Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 47 Chapter 47 (1/2)

This night became one of the important turning points for the base.

"Why are there gunfire sounds in the base? Have the people who invaded the base been caught?" Several leaders who had not yet arrived at the liaison department noticed that the gunfire sounds that should not have appeared in the base continued and sounded like It was personnel from two parties who initiated a gun battle.

The other person was not so optimistic. After carefully identifying it, his face became extremely ugly: "Something is not right. The sound did not come from the office building. It seemed to be in the patrol camp."

At this time, in the camp where the patrol members worked and lived, after the familiar voice of Captain Wu Xi was broadcast from the radio, the atmosphere in the entire camp became strange. Many ordinary patrol members glanced at the most from time to time. central area.

Those people in the central area came out of their offices. When they saw these people who had not set off, their eyes suddenly widened: "All personnel patrol in different areas. Anyone who encounters suspicious people must not let them go. There are also troublemakers among the residents." Catch them all. Watch what I do. Act quickly."

Speaking of the leader of the patrol behind him, his tone became weak because he saw a frightening light in the eyes of these men. Their eyes were burning with anger, and he couldn't help but call his cronies over.

"You guys got the base through conspiracy. Now it's time for you to come back. Go to hell." The first person was the first to shout out his true thoughts. He remembered that he once regarded them as relatives. The old leader died for an inexplicable reason after the leadership of the base changed.

This man's weapon was aimed at the leader he hated the most. The remaining people also raised their weapons after seeing this scene. The target of their guns was not the young man who had just killed the leader, but this man. The leader’s team of cronies.

The same scene happened in various places in the base. The emotions that had been suppressed for a long time burst out, and they began to try to overturn the heavy mountain that was pressing on them.

When they really started to push hard, their strength alone was not enough to shake it, but when the people around them also worked hard for it, they were pleasantly surprised to find that it was not that difficult to overturn it.

The members stationed at the base gate were successfully knocked out, and the personnel who knocked them out quickly took their places.

As soon as the base leadership, who originally held out hope, arrived at the liaison department, they received the first news that frightened them.

The patrol camp located nearby to protect the office area has been completely controlled by the resistance team. Faced with this worst news, the faces of these people were not only angry and livid, but pale with fear.

The patrol camp was built to protect the central office area, and it would only take a very short time for the resistance teams to come over.

The current situation did not allow them to delay any longer. The communications department did not catch the person who made the unauthorized broadcast, and the news of the death of Mr. Wang came from the liaison station.

One of the leaders named Wang exclaimed that if the murderer were in front of him, he would definitely beat the murderer into dice with a gun.

The leader surnamed Wang immediately rushed out with a gun, and the remaining people followed and left the communication area. But they were not stupid, nor were they carried away by anger, and walked directly to the conference room where they had just discussed.

During this short journey, bad news came one after another from the contacts that I carried with me. Each piece of news meant that an area was controlled by the resistance team.

After doing this several times, they no longer connected to the contact, and they couldn't help but think about how many people working in this office building would want to resist them.

There really will be quite a few.

Several people who were self-aware of their actions returned to the conference room as quickly as possible, holding guns tightly in their hands.

They know that the current management method will make ordinary people dissatisfied, but now it is the end of the world. They have taken control of the ownership of the base and think that no one can resist. Therefore, desire has defeated their conscience. They want to survive in this crazy world. Enjoy it here.

When they live a comfortable life and want to have power, those with superpowers become an eyesore to them.

They hoped that they would be the ones to possess this powerful power, but were unwilling to risk the extremely low probability, so they invested in researchers who had a poor reputation before the end of the world, and these "lucky ones" with supernatural powers were used as experimental subjects.

It's a pity that they couldn't enjoy this kind of life for too long, and their good luck will soon come to an end.

Seeing that the situation was over, even the team controlling the patrol camp had surrounded the building and was unable to win this struggle.

Therefore, they chose to leave according to a preparatory plan that they thought they would not use, and hoped for the opportunity to make a comeback.

After contacting the rebels in the base, Wen Zheng made plans with them for the night. They waited outside the base and waited until they saw the agreed signal from the city wall before entering the base to join the battle.

The whole process lasted a night and half a morning.

Because all those who do bad things have learned the arrogance of their leaders, their daily behavior has long been exposed in front of others. These people did not say it, but secretly remembered it.

In this battle, most of the people who helped the tyrants died in the battle with the resistance teams, and some of the survivors have been imprisoned in the prison where the base is located.

