Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 291 Timeline and World View

There was a flash of white light.

Fu Qinghai recovered from unconsciousness.

Looking around quickly, he seemed to be in a dilapidated building, surrounded by gray concrete walls full of bullet holes, exposed steel bars, and collapsed columns.

"'s coming."

"Ah, where is this?"

"The new reincarnation is endless."

There were no partitions in the dilapidated building, and sounds came from other rooms one after another. It sounded like a reincarnator.

Fu Qinghai sat quietly for a moment on a huge long metal box. He did not get up or participate in the conversation of the reincarnations. Instead, he first took out a large chip and inserted it into the Blue Shell Power Battle. A's internal interface.

"Master, I miss you~"

The coquettish electronic female voice sounded in my ears.

"Qing Ming, connect to the satellite network and determine the current position."

Fu Qinghai said.

"Roger that, Master."

The wild alien planet has the gameplay of the wild alien planet, and modern society has the gameplay of modern society. The satellite network and signal base stations all over the world are the best infrastructure for a player with artificial intelligence.

The first thing Fu Qinghai needs to do is connect to the Internet.

A few seconds later, Qing Ming said:

"Confirmation of orientation, Sinai Peninsula, coordinate parameters..."

"Call Ron and ask him to come pick me up."

"Okay, Master."

The noise of the reincarnators gradually grew louder.

Fu Qinghai ignored it and still sat quietly on the long metal box.

While waiting for Ron, he began to think about the timeline.

This time when he came to the main Marvel universe, that is, the Marvel (Earth-616) universe, the legendary hub of reincarnation, Fu Qinghai did not use the reincarnation beacon, but directly used the calling function of the club boss to choose to join the club member Ron The anchor world is partially assembled.

From this point of view, the main god may encourage players to form clubs. Club players have many convenient functions that individual players do not have. Simply speaking, the boss of the club can travel to and from the anchor worlds of different club members without using reincarnation beacons. This is all. , which is very convenient.

Fu Qinghai's anchor world is the Warhammer 40K universe. Looking at it now, it is not so much anchoring this universe as it is anchoring this timeline.

As long as the anchor world starts reincarnation, Fu Qinghai will definitely give priority to participating in the major events of the plot line of his anchor world, and the interval between two reincarnations is also in the anchor world, so the time he personally feels is equal to The time of the Warhammer 40K universe is completely synchronized.

Because there is no reincarnation world in which reincarnations exist, the timeline is stagnant.

Is it possible that Fu Qinghai is no longer in the Warhammer 40K universe, but the timeline of the Warhammer 40K universe is still continuing to flow?


He only needs to choose to gather in the anchor world of a certain society member when the major plot line event begins. At this time, there are other reincarnators in the Warhammer 40K universe, and the timeline is still flowing, but there is no Fu Qinghai.

Fu Qinghai thought of this the moment he used the community gathering function.

In addition, through communication with his teammates, he also clarified some other issues about time, such as: each reincarnation and the interval between each reincarnation. Is the flow rate of time in different reincarnation worlds the same?

Obviously it's different.

A simple comparison can reveal that sometimes Fu Qinghai has spent a long time in the Warhammer 40K universe, while Zhang Yuning has only stayed in other reincarnation worlds for a few decades.

Fu Qinghai was just curious:

How big can this difference in time flow rate be? It's impossible. A thousand years have passed in my Warhammer 40K universe, but only two or three days have passed in other reincarnation worlds. In this case, many lifespans are not that Long-lived creatures, such as humans, will be tortured to death.

At the end of one reincarnation, he found that his teammates had died of old age.

Or once reincarnation ends, the girl teammate becomes an aunt.

Is it okay?

Fu Qinghai shook his head and laughed, no longer thinking about this issue.

According to the physical laws of the real world, the greater the mass of an object, the slower the flow of time. The concept of time can even be canceled out in the field of quantum mechanics.

Fu Qinghai stood up, lifted up the metal box that was as big as a single wardrobe under his buttocks, dusted it off, walked out of the room, and walked towards the center of the ruined building.

