In The Last Days Of Natural Disasters, 100 Million A Day Is Frantically Hoarding Goods

Chapter 36 It's A Beautiful Thing To Take Miss Qiao Out

Sun Minglin was very worried about the weather.

Thanks to Rong Huaiyan, he found a few professors at the first time, saving time on the journey, but everyone only brought food and water for two or three days. If the weather continues to be bad, it will be troublesome.

There are a few more professors, and the team's food reserves are obviously not enough.

The crowd also knew it well, without saying anything, their hearts were all hanging on their belts.

After everyone entered the house, someone discovered that Ruan Jiaojiao was injured.

"Jiaojiao, it's very warm here. You're fine. We can find a doctor when we return to the base. You will recover in two days." Zhao Jialiang comforted her.

The woman lying in his arms shook her head dyingly: "I'm still so cold, I feel like I'm going to freeze to death."

Zhao Jialiang hugged her tightly.

When they went out, they also brought medicine to deal with the trauma, and he was the one who stopped the bleeding and treated the wound for her before going to the cold room. The temperature here is suitable, so it shouldn't be cold.

Ruan Jiaojiao did it on purpose.

In a "near-death" state, she aroused people's fear of death, and then she had the opportunity to condemn Qiao Xiachu, a shameless scourge.

"It's her. She killed me. If she hadn't refused to save me, she wouldn't be like this. She is a selfish ghost. Next time you go on a mission with her, be careful not to be killed by her!" Ruan Jiaojiao said.

When they heard her words, the people around them didn't think so.

When will you.

Wouldn't it be a joke to wait for someone to save you?

But people's hearts are often like this, and the reason is clear, but emotionally, I still hope that the strong will be the best. The heart of the Virgin is flooded. Once she is in danger, she will lend a helping hand.

So, one by one, when their eyes fell on Qiao Xiachu, they looked a little bit unkind.

flop flop.

Qiao Linmei was the first to fail.

She rushed over and replied: "You made your own crimes, who is to blame? You are stupid, you have to smash the iron door with a hammer, what would you do in your normal mind? They locked the door and almost killed us. It's you!"

As she spoke, she directly described the situation at that time.

"Captain Sun, you judge, if it wasn't for Brother Rong and me, I, Sister Qiao, we would definitely be crushed to death by pigs!" She said angrily.

Qiao Linmei's mouth was sharp, she kept babbling, and she made Ruan Jiaojiao speechless in one breath, she couldn't even cry, she buried her face in Zhao Jialiang's arms with a face of shame and anger.

"Okay, I didn't take her well. We don't want the points this time, so it's fair." Zhao Jialiang defended his girlfriend.

Hearing this, the team members smiled.

Two thousand points, shared equally by everyone.

Ok, Ok.

For a while, many people stepped forward to express their condolences to Ruan Jiaojiao.

Qiao Xiachu doesn't like to play tricks on people.

She prefers to get straight to the point.


The stomach sings empty city tricks.

She winked at Rong Huaiyan.

Rong Huai understood in seconds.

He said, "Come with me."

The two got up directly, walked towards the side door, and then closed the heavy door of the tea room.

For a moment, everyone looked at them with strange eyes.

Someone teased Qiao Linmei: "Don't you like Rong Huaiyan? Why don't you chase after her?"

Qiao Linmei akimbo.

She said angrily, "Are you blind? Didn't you see that sister Qiao and brother Rong are more worthy?"

When Brother Rong and Sister Qiao made a strong attack to clean up a group of wild boars, she realized that these two were a natural pair, and no one else could separate them, let alone intervene...

She shouldn't be making fun of herself.

As soon as Qiao Xiachu and Rong Huaiyan entered the tea room, they each took something out of their backpacks.

Rong Huaiyan brought a pile of corn and eggs.

He put the two kinds of food in a large thermos bucket. Although it was not hot when he took it out, it was not frozen into ice slag and could be eaten.

Before going out, Qiao Xiachu took out two apples from the space, cut them into pieces and put them in the lid of the thermos bucket. There was also a piece of pancake stacked in pieces. The bucket contained the mutton and radish soup bought from the restaurant.

As soon as she opened the lid, a smell of mutton filled the small room.

