Inexorably in Love

Chapter 5077:

"Manager Shi, are you off work?" Zhou Yuan looked at him carefully.

Her gaze made Shi Chen frown deeper, and the girl seemed very timid.

"Something?" Shi Chen said coldly.

"I'm here to thank you." Zhou Yuan lowered his head.

"No, I didn't manage to help you, I just can't bear it." Shi Chen said and was about to go in.

"Manager Shi, this is a cake I made. You can try it. It is my exclusive craft and it is delicious. It is a thank you." Zhou Yuan held a cake in his hand.

Shi Chen wanted to refuse, but looking at this cute cake, I thought Xiaodie would like it.

"Thank you, then." Shi Chen took it and prepared to carry it in.


Zhou Yuan smiled.

"By the way, are you helping in the back kitchen? Do you know how to cook?" Shi Chen suddenly thought that he was still thinking about the recipe for Xiaodie.

"I will."

"Are there any delicious dishes to recommend? I want a recipe!"

"Yes, I have so many exclusive crafts, I can tell you."

"I'm running out of time, so let's have WeChat. Add me. I will change my clothes first. You can send me a look later." Shi Chen handed her the phone and went in to change clothes.

Zhou Yuan seemed to have received a hot potato. She quickly turned on the phone and added Shichen's WeChat.

When the call came in, she was taken aback, and she answered with a slip of her hand.

"Shi Chen Shi Chen, where are you!" Xiaodie was walking outside just after school, wanting to ask him what time he would pass.

"I'm sorry, Shi Chen is changing clothes...Will you wait a moment?" Zhou Yuan said quietly.

Fluttershy, "..."

She immediately looked at her cell phone, why is a girl answering the phone?

Did she make a mistake? She glanced to make sure that she had made a mistake.

"Who are you! Why are you answering Shichen's call?"

"Ah... I'm sorry." Zhou Yuan hung up immediately because he was afraid of doing something wrong.

Fluttershy, "???"

Why did you hang up? Just ask yourself.

She sat there in a daze, who on earth would answer Shichen's call?

Is it the girl who scolded herself that day?

Xiaodie shook her head, surely not, that woman is so fierce.

This is like a little sheep!

It turns out that Shi Chen is also very popular with girls.

Fluttershy's chest became tight, and she threw the phone aside, not feeling anymore.


When Shi Chen came out, he had changed his clothes. Just as Zhou Yuan wanted to say about answering the phone accidentally, he took his cell phone and quickly left, leaving a sentence, "WeChat contact!"

Shi Chen found a farmer's market and bought the freshest vegetables in the hands of vegetable farmers.

He rushed to the outside of Xiaodie's house and waited there. This kind of high-end community can't get in without a card.

After waiting for almost ten minutes, Xiaodie arrived.

When she saw Shi Chen, she felt uncomfortable and less enthusiastic, but she still let him get in the car.

Shi Chen was carrying vegetables, watching her leaning there to play with her mobile phone and ignoring herself, feeling a little uncomfortable, "What's the matter? Unhappy?"

"No." Xiaodie continued to play with her mobile phone.

"Do you want to see me tonight, if so..."

"What are you thinking about, why would I not want to see you? Don't say that in the future, you are my friend." Xiaodie put down the phone and looked at him.

Shi Chen, "..."

Then he didn't speak any more, and Xiaodie didn't speak either. After the two arrived at her house, Xiaodie asked, "Will this delay you?"

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