The specific effects of the contract are as follows.

Effect 1: After the contract, the contractor's potential and physical fitness will be improved. The contractor can continue to improve himself by mastering new extraordinary powers, exercising, etc., so as to evolve the illusion.

Effect 2: After the contract, the contractor can use the illusion, and the contractor will not consume the original owner's mental power before his own mental power is exhausted.

Effect 3: After the contract, the contractor will not die as long as the original owner is not dead, but the contractor cannot leave the illusion too far. The contractor will become Hongye's most important force and achieve a symbiotic relationship.

To put it simply, it is to turn the contractor into a being similar to a spirit.

Therefore, in terms of the selection of people...

Hongye suddenly turned around and looked at Busujima Saeko, and looked into her soft water blue eyes.


The sky gradually brightened, and Hong Ye threw out another sword energy.

【You've leveled up!】

【Your all attributes are improved by F-level.

The familiar heat flow surged in his chest again.

Then, a silver ring appeared in his hand.

【Mercury Ring (E)】

【Features: Space]

A silver gem emerged and landed on one side of the ring.

Space ring?

Hong Ye carefully felt the ability of the ring.

Then he felt a little happy.

Storage space can be realized, but in that case, the attack power of [Mercury Ring] will decrease.


【Mercury Ring] Essentially, it controls space, not a storage ring.

As for its power.

Hong Ye raised his head.

In the distance, the positions of the heads of several zombies began to fluctuate.

After 3 seconds, the heads of the zombies disappeared directly, leaving only a flat cut.

"The power is very strong, but the pre-casting time is a bit long. Even a normal person can easily dodge it as long as he knows my ability."

And the range is small and the consumption is high. It seems that it needs to be further developed.

Hong Ye shook his head and set his sights on another place.

A cold and beautiful figure with dark purple long hair came out from the side.

"It seems you have thought it through."

Hong Ye put away the mask on his face, with an expectant expression.

The woman came forward.

"I have no reason to refuse, and thank you for spending your precious time for me to consider."

"It doesn't matter."

Looking at the experience that he had after killing the zombies, Hong Ye shook his head.

"Then, I will begin."

Hong Ye raised the Eternal Night Sword and activated the [Contract]. A huge amount of light rose in the center of the two.

A complicated formation lit up from the ground.

The golden light flickered, and even the newly born dawn was suppressed!

The ancient bell sound from the eternal came from time and space!

【Soul of life, blood of death!】

【The infinite earthly abyss and the endless shining stars!】

【No matter good or evil, no matter cause and effect, no matter time and space!】

【The eternal and unchanging divine law of the contract!】

【I swear by my soul and sacrifice by my blood!】

【Even at the end, we will still shine!】

【The contract is done!】

【Eternal Night Sword (E) → Eternal Night Sword (D)】

(Note: The bonus of [Power] is not calculated)


【Player: Red Night】

【Illusion Level: 6/10 (Experience: 0/2400)】

【Talent: Power (S)】

【Exclusive phantom outfit: Eternal Night Sword (resonance: C), Night Coat (resonance: D), Multiple Gems (C), Pure White Bandage (resonance: D), Body Armor (resonance: D), Sacrifice Fire Crown (resonance: D), Pale Face (resonance: D), Mercury Ring (resonance: D)】

【Equipment Phantom: None】


【Strength: C→C+】

【Constitution: C→C+】

【Agility: C-→C】

【Mental: B→B+】

【Note: If the player level is not raised to 1 at the end of the internal test, he will be directly eliminated!


【Let's start publishing today's information】

【Intelligence 1: Today is version 0.2, named: Death Omen】

【Tip 2: Please pay attention to the time you go out and don’t explore outside for too long】

【Intelligence 3: Please pay attention to search for various types of supplies】

【Intelligence 4: Please be careful of any problems during the material search】

【Intelligence 5: Please do not use force during the day. Those who violate this rule will be targeted by Him.】

【Intelligence 6: Some 'players' are not 'players'’】

【Intelligence 7: New intelligence will be unlocked tomorrow. 】

Inside the cabin, Hongye, wearing a black night coat, opened his eyes.

He moved his hands and feet, and looked at the ordinary sheets and quilts under him.

Fortunately, if it was the bed made of hay before, he would be embarrassed to let Saeko out.

【The Eternal Night Killing Sword appeared in his hand.

Then, Saeko Busujima appeared in school uniform, half sitting on the bed.

Touching the bed sheet under her, Saeko Busujima's face suddenly became much redder.

"So fast?……"

"I'm not that hungry, Saeko."

Busujima Saeko sat quietly on the bed

"Just keep lying on the bed. It seems that the effect will take effect as long as someone lies on it."


Busujima Saeko looked up in confusion.

"Well, I told you, we're playing a game..…..Can't you see the panel?"

Busujima Saeko looked at Hongye in confusion.

""Forget it, I'll explain it when I get back. I'm going out to collect supplies now. Don't leave the bed, understand?"

Hong Ye placed the [Eternal Night Killing Sword] beside the bed.

After signing the contract, if Busujima Saeko left the [Eternal Night Killing Sword] too far, she would automatically return to the sword.

So he left the sword behind.

"Is there any danger?" asked Saeko Busujima.

Hong Ye looked at the new information and replied casually:

"Not as long as I don't take the initiative."

Then he walked towards the door of the cabin.

He put his hand on the door handle, as if he thought of something, turned around and added:

"Oh, the danger I'm talking about is for the guys I attack."

Busujima Saeko smiled and said nothing.

Hongye shrugged and opened the door.

A flurry of snowflakes hit his face.

"It's snowing."

Hong Ye looked up at the sky.

It was covered with dark clouds.

He closed the door behind him.

【Tip: No one except the player can open the wooden door unless it is forcibly destroyed. 】

Seeing this tip.

It should be said that the game is very thoughtful.

The night coat automatically thickened, covering most of his body. He looked up and glanced around.

Sparsely scattered dilapidated wooden houses appeared in Red Night's eyes.

"Are there any supplies in here?"

Hong Ye walked to a wooden house.

"The mental power cannot scan the situation inside."

Hong Ye frowned, then pushed the door open and walked in.

Even without the sword in his hand, his strength was still the strongest among the players. As soon as he entered the door, Hong Ye saw a white cloth bag on the old wooden table in front of him.

"Can't I use my mental power to come in?"

Hong Ye was a little surprised. This situation had never happened before. There was no other way. Hong Ye had to reach out and pick up the bag.

【You get: 500ml mineral water × 1, heating patch × 5】


Mineral water?

With the bed, do you still need this thing?

Hong Ye didn't care and put it into the mercury ring.

He planned to use the mercury ring as a storage ring in the future, and didn't plan to use it for fighting.

But even so, the storage space of a D-level mercury ring is only about 1 cubic meter.

Not too much.

Then, he continued to search the dilapidated wooden houses around.

【You get: 1 level winter clothing, 1 level winter shoes.

This time it's clothes.

Hong Ye didn't say anything and just threw it into the ring.

【You get: toilet paper x 10, chocolate x 5]

After visiting three houses in a row, Hong Ye didn't know what to say about the supplies he got.

It felt like these supplies were not very effective.

Was there something else he hadn't noticed?

Thinking of this, Hong Ye pushed open the door of an old wooden house again.

A foul smell came over, and a floating figure appeared in Hong Ye's eyes.

Hong Ye's eyes narrowed.

A corpse hung on the beam by a rope.

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