When you go out, you basically bring instant dry food and the like, mainly compressed biscuits. If you are at the base, many people will soak the compressed biscuits in hot water and add a little sugar to them. If there are other foods, they will be added together. , stir into a paste, and eat a hot bite.

That taste is really hard to swallow.

But when hunger strikes, biscuit goo is definitely the tastiest food.

Qiao Xiachu had eaten some mushy biscuits in her previous life, but now she doesn't want to eat them anymore, so even if she has a mission, she can't wrong her stomach.

Rong Huaiyan was surprised.

He didn't expect Qiao Xiachu to be a proper...foodie.

Don't forget to bring food when you go out.

Immediately, he felt that the corn and eggs in his hands were not fragrant, and he couldn't even give them away...

"Did you bring a bowl? No, let me get you a plastic bowl." Qiao Xiachu said.

"..." Rong Huaiyan.

He seriously suspected that he had a fake mission.

Qiao Xiachu took out his bag again, took a disposable plastic bowl, poured half of the mutton and radish soup into it, and sat down on the floor.

"Eat it quickly, it won't taste good if it gets cold for a while, and the meat oil will form lumps," she said.

Rong Huaiyan picked up the bowl without hesitation, gulped down the soup and meat.

It's cool to be a thief.

The aroma of mutton soup filled his nose and rushed into every pore of his body, comforting his hungry stomach.

Going out with Qiao Xiachu is really a beautiful thing in the world.

He chewed the mutton, and said with surprise: "The mutton is very authentic, how did you make it?"

Qiao Xiachu smiled.

She said: "It is inconvenient to cook in the house. I have a stew pot. Every time I make soup, I seal the windows and doors with plastic film, otherwise the smell will escape."

Rong Huaiyan nodded.

It is indeed inconvenient.

At this time, let people know that she still has mutton in her hand, and don't tear her to pieces.

"Well, next time you give me the ingredients, I'll ask Old Ao to make it for you. If you want to cook by yourself, just go to Ao Ao to get the key to the cafeteria," he said.

He dumped Lao Ao's 10,000 point card.

Old Ao was as good as his grandson.

After the two had eaten and drank enough, Rong Huaiyan deliberately opened the small window on the high place, and the cold wind from outside blew in, making the two of them shiver from the cold.

But soon, the smell inside dissipated.

He closed the window again.

As soon as they came out, the two of them noticed that there was something wrong with everyone's eyes, they were sour, they were suspicious and speculative, as if they were doing something inside...

Qiao Xiachu can't control it.

At this time, she doesn't care about other people's eyes.

Magic beats magic.

She didn't care, and the people around silently looked away.

In the evening, Sun Minglin began to arrange people to be on duty to watch the night, and the others must have a good rest.

Rong Huaiyan said: "The two of us take turns to watch the night."

Others, whom he trusted less, were safer on their own.

Qiao Xiachu wasn't going to sleep at first.

Even if it was someone from the base, she still couldn't believe it. Although there were not many supplies in the bag, there were people with bad intentions, such as Zhao Jialiang and his like.

If Rong Huaiyan keeps vigil, he can sleep well.

Sun Minglin was a little surprised at first, but when Rong Huaiyan proposed to watch the night, he naturally agreed.

The two allocated time, one in the first half of the night and the other in the second half of the night.

Rong Huaiyan said thanks, adjusted his posture, and slept peacefully.

A good night's sleep.

On the second day and the third day, the wind and snow were still heavy, and the food was almost consumed, so I could only rely on drinking water to satisfy my hunger. I was so hungry that I couldn't walk easily.

Rong Huaiyan and Qiao Xiachu were on the scene, and they went to the small room on time every day. They didn't need to guess to know that they were going to eat, but there was nothing they could do.

Hit, can't beat, can't get along well...

Fortunately, the wind and snow stopped on the morning of the fourth day.

At ten o'clock in the morning, after careful observation of the weather, the three professors all said that they could travel.

Sun Ming Lin An lined up people to drive.

But something went wrong.

The car didn't go far, when the body swayed heavily, and there was a bright noise, everyone shook violently.

"No, the tire is blown."

After Sun Minglin got out of the car and checked, he shouted at the people in the car.

Whoosh whoosh.

The snow on the ground was lifted, and a group of people got up from the ground, holding various modified firearms in their hands, and yelled at the truck: "Get out of the truck, everyone get out of the truck, we only need three professors!"

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