Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1009: Obstruct arms sales?

Mohammed’s little granddaughter is 4 years old this year. Her name is Afifa, which means chastity in Arabic. The little guy was born white, like a flawless white wall, and her black hair is tied behind her head by a red ribbon. The emerald pupils are like fairy tales, full of aura.

Seems to be tired from playing, but still refuses to let go of his little playmate Labrador. He staggered and ran in. Just about to pounce on his grandfather's arms, he saw the stranger Yang Cheng beside him. The Labrador who leaped out suddenly fell, but Hansen's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he subconsciously hugged him, so that the little guy didn't fall to the ground.

   Mohammed was very frightened, and the servants behind Affifa were so scared that they broke out in cold sweat. Only the little guy didn't know the severity but thought it was very funny, hehe laughed endlessly.

   Yang Cheng praised Hansen with his eyes, and, without saying a word, saved Afifa’s disfigurement crisis at him, and Mohammed had to show 120% sincerity to entertain Yang Cheng.

   Mohammed breathed a sigh of relief and said to Yang Cheng, "Thank you for the bodyguard. Afifa is a treasure of my Mansour family."

   Yang Cheng did not dare to take credit, "Oh, thank you, Mr. Mohammed, no one wants to see this little angel hurt."

Affifa still held Labrador's towing rope tightly, came to grandfather bouncely, gave a sweet cry, and then just like a noble little princess, she nodded her head slightly to Yang Cheng Say hello, "Hello gentleman, this is Affifa, I am glad to meet you."

Yang Cheng was surprised that Affifa was able to speak an authentic Oxford accent. However, he knelt on one knee, trying to keep his sight at the same level as Affifa's, as if a knight saluted the princess, gently holding A Feifa's little hand tapped the tip of his nose gently, "Hello beautiful princess, my name is Jason Yang, it is my honor to know you."

   The little girl couldn't help smiling anymore, she seemed very satisfied with Yang Cheng's cooperation, and she didn't say anything.

   Mohammed walked over and rubbed Affifa’s hair, and said softly, “Well, you’re tired from playing too. Go back to the room and take a rest. Don’t catch a cold.”

Asking the servant to take Afifa away, and then explaining to Yang Cheng, "Afifa was born in London and lived in London for many years. He was very intelligent since he was a child, and he is the treasure of our whole family. ."

   Yang Cheng nodded in agreement, "She will become the pride of the Mansour family in the future."

Mohammed very much agrees with Yang Cheng's words, "Of course, you can be regarded as acquaintances. For my face, if Affifa encounters any trouble in the future, please don't hesitate and hesitate to help immediately. , Our Mansour family will never forget your kindness."

   Yang Cheng solemnly promised, "Needless to say, I will do the same. No one wants to see a perfect gem with flaws."

  . . . . . .

   temporarily lived in Mohammed’s villa. The three- and three-story guards in the manor basically ensure the safety of the people in the villa.

After eating at noon, Yang Cheng went back to the room to take a nap. He didn’t sleep well yesterday, and the people didn’t seem to have much energy. After less than 5 minutes of lying down, the door was knocked and Hansen came in and said, "Boss, Mohammed Mr. invites you to the study, saying there is a result."

Yang Cheng rubbed his eyes and walked into the study, and found Mohammed sitting behind the desk with a dignified expression. The bodyguard was also there in the morning. When Yang Cheng came in, Mohammed beckoned and said, "There is news, but I'm afraid things are very troublesome."

   "I have prepared for the worst. Is there anything more troublesome than death?" Yang Cheng said in a self-deprecating tone, because he was 100% responsible for this matter.

   Mohammed said, "It's really more trouble than death. If you die, you'll get a hundred dollars. It's a big deal to get a little more pension. But if the person is not dead and there is nothing to do, then it is trouble."

   "Mr. Mohammed, just tell me, what's going on?" Yang Cheng was confused and couldn't guess.

  "Because I was a little skeptical at the beginning, your people lost contact the next day, and they should not have entered the desert of death so quickly.

When I think of the actions of that guy Nasef, I have reason to suspect that it was him. The facts also proved my guess. The person is in Nasef’s hands. If I guessed correctly, the process should be like this. of:

Your people unexpectedly met with the tomb thief hired by Nasef in the outskirts of the Desert of Death. The two sides quickly fought and met each other. With Nasef as the backing, the tomb thief had the advantage of firepower, and your people could only capture with their hands. Then go with the flow, Nasef will send someone to interrogate, your people will always be unable to bear the interrogation and take the initiative to confess, you know the next thing, probably from the moment your plane landed in Cairo, it has been Nasef caught eye.

