Narakweiler was bombarded to the ground again, and Vatola clearly had the upper hand.

At this time, Vatola is also a little serious. Although the prototype of Narakweiler is much worse than him, every time it is destroyed, it will be integrated and repaired by absorbing some building materials and rubble from the artificial island. It is simply unbeatable. cockroach.

Moreover, the same attack will be recorded by Narakweiler, and will be greatly immune to such attacks. This so-called weapon of the gods is not particularly powerful, but it is absolutely difficult. The core materials used are also forged by the gods.

"Lion's gold."

A lion shining with golden thunder light appeared behind Tianchen, and then turned into a huge golden thunder light, and once again blasted Narakweiler down, but it did not take long to recover again.

"It's really troublesome. It doesn't seem to be so easy to get the core materials inside."

Tianchen said with some distress, Tianchen still has several ways to solve this thing completely, but it either caused too much damage or couldn't get what he wanted.

For example, Tianchen can tear the space directly and exile it to a different dimension. Of course, it is not endless chaos. Now Tianchen does not have this ability. Although it can be done by using the gate of time and space, it will definitely be exhausted. This different dimension refers to the attachment. In another dimension of this world.

Or directly use the ultimate strength that Narakweiler can withstand to attack. In that case, the String God Island will not be destroyed by it, and it can directly disappear.

"Eternal Forbidden·Hand of the Earth."

A giant hand that was only 20 to 30 meters high grabbed Narakweiler. This was a **** magic that even the True Ancestor Beast could forcibly control, and it was also Tianchen's proud self-made magic.

"Tianchen, think of a way. If this continues, not only will this artificially-added island be unsafe, but the main island of Xianjin Island is also very dangerous."

Nayue said anxiously, she was also a little embarrassed at this time, after all, she was still a little bit worse in terms of her strength.

"Let's restrain it now, and then slowly figure out a way, anyway, even if the immunity is a big deal, change to a magic and continue to restrain it."

Tianchen is waiting for Qian Cong's self-destruction program. With that thing, it is easy to solve it. It doesn't matter if the core material is damaged, as long as it can be obtained.

Item 0075

At the same time, just when Tianchen and the others were entangled in how to solve Narakweiler, on the other side, Xuecai and Qiancong also began to save themselves and began their plans.

"We have to start working hard too. I try my best to make self-destructive instructions, and I also want to help Tianchen."

Qian Cong said firmly with a face that the girl in front of her is a powerful magic attacker who can help Tianchen but she is just an ordinary person, and she feels a little uncomfortable in her heart.

"En, please, Senior Lan Yu, I will find a way to knock down the guard orcs."

Xuecai looked at Qian Cong's firm expression and nodded. It is true that she is a layman in computer-related matters, and she is limited to knowing the name.

"Naisa is now in a stable mood, I think the seniors are also dealing with that Narakweiler, we have to hurry up."

Appetizer gently pushed open the door of the storage room, leaving Qian Cong alone deciphering the slate.

"It's really careless that no one is watching outside the room."

Although Xuecai was a little happy, she was still a little bit confused intuition, and felt that there were some problems. After all, this does not match the style of the experienced Black Death Emperor faction.

At this moment, the ship of the vast "Grave of the Sea God" was silent, as if looking at a ghost ship. While feeling confused, she continued to walk inside the ship, but Xuecai suddenly stopped.

All the small liaison boats carrying the "Grave of the Sea God" were found to be put down, and the passengers in the boat and the non-combatants of the Black Death Sect were successively sitting on it.

"Why, refuge for non-combatants at this time? Could it be that?"

Xuecai quickly came to the cargo cabinet. In the passage of the Unicom cargo room, there were armed Black Death Royal soldiers standing guard, two orcs, and their weapons were small machine guns.


While the two orcs were not paying attention, Xue Cai condensed curse power in an instant, and the orcs were caught off guard and were stunned.

"Ruo Lei!"

Without waiting for the other orc to react, Xuecai rushed towards him, sending out a powerful blow again, and the second orc also fell down.

At this moment, Xuecai took a heavy breath, and wanted to solve the two elite orcs without being discovered, she also used all her strength and achieved a one-shot kill.

"There are actually five more."

When he saw the stored items, Xuecai was shocked. The constant explosions from the outside world knew that Narakweiler was definitely very powerful. I didn't expect that there were five more.

"The sword witch of the Lion King mechanism? It's really a strength above the rumors. Although it is a sneak attack, humans who can defeat orcs empty-handed are rare even in Europe. This is really beautiful."

Christopher Jadexiu, wearing a military uniform, appeared behind Xuecai, and directly shocked Xuecai. If he had just attacked directly, Xuecai might have been killed directly.

"So this is your real goal, that is to get the army of Narakville?"

Ju Dexiu nodded heavily, did not deny his purpose, to him, Xue Cai was like a turtle in an urn.

"Even if the first true ancestor cannot be defeated, as long as his'Empire of Night' is destroyed, the Sanctuary Treaty will not continue to be maintained, as long as our goal is achieved."

"Then defeating you here will not let you succeed."

Xuecai said firmly, at the same time, a lot of golden thunder and lightning flashed out of her body, even she herself was taken aback.

Tianchen, who was far away on the artificially-added island, changed his expression and looked in the direction of the "Seagod's Tomb" somewhat unexpectedly.

"Xucai, can you hear it? How are you now."

Tianchen's voice suddenly appeared in the imprint in Xuecai's mind, which directly shocked her, and then flashed a beam of joy.

"Senior, we're fine for the time being. Senior Lan Yu is already adapting the self-destructive command. I met Christopher Juddsiu and there are five Narakweilers here."

"Don't worry, since that incident, you can now use part of my beast's power, even if Xuexia Wolf is not around, it's okay, but you should pay attention to it. As a soldier who has experienced many battles, his strength is definitely not weak. "

Tianchen heard that Xuecai was a little nervous, so he encouraged Xuecai.

Xuecai's face turned red when she heard Tianchen mention it, and she became less nervous.

Seeing Xuecai entering the fighting stance, Judexiu drew his dagger from behind, and then his bones rattled, his muscles swelled up and turned into an orc.

"Thunder and lightning."

Xuecai felt a powerful magic power poured into her body instantly, and instantly merged with the spiritual power in her body, and a lightning spear similar to Xuexialang appeared in her hand.

Although I don't know why the prickly pear has suddenly become stronger, but with the power of the prickly pear attack that he directly sensed, Jia Dexiu did not dare to be careless, and instantly condensed a barrier.

"It turned out to be a biological barrier?"

"That is what you call qigong technique. Because I am an orc, do you think I am a layman in martial arts?"

Jia Xiude set up the dagger again, and constantly attacked the Xuecai. Some of the lightning barriers were not afraid of injury, and the two were in a stalemate.

However, as time passed, Jia Xiude was about to fall into a disadvantage. After all, Xuecai had a steady stream of support from Tianchen, but he had nothing.

Perceiving this situation, Jia Dexiu's subordinates attacked together, relying on their number advantage to repel Xue Cai.

Juadexiu and four other men sat on Narakville, and after a few minutes, they were all activated by them.

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