Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 238 Make a bold guess, be careful to verify

Fu Qinghai and Chen Xinlu walked side by side in the underground nuclear bunker.

Clean up the battlefield.

"So, that night demon not only learned human language, he even knew about the existence of reincarnations, and could also imitate the tone of reincarnations and make suggestions for you?"

Fu Qinghai asked.


Chen Xinlu nodded.

She was wrapped in a yellow protective suit, the thick cylindrical plastic covering her slim figure, and her voice became muffled.

"Then this shouldn't be the first time he has done this. Perhaps the night demons have long discovered that reincarnators are regularly refreshed here, so they set up such a trap to obtain food and transform the same kind."

Fu Qinghai said.

"I think so too."

Chen Xinlu agreed.

Fu Qinghai continued:

"The reincarnations are not fools. The vigilance of the reincarnations is stronger than anyone else. They want to set up this trap. A guy who is wrapped in cloth and refuses to show his true colors cannot win the trust of the reincarnations. He will definitely still There is an accomplice who cooperates.”

Chen Xinlu was stunned and said slowly:

"okay I know."


Fu Qinghai asked.

"There was a guy named 'Teves' who tried to invade us and was punched to death by Axia. The outsiders said he was a local reincarnator and knew the map here."

Chen Xinlu said.

"Humph." Fu Qinghai smiled:

"That's right. There are really few resources here. He can survive here for a long time. Maybe he can survive in this world dominated by zombies by cooperating with the night demon to hunt the reincarnations."

"In other words, he is a 'traitor'."

The reincarnations are really miserable. When they arrived in the Resident Evil movie universe, they did not directly arrive in the wilderness and be besieged by zombies. Instead, they arrived in an underground nuclear bunker, but they did not expect that the so-called "shelter" turned out to be a trap prepared by zombies.

In the movie "I Am Legend", the Night Stalker has a very high IQ. The male protagonist played by Will Smith uses a trap to capture the Night Stalker for research. As a result, the Night Stalker soon learns how to lay traps. In turn, deal with the male protagonist.

Fu Qinghai said as he walked, he stretched out his hand to open up a corpse and picked up a black long rifle.

Chen Xinlu said:

"This man is very arrogant. The three of us seem very difficult to mess with, and he dares to provoke us."

Fu Qinghai looked at the firearm in his hand and said slowly:

"He does have the qualifications to provoke you."

Fu Qinghai leaned down again, pulled off the two ammunition belts hanging on the lean white man's body, took out a "bullet", held it at his fingertips, observed it repeatedly, and said:

"Fortunately, I taught myself Olibeshwen. This is a DLT-19x sniper blaster. Even the Hulk can't withstand its power."

Chen Xinlu raised her eyebrows when she heard this.

These things that look like "bullets" are actually small gas tanks, which store Tibana gas. The sniper blaster is so powerful that it consumes a small tank of blasting gas every time it is fired, and it needs to be reloaded after each shot. Primary air tank.

Good stuff, Fu Qinghai took it.

Fu Qinghai and Chen Xinlu were picking through the corpses of the reincarnated people. Most of the food and drinking water had been contaminated by the flesh and blood of the zombies, and ordinary weapons were of little use value.

Fu Qinghai looked at Chen Xinlu:

"You said that someone drove a car over, right?"

"Yes, that's him."

Chen Xinlu pointed to a corpse on the ground.

"Take me there."

The two climbed the escalator of the shaft and arrived outside the underground nuclear bunker.

Fu Qinghai saw the Ford Raptor parked next to the exit. The two first searched the car and found nothing special, except for a half box of Davidoff cigars placed in the glove box.

Then the six robotic arms on Fu Qinghai's backpack were deployed in sequence. As soon as the robotic arms were raised, they overturned the pickup truck, performed plasma cutting, and the robotic arms grabbed the Ford Raptor's large 136-liter fuel tank.

"Zhaosha, what are you going to do?"

Chen Xinlu looked at Fu Qinghai.

He was now like a god of death appearing in hell, his body covered with splattering plasma and minced flesh. Just looking directly at him was suffocating.

A phlogiston welding torch behind Fu Qinghai automatically stretched out and said, "Use this."

As he spoke, the nozzle of the welding torch ejected promethium flame at low power, and passed it over Fu Qinghai's body carefully. The flesh and blood stained on the power armor, chain sword and trophies turned into coke and fell off, leaving behind It's a shiny new ceramic armor.

The Night Stalkers couldn't even leave a scratch on the armor.

