Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 427 Everyone has their own plans

“It’s this industrial world.”

After some careful research, Fu Qinghai chose an industrial world that had just fallen and was still in the flames of war, named "Dee No. 4".

The first step in the battle plan: Define the battlefield!

“What’s so special about this industrial world?”

Qiao Shida asked in confusion.

The First Company Commander took a closer look and found that whether it was an orbital defense facility or a surface defense facility, there was almost no difference between the De'E Industrial World No. 4 and other planets in the De'E System, compared with the other thirteen industrial worlds.

"This planet has oceans, huge oceans."

Fu Qinghai narrowed his eyes slightly and said.


The Moon Wolf Warrior frowned.

"Yes, the ocean that buried the traitor Titan."

Fu Qinghai nodded.

Industrial worlds are factory worlds where entire planets are dedicated to manufacturing or mining. Because most labor is performed by machines, the industrial world is usually sparsely populated.

While industrial worlds may maintain ties to the Mechanicum, such as the model of the Nydelina sub-sector - industrial worlds serve as raw material production sites for Forge Worlds. However, the industrial world is not under the direct jurisdiction of the Mechanicum. The governance authority of the industrial world belongs to the planetary governor appointed by Terra. In addition, the technology and production capacity of the foundry world are usually greater than those of the industrial world, because the former has more scientific research power.

"Target De'E Industrial World No. 4, let's go!"

Fu Qinghai ordered.

Yaxburgh was burned.

The capital of the industrial world of Deir IV.

The southern area of ​​the peninsula port burned with raging flames. The patchwork crystal windows of sheds and warehouses were blackened and cracked. The heavy iron door collapsed with a dull sound, leaving behind a broken, empty doorway filled with smoke.

Carbonized corpses and charred vehicles filled the rubble-strewn streets. The vast majority of the dead had been killed days before the fire arrived, but until now, they had not received the "dignity" of cremation. The pale plastic steel lifting machinery was melted in the high temperature, and with painful groans, it collapsed and poured into the polluted Larkesh Sea.

A fierce battle between the Loyalist Titan Legion and the Rebel Titan Legion easily destroyed the Promethium Refinery on the promontory. So the fire began to spread, the flames igniting the dock slums and eating their way north.

Arkzburg was once a dirty industrial trade stronghold, a transit point and a distribution center. As evil beliefs secretly spread - often a prelude to a Chaos invasion - it became a city filled with cultists and mutants. of fortress. Then, as expected, the fleet of the Dark Mechanicus arrived here, and Yaxburgh turned into Shura Hell. The fanatics who believed in Chaos finally completely occupied the city.

A carnival ensued.

An orgy of killing, sadism and plunder.

Although the fire has not stopped and is still sweeping through the port ferociously, it does not affect the fanatical mood of the Chaos believers in the slightest. Dark figures are crouching on the roof, shuttling between the weathered sheds, and some even stand in front of the flames.

Some of them were hunchbacked, twisted creatures wrapped in rags that could not cover their bodies, and some were former Planetary Defense Force soldiers. Their faces were covered with dirt and blood, and their carapace was stained and riddled with bullet marks.

The twisted-looking black machine oil man was directing the servitors to transport supplies. They looked on coldly at the carnival of the Chaos believers in the city. As long as they did not disturb themselves in plundering the resource reserves in the industrial world, these gangs who believed in different evil gods and the dark mechanical god The teachers are barely in the same camp.

"Kill! Cut! Burn!"

Some people were burning, killing and looting, pointing their butcher knives and guns at the remaining civilians or other gangs.

"Smash it, smash it!"

With blazing flames, someone is tearing and burning the Imperial Sky Eagle flag, smearing blood and desecrating the statue of the Crusade Saint, these symbols of the existence of the Terran government. They gathered around, pulling on the rope, shouting slogans, and cheering loudly:

"One, two, three, pull!"


In the square in front of the Governor's Palace, the giant stone sculptures symbolizing the Human Empire and the Mechanicum collapsed and broke into several pieces. Smoke and dust filled the air. The cultists laughed, stomped and poked the stones in a ventive manner, and then took off their clothes. The pants were peeing against the rocks, and the yellow urine slid down the eye sockets of the skull sculpture.

The flame has not yet been extinguished. These traitors raised their heads, faced the flying ashes and thick haze, and shouted and howled at the sky to express their resistance.

The greatest misfortune for them.

It was the sky that responded.

Hot energy stabbed down from the clouds.

Penetrating through the thick lead cloud composed of burning embers and toxic smog, the golden light spread across the earth, instantly vaporizing the carnival crowd. Anyone who dared to look directly at this golden beam of light would experience pain and tears, and be instantly blinded. All that was left in their field of vision was white. Even the mechanical prosthetic eyes were also hot and overloaded, and wisps of white smoke came out of their eyes.

Since the first golden light fell.

