Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1127: Source leak (1)

This penthouse apartment is worthy of the king's level, with supporting swimming pools, private cinemas, spas, squash rooms and more. In addition, the Royal Air Force has specially provided this most luxurious apartment with a security force composed of veteran special forces.

According to the agent, a hidden emergency shelter is specially set up in this world's most expensive apartment. If the occupant is robbed or kidnapped, he can hide in this shelter within ten seconds and gain enough time. Come for help.

Safety is undoubtedly the top priority for those who are so desperate for their lives. This configuration of Hyde Park can be regarded as touching the hearts of the rich, and the money is not lightly paid out.

The agent took Yang Cheng to the huge floor-to-ceiling window facing Hyde Park, and pointed to the balcony road with a slightly exposed corner. "That is the top floor apartment of Building D. The layout is the same as the apartment we are currently in, but the size is It should be smaller. The current owner is a rich man from Eastern Europe. I can't tell the owner's information due to the need for confidentiality. However, in order to let his family enjoy a higher quality of life, he chose the loan method to complete the transaction. "

The underlying meaning is that this mansion is worth any price you pay.

Price nodded and added, “As far as I know, there are 4 top-floor mansions in Hyde Park One, of which three buildings A, B, and D already have owners, and only building C is left."

Yang Cheng nodded and said nothing. The house is good, but he is not ready to buy it. On the one hand, it is expensive. On the other hand, he is not resident in London. If it is a waste, he has to spend a lot of money to maintain it. The appreciation potential of the number is almost exhausted, and there is no need for investment.

Moreover, he really wants to invest, he would not buy the top floor apartment, the small apartment downstairs, tens of millions of pounds, there are many people who can afford it, and it is more convenient to sell once they need to cash out. .

With this in mind, he wrote down the matter, and then asked Carson to do a survey before deciding whether to invest.

After returning to the manor, Andrew actually came back, "Boss, the goal is to go home early in the morning, and then fly to Greece on a civilian flight with luggage. I checked and she urgently booked a room in a resort and made an appointment. It took half a month."

Yang Cheng asked strangely, "Is she going out to avoid the limelight? Or is she relaxing?"

Andrew shook his head, obviously he couldn't answer this question.

After pondering for a while, she didn't even think that this woman could make waves, so she didn't care about it. She said, "All right, you guys have a good rest, and you will return to New York tomorrow."

Andrew responded, but Hansen reminded, "Boss, number 29, "Fifty Shades of Darkness" will be premiered in London."

Yang Cheng paused, "I won't go, the last one was a big hit, this one shouldn't be too bad, and William will help support the scene, there is nothing to worry about."

He thinks very well, and there is really nothing to worry about. New Era Pictures has long been on the right track. Under the control of Donna Lande, the company's momentum is getting better and better. With the series of several hundred million yuan The investment went online, and it has faintly gained the limelight of the peak period of DreamWorks.

In particular, with the injection of Yang Cheng's large sum of funds, it has made up for the lack of the original distribution channels of Lionsgate. This alone is far beyond the DreamWorks of the year.

At its peak, DreamWorks was frantically suppressed by the six major companies and failed to have its own overseas distribution channels for a long time, which greatly restricted the development of DreamWorks.

However, New Era Pictures acquired Lionsgate and several small and medium-sized film companies in one step, directly gaining the distribution channels that Lionsgate has built in more than 10 years. It can be said that it has perfectly realized the corner overtaking, even because of the new Time Media’s advantage in online distribution surpasses the Big Six to a certain extent, directly severing the idea of ​​suppressing the Big Six.

In the film industry, mastering the distribution channels can basically gain an invincible position and find the films to be released. Even if the grandma's family is lost, the distribution department will have money to make, and even account for a significant proportion of the company's total revenue.

However, the only thing that the new era film industry lacks is its influence in the MPAA. MPAA is the Motion Picture Association of America. The grading system they developed is equivalent to the big scissors of country Z, and it is one of the top of all film companies. The **** dagger, and the people who control this dagger are the Big Six. When they want to go outside, they will stab the dagger without hesitation.

A movie can be classified as PG-13, but the MPAA will give you an R grade or even the more disgusting NC-17. Do you have a way? Anyway, the small film company can only pinch his nose to recognize it.

Of course, although these are all qian rules, the MPAA still has to maintain a fair, open, and just face. If a comedy is forcibly classified as NC-17, the MPAA will not be able to stop the people's saliva.

But no matter what, only if you infiltrate the MPAA into the MPAA, the outside world will recognize your status as a giant, otherwise you will be the enhanced version of DreamWorks, but you will not be able to turn the Big Six into the Big Seven. Plus one in the'one


However, the MPAA should not be rushed. Donna Lande is already operating. Apart from smashing a large sum of money, it takes more time to accumulate. Not to mention, just the copyright library, New Era Pictures will not be able to hook. The threshold of giants.

