Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 194 Chapter 194

"I caught two pheasants in this trap!"

"Can you help me see what's wrong with my trap? Why didn't it catch the prey and didn't it rot?"

"Although this fruit is sour, it tastes much better if you put it in the stew as Dashan said. The kids at home are urging me to pick it."

"Mom, be careful not to get pricked when picking it."

"Who dared to think that we could catch so many prey before? I didn't even dare to dream about it. I was afraid that it would go bad. The tribe leader was leading people to chop the tribe leader and put these things on the top to dry."

Learning to make traps and actually catching prey with traps has aroused the enthusiasm of the whole village. No matter what Yang the hunter and Wen Zheng say, they will do it.

Every day, they are busy from dawn to night. They are afraid of wild boars in the mountains. They are too tired during the day and dare to run to the mountains at night.

The harvest from the busy daytime alone was not small. In addition to the prey, there were also various wild vegetables, fruits and medicinal herbs. All that Wen Zheng and Yang the hunter said were useful were picked. The clan leader organized the young and strong men in the village to cut down a lot of bamboos at the foot of the mountain and tie them into bamboo rafts. According to the method that Wen Zheng saw in the book, the captured prey was processed and smoked with fire.

In this way, less salt is used and the meat can be kept for a longer time. According to the clan leader, it can be sold after the residents of the neighboring mansion come, and the price may be higher.

After two busy days, Wen Zheng was busy in the mountains with the villagers during the day, and he also had to discuss the next plan with the clan leader. At night, when everyone was asleep, he went into the depths of the forest alone and deliberately ran to a farther place. Everything he encountered that was edible, especially meat, was put into his portable space.

He also found some time to accompany the third master who knew medicine to go to the county town by oxcart. The clan leader was old and it was not easy to ride bumpy. The third master's trip also showed his attention. He could also go to various medical clinics to inquire about some information and buy some medicines that were difficult to prepare with herbs.

Wen Zheng went out with all his savings that time. In addition to the ten taels of silver from selling wild boars, there were still thirty taels of silver that his parents had saved up until now. He bought some necessary supplies in the county.

Mainly sugar, medicine, clothes, flint, weapons purchased under the pretext of Yang the hunter, and other necessary items for going out. In the end, there were still a few taels of silver left. Wen Zheng was afraid that he would need it on the road, so he went to sell a few prey for some silver.

A few days later, Wen Zheng stored a lot of supplies in the space, and cut a lot of bamboo to make bamboo tubes, and stored drinkable water in them.

The villagers' first batch of smoked bacon was almost done. They wanted to continue smoking that day, but found that the sky was much darker. I have been so busy these past two days that I have forgotten about it. A few days ago, I saw clouds in the sky that looked like it was going to rain. I guess it will rain a lot today.

First, move the smoked meat rack inside the house. The whole village will help to tie the bamboo rafts together, and then lay leaves on them. Tie stones to the feet to make a small house.

This simple house is not safe for people to live in, but it is enough for emergency smoked meat. The villagers took out the prey from the trap and hurried down the mountain. Everyone knows that they can't stay in the mountains for too long on rainy days. Maybe it's because of the rain, the animals on the mountain are running around, and today's harvest is much more than usual.

The rain poured down from the sky. The villagers sat in front of their houses to process the prey, and sent them to smoke after processing. They were still thinking about so many prey, or take some for their family today.

Wen Zheng sat alone at home, taking out all the unprocessed prey stored in the space and slowly packing them up. The space cannot store living things, but the things placed in it will not deteriorate.

Listening to the rain outside, Wen Zheng knew that the disaster was gradually approaching them.

The villagers still knew nothing, but the clan leader who was warned by Wen Zheng's dream, and several elders who knew about it, looked at the rain outside and began to worry.

This rainstorm started in the morning and there was no sign of stopping after noon. The villagers were basically unable to do it. The rice in the field was about to be harvested. Facing such a rainstorm, this year's production would definitely be reduced. Even the prey caught during this period could not compare to the importance of food in their hearts.

The footsteps kept moving in the house. These people who depended on the sky for their livelihood did not know how to deal with such a situation. They kept hoping that God would stop the rain as soon as possible.

When the rainstorm finally stopped, the villagers breathed a sigh of relief. The rest of the breath was because they saw that the sky was still cloudy and they were worried that there would be another rainstorm next, so they were worried.