It's a pity that the culprits who deserved to go to hell took the opportunity to escape. Five people killed two, and the other three escaped by unknown means.

After confirming that all the enemies were dead or surrendered and would not pose a threat to ordinary people, the broadcast in the base sounded.

This broadcast brought the best news. The resistance was victorious, the culprits were either dead or escaped, and now everyone could come out to welcome a new life.

The teams that finished the battle took to the streets without receiving orders, cleaned up the base, and answered questions for ordinary people.

The old man who was hiding in the house with a child carefully opened the window and looked out.

She knew the young man who was busy outside the window. When he was just selected to join the patrol team, he was cheerful every day. He would smile at anyone he saw, and help anyone who needed help. Everyone liked him.

But since when did the smile on his face disappear, and he and his neighbors were indifferent to it.

"Good afternoon, Grandma Yang, do you need any help?" The young man straightened up and faced the old man with a familiar face, showing a bright smile and sincere care.

"Come to grandma." The young man ran over happily. Grandma Yang held his hand and then took it back, leaving a maltose she made for her grandson.

"Good afternoon."

The sun was shining, as if everything was the same as before, but it was a good wish after all.

The damage had been done. Even if the source of the injuries to the people was solved, it would take time for the wounds to heal, and the destroyed trust needed to be rebuilt.

The office buildings of the culprits were destroyed by bombs when they left. There were still many innocent people and useful equipment inside. If Wen Zheng hadn't arrived, the death and loss would have been quite serious.

Even with Wen Zheng and other superpowers to help, the building was still destroyed beyond recognition. All the people and important items were moved, and the place to discuss the problem was placed in the square.

It was empty there, but people were coming and going. Two groups of people sat on the ground, but the sound of their conversation was not covered at all. It was self-confidence, and it gave others peace of mind, so that everyone passing by could hear their conversation.

"Wen Zheng, a fire-type mutant, has been wandering outside since the end of the world and has never joined the base." Wen Zheng introduced himself first.

"Qu Hu, an ordinary person, used to be a team leader of the patrol team. Later, he was injured and transferred to the logistics team. General Li is my uncle. At that time, he did not express our relationship, so I escaped and found a chance to avenge him. Thank you, Mr. Wen, you gave me the opportunity to avenge him."

Among the two groups of people standing in the square, one was with Grandpa Li and Wu Xi, who had enough experience. Wu Xi knew the base better, and the others took the initiative to find work that could help.

The other group was the team that reached a cooperation with Wen Zheng outside the base at that time. The leader was the young man named Qu Hu.

After Qu Hu finished speaking, Wu Xi told Wen Zheng directly in front of everyone, using a normal voice. He had contacted Qu Hu when he was in the patrol team before, and he had never heard of his background. He could become a team leader only because of his ability.

Sometimes, open understanding will avoid misunderstandings.

After Qu Hu revealed his identity, Wen Zheng breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that after solving the problems of the base, no one would come to manage it. If he chose another person who was as rubbish as last time, his efforts would not be in vain.

As for being the person in charge of the base, Wen Zheng had no confidence and no interest in managing such a large base.

Now it seems that Qu Hu is a good candidate.

He will go further if he becomes the captain without relying on relationships or even without getting hurt. He has enough ability. His family was killed and the base changed dynasties. He was able to hide in the logistics group and work slowly. He has good endurance. He was the first to go outside and cooperate with Wen Zheng. He has enough courage. As a logistics staff, he also recruited a lot of subordinates who believed in him. He has good leadership ability.

With these abilities, if he still has enough heart, it will be safe for this base to be handed over to him.

Now that the two sides know each other, what needs to be discussed is the management rights of the base. It’s not that the two sides are keen on power, but if there is no leader, many things can’t be handled properly.

The most critical issue is to appease the ordinary people.

After entering this topic, Wen Zheng first explained that he was not interested in it, but would stay in the base temporarily to deal with the things here first. As for whether he would stay in the base in the future, it depends on the situation.

Qu Hu had some understanding of Wen Zheng's character in these brief contacts. He no longer forced it, nor did he hide his idea of ​​becoming the head of the base.

He planned to temporarily manage the base and hold an election after everyone calmed down.

However, at this critical moment when unified command is urgently needed, there are many problems waiting to be solved. Qu Hu couldn't help but talk about the current problems, and Wen Zheng said a few words casually, and the two of them started a heated discussion.

