piece of armor, rushing straight to Sakazuki in the air.

Sakazuki also had powerful lava constantly emerging under his feet. The high temperature caused the surrounding space to begin to twist violently, like a mirror that was passively thrown into a furnace.

Looking at the Golden Lion who was killing with a knife, he frowned and clenched his fists tightly.


"Fire Meteor·First-class Three Thousand!!!"

Akainu's fists flew quickly. In the blink of an eye, countless meteors appeared in his fist wind. Golden Lion looked at the group of "meteors" in front of him without any fear.

The two swords in his hands burst out a terrifying sword light, and the black armed color emerged from the tip of the sword like a flexible little snake, and then continued to circle upwards.

Connecting his arms, it was rendered pitch black, and black thunder faintly emerged around his arms with the two swords.

"Two-sword style·Mad Lion Dance!!"

Boom boom!!!

Golden Lion's whole body suddenly spun rapidly, and powerful sword energy continued to leak out around his body. He turned into a terrifying whirlwind, sweeping everything between heaven and earth

Clang la la la!!! Crack! Crack!!

Akainu's meteor group was instantly scattered, but there was no panic on his face. The armed color appeared on his arms like ink.

"Golden Lion!! Your era has long ended!!!"

"Great Flame·Tenryuzu!!" Akainu crossed his hands, and the magma in his body gathered on his arms like flowing water, and red flame patterns like tattoos continued to appear on his arms.

The terrifying temperature around him seemed to disappear, and even the space returned to normal, but if someone looked carefully at this moment, they would find that the space around Akainu's arms was slightly twisted, which was the unnatural twisting that occurred when the space was constantly burned and repaired.


A terrifying force burst out from under Akainu's feet, with a powerful impact, his hands crossed, and the pressure like a divine punishment gradually spread from him.

On his arms, the terrifying temperature rushed towards the Golden Lion with the roar of the flame hell.

The whole person was like a stream of flame, with an unstoppable momentum, killing towards the hurricane transformed by the Golden Lion.




The moment the two's attacks fell on everything, the strong wind dissipated instantly, and the Golden Lion's hurricane disappeared under Akainu's Tianliuzao, and the two swords were put in front of him to block the terrifying arms of Wei Shu.

Hehehe~!! You've grown a lot! It seems that you've evolved from a piece of trash who can only attack by surprise!"

"Not bad!!" Golden Lion laughed.

He suddenly took his hands off the double swords, and the famous swords Kumu and Sakura Ten fell out of his hands in an instant. Golden Lion's hands turned red, and the originally black armament color also turned red like a branding iron.

It turned out that when Golden Lion blocked Akainu's Tenryuzao, Akainu also injected the high temperature of the molten lava into Golden Lion's weapon.

The temperature of the molten lava is far beyond what humans can bear. If Golden Lion insists on not giving up his weapon, his hands will inevitably be burned.

Golden Lion, who has extremely rich combat experience, made a judgment in an instant and gave up his weapon almost at the moment when the heat was conducted.

"Give up! Then spend the rest of your life obediently in Impel down!"

"Sleep forever in that rotten Eternal Hell!!!" Akainu dropped the double swords in his hands, slowly raised his hands, and looked at Golden Lion with only a cold look in his eyes.

"Naive guy!!! Lion Majesty·Janchi!!"

Shiki quickly stepped back, while Akainu sensed a strong sense of crisis and retreated.

The next moment.

The ground seemed to be pinched by an invisible hand, and countless pieces of land were caught in the air. The indestructible rock floor of Marineford was like a toy in someone's hand, and was quickly twisted together like a twist.

Four or five lion heads emerged from the strange pillars twisted by the earth.

The fence made of Adam wood, which was said to be the strongest, was crushed by the pillars and mixed in with it.

Akainu's heart trembled. If he hadn't dodged just now and was caught in it, he would probably have suffered a fate not much better than that of Adam wood.

"Haha! Have some skills! Come again~!"

Akainu said coldly.

But he saw the Golden Lion showed a strange smile, and the armed color on his arm was fading quickly.

The surging murderous aura on his body was also calming down bit by bit, and the sword intent that made him extremely afraid gradually returned to his big body.

"What the hell is this guy doing!" Akainu didn't understand what the Golden Lion in front of him meant for a while.

But he knew it immediately.


An extremely dazzling golden light appeared in front of him, and the golden light was more than ten thousand times brighter than Kizaru. If you have to describe it, it is the difference between the light of a firefly and the sun and the moon.

A momentum that moved and frightened him suddenly descended on him. .

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