Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1675: Value-added UK property


For the players in Hull City, when the whistle of the game ended, the only feeling was relief, and finally no longer need to suffer.

The **** figures deeply hurt the heart of every Hull city.

But for Liverpool fans, this is a gift from the team.

This game not only created a team history record for Liverpool with the largest win in a single game, but also made the whole world realize the horror of Liverpool from the heart.

Messi and Harry Kane have staged a big four, this new attack combination broke out at Anfield like a nuclear bomb.

If it weren't for the European war trip to Apennines, Loew replaced the two winning heroes in advance, and I am afraid the final score would be even worse.

After the game, the Anfield stadium was full of jubilation. The fans refused to leave for a long time. Even if the players came out several times, they failed to extinguish the fans' enthusiasm.

"Liverpool fans are awesome~"

Messi, who put on his slippers and walked away with the team, chatted with Gerrard in the coach uniform and applauded at the tens of thousands of fans in the stands.

"Of course, Liverpool's fans are the best~" Gerrard echoed.

In the chairman's box, Yang Cheng is also accepting congratulations from the members of the Hull City Club, but the smiles on their faces are a bit far-fetched. It is understandable that no one can laugh after losing such a big score.

After sending off the guests, Ian El breathed a sigh of relief, "Every time I face the opponent who loses, I always feel ashamed~"

Yang Chengbai gave him a glance, "When you say this, don't laugh so cheaply, I will believe it~"

Ian El shrugged his shoulders indifferently, "I hope I will have more guilt days in the future~"

"I suggest you call the people in Hull city back and say it again in front of them~"

"Ha ~ no no, I want to live a few more years."

Ian El's gloating appearance, if he is seen by an outsider, he can't tell how he will scold him.

"By the way, do you want to go to Naples with the team next week?"

"I'll talk about it depending on the situation. If there is nothing wrong, I will go there."

After a pause, Chong Susu and Liu Junyu beckoned, "Go, let's go back to the manor~"

It was originally promised to be a guest at Messi's house tomorrow, but considering that there will be a Champions League match soon, and Yang Cheng also made an appointment with the Beckhams, he simply waited until the offseason to be a guest at Beihai Manor together.

Returning to the North Sea Manor by helicopter, Carson had already lined up outside the apron to welcome him with his servants.

In order to welcome the owner’s return, all the lights in the Beihai Manor were lit up, and the roads in the manor were overlooked from the air, like the capital letter Y. This is the initial letter of Yang Cheng’s surname. Originally, there was no such pattern. With a little perfection and meticulous care of the details in the manor, this scene can be seen.

"Master, welcome back, I have prepared a supper~"

"Yeah~ Eat some, it just happens to be a little hungry~"

Turning his head and blinking at Susu, "Pick a bedroom closer to me~"

Su Suqiao blushed, and said slightly, "I see~"

Liu Junyu shook his head helplessly, pretending that she hadn't heard it, and she couldn't care about some things, so she simply pretended to be deaf and dumb.

While eating supper, Yang Cheng asked, "Are there any special circumstances in the UK recently?"

Carson stood on one side and said, "The most special case is the British real estate market, which has frequently set high transaction records, both in transaction volume and price."

Yang Cheng put down the milk cup in his hand, "tell me in detail~"

"I didn't deliberately understand. Only by relying on TV, newspapers, the Internet and other channels, I know that in the past three months, there have been more than 10 investment transactions involving billions of pounds in investment, and this investment momentum is very strong. Fierce, experts expect it will last at least until the end of next year."

Yang Cheng didn't feel surprised. When Brexit just broke out, global speculators focused their attention on the British Isles. Many top wealthy people, including Li Chaoren and the old stock gods, were optimistic about Britain, and naturally they would follow suit.

Needless to say, Yang Cheng can guess which countries the funds for investing in the UK come from. He dares to pack votes, and at least 50% of the funds come from country Z.

Carson added, "PricewaterhouseCoopers just released a statistic that from the fourth quarter of 2015 to the third quarter of 2016, during this period of time, the investment in the German and British real estate markets was 64 billion euros. And 58 billion euros, third place is France’s 18 billion euros."

Yang Orange nodded, "The flow of money is the most illustrative of the problem. At present, most of the money that the world invests in the European real estate market is in the UK. This shows a very important point. The UK is still optimistic about global investors. A piece of gold rush."

"Yes, among the many cities in the UK, London is undoubtedly the first choice for investment. From the fourth quarter of 2015 to the third quarter of 2016, London attracted a total of 30 billion euros in real estate investment, leading the second place, Berlin by more than 10 billion.

Among them, funds from the East are particularly eye-catching. Simply put, in these sets of figures, funds from the East account for more than 70%. "

Yang Orange was surprised, "So many?"

