Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 370: Profiteer

While everyone else was laughing at A Xing's mischief, Lin Yi felt the changes in A Xing's body.

The moment A Xing swung his right palm, he could clearly feel that there seemed to be a majestic force in A Xing who wanted to surge out.

But that majestic power seemed to be blocked by something, and it could not be exerted through the palm of the hand.

Lin Yi was secretly surprised, could it be that he has become a Tathagata palm?

It has only been a few months since he sold the book to Ah Xing.

A Xing didn't have the slightest knowledge of martial arts, and he actually became a Tathagata Palm, which is a miracle.

Or it would be better to use "there is no one in martial arts" to explain.

Lin Yi turned to look at the beggar, and saw that the beggar was still looking at the excitement, looking at his A Xing.

Lin Yi was surprised. He wanted to encourage Ah Xing and let him know that he had already practiced.

But then I thought about it, this way, it would be too different from the original plot of Kung Fu, who knows what the plot will develop into like this. Maybe I won't even be able to complete the task by then.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi could only shook his head and said, "You kid, fool around. No one cares about whose children are."

Seeing that Lin Yi hadn't been hit by the palm of his own Tathagata, A Xing was very surprised. He used that trick again to shoot directly on Lin Yi.

Lin Yi can still feel the surge of energy, but he still just shook his head and said: "I want to learn martial arts, wait until you grow up, don’t mess around here now. Let’s see, what is real? Divine power."

Speaking, the **** of the right hand were placed side by side and pointed out the door.

I saw a fire-red energy with thick arms flying towards the door.

Outside the central hall, the wall fifty meters away was instantly hit by the fiery red energy.

The next moment, boom——

The wall was directly blasted through, and a large circular hole with a diameter of two meters appeared.

Everyone present saw each other in shock.

No matter how high the martial arts, but like Lin Yi, 50 meters away, blasting that wall into a two-meter-diameter hole, who can do it?

A Xing looked stunned: " amazing!"

Lin also didn't say anything, swish-

Four fingers were clicked again.

Boom boom boom--

With four noises, four more holes were blasted out of the wall.

But these four holes are no longer circles, but squares, triangles, five-pointed stars and an "8" shape.

Everyone present saw this, once again stunned.

Can the shape be controlled?

This is too powerful, right?

Even the old beggar whose everything seemed to be in his control had a look of surprise in his eyes.

He knows almost everything in the whole China, and knows everything.

But he had never heard of it. Fighting can also emit energy, and this energy can control shape.

Of course he doesn't know, this is a major feature of the second product and one positive sign.

After a Yang finger is promoted to the second rank, it hits the enemy, and the energy can spread along the whole body of the human body, thereby rushing to the various acupoints of the human body, thus producing various effects.

For example, it can be blown into pieces directly, it can be slumped on the spot, it can be crying, it can be laughed, and it can even make a wave.

Lin Yi extended this method a bit, so that after the energy hits the target, it will produce different shapes.

And this scene, in the eyes of everyone present, it is absolutely magical.

"You see, this is the real magical skill, a Yang Zhi!"

Lin Yi said.

When Ah Xing saw it, he was shocked, then envy, and then there was a light of excitement in his eyes: "Master, can you accept me?"

Originally, with such a talent, there is no one in a million martial arts wizards, Lin Yi naturally wanted to accept.

But when he thought of this, it completely disrupted the plot of the original, and it was very likely that the mission would fail in the end, so he gave it up.

He shook his head and said: "I want to recruit all martial arts prodigies, you are still far away."

When Ah Xing listened, his head was downcast.

However, the child is full of vigor and quickly recovered and said: "If you don't accept me, I will practice by myself. One day, I will definitely defeat you."

"Oh, okay, I'll wait."

Lin also replied.

Ah Xing then walked outside the courtyard in the eyes of everyone.

When he reached the wall, he stopped and looked at the five different shapes.

Fist clenched secretly.

Then he walked out of the courtyard firmly.

The beggar kept smacking his lips and said, "Tsk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk

Lin Yi smiled indifferently, saying that this old boy dared to make fun of himself.

He said: "Enough to watch the show, you have to pay to watch the show."

When the old beggar heard this, he suddenly appeared to be corrupted: "You profiteer!"

"I'm not raped by you."

The old beggar shook his head and said, "I think no one can beat me in the matter of ruining people. I didn’t expect to run into you today, I’m unlucky. Then I just sold you the news money Don’t do it, the right is worth the money for watching the show."

Then he suddenly lowered his voice and said to Lin Yi very seriously: "I have one thing I want to know."

"That also has to be paid."

Lin Yi said.

The old beggar took out a hundred yuan bill directly from his dirty clothes and said, "Is it enough?"

Lin is also very surprised. It's rare to see a beggar so generous.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, why not slaughter this beggar?

Thinking of this, he shook his head: "The things you want to know must be known only to me. Things are precious. You want to send me for such a small amount of money? Are you going to beg for food?"

The old beggar was still very refreshed, and came out with another 100 yuan: "Two hundred, is it enough."

Lin Yijian still has room to deceive, shook his head and said, "Two hundred? Aren't you still begging?"

The old beggar shook his head: "You big profiteer."

With a slap, I took three more shots and said, "Five hundred, this is the highest price I can sell to others for If you don't agree, I would rather not know that. "

Naturally, Lin Yi accepted it as soon as he saw it. Then he handed the five hundred yuan to Chen Sheng next to him, and said, "I will pay for the food for the more than 1,000 people who came to class today."

The old beggar hurriedly shouted, "Hey, hey, what are you doing? You want to give it to them, I would rather not know that. I don't buy it, give it back to me!"

Lin Yi smiled faintly: "Everyone is a profiteer, can't you figure it out? Are you willing to return the books you sold to your children for ten yuan?"

"Nonsense, that's my hard-earned money, I want to get it back? Unless you kill me."

Lin Yi stomped and said, "Yes, you want to retire? Unless you kill me."...


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