In Xianwu, people evolve infinitely starting from the prince

Chapter 96: Natural disasters are not natural disasters, the peaceful situation is collapsing! (Subs

Mr. Lu Xun said it well: "Inspiration is the lightning of thinking, illuminating the unknown road."

Perhaps, the martial arts sages in this world have thought about opening up a new martial arts practice path from the aspect of horizontal training, and completely getting rid of the shackles of the ancient immortal way.

But they have always overlooked one point.

That is the human body itself.

Whether it is the practice concept of the ancient immortal way or the popular immortal martial arts practice system today, the core is to follow the path of "yin and yang, five elements, and the unity of man and nature".

They always believe that human power is limited, while the power of heaven and earth is infinite. The future of martial arts should be how to use their own limited power to pry the infinite power of heaven and earth, thereby obtaining supreme power and becoming immortals and gods.

In this world, no one knows what cells are, no one understands the mysterious genes of organisms, and no one knows the system composition of the human body.

So when they were pioneering the way of martial arts practice, they always focused their research on the relationship between man and the universe, and ignored the power of the human body itself.

It cannot be said that their practice direction is wrong, but it can only be said that the three concepts they have received since childhood are different.

Just like the Blue Star world in the previous life, before the development of modern science, no one knew the existence of genes and cells, and no one even knew the true process of life.

It can only be said that the practice concept of "harmony between man and nature" and "biological science" are two completely different evolutionary concepts.

One is external, the other is internal.

One is macroscopic, the other is microscopic.

What Yang An has to do now is to find a way to break through the realm of the first-grade heavenly master of martial arts from the perspective of "biological science", and based on this concept, open up a complete modern martial arts practice system.

In this martial arts practice system.

Don't talk about yin and yang and the five elements.

Don't talk about the true meaning of martial arts.

Don't talk about harmony between man and nature.

Don't talk about demons and ghosts.

The main focus is a scientific practice, quantum martial arts.

Punch out, quantum nuclear explosion.

Move your mind, and the magnetic field flips.

No matter what kind of monsters and ghosts you are, they will all disappear.

When Yang An thought of this, he was inexplicably excited. He wanted to go to the practice room immediately to have a good retreat and sort out his quantum martial arts practice system one by one.

"Don't be impatient."

"Don't be impatient."

"Creating a new martial arts practice system is not a one-time achievement, and it requires long-term planning."

"Now that the matter of Dingnan County has just ended, Li Ruhai and the Jinwu Guards who went to rescue have not returned yet. Even if you really want to retreat to sort out the quantum martial arts, you need to wait until Li Ruhai and others come back."

Yang An forcibly suppressed the idea of ​​retreating to sort out the quantum martial arts practice system, and looked far to the northeast of the Governor's Mansion, hoping that Li Ruhai and others would come back safely.

At this time, the Governor's Mansion can be said to be the weakest in terms of defense.

If you really want to retreat at this critical moment.

It is undoubtedly disrespectful to all his subordinates, just like Li Houzhu who sang Houtinghua across the river, it is easy to chill the hearts of his subordinates.

Yang An was thinking about rescuing Guobei County when he saw a figure falling from the sky.

"Eunuch Li, what are you doing?"

Looking at the ragged and embarrassed figure in front of him, Yang An was horrified.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be difficult for him to connect the man in front of him with the Eunuch Li in his memory who was very particular about etiquette.

Thinking more deeply, even a veteran Tianren Grandmaster like Li Ruhai returned in such an embarrassed state, wouldn't the Jinwu Guards and Tiannan City people who went to Guobei County to rescue be wiped out?

When Yang An thought of this, his scalp tingled and he regretted it to the extreme.

If he had known this earlier, he shouldn't have sent people to Guobei County for a little fame.

"I have failed your highness's trust and failed to rescue Dingnan Marquis and Zhao Jun Marquis. Please punish me, Your Highness."

Li Ruhai looked ashamed and bowed to Yang An to apologize.

"Eunuch Li, don't blame yourself. You are not to blame for this. The matter of Guobei County is hopeless. We are just doing our best and leaving it to fate."

Yang An waved his hand and continued: "By the way, why is only Eunuch Li back, and where is Commander Guan?"

He doesn't care about Dingnan Marquis now. The only hope is that the Jinwu Guards who went to rescue can suffer less losses and the Qianjia No. 9 Flying Tower Ship can fly back safely.

If the Jinwu Guards suffer heavy losses and lose a Qianjia No. 9 Flying Tower Ship because of his own decision-making mistakes.

I am afraid that even if he wiped out the Whitebeard Pirates, the final crowning test score will not be very high.

