Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 358: I just came to kill someone

Lin also inquired that the Desperate Dancer danced in a karaoke hall opened by the newly emerged Axe Gang.

The Axe Gang is just emerging now, and it's no better than the crocodiles with a solid foundation.

So now the Axe Gang can only be regarded as the younger brother of the Crocodile Gang.

At about nine o'clock this evening, Lin Yi said to Gongsun Lue: "I'll go out and do something."

Gongsun Lue never asked Lin Yi what to do when he went out.

In her concept, men have things about men, and when men go out, women just need to keep their homes safe. There is no need to ask anything.

Lin Yi also told her many times that the relationship between the two of them is equal.

But the notion of male superiority and inferiority that she has cultivated since childhood is deeply ingrained. Will she be able to change it for a while?

And Lin also had to admit that Gongsun Lue didn't ask himself too much, which made him feel very comfortable. Instead, he made him like her more.

Unlike some women, who treat her husband so hard all day long, this makes her husband hate her even more.

Lin Yi left the martial arts hall, took a rickshaw, and went straight to the karaoke hall.

The rickshaw driver is a very talkative young man.

He saw that Lin Yi was riding in the car, and he was overjoyed. As he started to trot, he said, "Master Lin, your name is spread all over Shanghai-Hai. Your invincible martial arts hall is also famous in Shanghai-Hai."

Lin Yi chuckled and said, "So famous?"

"Of course. You think-there are so many stars and so many celebrities in the sea. But many people worship you if you don't admire them. I'm not afraid of your jokes. My ancestors are also martial artists. But in my generation, they were lost. . So I also want to learn martial arts, I also went to your martial arts gym to sign up a few days ago. It’s a pity that I’m not up to date, and my talent is not good. And I can’t afford the tuition of 40 yuan a month."

The young man was a little embarrassed.

Lin Yi said, "Have you ever heard such a sentence, when God closes a door for you, he will always open another window for you?"

The young man chuckled twice and said, "This is too profound, I don't understand."

"That is to say, you have no talent in martial arts, but there is always one aspect of your talent."

Hearing this, the young man brightened his eyes and said, “I’ll paint Xiaoai paintings. I can draw pictures from little people’s books or New Year’s pictures. I only need to look at them a few times to draw them. And the paintings look very similar to those in the village. They praised me for painting well, saying that I can become a painter in the future."

The young man smiled embarrassedly, and continued: "It's just that my family is poor and I don't have the money to learn painting. Later, when I grew up, I came to Haihai to make a living and pulled up a rickshaw."

When Lin Yi heard this, his heart moved slightly and said, "If you have good talent, I can teach you to paint."

The young man listened, his eyes lit up again, turned around, and asked in surprise: "Master Lin Wu can paint?! Even teach me?!"

Lin Yi replied, "That is still false."

"Great! Others followed Master Lin and learned martial arts. Only me, Su Jiu, learned painting. I am unique! Haha..."

Lin also moved slightly in his heart.

Originally, there was no way to learn martial arts with oneself, but to learn painting with oneself, and most people felt very inferior.

But this guy can see his own uniqueness from it. Although it is a joke, this guy is definitely not simple.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi said: "As long as you learn to paint with me, you will surely be able to stand out in the future."

"Yes, I see, Master."

With that said, Su Jiu stopped the car, turned around and bowed down to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi waved his hand and said with a smile: "Okay, I'm not another teacher, so I don't need to kneel and kowtow. I have something to do, let's go."

Su Jiu stood up immediately and nodded, "Well, I listen to Master."

When I turned around, I pulled up the rickshaw and ran happier.

He thought to himself: Others say that Master is cruel, but I don't think Master is cruel at all. It's rare to see such an amiable Master. Well, I must follow Master to learn to paint and become the best painter. Live up to Master's cultivation. In the future, we must repay Master.

Not long after, Su Jiu's car stopped in front of the karaoke hall called "Tianya Singer".

Lin Yi got off the car and had to pay Su Jiu.

Su Jiu waved his hands again and again: "Master, how can the apprentice take your money?"

Lin Yi was not polite, pretending to be money again.

Anyway, as long as Su Jiu is really talented in painting, as long as he learns from himself, I believe that in a few years, he will definitely become a good painter. At that time, even if it is really outstanding.

"Then you go back."

Su Jiu shook his head and said, "Master, I'll be waiting for you here."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "I don't know how long it will take to get out. Waiting for me here will delay business."

"It's an honor for Su Jiu to be able to pull a cart for Master. What is the delay of a few businesses?"

Lin also stopped fighting, and immediately walked to the karaoke hall.

Under his biological tracking, there is already a man and a woman who are going to ride in Su Jiu's but Su Jiu shook his head and said, "There are already guests."

Lin Yi nodded secretly.

This Su Jiu is a good seedling and can be cultivated.

When Lin Yi came to the entrance of the karaoke hall, he saw two big men in black suits, black shoes and black hats standing there.

There is no doubt that these two are members of the Axe Gang.

They looked Lin Yi up and down a few times, stretched out their hands and said, "Who? What are you doing here?"

This is a routine questioning of strangers.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Master of Wudi Wuguan, Lin Yi."

The two of them suddenly felt horrified, looked at Lin Yi again, and then recalled the appearance of the Lin Wushi in the newspaper, as expected, exactly the same as Lin Yi.

The two of them nodded quickly and said: "Please come in, we will go and notify the helper."

The Axe Gang now also wants to make friends with the Invincible Martial Arts Hall. Once they climbed to the Invincible Martial Arts Hall, they would have a chance to compete with the Crocodile Gang.

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "No, I'm just here to kill someone, and I will leave after killing."

After speaking, in the stunned eyes of the two, they entered the karaoke hall.

The two looked at each other.

There are all kinds of people who come to the karaoke hall: those who want to play with women, those who want to be played by women, those who want to spend some money, those who want to spend some money, those who want to have some fun, and those who want to be made by others.

But the first time I heard that someone was going to kill.

After the two of them reacted, one said to the other: "Hurry up and tell the gang leader and take precautions early."

"Well, I'm going now."


Lin Yi entered the karaoke hall and saw sparkling lights all around, but the light was very dim.

In such an environment, it is best to do some shady activities.

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