   As for him looking for cooperation with you, he should want to divert your attention through profit. He does not want to conflict with you. As long as none of your people go out alive, he can always hide behind him. "

   I have to say that Muhammad's speculation is well-founded, at least Yang Orange can't find a refutation.

   The clenched fist began to turn white, and a sentence was squeezed out between the teeth, "I will never let him go~"

Mohammed pressed his hand and said, "Don't worry, I used to have doubts about the conflict between you and the Saveris family. Now these doubts no longer exist. We have the basis for cooperation, and the rest is just fine. Let's do it, the combined strength of you and me, even the Saveris family has to give in three points."

Yang Cheng sighed, "You are right, I can't worry, so do you have any good ideas? I think if you want to uproot the Savilis family, you have to kill with one blow, or at least inflict serious injuries. Break his arm and talk."

"I think so too. I think we can start with the Jun side. The Saveris family has always been an important partner for the Egyptian Jun side to import weapons. Previously, it has made achievements in the procurement of missiles, tanks and other orders. The arms giants maintain a good relationship.

As far as I know, they are trying their best to promote cooperation with France recently. The ZF is planning to purchase a batch of fighters. The tentative target is the French Rafale fighters. It is expected to purchase 24 aircraft. The price is currently invented by France. For 65 million US dollars, Sisi ZF is very satisfied with the price. If we can disrupt this cooperation or even replace it, Nasef will immediately lose the trust of Jun. "

   Mohammed revealed the plan he had prepared.

Yang Cheng pondered for a moment, “It’s easy to say that it’s to disrupt the procurement process. It’s very simple to disrupt the procurement process. Just buy the relevant person in charge in France and ask him to raise the price to create an opportunity for competitors to enter the market. But how do I replace it? I don’t know anything about it, is there a competitor for the Rafale fighter at this price?"

Mohammed has already responded to this question. "The Rafale is a true all-round multi-role fighter. At present, there are only two models of the same type, the F/A18 Super Hornet and F35, but the prices of the two It must be much higher than the Rafale fighter~"

   Yang Cheng realized, "In other words, if you want Sisi ZF to shift the target, you must first increase the price of the Rafale fighter."

Mohammed nodded, "Yes, the current prices of F/A18 Super Hornet and F35 are 72 million U.S. dollars and 120 million U.S. dollars, respectively. If the price of Rafale increases to 9 digits, Sisi ZF will definitely prefer F35. ."

"One of the two U.S. fighter jets is from Boeing and the other is from Lockheed Martin. Compared with the latter, I have a good relationship with Boeing." Yang Cheng's confidence comes from Delta Air Lines. He is a major Boeing customer. .

   Mohammed smiled. Now he is convinced that he has found a perfect partner. "The parent company of the Rafale is Dassault, and your private jet is from the same company."

   Yang Cheng smiled bitterly, "Smashing this billion-dollar order is equivalent to cutting people's money. I can't come out in person, and I don't want to be chased by Gaolu roosters."

   "Then let me do this. I have no business in Europe. I am not afraid of the French people's accusation. You are responsible for contacting Boeing. It is best if you can let Boeing lower the price."

   Yang Cheng nodded, "I know what to do. In addition, Mr. Mohammed, should you set up a new company to import aircraft? This is the key to replacing it."

   "If the plan is, we will become the new partner of the Egyptian Jun party. By then, we will attack Nasef, and at least the Jun party will not help each other.”

   Yang Cheng waved his hand, "This plan has taken too long to execute. I'm afraid that my people will be unpredictable. Now the first thing is to find a way to rescue them."

Mohammed sighed, "You are right, but I can't do anything about it. Your man was locked up in the barracks by Nasef. I can't send anyone to rob him. That's why I want to target the Jun party. The reason for planning the purchase order, as long as we have the support of Jun party, we have a reason to ask Nasef for someone."

Yang Cheng's brows gathered together tightly, "No, I can't wait that long. If you wait a day, there will be more danger. Then, please tell me the address of the detention. I will use my own people to rescue them. In Egypt, it’s a fresh face and won’t cause vigilance. As long as you disguise yourself, they will have no evidence even if they know that I did it.”

Mohammed knew he couldn’t persuade him, so he thought about it and said simply, “Okay, I’ll send someone to help. Just mention what you need, and I’ll prepare. If the rescue is successful, I’ll prepare the retreat route to ensure you leave safely. Egypt."

Yang Cheng nodded and thanked him, but he was not ready to leave like this. The matter was not finished yet. "Just make sure that my people leave successfully. As for myself, Mr. Mohammed need not worry. I still don't believe in the Saveris family. Dare to detain me in Egypt blatantly."

   Mohammed was silent for a moment, "Do as you say~"

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