Most of what Wen Zheng said came from other worlds, especially the management experience of the base in the previous world. He has been in that base for almost his entire life, and has changed leaders in the middle, but he has never encountered such a situation. Some of the management clauses are quite applicable to the current situation.

Qu Hu said completely his own ideas. Some places are not mature enough, but he can react immediately.

After the discussion was over, the two men and other people who participated in the discussion came to their senses and announced and implemented the temporary regulations that had been discussed to the public.

The post-war cleanup and appeasement work became more efficient and orderly after the command and arrangement appeared.

After finishing his work, Qu Hu looked at Wen Zheng with admiration and took the initiative to give in: "You are more talented in leadership than me, and it would be better for the base to let you lead."

In fact, those were more about learning and experience, and Wen Zheng copied them, and he admired Qu Hu's flexible mind, so he still refused.

What's more, Qu Hu is the one in this base, and Wen Zheng has not yet joined the base.

It only takes one day to clean up the battlefield, but it took three days for the people to accept this happy news.

Three days later, the radio will inform everyone that a review of this resistance struggle and the election of the new leadership of the base will be held. Now it is necessary for the people to elect several positions that cannot be missed.

The whole process will be held in the square of the base. Anyone who wants to go can go to see it. At the same time, the content will be heard through the radio, and finally vote at various locations.

When reviewing the previous process, Wen Zheng and the superpowers he led were remembered by everyone, and some people cheered for them. Wu Xi and the two teams that followed them out of the base were all welcomed back. Qu Hu, who had been staying in the base, was known by many people.

In the final election, Wen Zheng took the initiative to explain that he gave up and was not good at management.

Among the remaining people competing for the head of the base, in addition to Qu Hu, there were several other people, but none of them had the high prestige of Qu Hu.

When the votes for the election were collected, the highest number was indeed Qu Hu, but Wen Zheng, who indicated that he would not participate, was still voted for by many people, which made him flattered.

After having a person in charge, the other indispensable positions were gradually taken care of. Important material distribution points, wall and gate garrison teams, outbound search teams, and the work of ordinary people in the base, and Wu Xi was originally a member of the patrol team, and now he has become the chief of the patrol team.

Wen Zheng did not take any position at the beginning, but grandparents, Yueyue and the three superpowers rescued by Wen Zheng all trusted him unconditionally and followed his arrangements.

Finally, seeing that Wen Zheng was not going to leave, Qu Hu, who was worried about the base management, the culprit of the escape, and the liaison department notifying him that there would be a visit from the southwest base but never came, lost a lot of hair in a few days and now asked Wen Zheng for help.

Now the superpowers in the base do not trust the leadership very much, even if they are replaced, but they may be because of the destruction of the institute and Wen Zheng's strong superpowers, they all have a high liking for Wen Zheng.

Therefore, all the superpowers in the base were handed over to Wen Zheng and received a difficult superpower improvement course.

That is to kill zombies continuously, consume and restore superpowers.

The superpowers are still too rare and relatively weak. Wen Zheng wanted to try his own method, and summarized a simple energy flow route from the cultivation method and gave it to these superpowers.

"Using this method in the process of absorbing crystal cores will speed up the absorption process. You can try it." Wen Zheng said when he was teaching.

These students were more serious than Wen Zheng had imagined. After learning, someone found out: "Teacher, in addition to absorbing crystal cores, can we use superpowers like this?"

Wen Zheng nodded: "Correct, this can reduce energy consumption."

This simple circulation method is easier to learn than the cultivation method, and the redemption effect is not so obvious, but it is enough. After learning it, you can feel the subtle difference.

The superpowers were particularly happy for this, and they respected Wen Zheng more and really regarded him as a teacher.

After asking Wen Zheng and knowing that he didn't mind, even ordinary people knew this method. Some people would think about it and fantasize that they would be able to stimulate superpowers one day, so they learned it in advance.

The internal battle was successfully stopped. It took half a month for everyone to get out of that sad day and start to welcome a new life.

The base reborn from the ashes showed a brand new look.

Qu Hu even started to discuss with Wen Zheng whether to change the name of the base. The first of the two previous leaders died in assassination, and the second didn't even want to mention it.

I always feel that I need to change the name, just as a new beginning.

"This is something you should discuss as the person in charge of the base. Why are you discussing it with me?" Wen Zheng was called by Qu Hu to eat. He was tasting the food and was asked again.

