
A super big locust hit the glass directly, with slender and strong legs, a furry belly, and a pointed mouth, it looked extremely ugly.

The bugs that were originally as big as a thumb, after being frozen in the body water during the extreme cold period and steamed during the extreme heat period, the locusts began to mutate and became so big that they almost caught up with the mice.

However, locusts reproduce at an invincible speed. Not to mention the difficulty of killing them, they will also cause a certain degree of damage to the land. This kind of dry season is really terrible.

A few days ago, Qiao Mobai received a large amount of pesticides from the laboratory.

Fortunately, I stocked up on a batch.

Qiao Xiachu hastily took it out from the space, swallowed a ice mushroom, put on a protective mask, and rushed out to spray the locusts wildly, not only in the sky, but also in the mud.

The eggs float on the leaves, and thousands of locusts will hatch overnight.

"Jojo, here, the insecticide—"

At this time, Rong Huaiyan strode in from the outside. He didn't wear a protective mask, thinking that girls are generally afraid of bugs. As soon as he got the insecticide, he ran all the way and rushed back to 101

The locust is too restless.

The worms have mutated. Not only do the geese pluck their feathers to eat food, but they don't even let go of the trees planted in the backyard. Some people beat them, and they also attack humans.

What the hell?

Natural disasters come, insects want to eat people.

Fortunately, Qiao Mo's white leadership team developed a large number of insecticides last time, and the number of locusts in the entire Liaocheng base is already the least.

But there are still many fish that slip through the net.

They must go all out to kill all the locusts, otherwise the spring breeze will regenerate, which will cause a devastating blow to subsequent production.

"Okay, let's kill insects together!"

Qiao Xiachu grabbed a bag full of ice mushrooms and threw it directly to Rong Huaiyan.

Hot weather.

As soon as she came out of the air-conditioned room, she felt that she was being steamed alive in a steamer. Her whole body was on fire. The sun shone on her body, her body temperature rose rapidly, and her skin began to hurt.

Fortunately, ice mushrooms are still sufficient.

"Kill you, kill you—"

Qiao Xiachu held down the valve and sprayed wildly at the bugs.

Rong Huaiyan and her back to back, one left and one right, one in front and one behind, with the two of them as the core circle, they carried out a carpet-like extermination of the bugs.

Plop, plop.

The locusts fell to the ground one by one.

At the same time, drones carried pesticides and worked at high altitudes, spraying pesticides continuously, and swarms of locusts fell in large quantities.

Single-person operation has limited ability to kill locusts. Only when the base is cleaned up on a large scale can the locusts be completely killed.

After the locusts fell from the sky, many residents picked up the dead locusts.

"Wow, what a big bug. Although it has been sprayed with medicine, it can still be eaten after washing it."

"It's been a long time since I've eaten meat, today I can be happy."

"I want to eat meat like crazy, God sent meat, why not eat?"

"I laid down a lot of them, all of which were not sprayed with pesticides. I have taken them back and cleaned them up. I plan to roast them and eat them. Do you smell them? The aroma is coming out."

Someone started eating locusts...

When Qiao Xiachu heard this, his expression changed immediately.

She quickly said to Rong Huaiyan: "Huaiyan, this bug cannot be eaten, its gene has been mutated, and the body of those who eat locusts will fester, causing an unstoppable plague. You should report to the base commander quickly, and don't eat locusts. "

When Rong Huaiyan heard this, he threw away the insecticide without hesitation, turned around and rushed towards the base control room without saying a word.

Under the current conditions, it is impossible to study vaccines.

Insufficient scientific personnel.

Once the plague spreads, there will definitely be a large number of dead people.

Ma Ma.

If you don't eat meat, you can die!

Qiao Xiachu was also a little anxious.

The plague spreads very quickly in a closed space.

She didn't care so much, raised her gun, and as soon as she saw someone roasting locusts, she shot them all into slag, and when someone counterattacked, she turned her gun around and said sharply: "Come on, look at your hard head, I'm still faster."

It's useless to be reasonable.

In the face of hunger, once you lose your mind, you can only use strong means to cut it off.

Fortunately, people in the inner city are not short of money.

Most of them are rich, and eating locusts is only a food shortage, so they are fresh.

After Qiao Xiachu forcibly interrupted, many people slowly felt something was wrong, put down the locusts in their hands, and waited for news from the base while watching.

Ten minutes later, the loudspeaker at the base began to play a notification in a loop.

"Notice, urgent notice, all residents of the base are not allowed to eat locusts. The locusts have been genetically mutated and will be poisoned after eating, causing plague. For your life, please put down the locusts in your hands, they are not food!"

The loudspeaker played in a loop, spreading to every corner of the base.

Rong Huaiyan led a team to search the entire base and clean it up from house to house. Once anyone who had eaten locusts was found, they were immediately taken to the isolated area of ​​the base and kept under surveillance.

Hu Guang led a group of base volunteers to carry out a comprehensive sweep of the locusts that fell in the base, so that no locusts could be left behind.

Bring the locusts into the incineration pool for concentrated high-temperature incineration.

However, once the pest plague starts, it does not happen overnight, nor can it be wiped out once it is killed, so the pest control work does not end immediately.

The base has set up an extermination team to patrol the base every day. Once recovery is found, it will be reported to the base's general control room immediately, and the killing will be carried out quickly.

Fortunately, after the first round of cleaning work, the base only lost a large amount of sweet potato reserves.

During the break, the laboratory recognized Qiao Mobai's contribution.

If he hadn't researched pesticides in a targeted manner, and the biochemical team produced so many pesticides, the losses caused by the locusts would be immeasurable, and countless people would die in this plague.

The commander of the base gave him special advice, and strongly supported the heat-resistant sweet potatoes, peppers and tomatoes he developed. The seeds were mass-produced, and then planted on a large scale in the base's plantations.

Qiao Xiachu would give him a bucket of black soil every day.

She is also conditional, 20% of all seeds will be exchanged for treasures that can upgrade the space, whether it is gold or something else.

There is only a small piece of space black land.

Unlimited offers are not available.

But if the black soil wants to expand, it needs treasures.

I can't bear that the child can't catch the wolf.

Qiao Xiachu found that since using black soil to grow various fruits to eat, her body has become different.

The biggest change is physical strength.

In the past, under the high temperature, as long as you stay for half an hour, you will suffer from heat stroke. You must eat ice mushrooms or drink Huoxiang Zhengqi Liquid to continue to improve your body's tolerance.

But since insisting on eating black soil fruits, she is sometimes busy planting for an hour without getting heat stroke. Doesn't her tolerance to temperature become stronger?

The black soil is so rich, she hopes to expand the area a little more.

The more golden treasures the better.

Relying on the spread of this batch of heat-resistant crop seeds is simply the fastest and safest way to collect treasure.

"Oh, I know it's here, sister Qiao, come out for me—"

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