The results of the crowning test are related to the power and resources that a prince can obtain after being crowned king.

After all, there is a huge gap between the Daqian Prince and the Daqian Prince.

The top prince of Daqian can not only enjoy 30% of the tax revenue of a Daozhou, but also serve as the governor of a Daozhou, with certain military power, power to appoint and dismiss officials, mining rights and other powers.

The ordinary prince of Daqian is just a prince, who can only obtain 30% of the tax revenue of a Daozhou, and has almost no other rights.

Although Yang An is determined to compete for the position of the crown prince of Daqian.

But this does not mean that the results of the crown prince assessment are not important to him.

Quite the contrary.

It is precisely because he wants to compete for the position of the crown prince of Daqian that he must get a good score in the crown prince assessment.

Otherwise, even if he is the first to break through the realm of a first-level heavenly master in martial arts and becomes the prince of Daqian, it may be difficult for him to convince the public. And a prince who cannot convince the public is destined to face the doubts of the people in the court, and later Challenged by many competitors.

Yang An is a person who is afraid of trouble.

In order to avoid many troubles and challenges later, he must get a good result in the kingship assessment.

As an old man in the palace, Li Ruhai reacted quickly when he heard Yang An's inquiry and said hurriedly: "Your Highness, don't worry, Commander Guan and the others are fine. They are now working with Lord Zuo Zongzheng to deal with the aftermath of Dingnan County."

"The old servant was mainly worried about His Highness's safety, so he came back early."

I heard that Guan Yuanshao and Jin Wuwei were fine.

Yang An also breathed a sigh of relief and asked curiously: "How is the situation in Dingnan County now?"

"Back to Your Highness, I'm afraid the situation in Dingnan County is not optimistic."

Li Ruhai replied in a solemn voice: "The demons from the Blood Demon Cult made blood sacrifices to Guobei County, which eventually led to the ancient ferocious beast Suzaku breaking out of the seal."

"The Suzaku was violent by nature. After breaking out of the seal, he burned the world with Nan Ming Li Fire. Hundreds of miles around Guobei County were turned into scorched earth. The rivers dried up and the ground was red for thousands of miles. The people suffered heavy casualties."

"So I hope Your Highness will prepare early."

An ancient ferocious beast comparable to a martial arts immortal breaks out of the seal, and the damage caused is undoubtedly very terrifying.

Think about it, after Suzaku broke the seal, even the weather in Tiannan City, which was more than 3,000 miles away, was affected, and the temperature rose several degrees out of thin air.

What about Dingnan County, where the incident occurred?

In Li Ruhai's words, the land with a radius of hundreds of miles centered on Guobei County was all turned into scorched earth, the rivers dried up, the ground was red for thousands of miles, and the people suffered heavy casualties.

What is the concept of the rivers drying up and the red ground thousands of miles away?

It can be summarized in two words.


That’s right, it’s a drought.

It's still a terrible drought.

A terrible drought that will most likely last for months, or even years.

All vegetation, crops, etc. were either burned to ashes by Suzaku's Nanmingli Fire, or they withered directly due to the terrifying high temperature. Even the rivers and lakes were all dried up.

Even because it was burned by the Nanming Lihuo, the hundreds of miles of land around Guobei County may become a restricted area and will no longer be suitable for ordinary people to live in the next few decades.

This is the horror of the higher world.

Don’t think you’re safe by hiding at home and not participating.

Many times, the aftermath of a battle between two warriors is enough to destroy everything.

Just like Dingnan County now.

Just a sealed ancient ferocious beast broke out and caused so much damage.

If two martial arts gods really fought, I'm afraid the entire Haizhou would be reduced to rubble, and tens of millions of people might be gone without even knowing what happened.

As Yang An listened to Li Ruhai's story, he couldn't help but think of the many files he had watched.

In this world, many natural disasters are not real natural disasters.

Severe droughts or heavy rains and floods in many places are not caused by God, but by third-level warriors.

In particular, the battle between the second-grade Dharma Master and the first-grade Heavenly Grandmaster caused destruction at every turn within a radius of hundreds of miles, causing mountain peaks to collapse and rivers to change course, causing many changes in the celestial phenomena, and eventually turned into a natural disaster in the eyes of the world, causing local people to have to leave their homes and become Disaster victims with nothing.

When I first saw these dossier records, I could make a few comments as an outsider.

But when all this happened before my eyes.

Only then did Yang An truly realize that it was not easy for the people at the bottom of the higher world to survive.

Even Yang An thought of more.

Even if he doesn't want to admit it, he can't change the reality.

This peaceful situation is falling apart.

When the ancient immortal weapons of the Nine Sects and Six Paths and the Twelve Families in the World are truly revealed to the world, it also indicates that the status of these twenty-seven forces will once again rise.

