Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1220: Bank small opening

At three o'clock in the morning, in a weird silence, Irene's right eyelid jumped, always feeling that something bad happened. She didn't know the rumors that the left eye jumped for money and the right eye jumped disaster, but the eyelid jumps are not normal. thing.

When her parents slept next to Chuang, Irene stood up and turned her head. She couldn't help falling to the ground without seeing the figure she imagined.

After hesitating, he walked out of the ward and saw Yang Cheng playing with his mobile phone against the wall at the end of the corridor. The feeling of emptiness in his heart was instantly enriched.

Yang Orange heard the sound of opening the door, and met Irene's eyes, passing through the dark curtain and meeting in the air, colliding fierce sparks.

"Oppa~" Irene stepped unconsciously and came to Yang Cheng, with her small face up, her milky skin glowing white in the dark.

"Why did you come out? Don't sleep for a while?" Yang Cheng put away the phone, put his hands in his pockets, and asked with concern.

Irene shook her head, "Can't sleep, oppa, go and open a room for a while. After driving for so long, you must be exhausted."

"Go to sleep, I'll help you stare~" Yang Cheng resolutely denied Irene's proposal. What a joke, at this time, we must create an environment for Irene that no one can count on except herself. Maybe at this time he shot and escaped.

Seeing Yang Cheng’s face that no one can shake, Irene knew that her words would not be effective, so she turned around and leaned against the wall like Yang Cheng, with her head lowered, "Who on earth caused Zhuyan to be so miserable? ~"

She should be feeling something~

"When my sister wakes up, everything will be clear." Yang Cheng said calmly.

Irene nodded, suddenly turned to face Yang Cheng, her eyes were extremely firm, "oppa, can you promise me one thing?"

Yang Cheng was a little surprised, "Of course, you know how I treat you, as long as I can do it, I will definitely agree."

Irene's eyes kept fixed, "What if I ask oppa to help Joo Yeon fight for fairness?"

Yang Cheng looked at Irene's jade-like jade-like face seriously, without speaking.

Irene looked sad, "Can't it?"

Yang Cheng grinned, and suddenly said, "Help, why not help? Brother-in-law helped sister-in-law~"

Although Irene smiled bitterly, she didn't refuse the title. Perhaps at this time, in her helpless heart, it feels good to have Yang Cheng relying on it?

"Go and rest for a while, I'll call you if something happens~" Yang Cheng helped Irene smooth her hair and said softly.

Irene hugged Yang Cheng, as if a cat who was arrogant and accustomed to it suddenly became docile. After a little surprised, Yang Cheng smiled and hugged him into her arms, feeling the delicate fragrance of the beautiful woman's body, soft. Yang Cheng's bony body is hot, is this a beautiful woman?

"Thank you oppa~" Irene just murmured in a voice she could hear, and immediately let go of Yang Cheng, and trot back to the ward.

Yang Cheng's hands are still holding the embracing posture, the poor temperature still exists, and the beautiful lady has gone.

Not long after Irene entered the ward, Yang Cheng saw Andrew leading a small young man walking over.

Yang Cheng's heart moved. It is estimated that the local snake introduced by Li Zhiyu has arrived.

He walked up quickly and gestured to them, "Say another place~"

The three came to a public lounge on the 8th floor. Only then did Yang Cheng have time to look at the young people. They were not tall and had a standard Chinese character face, and their squinted eyes were small, but they couldn't hold back their spirits. They were all made by a designer. His suit demonstrates a good temperament.

The young man who was looked at by Yang Cheng did not dare to have any dissatisfaction. Before he came, he received repeated instructions from Li Zhiyu and Li Zhiyu’s friends, that is, his introducer, that Yang Cheng must be treated as an ancestor. Yang Cheng is a little bit dissatisfied, and his family will suffer.

Not to mention what will happen to his family, this young man woke up in his sleep and encountered a crisis inexplicably. Of course, from another perspective, this is not an opportunity. It is a good opportunity to climb the sky and attach to the top boy Li Zhiyu, absolutely not allowed. miss.

Therefore, when Yang Cheng looked at it with eyes that the young man disliked, the young man not only did not show dissatisfaction, but instead used his own momentum to cater to Yang Cheng and try to make a good impression on Yang Cheng.

"You were introduced by Li Zhiyu?" Yang Cheng finally finished her appearance and asked.

Young and popular, he nodded quickly, "Yes, Brother Yang, I received a call from Brother Zhiyu himself, and he asked me to listen to Brother Yang when I arrived. No matter what it is, just leave it to me. "

After a pause, I remembered that I hadn't introduced myself yet, and patted my forehead sadly, "Sorry, Brother Yang, I was too nervous and forgot to introduce me. My name is Li Minzai. My family is quite influential in the banking industry. I am in Daegu. You can also say a few words. Just leave it to me if you have something for Brother Yang.

Yang Cheng nodded, said politely, and said with a cold face, "Li Min is here, you have a hard time running at night, my girlfriend's sister was beaten by someone, and I need to know what happened. , And the list and background of the hands-on party."

This is also a kind of test. If you can't even find out what happened, don't be a snake, just jump into the water and make snake soup.

Sure enough, Li Min was patting his chest confidently, "No problem, I will check it now~"

Yang Cheng motioned Andrew to give away with his eyes, let's see what kind of answer Li Minzai would give him.

. . .

After five o’clock in the morning, the doctors and nurses on the morning shift were in place one after another. The corridors gradually became popular, and they were not so gloomy. It didn’t take long for the doctors to take the nurses to make rounds and walked to Pei Zhuyan’s ward. It's the end.

The doctor opened the and awakened the three Pei family who were sleeping.

Father Pei stood up abruptly and smiled at the doctor courteously, "Excuse me, how is my daughter's injury? Why hasn't he woken up yet?

The doctor did not answer, peeled off Pei Zhuyan's eyelids, tested the pupil reaction with a flashlight, and then said to Father Pei, "Don't worry, the patient is not life-threatening, it may be a shock, and the subconscious does not want to wake up, wait a minute. ."

Father Pei listened to it, and thanked him all the time. Pei Zhuyan also bowed at 90 degrees and asked the doctor to treat his sister with heart.

Yang Cheng, who came in behind the doctor, blocked the doctor's way, handed him the phone, and smirked, "Don't worry, listen to the call first."

The doctor ignored him, thinking it was a manifestation of the patient's anxiety, but Yang Cheng added, "Listen to your dean's call."

Before leaving last night, Li Min was asked by Yang Cheng to say hello to the hospital. He was able to give the hospital special treatment. Why not?

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