The ruins are surrounded by a desert, and the blazing sunshine shines all over the earth. From time to time, the sound of cannons and gunshots can be heard in the distance, as if there is a war going on, causing wisps of dust to fall from the ceiling, forming a Tyndall effect light pillar in the bright and transparent light.

There is a group of reincarnations gathered in the center of the building, both men and women, of different ages. The condition of many of them does not look very good, and they are no better than the refugees. They seem to have just returned from some dangerous reincarnation world, and there is something in their eyes. Be alert.

As soon as Fu Qinghai appeared, he attracted the attention of everyone present. He was dressed in black gold power armor, with a cold faceplate and scarlet eyepieces. He was the kind of guy who looked very strong. It was difficult for him to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger. Such operations.

Fu Qinghai walked towards the hall without saying a word, and some people even started to back away slightly.

"Hello, hello, everyone!"

At this time, a bright and loud voice came from outside.

A short, fat man walked in. He had a big belly, walked confidently, and his face was red:

"Haha, it's your luck that new players have arrived here, and it's also my honor. Let me introduce myself, I am Paregal, a mid-level operator of the Order Alliance."

He spread his hands and bowed slightly to all the reincarnators present.

However, no one paid attention to him or answered his words. The reincarnators still stood or crouched in place, their vigilant eyes darting back and forth between him and Fu Qinghai.

Order Alliance? what is that?

Fu Qinghai had a thought and remembered the strange term that appeared in the reward notice issued by Perfect Human.

Facing the cold scene, the short and fat man didn't feel embarrassed at all. He straightened his chest, raised his fat chin, and said to himself:

"Everyone, today is a lucky day. The Order Alliance provides an exclusive discount for new players who enter the Marvel main universe for the first time. The original price of 598 points for the reincarnation information subscription service is now only 300 points, that is You can enjoy the latest reincarnation information updated in real time by the Order Alliance, including rules answers, combat power rankings, universe information, gossip and scandals... everything you need!"

Paregal, a short and fat man, raised his hands and said loudly:

"Everything is available in the U.S. Order Alliance Information Collection! Subscribe now and you can also participate in exclusive discounts for newcomers. The U.S. Order Alliance is your eternal reincarnation partner! The U.S. Order Alliance is well-known in the world and trustworthy!"

After the passionate slogans were shouted, the only thing left on the scene was...


very quiet.

Everyone looked at this short and fat man silently. No one responded or even asked. The reincarnations still had the vigilance of "there are always unscrupulous people who want to harm me" and hugged him tightly. He lost his weapon or backpack.

"All right."

Seeing this, the short and fat man seemed to be used to it. He shrugged, turned around and walked out the door.

"Wait a moment."

A filtered deep voice stopped him.

Paregal turned around, and in front of him was a tall and burly giant in black gold armor, looking down at him. His voice came from the loudspeaker on the neck armor:

"I subscribe."

As soon as he finished speaking, a cold voice sounded deep in the mind of Afraid Regar:

[You receive 300 assimilation points from other reincarnators]

Pay directly?

Paregal was stunned and asked:

"Don't you want to ask about the specific content in detail?"

Fu Qinghai did not speak, but gently placed his palm on the hilt of the chain sword at his waist.

Paregal understood it instantly.

This means: If the information you provide is not worth 300 assimilation points, then... you will be responsible for the consequences.

This so-called "Intermediate Operator of the Order Alliance" said:

"Okay, sir, please follow me."

Fu Qinghai was the only one present who had purchased this service, so naturally he couldn't let others hear even a few words.

In a corner of a room in the ruins of a building.

Paregar led Fu Qinghai here in a familiar manner. After checking to make sure there was no eavesdropping or peeping around, he coughed twice and cleared his throat. Shi Shiran turned around and said to Fu Qinghai:

"So, sir, where would you like to start with?"

"What is the Order Alliance?"

Fu Qinghai asked his first question.


