Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 387: The power of biochemical bombs (part 1)

Lin Yi was originally afraid that the 10th-level evolutionary would bring other evolutionaries to gang up against him.

Unexpectedly, this 10th-level evolutionist actually told other evolutionists not to do anything, and planned to deal with Lin Yi alone.

This is exactly what Lin Yi wanted.

He has just been promoted to level 9 and gained two new skills. He hasn't found a suitable opponent yet. Now he just happens to use this level 10 evolutionary to practice his hand.

Taking a step back, even if he can't fight, he can still use his gliding skills to escape.

At this time, the 10th level evolutionary condensed his secondary weapon shield with his left hand, and his right hand condensed his life weapon with a knife-generally speaking, after reaching level 10, he can condense a secondary weapon.

Many people choose the combination of sword and shield or sword and shield.

This is the best match for both offense and defense.

It's been a long time since Lin Yi had a face-to-face meeting with someone stronger than himself, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The two set up a posture, the 10th level evolution took the first shot.

Wielding a long knife, he slashed at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi has two claws.

Kara La-

With a piercing sound and sparks everywhere, Lin Yi felt that his knees were slackened by the huge force on the sword.

He quickly relieved his strength to the left, while his body jumped directly to the right.

The reason why he chose to be positive and tough this time was just to test the strength of a level 10 evolutionary.

This can be considered a trial.

A 10-level evolutionary possesses a huge power of 10 tons.

This seems to be only 2 tons more than Lin Yi's current 8 tons.

But in fact, level 10 evolutionists have very rich combat experience, and they have basically mastered the appropriate methods of force. Therefore, they can also exert 80% of their strength in battle.

In other words, with a wave of their hands, they can reach a huge force of 8 tons.

And a 9th-level evolutionary can only exert 60% of the power. The original 8 tons of power can only be used for about 4.5 tons.

In addition, the speed of the 10th-level evolutionary is 10 meters faster than the 9th-level evolutionary.

Therefore, it is not a problem for a 10-level evolutionary to single out twenty to thirty or even thirty to forty 9-level evolutionaries.

Lin Yi has already tried out the power of this 10-level evolutionary after just that.

This 10th level evolver just now has a full blow, with 10 tons of huge power, which can crush him too hard.

However, in the battle, he can only play at most 80%, equal to his current strength.

So in terms of power, he doesn't need to be afraid of these 10th level evolvers.

It's just that his speed is slower than this 10-level evolutionary.

Moreover, the shield of this 10th-level evolutionary is already quite strong, and his claws can't pierce the shield with a single blow.

Ever since, he gradually fell in love.

The three 8th-level evolutionaries and one 9th-level evolutionary around were all surprised.

They can obviously feel that this kid is a 9th-level evolutionary, but this 9th-level evolutionary can even tie their boss, is this too scary?

They have also practiced with the boss on weekdays, and they know the gap between the 9th-level evolutionary and the 10th-level evolutionary.

But this kind of gap, in this kid, doesn't even exist.

This is also incredible.

The 10th-level evolutionary was also surprised.

This kid is a 9th-level evolutionary, and he is even comparable in strength.

What's going on?

In the past, he used two or three tricks to deal with those 9th level evolutionists. But against this kid, it seems that he can't help him.

Five minutes have passed, and he can't be taken. This was impossible in the past.

Isn't this kid too weird?

However, although the level 10 evolutionary was surprised, he was relieved.

Because with the passage of time, Lin also showed fatigue. And there are those 9th-level evolvers and 8th-level evolvers guarding him, and today I will take this kid anyway.

When he was thinking of this, Lin Yi suddenly flashed away, left the circle of battle, turned back and fled to the east.

"Want to escape?"

The 10-level evolutionary screamed and chased Lin Yi.

But at this moment, Lin Yi suddenly turned around, with his right hand and **** together, a Yang pointed at the 10th-level evolutionary and pointed out out of thin air.

call out--

A burst of fiery red energy was sent towards the 10th-level evolutionary.

At level 10, although the speed is only 10 meters faster than level 9, the reaction speed is at least twice as fast.

The 10th-level evolutionary had already hid to the side the moment Lin Yi clicked a Yang finger.

Lin also knew that 10th-level evolutionary could avoid this finger, so he was not trying to hurt him, but to buy himself time to escape.

No way, the level 10 evolutionary is a bit stronger than he imagined.

Although he had also beaten a level 10 evolver before, he was a level 10 evolver who was seriously injured after all. Now dealing with a level 10 evolutionary in a normal state, he is not sure of winning. In addition, other evolutionaries are watching closely. If he doesn't run away quickly, he will probably be here today.

Lin Yi missed this finger, but because of this, he got a chance to continue to flee to the east quickly.

The 10-level evolutionary said angrily: "What a cunning boy, stop him for me!"

So those few people all surrounded Lin Yi.

Of course, it was a joke that an 8-level evolutionary came to stop Lin Yi.

Lin Yi's figure became cold, and instantly passed by an 8-level evolutionary.

And when he was passing by, he didn't kill or avoid these 8th-level evolutionaries, but directly pointed a finger with his right hand, and a Yang pointed the 8th-level evolutionary acupuncture points, making him unable to move.

Then he was caught under his armpit and fled forward.

The other people were all taken aback. This kid flees as soon as he escapes, with someone else?

Isn't it cumbersome?

The 10-level evolutionary shouted at the other evolutionists: "What are you still doing in a daze, chase after!"

So headed by the 10th-level evolutionary, the other people all chased Lin Yi.

Lin Yi's speed was not as fast as that of the 10th-level evolutionary. At this time, with a person, the speed was even slower.

But since he took this person with the 8th level evolutionary, there was naturally a reason.

I saw him stretch out his right index finger while running.

Above the index finger, the fiery red energy condenses on it.

Then he suddenly exerted force and inserted his right index finger into the chest of the 8th-level evolutionary.


With a soft sound, his entire index finger was submerged in the 8th-level evolutionary body.

The fiery red energy in his right finger was also injected into the 8th-level evolutionary body.


The eighth-level evolutionary screamed like a pig, echoing in the quiet night.

Then Lin Yi suddenly stopped and turned around.

Then he held the level 8 evolutionary with one hand, and threw him at the evolutionaries who came after him.


[Ahem, it’s been a long time since no one has given a reward, is there anyone here? 】...


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