Chen Xinlu put on the hanging ring, waved her hands and said:

"I have a trick called Vatum's Wind, which can completely replace the surrounding air and dust. If it is true as the reincarnationists say, the Night Demon's virus is spread by droplets and aerosols, there should be no problem."

As he spoke, an invisible gust of wind flashed by. Fu Qinghai's Force perception keenly felt that the surrounding atmospheric pressure had changed in an instant, but it seemed that there was no change at all.

Vatoum's Wind, in "Avengers: Infinity War", when Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf first arrived on Earth, Doctor Strange used this technique to isolate pedestrians and battlefields to prevent harm to innocent people.

Technology + magic.

The two completed the disinfection and sterilization process, and Chen Xinlu opened the door to the dimension again.

As soon as Fu Qinghai returned to the carriage, he found that Jiang Yixia had taken off his thick protective clothing and was wearing a simple sweatshirt. He was sitting on Fu Qinghai's seat, holding a tinplate coffee cup in his hand and tasting his drink. More than half of the Reca coffee.

Fu Qinghai transformed back to human size with one shot, took off his armor, walked over, and said unceremoniously:

"Start driving, this is the commander's position."

Jiang Yixia obediently moved her buttocks away and said:

"Your coffee tastes weird, not good at all."

Fu Qinghai sat back in the driver's seat and observed with his eyes on the periscope for a while. He found that no more zombies were sent out to test the corpses in the ruins of the city, and he said:

"Reca coffee is not coffee. It is made by grinding certain leaves. Strictly speaking, it is matcha."

After confirming that the current situation was safe, Fu Qinghai turned around, faced the three women, and said:

"Let's talk, you three."

Fu Qinghai turned to look at Chen Xinlu:

"Did you expect the current situation?"

"What situation are you referring to?"

Chen Xinlu asked.

"The Resident Evil Cinematic Universe."

Fu Qinghai spread his hands:

"But zombies from "Army of the Living Dead" appeared, and zombies from "I Am Legend" appeared. What's next, "World War Z" or "28 Days Later"?"

"What exactly is this for?"

Fu Qinghai asked seriously.

Jiang Yixia interjected:

"The Resident Evil movie universe has been open for a long time. Countless reincarnations have already visited here. It's not surprising that all kinds of messy things are brought in."

Fu Qinghai's eyes were sharp and he asked in a deep voice:

"As you said, there are so many messy things in other reincarnation worlds, so why do we encounter viruses and zombies?"

Li Xing also chimed in:

"Maybe it's survivor bias, because zombies tend to be better adapted to this kind of apocalyptic wasteland environment, so the rest are just zombies?"

Fu Qinghai shook his head gently and said:

"You only see the results, but ignore the causes. All foreign items are assimilated by the reincarnations by spending points. It is understandable to bring weapons, equipment, animal taming mounts, but why do they bring viruses and zombies in?"

Chen Xinlu's eyes flashed and she reacted:

"you mean……"

Fu Qinghai nodded and said softly:

"I have a suspicion, but I have no proof."

The night was getting darker and it was quiet around the hills.

The Leman Rust tank was like a giant steel beast lying on the top of the hill, proudly raising its thick barrel and baring its teeth and claws to spread out various weapons.

The cold metal also has a fierce aura.

Inside the carriage, the lights are bright.

Three women each sat at an operating position.

"Raising Gu?"

They repeated it in unison.

"That's right, it's raising Gu."

Fu Qinghai nodded and said:

"The Resident Evil movie universe, although not the headquarters of perfect humans, is where they started."

"Biochemical experiments are very dangerous, especially those in science fiction movies. The virus is highly transmissible and easy to leak. The experimental receptors are highly aggressive and difficult to control."

"Since the Resident Evil movie universe is completely ruined, let's just break the pot, use the entire earth as a giant experimental site, assimilate viruses from other zombie movie universes, and let the zombies and B.O.W. spontaneously devour and combine. , evolve, and see what kind of biochemical reactions will occur between them."

"Natural selection and natural evolution. The entire earth is a petri dish, a laboratory, eliminating the complicated and cumbersome process of gene editing and letting the natural environment screen out the most powerful viruses for them."

Fu Qinghai looked at the three women with burning eyes:

"What do you think of my idea?"

The three women looked a little stiff.

Chen Xinlu looked solemn:

"I hope it's really just an idea."

Jiang Yixia frowned slightly:

"Now it seems that at least the logic is reasonable, and it is also in line with the consistent behavior of those crazy lunatics of perfect humans."

