Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1600: The title of the princess

"Jason, here, I have been waiting for you for a long time~"

Yang Cheng retracted Wen Qing's hypocritical gaze, and opened her hand to Beckham, "It's as if I won't come to your party to stop it."

Beckham said sternly, "It's really possible, let's go, let me introduce to you, by the way, Harry is here too~"

Yang Cheng was startled, "So free?"

Beckham shook his head, "I was also surprised, but I just tried to send an invitation. I didn't expect the other party to confirm the attendance at the first time, and he came early and brought his girlfriend with him. Maybe it was watching Beatrice. face?"

Without understanding for a while, Yang Cheng's silent roots entered the villa behind.

Before I had time to look at the interior decoration, I saw a golden-haired Harry and his girlfriend Megan walking out of the hall hand in hand.

Beckham obviously didn't expect this play, is this going to leave?

He hurried up, "Harry, what are you guys?"

Harry smiled and waved his hand, "Don't get me wrong, how could we leave before the party officially started, but Megan suddenly found that her beloved earrings were adjusted, maybe on the speedboat, I will accompany her back to find~"

At this moment, he looked at Yang Cheng and was taken aback for a while, then greeted enthusiastically, "Heyjason, it's been a long time~"

Yang Cheng hugged him, and then hammered the opponent's chest, "Yes, I often meet William~"

Harry nodded, "We'll talk later, let's find earrings first~"

Beckham immediately said, "I'll send someone to help you, by the way, help you light up, otherwise there will be nothing in the darkness."

"Thank you~" Harry would not refuse.

Watching the two of them go to the pier, Yang Cheng shook his head. He was still not optimistic about the pair. That Meghan was too good at it. It was a typical example that he wouldn’t die if he didn’t die. I don’t know where Harry liked her , Maybe different from ordinary people in that respect?

Going to the hall first, the voices are full of people, a scene of drunken gold fans, of course, one by one is very dignified, but to take off the wild.

Under the leadership of Xiaobei, I thought a snake with several local celebrities in Milan, and finally met the legendary little Italian princess and Princess Beatrice of Monaco. Of course, she can be so famous. Because of the latter, if she hadn't joined the Monaco royal family with a high profile, perhaps few people would know that there is also a hermit aristocrat in Italy, the Borromeo family.

Speaking of the Princess of Monaco, the first thing people think of should be Grace. She is also called the "Legend Princess" by many media, and because of her appearance, Monaco is famous in the world. Everyone pays attention to this country. life.

Grace used to be an excellent actor and a good mother after marriage, but it is a pity that she was put on a green hat by the prince, and she also ended up in a fate, which is sad.

After that is Princess Charlene, she is also known as the most beautiful princess in Europe. She was once a swimmer and she was praised as a "mermaid".

Her beauty is as stunning as the original Grace, her big eyes seem to hide the galaxy, but it is no longer suitable to be called the princess now, because Charlene is now the queen of Monaco, and she gave birth to Albert II. For the cute fetus of dragon and phoenix, she has had several bonds with Yang Cheng.

After that, with Beatrice's "marrying down", the title of the most beautiful princess was also transferred, and no one raised objections, and even felt that Beatrice was more worthy of this title.

Beatrice has been a reporter and a model. She has a slender figure and a nearly perfect proportions. There is no clothing she can't support. Whenever she comes on stage, the spotlight will automatically focus, especially in the background of the ugly duckling princesses in Europe. Next, she is like an elegant swan, dazzling.

It may also be because of the experience of being a reporter, arrogant but very down-to-earth, and always look downright and generous. A man will be moved by it.

Unfortunately, in the real world, there is no story of a toad eating swan meat. Let alone ordinary people, even Yang Cheng will inevitably be nervous and even feel inferior in the face of such an outstanding woman who is backed by a top family.

Well, inferiority complex may be an exaggeration, but tension is inevitable.

The two of them arrived in front of Beatrice, who was in Zhongxing Pengyue one after another. Before Becky could introduce him, Beatrice used the starry eyes to meet Yang Orange's dark eyes. "Jason?"

Beatrice is wearing a black off-shoulder long dress today, revealing a delicate collarbone, which is very elegant. The graceful figure is perfectly outlined by this dress. The dress is dotted with diamonds, not rhinestones. The white diamond of the Eight Classics seems to be tailor-made by the designer, except for her, no woman can control it so perfectly.

Yang Cheng retracted his quick gaze and said in surprise, "Do you know me?"

The surprised rhetorical question was slightly impolite, and leaned quickly after realizing, "Sorry~"

He thought for a long time before he came up with a correct title. First of all, Monaco is just a Their Albert II only bears the title of prince (equal to the duke, but the title is different), followed by a series of The titles of Duke and Marquis are the titles of French territories. Unfortunately, France is no longer a monarchy. The dozens of titles that follow are not used by Luan. His children can inherit the title, but he was only an illegitimate son, and the orthodox was just born. Still not used for luan;

Secondly, Beatrice’s husband, Pierre, is really just the nephew of Albert II. In other words, his mother is the sister of Albert II. He is said to be the heir in the line, but with the throne. It is estimated that the relationship is only 50 cents. Except for the beautiful title of the prince, it seems that there is no actual knighthood, or there is, but Yang Cheng does not know that the duchess and the like cannot be barked, so he was confused, no Know what to call.

The princess cannot be used directly because Pierre does not have a title, like Kate, the official name can be the Duchess of Cambridge or Princess William of Wales!

What about Beatrice? Anyway, Yang Cheng couldn't understand these messy names of European aristocrats. At this moment, he hoped that Carson would be by his side to remind him, but it was unrealistic.

Fortunately, Atris is very clever. It may be because of a reporter's relationship. She is very conscious of her words. Seeing Yang Cheng's awkward appearance after an apology, she knows that the other party is worried about the title.

He chuckled and took the initiative, "Just call me Beatrice~"

In fact, it's not wrong to call Mrs. Casiraji, but in such a relaxed private party, there is no need to be so serious, not to mention Yang Cheng is not an ordinary person.

Yang Cheng smiled, with a trace of gratitude in her eyes, thank you for this smart woman, for not letting him lose face in the public


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