Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 865: Tune the Tiger from the Mountain (middle)


After Lin Yi made arrangements, he went to Datonghui with Shui Ruobing and Zhang Wenjing.

He knew that this trip to Datonghui was very dangerous.

First of all, that evolutionary will not necessarily be moved away from the mountain.

Secondly, even if the evolutionary was transferred, they would go to the Datonghui in this way, which is tantamount to going deep into the tiger's den and still very dangerous.

Generally speaking, at this time, Lin would also persuade Shuruobing to stay.

But he knew that persuasion was useless with Shuruobing's character.

She will definitely follow her to Datonghui.


At the same time, in Datonghui.

The mysterious evolver discovered that Lin also used Scarlet Lightning more and more frequently in the video footage of the past two days.

At the beginning, Lin also used Scarlet Lightning only when he encountered a powerful monster that could not be solved.

But now it is becoming more and more frequent, and it has even developed to the point where **** lightning is used to solve those ordinary zombies.

This made the mysterious evolutionary intolerable.

"Our ultimate weapon is actually used to deal with little zombies, stupid people on earth. Even if you give you more powerful weapons, you will ultimately be just stupid, uncivilized natives on earth!"

He stood up.

This time, he really wants to take the shot himself.

The previous time, he was about to shoot.

But it happened that Datonghui had created level 20 evolvers, and he wanted to see the strength of these level 20 evolvers.

And now, it turns out that those 20-level evolutionaries are simply not enough.

Therefore, he has to go out in person.


Moreover, after Lin Yi and the others left the mountain, Lin Yi became a ghost rider, wearing a ghost armor.

With Shui Ruobing and Zhang Wenjing, they flew towards Meilijian.

The speed of his flight did not reach the maximum speed of the evil spirit armor.

It's not that the armor took two people to fly, but to take care of Shui Ruobing and Zhang Wenjing.

Especially Zhang Wenjing, his level is too low, if the flying speed is too fast, I am afraid it will hurt them.

The distance of this flight is not short.

Thousands of kilometers.

If you are flying, it will take at least 13 hours.

Lin Yi's current flying speed is similar to that of an airplane.

I rested five times in the middle, and it took 14 or 15 hours in total to fly to the waist.

Subsequently, Zhang Wenjing led the way, and they came to the periphery of the Manhattan safe area.

At this time, it was already more than eight o'clock in the evening.

Manhattan is considered an island.

It is surrounded by the East River, Harlem River and Hudson River.

Because it is surrounded by water, Manhattan has a natural geographical advantage to establish a safe zone.

Lin Yi and the others are separated by the Hudson River, far away from Manhattan.

I saw many powerful weapons on the buildings around Manhattan.

"Wait, what is that?"

Lin also pointed to a fort-like thing on a building.

"Plasma cannon."

Zhang Wenjing replied.

Lin Yi and Shui Ruobing glanced at each other and asked, "Does our planet have such technology?"

The so-called plasma cannon uses a laser to heat heavy hydrogen to a high temperature of one million degrees, turning it into a plasma state.

Then use electromagnetic technology to wrap this group of charged particles into a sphere and launch them out to destroy the target weapon.

This kind of spherical charged particles possesses extremely terrifying destructive power.

However, such weapons generally only appear in science fiction or movies.

I didn't expect to see it in reality now.

Zhang Wenjing replied: "This is actually not the technology of the earth, it was left on the earth by extraterrestrial civilization. Later it was discovered by scientific researchers. Before they could submit it to the country, they were targeted by the Datong Association. Datong Association After in-depth research, he finally successfully developed a plasma cannon."

Lin had never seen the power of this plasma cannon, but he could roughly imagine it.

Zhang Wenjing said: "Manhattan safe area, currently do not contact those outside survivors. So we want to enter this way, it is impossible. Of course, my identity can enter, I have to find a way to see if I can take you there. ..."

When he said this, his voice stopped abruptly.

Because he found that the surrounding scenery suddenly changed.

This is no longer a wild area outside, and he unexpectedly appeared on the streets of Manhattan's safe area.

Looking to the side again, Lin Yi is still in the water.

He was surprised: "This is... Teleport? It's amazing!"

Lin Yi said: "We have been on our way for a day, and we must take a break. First find a place."

Zhang Wenjing put on the mask and said, "I know a place, come with me."

Then he took Lin Yi and Shui Ruobing and walked quickly toward an alley on the left.

Before long, they came to a slum.

The Manhattan safe area is now divided into rich areas and slum areas.

Most of the people living in the rich areas are Datonghui people.

These people are very wealthy, and their houses are magnificent, like a palace.

The poor people are the ordinary people before.

After the virus broke out, their survival was even more difficult.

They often set up a shed casually, which is their shelter.

Zhang Wenjing brought Lin Yi and Shui Ruobing to this poor area.

When these poor people saw the beauty of the Oriental Shui Ruobing, there was a flash of surprise in their eyes.

However, it was just surprise, and there were no other emotions in it.

As the saying goes, full of warmth and desire for silver.

This is especially true in this apocalyptic environment.

Only those rich people who can eat and wear well, now have the heart to think about this;

And these poor people, even eating is a problem now, how can they think about anything else?

The three of them came to a private house.

This suite looks very rudimentary, but it is much better than the broken tents set up around it.

Zhang Wenjing said: "I used to come here often and I live in this suite. You will rest here tonight, and tomorrow we will discuss how to find that kind of also ordered nod.

Shui Ruobing said coldly: "Your family is so rich, would you come to live here?"

Zhang Wenjing smiled bitterly and shook her head: "What's the use of having money? I always feel that my parents will lose everything now, and I will be like ordinary people. So I will come here often, relying on my own ability. , Live here. So if one day my parents really lose everything, then I can at least live on my own ability and at the same time... feed them."

Lin Yi and Shui Ruobing looked at each other, then looked at Zhang Wenjing.

The system said in Lin Yi's mind: "This guy is such a good boy, I'm almost moved to pee."


That night, Lin Yi and the others rested in this room.

At the same time, the mysterious evolutionary had already rushed to the Huaxia District and caught up with a clone of Lin Yi.


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