One after another, the thick clouds fragmented between the golden light pillars. The dark technological heretics and twisted machine servants who were busy transporting supplies disappeared in the golden light before they even had time to hide in the bunker.

Followed by the pillar of light that looked like divine punishment from heaven.

It's a meteor shower that cuts through an arc.


Mud flew everywhere, gravel exploded, and the airborne capsule hit the ground hard, with the end half submerged into the earth.


White steam gushes and the hydraulic crank snaps.

The eight hatches suddenly opened and hit the ground and were embedded in the soil. Black gold Space Marines armed with pulse bolters and Fat Man launchers rushed out along the steel stairs outside the hatch. Before the Chaos believers could escape from the light spear attack, When they came back to their senses, the blind cultists were instantly penetrated and exploded by electromagnetic-accelerated bombs, exploding into a mass of blood drops and broken bones.


A red thin beam flashed, and as soon as a black engine oil man stuck his hood out from the ruins, he was immediately hit by the thin red line. Slag, black ash and flames spurted out from the breathing valve of the twisted mask, and he started to roll while hugging his body. , together with the black burqa, turned into a rolling human-shaped flame.

Joestar lowered his explosive assault gun.

Look around at the burning ruins of the streets.

"Purge this city completely!"

The first company commander raised one arm high and roared loudly:

"Hurry up! We have less than twenty hours to build a city defense line, a defense line that can stop the Titan Army for fifteen minutes!"

According to the plan, the Space Marines of the Iron Buddha Chapter need to clear out all the remnants of Chaos forces in Fort Yax as soon as possible, and then use less than a standard Terra day to rely on these city buildings to reinforce the original defense facilities and build a A line of defense. And the requirements for this line of defense are:

Can withstand an army of Titans for fifteen minutes.

The Titan Legion is a battle fleet on land. It is extremely difficult to use the ruins of a city to resist a Titan Legion for fifteen minutes. Faced with this stringent requirement, Joestar was unsure, but he believed that his soldiers could complete it.

This kind of work should be left to the Imperial Fists.

Qiao Shida pursed his lips and thought to himself.

Although we don't have the Imperial Fists...

But we have Iron Warriors.

Thinking of this, the First Company Commander turned his head and looked around. The last Space Marines walked out of each drop cabin one after another. Their power backpacks were larger, and there were additional auxiliary aiming instruments installed on the side of the helmet eyepiece. As they stepped forward Walking out of the hatch, four or five mechanical arms spread out behind him like an octopus.

All technical sergeants of the Chapter were dispatched.

The first batch of Space Marines who arrived on the surface in airborne capsules quickly cleared the area around the Governor's Mansion. They quickly cleared the ground in the square in front of the Governor's Mansion, and then six Thunderhawk gunships landed here, and the belly hatch opened. The rumble of armored tracks, Spartan tanks, Mastodon tanks, Predator tanks, Land Raiders...

Six Thunderhawk gunships continuously traveled back and forth between orbit and the surface to transport the armored vehicles of the Chapter. Soon, the "First Ascension Brigade", the only armored company of the Chapter, was deployed.

There are also a lot of construction machinery.

It didn't take long for the Space Marines to clean up the Chaos believers in the entire Yaxburg, as well as the black machine oil guys who came to plunder resources. The chickens and dogs were vulnerable to a blow. Then we began to arrange urban defense facilities according to local conditions, trying to repair the land-based macro cannons and void shield generators that were damaged in previous wars, digging some tunnels, setting up some roadblocks, and using gates, bridges and canals to set up traps...

It is almost difficult for these gadgets to cause harm to the Titan Legion, but their purpose is not to rely on these fortifications to kill the Titan Legion, but to delay as much time as possible.

The second step of the battle plan: lure the snake out of its hole.

Hive World II of Axeros.

In the outer space of the planet, very far away from the orbital defense facilities, there are a number of fleets belonging to the rebels parked, including the Chaos Cruiser Fleet that came to support, and the transport fleet of the Untamed Lord Titan Legion after the rebellion.

They have surrounded the hive.

Originally, the rebels were ready to attack the hive world, but the sudden reinforcements from the Ni Delina sub-sector - an Astartes Chapter fleet, temporarily slowed down their attack on the hive world. pace.

Get ready to see what this chapter has planned.

Originally, according to the rebels' predictions, this battle group must be here to rescue the imperial army trapped in the hive world. They have made full preparations and concentrated all their forces and deployed them around the hive world, waiting for the opponent's arrival.

In the Ni-Delina sub-sector, the rebels have formed a local strength advantage. Under this situation, one side is trapped in the hive world, one side is surrounding the hive world, and one side is trying to come to rescue. If the fight is good, it can form "Inside should cooperate with outside". If the attack is not good, it will become "encircling the point and calling for reinforcements". In general, because of their superior strength, both the navy and the army are much stronger than the imperial army. Therefore, the rebels are not in a hurry and are ready to wait for the Astartes battle group to arrive and move the nest. The metropolis and the chapter fleet ate it together.