Since the discussion after the war, Qu Hu found that Wen Zheng was indeed good at management, and he often came to Wen Zheng to discuss.

After the discussion, the management clauses used in the end will be marked with the name of the main proposer, and no one will be left out. Qu Hu also pays great attention to details in daily interactions. In fact, Wen Zheng and him get along well, at least they are friends who often eat together.

Wen Zheng did not intend to take these credits, but Qu Hu did not wait for his answer and began to mutter the name he had just thought of.

While eating here, the personnel who took over the task of guarding the gate of the base on the other side just changed their posts.

The newcomer was still discussing the ups and downs of the past few days with his companions, and the changes that were taking place in the base, and imagining the bright future that was about to come, when the noisy sound of vehicle horns rang out outside the base.

It was so late, and the convoy sent out by the base had already returned.

Could there be new survivors?

With such doubts in his mind, the defense personnel looked towards the place where the sound came from. He saw that although it was produced by the military, the vehicle marked with the Southwest Base was being chased by a large group of zombies.

Such scenes are actually not uncommon at the base gate. They usually help the convoy to deal with the zombies following behind after the convoy enters the attack area.

This convoy came from the Southwest Base, but they are all human compatriots, so they will not stand idly by. On one hand, they notify that the convoy from the Southwest Base is visiting, and on the other hand, they pick up weapons and prepare to attack.

"It seems a little wrong." The sky was dim in the evening, and those purple-black zombies were not so obvious, mainly because their size and howling were not easy to be ignored.

But some things are not so obvious in the dark.

"What's wrong?" The staff standing on the city wall who were responsible for observing the situation outside the base all had good eyesight and also had night vision glasses equipped in the base.

After someone pointed out that it was wrong, they all picked up the night vision equipment and carefully distinguished it, and found that in addition to the zombies, there was also a group of rats following the car behind the convoy.

"Are you sure it's a rat?"

"Let me take another look, it looks like... a zombie rat!"


Even animals can become zombies, but it's been more than a year, and I've only seen mutant animals and plants, not zombie animals.

What's wrong with this group of people in the Southwest Base? Where did they provoke these zombie rats?

"Whether it's true or not, all of you are on emergency alert. In addition, notify the superpowers." The captain of the defense team issued an order and sent out a distress signal.

The piercing emergency call for help was issued, and the contact department that received the specific content forwarded it to the superpower department.

The superpowers who were absorbing crystal cores or studying the use of superpowers put down their busy work. They were originally nervous, but when they saw the zombie rats, they became more excited.

They quickly got ready and drove the vehicles outside directly to the gate of the base.

Wen Zheng and Qu Hu, who were discussing the new name of the base, also received the news. As the person in charge of the base, Qu Hu would of course receive the latest important information.

Both of them planned to go and take a look. Anyway, the superpowers had gone, and they believed that there would not be too much danger.

Just after the emergency signal was sent out, the vehicle rushed over at a very fast speed, and the zombies and zombie rats following behind were also not fast enough.

As the distance got closer, the true appearance of the zombie rats appeared in front of everyone.

Similar to the changes of humans turning into zombies, the bodies of zombie rats also turned into purple-black rotten meat, and some parts were covered with white bones. The running speed seemed to be faster than that of ordinary rats, and the parts of the eyes were shining with an ominous red light. The other changes were not visible for the time being.

The bridge on the artificial moat surrounding the base was lowered and immediately pulled up after the vehicle passed. The zombies and zombie rats following behind immediately fell down, and then they would be attacked from the high part of the wall.

Zombies are big, and experienced personnel know and can aim at the zombies' weak points.

Shot after shot, zombies fell to the ground one by one, but after the zombie rats fell in, they could not be seen. This situation was not taken into account when the moat was built.

"These zombie rats can swim, they are climbing up!" The fighters on the wall immediately noticed it, and immediately reminded their companions, and changed the position of the gun.

After being chased by vehicles all the way and blocked at the gate of the base, they continued to honk the horn of the vehicle and shouted at the wall: "Let us in first!"

"If the car has not been checked, you can't enter the base, or you can come up first?" As he said, he lowered a ladder from the wall.

Who knows if there are zombies or zombie rats in the car? Unchecked vehicles cannot be allowed in. Even if they climb up the ladder, in order to avoid being in the zombie incubation period, they must be controlled first and then released after the time is over.

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