"Dong, dong, dong!" The sound of gongs and drums penetrated the air and reached the ears of nearby villagers.

The anxious people looked in the direction of the sound and saw several young people in the village who were walking faster, running over the puddles on the ground and shouting: "The clan leader said that we should rush to the fields to harvest now."

"Rush to harvest? But... but the rain has stopped, and there are still a lot of rice that is not ripe..."

Many villagers were unwilling to do so.

Not to mention that most of the rice in the fields still had a little green color, even if it turned yellow, it would grow better in a few days, but it was not the best time to harvest. The heavy rain just now had stopped, and even if it rained again later, it would probably be a light rain, and the rice could continue to grow.

With this mentality, most villagers were unwilling to harvest in advance, but the rain was so heavy that they couldn't help but follow others carrying farm tools to see what was going on.

At a glance, they found that the clan leader and several other clan leaders dragged their old bodies to the edge of the field and were directing their families to hurry up and harvest.

Not only them, but also Yang the Hunter and Wen Zheng, who were particularly trusted by the villagers in recent days, were rushing to harvest. Yang the Hunter mainly relied on hunting for a living. There were few fields at home. After finishing his work, he went to help Wen Zheng. He harvested the yellow rice first, and then harvested the rice that was still a little green.

The villagers who were determined not to rush to harvest were shaken. The situation in the fields was worse than they imagined. The strong wind and heavy rain in the morning pushed down the rice that was about to mature, lying in the fields with accumulated rainwater. In ancient times when there was no medicine, the diseases caused by the flood would make the busyness in the fields this year become meaningless.

More and more people went home to get farm tools in summer. The joy of harvesting prey disappeared these days. Seeing the miserable situation in the farmland, even the strongest people couldn't help but feel sad. They harvested all the yellow rice and piled them on the edge of the field. Looking at the rain on it, tears were about to flow out.


In addition to tears, the wetness on the face was also caused by rain falling from the sky.

The rainstorm came again.

Hurry up and have someone bring back the newly harvested rice. Now they don't care about whether it's ripe or not. They harvest the crops in the fields as quickly as possible. Seeing the rain getting heavier, the raincoat on their bodies can't protect their bodies. In this era when the wind and cold can easily take people's lives, no one dares to joke with their own lives. They return home before they get soaked.

Put on clean clothes and sit by the fire to bake. The herbs that Wen Zheng and the third master who knows medicine taught them to pick before were dried in the sun. Find out the ones that can prevent wind and cold, put them in a pottery pot and cook a pot on the fire. Everyone in the family should drink a bowl of it. They will feel relieved if they don't have symptoms of chills and fever.

The rain that fell again in the evening fell all night. The next morning, no one went to the fields to check. Such heavy rain flooded them. Those who hesitated before began to regret why they didn't rush to harvest more earlier.

The harvested rice must be dried immediately to prevent mold. There is no sun, so it depends on baking with fire. Fortunately, I prepared some extra firewood for smoking meat, and now all of it is in use.

The continuous heavy rain for several days gave people a bad feeling. Although it stopped a few times in the middle, it rained again soon, as if it would never stop.

The clan leader told the news of the disaster in Taiqing Prefecture next door, and it was inevitable that some people were worried, but no one had the idea of ​​leaving here until Wen Erye, who worked in the county government, came back with his family.

Wen Erye has been a magistrate in the county town for many years. In addition to providing for the living expenses of his family, he has also saved a lot of silver. This time, he came back from the county town with his family. He couldn't rent a vehicle because the price of cattle was too expensive, so he bought a donkey cart and went straight to the home of his uncle, the clan leader.

The donkey cart entered the village and hit the accumulated water on the ground. Many people in the village heard it. Even if it was raining heavily, it couldn't stop the news from spreading in the village. Some villagers wore straw raincoats and went to the village chief's house in the rain.

What happened that made Wen Laoer and his family run back from the county town?

"Uncle, Jinfeng County may not be saved!" Wen Erye just got off the donkey cart and ran to the clan leader, kneeling on the ground and shouted, "The county magistrate is packing up his belongings and preparing to run away, I secretly listened."

"Even if he leaves, it won't take a while. Tell me the details. Even if the rain continues for another three days, it won't make the county magistrate abandon the county and run away." The clan leader said in a deep voice.

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