Paregal was stunned, thinking to himself, you just paid the fee without even knowing what the "Order Alliance" was?

However, he immediately said:

"The Order Alliance is a neutral organization independent of major societies. It has a long history and a good reputation. It was established a long time ago. We originally originated from a group of players who were unwilling to participate in the battle between reincarnations. The Order Alliance The Alliance does not participate in any battles between groups or even individuals. We provide services to all reincarnations, including intermediaries and guarantees for buying and selling transactions, and the exchange and gathering of information. Our information sources and intelligence eyes are spread throughout the entire reincarnation world, and we have long-term commitment to The Reincarnators acquire valuable intelligence and information and provide all players with the help and services we can."

He seemed to have memorized his lines in advance and blurted them out very smoothly.

Fu Qinghai nodded.

Just as he suspected.

But one thing is, if you want to remain neutral, you don’t just have to say you are neutral.

For example, Switzerland is a permanently neutral country, but Switzerland has a very developed defense industry and a large number of standing troops. This allows Switzerland to remain neutral.

In the same way, the Order Alliance can survive and thrive among major associations, and it is obviously impossible for it to be a soft persimmon without any hard power.

"I really want to know the levels of the reincarnation world, SSS level, SS level, A level... How are these levels divided?"

Fu Qinghai then asked the question that had troubled him for many years.

"good question!"

Paregar snapped his fingers.

He smiled mysteriously and made it clear:

"Then let me first ask you, do you know... what level does the Alien movie universe belong to?"

Alien cinematic universe?

Fu Qinghai frowned slightly.

He knew that Alien should have at least two universes:

The Alien cinematic universe, which is the early Alien series of movies, plus the rebooted versions of "Alien: Prometheus" and "Alien: Covenant".

The Alien vs. Predator universe, also known as the AVP universe, includes related movies and comics. The comics are produced by Dark Horse Comics, but do not belong to the Dark Horse Comics universe.

Fu Qinghai carefully recalled the plot of the movie and asked tentatively:

"I guess it's...A-level, right?"

"No, the Alien Cinematic Universe is SS-rated."

Paregar said.


Fu Qinghai immediately expressed his incomprehension.

With the strength of an alien, it also has dual S-classes?

Paregar said with a smile:

"When did the world of reincarnation say... that it would set the level of the universe in terms of intensity, difficulty, background cap, or some other way?"

Fu Qinghai shook his head:

"Indeed I didn't say that."

Paregal spread his hands:

"That's fine then."

Fu Qinghai frowned:

"Then it must have a hierarchical logic. Otherwise, why would it prompt this 'level'? It doesn't make any sense?"

"Ahem, you asked the right person, this involves the strengths of our Order Alliance."

Paregal coughed lightly, put on a serious look, and said:

"Although the world of reincarnation is not stated clearly, based on our continuous observation and summary over the years, we have come to a conclusion - the world of reincarnation is based on the degree of influence of these IPs on the minds of all human beings in the real world, as well as the perfection of the settings of the IP itself. The degree is used to determine the level.”

"Be specific?"

"For example, Alien itself is very weak, but Alien is one of the oldest science fiction horror movies. It pioneered deep space claustrophobia, sexual metaphors and religious metaphors in science fiction. Its art style also directly influenced Generations of directors, writers and designers followed.”

“This involves some concepts related to media studies and communication studies.”

Paregal added, and then a slightly sarcastic smile appeared on his lips:

"Of course, for those who can only struggle to survive in the world of reincarnation and only care about who is strong and who is weak, talking about 'communication' with them is tantamount to playing the piano to an ox."


Fu Qinghai frowned and muttered to himself.

He noticed these two keywords.

This reminded him of a term developed from the S West P Foundation series - memes.

The word "meme" was originally derived from the concept of communication. In popular terms, it is information or concepts that do not exist in physical form, and are then spread through various channels such as books, newspapers, and the Internet. , and then affect people's minds.

There is no supernatural power involved, it is just a simple concept in real science. A meme or a meme can be a meme.