However, what they did not expect was that the Astartes Chapter did not come to rescue the hive world. Instead, they found an industrial world on their own. After quickly regaining that industrial world, they began to strengthen their defenses in place and put on a show. Standing firm and taking advantage of the fact that all rebel forces were concentrated around the hive world, this fleet began to harass other industrial worlds that had fallen into the hands of the rebels, preventing them from plundering and transporting resources... but they refused to fight the main force of the rebels. .

What is this behavior?

Do you want to die without saving anything?

The commander of the Chaos Fleet, Sotarn Vol Braun, analyzed the current situation and felt very puzzled.

Aren't they worried that after the hive world falls, they will be eaten by them if they turn around?

Thortarn was a warsmith nicknamed "The Forged Stone" and a warrior of the 45th Battalion of the Iron Warriors during the Great Crusade and Heresy. He is a master of civil engineering, and his understanding of rock materials is so profound that it is said that he can talk to the rocks, making them reveal all information to him and transform them into geological wonders under his tools.

From the War Blacksmith's perspective, since the other party did not plan to join forces, it would be simple for him to use his strength to defeat them one by one. He would first eat up the Imperial army in the hive world, and then kill the Astartes. Warband, this is the safest way, and it is also in line with the war philosophy of Lord of Steel Perturabo - to concentrate superior forces to overwhelm the enemy.

However, what he didn't expect was that the representatives of the Dark Mechanicus raised very fierce objections.

They said that the resources in the Eye of Terror are extremely scarce, and all the forging worlds under the Dark Mechanicus are waiting for food with their big mouths open, and plundering the rich resources in the Ni-Delina sub-sector is the most important part of this operation. The main purpose is not to kill the lackeys and loyal servants of the false emperor.

The war blacksmith was suddenly in a dilemma.

As a senior officer of the Chaos Space Marines, he wanted to achieve great military exploits. He wanted to humiliate the false emperor's lackeys and please the Four Gods of Chaos, but he also had to take the opinions of the Dark Mechanicus into consideration - because the other party controlled the Titan Legion.

If the black machine oil guys don't cooperate and remove the Titan Legion, the overwhelming ground military power will no longer exist. Moreover, if you want to develop in the Eye of Terror for a long time, it is very necessary to have a good relationship with the Dark Mechanicum. Otherwise, where will the weapons, vehicles and battleships come from? It cannot be generated out of thin air.

"Tsk...that's a lot to ask for."

Sotaen frowned and thought to himself.

It feels like serving the Lord of Steel is not as troublesome as serving these black oil guys, who are dictating things all day long.

If the rebels give up the siege of the hive world and deal with the Astartes Chapter, it is obviously not appropriate, because then the Imperial Navy, Titan Legion and Imperial Guard in the hive world will all run away. One side is just an insignificant war group fleet, and here is a coalition of three armies. The war blacksmith can clearly distinguish which one is more important.

"Then divide the troops."

The war blacksmith thought for a moment and said:

"They seem to be building fortifications... Humph, they are really overestimating their capabilities when building fortifications in front of the Titan Legion. Send some of the Untamed Lord Titans to deal with them, and I will detach three strike cruisers to cover the landing of the Titan Legion."

The layout was completed, but a sense of uneasiness still lingered in the heart of the war blacksmith. After thinking about it, Sotane added:

"The plundering knights of the Vextris family followed the Untamed Lord Titan Legion to Deir IV."

"Yes, my lord."

When a lion fights a rabbit, he also uses all his strength. A Titan Legion and a Knight Family deal with an Astartes Chapter together. No matter what tricks you have, the War Blacksmith thought, in the face of absolute power, it is impossible to make any waves.

Two transport cruisers of the Titan Legion plus three conventional cruisers of the Chaos Fleet. The five battleships do not have an overwhelming naval advantage over the three strike cruisers led by a battle barge, but covering the landing of the Titan Legion on the surface is It's enough, because other warships will continue to besiege the hive world, and the Titan Legion will decide the winner on the ground.

The plan goes through!

The Warsmith compromised.

The black engine oil man was satisfied.

The Renegade Titan was reorganized, and the Fallen Knights lined up to go out. The five warships broke away from the encirclement and sailed quickly to the Deer system, preparing to completely annihilate the Astartes war group that overestimated their capabilities and let them have a minimum of respect for the gods.

The industrial world of Deir IV.

On the coast of the long and narrow peninsula, at Fort Yakoz, the technical sergeants of the Chapter are still busy reinforcing the defense facilities of the entire city. Far away from here, two imperial transport ships have docked at the coast at an unknown time.

The two behemoths slid quietly into the ocean called "Larkesh" along the hatch that opened at the stern of the ship. The waves were filled with highly toxic chemicals, undulating, and the behemoths disappeared into the ocean. .


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