He thought that 50% was enough, but he did not expect the proportion to account for 70%. You must know that country Z is restricting foreign exchange losses and controlling overseas investment. Even so, there is still so much money going to the UK. I really admire these people. means.

"Where else is the funds?"

Carson said without hesitation, “In addition to the Oriental investment institutions, including the largest apartment investment managers in the United States, world-renowned private equity, funds, large-scale development companies and other institutional investors, after the inside information of the UK’s Brexit announcement came out. Hundreds of millions, billions, and a total of nearly tens of billions of pounds, came to the UK to buy bottoms~"

Yang Cheng sighed, "This is taking advantage of the downturn in the market."

"The rich people in the Middle East are very eager to squeeze into this hot investment market. Qataris account for 20%, Bahrain accounted for 15%, and Yemen also has 5%. The Saudi royal family has announced that they will invest at least 20% in London. 100 million pounds of commercial real estate projects, as soon as the news came out, all the plots near the project plan appreciated with the highest increase of more than 40%."

Yang Cheng sighed again and again, not convinced, knowing that Britain is about to leave the European Union, there are so many people who are optimistic about the United Kingdom, which is somewhat unreasonable to ordinary people.

But for capital, they have witnessed history. The UK has a sound legal system and respect for capital, and the UK's real estate market can bring investors the only'certainty', in other words, no matter what happened in the UK in the past In the big event, the real estate market is still stable, and the appreciation is steady and orderly, which is more important to investors.

"By the way, recently a Saudi prince sent someone to ask if our manor can be sold to him~"

Yang Cheng found it interesting, "What price did he offer?"

"The first price was 1.2 pounds, and I took the initiative to leave room for price increases~"

Yang Cheng laughed, "The price is pretty good, but I don't lack this money~"

Carson breathed a sigh of relief, "It seems I don't need to find a new job~"

Yang Cheng laughed more loudly, "Don't worry, Old Carson, even if I sell Beihai Manor, I will find a bigger and better castle for you to take care of."

"I still like our manor~"

"Yes, I like it too, so I won't sell it, this is my home!"

There was a pause, "But we have invested a lot of properties in London, right?"

"Yes, sir, I used the castle fund you handed over to me to buy a total of 22 apartments in London, most of which are 80-150 square meters of landscape apartments. The price has increased by about 50% compared to the purchase price."

"Very good, there should be room for appreciation. Are the apartments rented out?"

"Yes, most of the apartments we buy are leased to senior white-collar workers or gold-collar workers working in the Financial City, and the price is 10% higher than the market price."

"Okay, with this income, it is enough to pay the servants."

"Yes, the manor has become formal, and the cows and sheep we raise are also profitable. Now the manor is completely self-sufficient~"

"That's good, I can't stay in the UK for too long this time."

"Understood, another invitation letter from the International Boat Show in Southampton~"

"Yacht show? I didn't have the need to buy a yacht recently, so I won't go, but Southampton..."

Yang Cheng hesitated slightly, touching the back of his head, he suddenly remembered that Southampton is also a good investment target.

"I'm not going to the yacht show, but Southampton can go around and book the train tickets for tomorrow. You come with us~"


. . . . . .

The next morning, Yang Cheng woke up naturally when she slept, with the fragrance of the beautiful lady still left beside her, and there was still a hint of warmth in the bed.

Seeing a beautiful figure in the dim, with his back facing him combing his hair, there will be no second person besides Susu.

"Why get up so early?"

"It's getting late, isn't it going to Southampton? Butler Carson just knocked on the door. It's time to get up for breakfast and set off. I booked a train ticket for 11 o'clock." Susu said softly.

"Oh, yes, I'm all asleep, what time is it?"

"It's almost 10 o'clock~"

"It's so late? That's affordable~"

Yang Cheng stretched her waist and slid down from the silky chuang standing beside the chuang, stretching her limbs!

Nan'an is basically one of the few cities in the UK where you can see the sun. Compared with London's gray main color, Southampton is much brighter here. Don’t look at the two cities where there is only more than an hour. , But the climate is very different.

And compared to London’s fast-paced and internationalized life, Southampton’s leisurely and orderly life is undoubtedly more popular among people who pursue high-quality life. Many people working in London choose to settle their homes in Southampton after work. Strolling in the streets, visiting the supermarket, buying some food and going back to cook, alleviate your fatigue, but it is quite a pleasant thing.

Of course, if you don’t want to start a fire on your own, you can choose to sit in a restaurant or bar by the sea and spit out fish sticks with anyone, and the weather in London is also a good choice.

In the UK, there are only a handful of cities that take into account the natural environment and good weather at the same time. Southampton is one of them. This is a city where you can take pictures of wallpapers without adding filters. The most important thing is the radiation of London. Circle, this has all the necessary factors for high-end real estate.

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