Li Xingxian said:

"Now all that's left is evidence to prove your suspicion."

Fu Qinghai smiled and said:

"Evidence is hard to say and easy to say."

"Oh, how should I say it?"

Jiang Yixia asked timely.

Fu Qinghai explained:

"As you said, the headquarters of perfect humans is in the main Marvel universe, but if the entire earth in the Resident Evil movie universe is one of their laboratories, then it is impossible for perfect humans to completely abandon this place. They will definitely send some The personnel stay behind to observe and record the degree of mutation and evolution of the virus and zombies. These people cannot live in a ghost place with scarce resources and unsafe places like Vault 109. They must have their own secret stronghold."

"Finding these strongholds will prove my suspicion."

Fu Qinghai concluded.

Fu Qinghai's analysis was very clear and logical. Jiang Yixia's eyes showed a hint of admiration. She felt that what he said made sense. After hearing this, he immediately asked:

"Then how to find it?"

Fu Qinghai spread his hands:

"I have no idea."

After chatting for so long, it was soon time for dinner.

Fu Qinghai was the first to feel hungry, so he took out a lot of combat ration packs (CPR), which are the standard individual field meals of the Imperial Guard. They are somewhat similar to the MREs of the US military. They contain a meal including vitamin supplements. A certain amount of salt, water purification tablets, protein bars, oatmeal bread sticks and a small amount of medical supplies for a meal can be cooked using the self-contained fireless heating agent or the casing of a tank engine.

Fu Qinghai asked the technical priest to load the Trojan logistics vehicle with the standard supplies of the Imperial Guard, because the Space Marines that the Imperial Guard can eat can definitely eat it, but the Imperial Guard that the Space Marines can eat may not be able to eat it, for example, if ceramic compounds are added Amino oatmeal or triglyceride gel can cause poisoning or even death if eaten by ordinary people.

CPR can guarantee the necessary nutrition and energy. As for the taste... you can tell by looking at the frowning brows and bulging cheeks of Chen Xinlu and others.

However, the three girls have experienced a lot of reincarnations, so they are not being pretentious. They each finished a pack in three times, five times and two times.

But Fu Qinghai is still eating.

He ate very quickly without wasting anything. There was already a pile of CPR bags piled high in front of him.

At first, when Chen Xinlu heard that Fu Qinghai had brought a whole cart of supplies, she felt that at least the food was stable. However, after seeing Fu Qinghai's appetite, she felt anxious again.

Jiang Yixia, who has the blood of the Hulk, is already a famous big eater in the club. He will eat two or three times the amount of others. However, compared with Fu Qinghai, Jiang Yixia's small amount of food is nothing.

The appetite of a normal Space Marine is mentioned in a novel about the Imperial Guard. The appetite of a Black Templar Space Marine is approximately four to five times that of an ordinary soldier. However, considering that it was a banquet, it may be that the Black Templar Space Marine's appetite The church has not yet let people eat.

Fu Qinghai is not an ordinary space warrior. His body has multiple enhancements, and his food intake has doubled. He estimates that it is about ten times that of ordinary humans.

After the three women's eyes changed from surprise to horror to numbness, Fu Qinghai was finally satisfied. He clapped his hands without changing his expression and said to Chen Xinlu:

"Open the door, I'll take out the trash."

Chen Xinlu waved his hand and opened the dimension door, and Fu Qinghai threw out a large handful of packaging bags.

After the meal, Fu Qinghai took out three brand-new Imperial Guard standard sleeping bags, handed them to the three women, and asked them to find their own places to sleep inside the tank, while he began to sit cross-legged and meditate instead of sleeping.

Inside the tank, which was not too small but not too spacious, the three women got into sleeping bags with their clothes on and lay down quietly. Fu Qinghai gradually adjusted his breathing and slowly closed his eyes.

In the dark and lightless car, there was no other sound except the even breathing.

Not a comfortable experience.

Chen Xinlu stared at the roof of the car with bright eyes.

But suddenly I felt an inexplicable sense of security.

She could feel that he was beside her.

A night of silence.

Until, in the darkness, Fu Qinghai suddenly opened his eyes.

The soft sound of the soles of feet stepping slowly on the sand was clearly audible through the keen sense of the Force.

Fu Qinghai said calmly:

"Get up, the zombies are coming."


Thanks to book friend 20191114150150286, Wutian Tianluo, Low-key Qiu Ge, Silver Wings Autumn Wind Falling Leaves, qq992333, HatakeKakas, for the reward.

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