Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 349: Gongsun Lue shot

Master Long is also considered highly respected in the martial arts world.

In such a scene, he didn't speak, no one else dared to speak, nor was he qualified to speak.

Master Long sat steadily on the Grand Master’s chair, watching Lin Yi and the apprentices wearing invincible T-shirts walking down the field, and said loudly: "This martial artist, a few days ago, you asked someone to give us a message and say We are going to kick all the martial arts schools in Shanghai-Hai, but what about this?"

Lin Yi paused, in front of thousands of people, without changing his face, calmly and calmly, replied in a loud voice: "Yes."

As soon as he said this, the scene suddenly exploded.

"Heh, what a big tone!"

"It's just a fantasy for him, a boy with a hairless hair to come to all our martial arts schools in Shanghai."

"I see, this is whose child is not being disciplined, and came out to play."

"I have to teach this kid a lesson today."

The people present were all condemning Lin Yi.

At this time, it seems that the whole world has become their enemy.

Lin Yi's apprentices are all young people. Nowhere have they seen such a scene. At this time, all of them have changed their faces and kept looking at their master.

I saw that their master was calm and composed, as if Taishan collapsed and died unchanged.

Only then did they feel a little calm in their hearts.

However, facing the condemnation of thousands of people around them, they still panic in their hearts, wishing to flee immediately.

Lin Yi faced the condemnation of thousands of people, laughed, and said, "If I'm talking big, I'll see the difference after comparison."

Master Long said: "Okay, have the courage. Then let my apprentice Asan, on behalf of the entire martial arts world of Shanghai-Hai, come and discuss with you."

Master Long is highly respected. In his opinion, Lin also wants to compete with him, but he is not qualified yet.

So just let his apprentice Asan and Lin Yi learn from each other.

Although Ah San didn't learn all his skills, he also learned 40-50%. It's more than enough to deal with this guy who hasn't even grown his hair.

Although the others still want to come forward to show off their respective martial arts skills. But since Master Long had already said this, they had no choice but to give up. I just sat on the wall and watched, waiting to see the scene where this ignorant boy was trampled under his feet.

Think about it, it's really happy.

Lin Yi laughed and said, "Since your Master Long only sends an apprentice to the court, how can I bully the younger with a big deal? I will only send an apprentice."

Turning around and looking behind him.

When the apprentices saw Lin Yi's gaze, they were all startled.

It's not that they are unwilling to play for the master, it's that they have only learned it for less than a month, and they have learned basic skills such as horse riding. And Ah San is also quite famous in the entire martial arts world. That strength is definitely the strongest among all martial arts apprentices.

If they go up here, aren't they waiting to be beaten?

But Lin didn't call them, just said: "Lüe, you go."

Everyone was even more surprised. How could the master let his wife play?

Besides, Madam is so beautiful, and she feels an urge to protect her at first sight. How can we bear to let her play?

Although Gongsun Lue was a little surprised, he didn't expect Lin Ye to play himself, but since Lin Ye said so, she naturally supported it unconditionally.

When everyone around saw Gongsun Lv'e such a beautiful woman on the court, they all calmed down, their eyes turned to Gongsun Lv'e.

After all, the love of beauty is something everyone has. Who doesn't like to see beautiful women?

Especially that Asan, secretly happy in his heart: It is my luck to be able to fight against such a beautiful woman.

The other apprentices in the martial arts school secretly regretted: they couldn't fight against such a beautiful woman, and their luck was too bad.

When the audience was quiet, Gongsun Lue asked Lin Yi seriously: "Do you want me to fly him out, or do you get down? Or just let him surrender?"

Gongsun Lue asked Lin Yi very seriously, what Lin Yi asked her to do, so she did.

But in the eyes of everyone at the scene, this is another pretense.

Originally, they saw that Gongsun Lue was a big beauty, and they had a slight affection for her, but after hearing this, someone said: "This woman and that kid are the same virtues."

"I really don't understand, people are so beautiful, but they are so irritating to speak."

"This is too far from putting Ah San in his eyes."

Ah San has a fire in his heart. As a leader in the younger generation of Shang-hai martial arts, has he ever been so despised by a woman?

Lin Yi smiled in his heart, Gongsun Lue's invisible pretence was the most deadly.

He said: "Do whatever you want, whatever you like."

Gongsun Lue nodded obediently and said, "I see."

Then walked slowly to the center of the venue.

In the center of the field, a circle with a diameter of ten meters has long been drawn out for competition.

When Gongsun Lue came to the court, everyone present was quiet again.

A beauty is a beauty, even if it is a little arrogant, it will still attract everyone's attention. UU reading

Ah San also strode onto the court, first punched everyone around him and said: "Then Ah San will show his ugliness."

Then he turned around and said to Gongsun Lu'e: "I have no eyes on my fists and feet, and I have nothing to do with the other party. Let's do it."

Gongsun Lue nodded, then stopped talking, but secretly transported the internal force in his body to the tips of his fingers.

But on the surface, Gongsun Lue was standing there, motionless.

The wind blew through her green gauze dress, like a fairy in the heavens.

Ah San was originally unwilling to make a move first, but after a while, Gongsun Lüe didn't see it. He can only say: "Be careful."

Speaking abruptly forward half a step, the strength of the body urged, with the inertia of this half step, using a special force technique to concentrate the power of the whole body on the right fist and blast towards Gongsun Lu'e.

Fist in half a step!

This is Master Long's fame stunt.

Back then, he defeated half of the Shang-Hai martial arts masters with this set of half-step collapse fists, and thus he became famous in the Shang-Hai martial arts world.

Although his apprentice Asan is not as good as his, his understanding of this half-step collapse is beyond the reach of anyone except Master Long.

This punch blasted out, and there was a faint sound of wind.

Everyone present was secretly surprised: Ah San's half-step collapse of the fist seemed to be much more powerful.

If he breaks his fist with this half step and confronts the masters of other martial arts, I am afraid that at least one-third of the masters here will be equal.

However, just when everyone thought that Asan would win,

I saw Gongsun Lue's body lightly on one side, and his body avoided the fist as lightly as a swallow. At the same time, he tapped his right hand on Ah San's back twice as if he was listening to some water.

The next moment, I saw Ah San standing there, motionless.

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