Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1990: Xiaozha dare to think

In Yang Cheng's view, aside from mentioning other countries, the United States is the first country that may loosen up.

As mentioned earlier, the cryptocurrency Libra developed by Facebook is fundamentally different from virtual currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Its value is linked to the actual currency.

For example, if you have 100 U.S. dollars on hand, you can change it to 100 "Libra coins", and then you can use Libra coins to pay for transactions. Of course, if you have other currencies on hand, such as pounds, euros, etc., you can also follow the corresponding rules. The ratio of is exchanged for Libra coins.

Therefore, the value of Libra is strictly linked to real currencies, and its price fluctuations will be very small, and it will not fluctuate like Bitcoin.

Some people may ask, currency is already very convenient, especially the U.S. dollar is already the world currency and can be conveniently used for payment, why bother to switch to Libra? Isn't this asking for trouble?

Of course this is not the case. This set of Libra coins is almost equivalent to the unification of the currencies of the six countries into Qin’s "half two" money after Qin Shihuang unified the six countries.

Although the U.S. dollar is prevalent now, the people of country Z still use soft sister currency in country Z. In more than a dozen countries in the euro zone, they still use the euro. The RB people obviously use the yen. When it comes to international currency settlement , Then there is a cost, and the timeliness is relatively poor.

If it is a business, the intermediate exchange costs, hedging costs, and the costs of enduring exchange rate fluctuations are even higher.

If there is such a set of Libra coins at this time, it would be equivalent to unifying the global currency and eliminating all these costs.

Moreover, the reason why Facebook took the lead in doing this is because it is the company with the most users in the world: 2.7 billion users, almost 37% of the global population, and they are distributed almost all over the world;

Penguin, the company with the most users in country Z, is only one billion+. As long as Facebook can popularize this set of Libra coins among its users, then he will surely be able to successfully spread to the world.

For large countries, users may not be too cold about Libra, and regulatory authorities may also set numerous restrictions. However, in countries with unstable currencies, such as Venezuela, Zimbabwe, and Argentina, Libra may become more popular and become more popular than the local currency. More important payment methods.

It stands to reason that such a currency will become a competitor of the US dollar. Why is it that the United States is most likely to loosen up?

The reason is simple. Facebook is a US company and must comply with US laws and regulations. Therefore, no matter how bad Libra is, it must follow the US dollar. The US dollar can also use Facebook users to take the opportunity to expand the hegemony of the US dollar.

As long as Libra dared to take steps to develop freely, it may be cancelled by the US ZF.

Even boldly imagine that in the future, Libra may be completely pegged to the US dollar and become a digital form of the US dollar. The penetration of the US dollar will be stronger and the global dominance will be stabilized.

That's why Yang Cheng said that as long as public relations are in place, the United States might be the first country to let go.

So now Yang Cheng needs to consider whether to join this plan that seems to coexist with risks and opportunities.

Xiao Zha's meaning couldn't be more obvious. He wants Facebook and Toutiao to merge someday, just like Fox and Disney.

At the same time, he also hopes that Yang Cheng, his main opponent, can be less ambitious and be a major shareholder who only takes dividends.

But he seems to be thinking too much, not to mention whether Yang Cheng is willing to sell, even if the two are really merged, why should he be a major shareholder without power and let Xiaozha manage the company?

Well, Yang Cheng is really not willing to spend his brain and energy, is it not good to enjoy life with money?

Then again, this company must not be sold, and even if it is sold, it will not be sold to Xiaozha. This is certain.

But this cooperation is worthy of serious consideration.

Xiaozha said frankly, "To be honest, I was forced to come here this time. Facebook is at a disadvantage in advancing its global cryptocurrency plan."

This is not difficult to understand. With the current ZZ controversy on Facebook, it is possible to pull a strong partner, and even give up the dominant power at the end.

Zuckerberg added, “I’m pretty sure that people want someone to advance this idea, not Facebook.”

Yang Cheng said, "I will also question it for me. After all, it is difficult for your Libra plan to move forward without dispelling concerns about privacy, money laundering, consumer protection, and financial stability.

After all, digital currencies are not currencies. Their value is based on air, and they fluctuate wildly. Unregulated digital assets will encourage illegal activities such as du-trafficking.

Your Libra plan does not have the slightest reliability in the eyes of ZF. If Facebook and other companies want to become banks, they must seek bank licenses and accept regulatory requirements like other banks. "

Xiaozha said anxiously, "This is why I want to cooperate with you. Your Yuanshan Bank can be used as a guarantee for the Libra Plan~"

Yang Orange shook his head firmly, "No, Yuanshan Bank will not become a guarantee for any digital currency, at least until digital currency becomes mainstream, we will not take risks."

"You have to take a long-term view~" Xiao Zha was dissatisfied with Yang Cheng's caution.

"It has nothing to do with vision. I have never planned to build Yuanshan Bank into a large multinational bank like the rich country. Therefore, stability is our goal, rather than risking unattainable profits."

Xiaozha looked very anxious, "jason, I hope you can get rid of your prejudices~"

He thought Yang Cheng was still angry at the previous competition.

But Yang Cheng shook his head helplessly, "It's not a prejudice, competition belongs to competition, cooperation belongs to cooperation, but I don't see the benefits worthy of my risk in the plan you proposed."

Xiaozha was silent for a while, and sighed, "Let’s change our mind. If Facebook starts to promote the Libra project, can New Era Media join? Become a part of our payment system for all users. Service~"

Yang Cheng thought for a while and left alive, "If everyone joins, we will be no exception~"

Xiaozha knew that there would be no results today, so he drew off the whiskey in one sip, and said in a breath, "One more glass~"

Yang Cheng thought it was funny, but still poured him a glass, "If you want to start something, you have to do nothing less than reform, or even challenge the entire financial system. It will not be easy to succeed."

"I know, but I have to try~"

Yang Orange didn't continue the topic, but instead asked, "I heard that you hired Comrade Guanhai's Jingxuan manager?"

Xiao Zha was visibly taken aback, "You know?"

"All America knows~"

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