There is a saying that goes like this:

When does a person truly die?

The answer is when everyone forgets about him.

As long as someone else still remembers this person, as long as he still exists in someone's mind, then even if his body has died, he is not really dead.

This logic is a broad concept of memes.

Thinking a little too deeply.

Fu Qinghai collected his thoughts from their divergence.

If the level of the reincarnation world is really determined by the wide spread...then classic screen images and anime characters such as Alien, Naruto, and Marvel are indeed IPs with a profound influence.


Fu Qinghai immediately discovered the problem:

"If you put it this way, why is the Warhammer 40K universe SSS-level?"

Warhammer 40K is also a very old IP, but its spread is very, very narrow. Without mentioning big data concepts such as search popularity and keyword rankings, we use a simple and crude logic to measure the spread——

Has it been made into a movie?

Games have not yet fully emerged. Movies are the first of the nine arts. They are the easiest to spread among all art forms and the one with the lowest threshold for appreciation. Whether an IP has a movie is a way to measure the spread of this IP.

Warhammer 40K obviously doesn't.

Of course, this does not mean that if you make a movie, it will necessarily be highly popular. Bad movies are everywhere, and few people remember them.

"Ha, I know the Warhammer 40K universe you are talking about, a reincarnation world that has just been opened twice. This is the second condition I just mentioned - the degree of perfection of the IP itself."

Paregar said:

"If the IP itself has a very complete setting, such as Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings series, The Silmarillion series, and The Hobbit series, the author not only constructed a complete worldview, but even compiled a story for the elves in his books. A language and writing. Then Tolkien's universe would be rated very high in the world of reincarnation."

Paregal gave a good example.

Tolkien's series of novels is the true originator of Western fantasy. Almost all Western fantasy stories are based on him. The detailed settings of Tolkien's universe are rich and complete, including the setting of the elven language. It was also imitated by later large manufacturers.

Industrial Light and Magic set up an English alphabetical table for the Oribesh text of Star Wars.

Marvel Studios has also set up an English alphabet chart for the characters in the Kingdom of Wakanda.

In fact, few people pay attention to whether they do it or not. Few people will pay attention to whether there is an additional language and text in the movie. Moreover, English itself is not a complicated language. It is just a table of English letters. Twenty Six letters is not a huge undertaking.

But they just did it.

In order to enrich and improve this IP.

Maybe Tolkien made a good start.

In this regard, China's IP has done very poorly.

Game Workshop (GW), the production company of Warhammer 40K, also set up an English comparison table for the Orc text, not only that, but also the Orc accent and grammar.

Fu Qinghai's deep thought seemed to further arouse Paregar's desire to express himself. He said:

"Actually, these two conditions are closely related to another question. Have you ever thought about whether all IPs, all movies, novels, comics... that exist in our real world can become a reincarnation world?"

Fu Qinghai said with some uncertainty:

"Should...can't, right?"

"From what the Order Alliance has learned, the answer is...of course not!"

Paregal said with great certainty:

"Only IPs that meet the above two conditions are qualified to become a reincarnation world. Let me give you the simplest example - a series of movies. Those movies that have only been made once can often only become a replica world, and those long-form movies can only become a replica world. Only a series of movies can become a main world."

After Paregal mentioned this example, the first thing Fu Qinghai thought of was the horror movie universe.

For example, the original source of Zhang Yuning's ability was the place where she was possessed by Kayako - the Cursed Universe.

The Grudge has movies and novels. The movies are divided into Japanese and American versions. The Japanese version has eight movies and one TV series, and the American version has four movies... This is a quite large series of IP.

Another example is the source of Upton's ability - the ghost baby's return to the soul universe.

There are seven movies in the series, which also involve a hilarious and terrifying transformation and a soft reboot - becoming an artificial intelligence ghost doll.

"Restart" is one of the symbols of the longevity of a series of IPs. Those that have experienced reboots are classics in people's minds. Including the latex-masked murderer Michael Myers in "Moonlight" who was previously encountered in the Marvel comic universe, this series of horror movies has a total of ten movies, and there are also reboots during the period.