Because they really have ancient immortal weapons.

Other forces that do not have ancient immortal weapons must join their sect and gain their protection.

After all, no one or any force dares to bet whether the ancient immortal weapons of these twenty-seven forces will hit their heads directly one day in the future.

One can imagine.

In the next general trend of the world, the Nine Sects and Six Paths and the Twelve Aristocratic Families of the World will inevitably form cliques, and the world of China will usher in a new era of great mergers.

In the past, situations like this must have occurred after the three disasters of the dynasty.

At that time, the world, after the imperial court suffered the impact of the three dynasty disasters, had already suffered heavy losses and was unable to suppress the world. The Nine Sects and Six Paths and the Twelve Aristocratic Families of the World would also show their claws and plunder the world at that time.

After the imperial court's vitality was severely damaged, it had to face the counterattack of the whole world, such as sect disobedience, aristocratic families in rebellion, corrupt officials rampant, powerful ministers, warlords, people's uprising, etc., etc., will also appear one by one.

If the imperial court cannot calm down the chaos in the world in a short period of time, dragons and snakes will rise everywhere, and it will be time to change the dynasty.

Of course, under normal circumstances, even if the court has experienced three dynasty disasters, when the world is in chaos, it will be difficult to compete for a new winner without a hundred or two hundred years of chaos.

Therefore, Yang An was not worried that he would become the king of subjugation after becoming the emperor of Daqian.

Moreover, it is still thirty or forty years away from the three dynasty disasters of the Daqian Dynasty. Such a long time is enough for him to develop silently.

Now that the ancient immortal artifacts of the Nine Sects and Six Paths and the Twelve Families of the World have been revealed to the world, it has undoubtedly accelerated the arrival of the chaos in the world and brought the Nine Sects and Six Paths and the Twelve Families of the World to the forefront in advance.

This is undoubtedly very unfavorable for the Daqian court.

However, Yang An is not very worried.

After all, the three disasters of the dynasty are of great importance. The Nine Sects and Six Paths and the Twelve Families of the World have been planning for this for a thousand years, and it is impossible to change because of a little situation.

More than 30 years.

It is enough for Yang An.

He believes that when the Nine Sects and Six Paths and the Twelve Families of the World want to cause chaos in the world of Shenzhou and set off the blood demon disaster, he will definitely give them a big surprise.

"Eunuch Li looks like this. Could it be that he was attacked by the strong men of the Blood Demon Cult in Dingnan County?"

After Yang An briefly understood the situation in Dingnan County, he asked Li Ruhai and others about the rescue process in Guobei County.

He was very curious.

Who on earth could have made Li Ruhai, the old master of heaven and man, so embarrassed.

It can't be that he was beaten by the fierce beast Suzaku?

It's not that Yang An looked down on Li Ruhai, but with the terrifying beast Suzaku, even if it attacked casually, it was not something that a great master like Li Ruhai could resist.

If the Suzaku beast was really that easy to deal with, the Nine Sects and Six Paths and the Twelve Aristocratic Families would not have directly sacrificed the ancient immortal artifacts and joined forces to force it out of Shenzhou.

Li Ruhai did not hide anything and directly told the story of their group.

"Your Highness is very observant. I admire you."

"I dare not, Your Highness. As soon as I arrived at Guobei County, I was attacked by the monsters of the Blood Demon Cult. The leader was Sima Kong, the Sea Continent God Priest of the Blood Demon Cult."

"In addition to Sima Kong, there were three other gods of the Blood Demon Cult."

"However, thanks to the Blood River Formation of Sima Kong and others, the ferocious beast Suzaku was slightly blocked for a moment, so that I was able to escape the attack of the ferocious beast Suzaku."

"The reason why I am so embarrassed is because I suffered the aftermath of the attack when the ferocious beast Suzaku broke the seal."

In fact, the breaking of the seal of the ferocious beast Suzaku was not completed in an instant.

If it was really completed in an instant, Li Ruhai and others would not have survived the burning of the Nanming Lihuo of the ferocious beast Suzaku.

And the reason why Li Ruhai was so embarrassed was that he was in order to protect the Feitianlou Ship and Guan Yuanshao and others, and suffered the aftermath of the attack when the ferocious beast Suzaku broke the seal.

Just the aftermath of the attack when breaking the seal made a veteran Tianren Grandmaster look humiliated.

This also gave Yang An a clearer understanding of the strength of the fierce beast Suzaku.

But he still had a question.

"Eunuch Li, what do you think the strength of Suzaku has reached? Compared with a completely revived ancient immortal weapon, which one is stronger?"

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