However, the most important thing right now is not the issue of classification, but the ‘bad news’ that Yang Cheng received as soon as he landed.

There is news from New Era Pictures. Nowadays, a ten-minute clip of "Fifty Shades of Darkness" is circulating on the Internet. It is tantamount to a blow to Yang Cheng. He also vowed that nothing would happen before. .

But now not only has it happened, but it's the most serious one.

The movie hasn't been released yet, and there are fragments on the Internet. This is not an official trailer, but a complete plot fragment. What does this mean?

Means the source of the film leaked! Means someone is doing things!

Yang Cheng got into the Maybach with a serious face, and the mobile phone rang from time to time, collecting information and sending it to Yang Cheng so that he could understand the progress of the matter.

To be honest, the impact of film leakage can be large or small. For some niche films, early leakage is a good gimmick, and it may take the opportunity to harvest a wave of box office.

But for those hot movies with high investment costs, leaks mean losses. Previously, popular blockbusters such as "Wolverine", "The Expendables 3", "Wild Hunter", and "Xtreme Agent 3" have been tragically leaked. It spread quickly on the Internet.

The most typical one was in 2009, the 20th Century Fox, the producer of "Wolverine", lost more than US$50 million due to the leak of the entire film. Now a similar incident has happened to New Era Pictures, which caused a disaster. I am afraid it is more serious.

Donna Lande is temporarily unable to care who the main plotter of the investigation is to cause the leak. No one believes that it was unintentional. It was 100% caused by some kind of indiscretion.

But the most important thing right now is to put out the fire quickly. Donna Lande has applied for the assistance of the parent company. The media company has already started deleting videos online, but the speed of video propagation is comparable to the propagation of bacteria, even if most of the staff of the network department are mobilized. Can't be deleted.

Maybach rushed toward the company, Yang Cheng searched the news on the Internet with a solemn expression, guessing that the **** caused the incident, and if he was caught, he would have to take a big break.

At this time, the phone rang suddenly, and Yang Cheng connected without hesitation, "Susu, what's the situation?"

Susu did not dare to delay, and said directly, "Ms. Donna Lande has heard that a hacker sent an email to her president's mailbox, threatening New Era Pictures to pay 5,000 bitcoins immediately, or immediately announce the complete "Fifty Degrees of Darkness". Edition source."

Yang Cheng's face is dark, hacker? Hacker again? God knows how much hackers have given the bastards.

He didn’t believe that this was the work of hackers. The database of New Era Pictures was constructed by the engineers of the Toutiao app. Normal hackers can’t even penetrate the first firewall, and powerful hackers don’t bother to steal film sources to make money. , It's not realistic at all.

Moreover, it takes 5,000 bitcoins to open the mouth. At the current price of more than 800 U.S. dollars, 5,000 is worth a total of 4 million U.S. dollars. This is not a threat at all. Another way of thinking is to understand that the victim cannot come up with 4 million U.S. dollars to compromise~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Therefore, the other party is telling you in quack: I do not accept negotiations.

However, this matter reminds Yang Cheng. If he remembers correctly, Bitcoin will usher in a crazy rise from this year. The highest seems to have risen to $19,000, even at an average price of $1,000. Buy it, that's 19 times the profit, **** Christ, thank you dear hacker.

Yang Cheng laughed inexplicably. This was considered a crooked attack. The other party wanted to threaten, but he didn't expect to remind Yang Orange of a chance to make a lot of money. It was really interesting.

Thinking about it this way, he felt that the loss of a movie was nothing.

Of course, these are two different things, he least likes being threatened, let alone threats with unknown intentions.

Su Su said again, "Ms. Donna Lande has contacted the F~B~I Los Angeles branch, hoping to get help."

Yang Cheng was taken aback, looking for F~B~I? It's a bit unreliable. To use a joke that Lao Mei often makes, "Where is F~B~I? They only live in the scripts of American drama directors."

In the past, those filmmakers who were stolen from film sources had not found F~B~I, but the number of threats was small before, and F~B~I was too lazy to spend time, and they were helpless in the subsequent theft of film sources. , And even try to persuade the film crew to pay the ransom, "To be honest, the money they want can't cover your bill for spending a night at the Cannes Hotel!"

Anyway, Yang Cheng didn't hold any hope for F~B~I, but he didn't say anything. This is a necessary process.

He hesitated and ordered, "I have about 20 minutes to get to the company. You remind Donna that she should be prepared for emergency public relations, greet the big media in Hollywood, and speak for us when necessary."

America indulge in life

America indulge in life

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