According to Paregal's theory, only series of movies such as The Grudge and The Return of the Ghost can meet the condition of "the degree of influence on the minds of all human beings."

Only then can we become a reincarnation master world.


Fu Qinghai nodded slowly.

He probably understood the theory Paregal was talking about.

Paregar said:

"To be honest, most reincarnations don't care about these issues. They only think about becoming stronger, stronger, stronger, and they ask me how to become stronger. You are the first person I have ever encountered who first asked me The person I consulted on this issue was quite..."

Before Paregar could finish his words, Fu Qinghai raised his hand and interrupted:

"I'll interrupt."

Fu Qinghai looked at Paregal seriously and asked a question that went straight to the core:

"Even if the reincarnation world is really created and graded according to the two conditions you mentioned, then what is the purpose and significance of the reincarnation world, or what we call the 'main god'? This classification, and What impact can it have on reincarnators?"

Does the SSS-level universe suppress the A-level universe?

It seems there isn't either.

On the contrary, the oppression caused by different worldviews is almost everywhere for non-science fiction reincarnators.

"Well, tsk, actually, we don't have an answer to this question either."

Paregal smashed his mouth and said:

"But we have some speculation internally."

"What guess?"

Fu Qinghai immediately asked.

Palegal looked up at the armored giant, smiled, and said:

"Originally, this is not part of the 300-point reincarnation information subscription service, but since you pay so readily, I can reveal a little bit for you."

Paregal asked slowly:

"Have you ever felt that... the world of reincarnation looks very much like an online game?"

Fu Qinghai nodded: "I've always felt that way."

Paregar said:

"Then let me tell you, the world of reincarnation is not only like a game, but it is becoming more and more like a game!"

"More and more like...what do you mean?"

Fu Qinghai asked with a frown.

Paregar said:

"It is said that, according to legend, the reincarnation forums, reincarnation clubs, and reincarnation props we use now were all non-existent in the early days. The reincarnation world at that time was very simple, just letting you experience different reincarnations, and then... Until one day, suddenly these changes happened.”

Does this mean that the reincarnation world will be updated?

Seeing that Fu Qinghai was lost in thought again, Paregar couldn't help but feel the inexplicable pleasure of sharing shocking secrets and shocking others. He smiled mysteriously, lowered his voice, and whispered:

"Rumors say that when you become a Level 10 reincarnator, you will understand why all this is happening, why the reincarnation world will change, and why the reincarnation world will generate the world with the breadth of communication and the richness of settings. , the answer to all of there!"

Fu Qinghai raised his head:

"Is it necessary for you to speak in such a sinister tone?"

"Ah, sorry, I got caught up in the drama."

Paregal immediately returned to his normal tone and scratched his head.

Level 10 reincarnator...what does it mean?

Fu Qinghai couldn't analyze it and could only nodded:

"Okay, I get it."

After thinking about it, he suddenly felt it again.

These 300 assimilation points are well spent.

A mere 300 assimilation points are exchanged for so many in-depth secrets that have never been heard before. Why are the reincarnations outside not interested at all?

Fu Qinghai told Pareghar his doubts.

Paregal was not surprised and said:

"For a powerful advanced player like you, you don't care about the mere 300 assimilation points, but for those reincarnations outside who are still struggling on the line of life and death in the reincarnation world, with 300 points, they can assimilate a car Motorcycles, or a few machine guns, a body armor, ammunition, drinking water, food, etc. Even if they know these secrets and analysis, what will happen? Will they be able to survive the next reincarnation? No. So..."

Paregal shrugged and did not continue.

Fu Qinghai nodded slightly.


Unknowingly, Fu Qinghai has become one of the so-called "advanced players". He is no longer satisfied with "living well", but begins to think about the meaning and nature of reincarnation.

"Okay, then the next question is, let me talk about some major societies. Let's start with Perfect Humans."

Fu Qinghai said.


There is one more chapter to come.

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