Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 431 The destruction of the family

Zofia has always known that she has a backer in the Warhammer 40K universe.

However, the Warhammer 40K universe is really too big. There is an entire extreme star field between the Steel Ring and the Hazy Star Field. She doesn't know where to find that backer, and she doesn't know whether that backer is solid or not.

Zofia also asked Janiko and described the appearance of "Qingshan Khan" to her, but her mother said she had never heard of it. Mrs. Janiko told her that the human empire is very big. Even superhuman soldiers like Space Marines are as numerous as stars in the sky. Moreover, the Steel Ring has multiple Titan legions, which are fully enough to protect itself, so there are no Any Astartes Chapter is stationed.

Fortunately, a major plot event has begun, and perhaps the world of reincarnation will not scatter the players too far away. By a combination of circumstances and chance, the two will finally meet again.

"Po Jun Jin Jia" marched towards the city.

Fu Qinghai is explaining the functions to Zofia.

"The general division of labor is that I will control the melee weapons and body movements, and you will control the long-range weapons, shield system and detection system. Do you understand?"


This is just a general division of labor, but in fact, based on the characteristics of the Pons bridge device, the "Breaking Army Golden Armor" is controlled by two people, so there will be no interference between the four arms or the inability to coordinate the hands and feet.

At the same time, Fu Qinghai was also thinking about the enemy.

A mere family of Chaos Knights is nothing to fear.

But the "mutation" that Fu Qinghai saw through Zofia's memory - the castle master knight vomited and turned into a strange existence that was obviously from the Nurgle camp, made him a little afraid. Although Zofia didn't understand, Fu Qinghai knew very well that this kind of performance was a distinctive feature of psychic power.

If you think about it for a moment, you can understand that no matter how strong a biological virus is, it cannot infect inorganic steel and machinery. The Blacklight virus can't do it, but the Nurgle virus can.

The principle of psychic spellcasting is to modify reality. If the Nurgle virus has sufficient psychic power to support it, it can do so without any scientific principles at all. No matter what breathing valve or internal circulation, let alone isolating the air, isolating everything cannot prevent the spread of the Nurgle virus. It can even spread the memetic virus through time and space causation. Nurgle is the god of viruses and a collection of concepts of "disease and infection". Blocking spiritual power is the fundamental way to stop the spread of Nurgle virus. It cannot be said that other scientific epidemic prevention measures are completely useless. After all, it is time to It doesn’t work when it works.

The key was that the opponent used an electronic virus like the Chaos Waste Code combined with a psychic power like the Nurgle Virus to corrupt the loyal Imperial Knights. This method seemed familiar to him.

In 400.M32, Perturabo, who had become a demon prince, performed a depraved and blasphemous eighth-level possession ritual on his enemies. Perturabo harnessed the power of Nurgle, instilling his curse into the infectious Chaos Code, and then released it into the central system of the Adeptus Mechanicus' forge world of Tayu. The electronic plague replicated and spread in the machine soul, and terrible mutations occurred in the factories deep underground. After the eighth day, giant cables broke through the surface, demonic engines hunted all living creatures, and the mechanical church sprouted many twisted legs and wandered among the ruins - all flesh and blood on this planet were finally wiped out.

Known historically as the "Plague of Perturabo".

Perturabo is not the Demon Prince of Nurgle. The Demon Prince of Nurgle is the great moth Mortarion, but Perturabo can draw on the power of Nurgle. Although the Iron Warriors and the Dark Mechanicum both believe in Chaos Undivided, Chaos Undivided is not against the four gods of Chaos. Instead, it can rely on the power of any god. Of course, it cannot win the favor of a certain god. It has only been a few hundred years since the "Plague of Perturabo" was successfully developed. I think that among the Chaos Space Marines who invaded the Iron Ring this time, there were Iron Warriors. Maybe Boss Pi got inspiration from this.

Think of this.

Fu Qinghai began to contact his subordinates:

"Attention all companies, the enemy carries some kind of Nurgle virus, which is very contagious. Before discovering the Chaos Knight, keep the communication channel silent and carefully search the ruins of the city. Do not contact the enemy after you find it, and inform me of the location."

"Copy that, Khan."

Then he contacted the cruise fleet:

"There are dark technological heretics hiding in the transport cruiser of the Draconis family. They control all the crew and wait for my return. No one is allowed to leave the battleship without my order."

"Understood, Khan."

Fu Qinghai issued orders one by one.

Zofia stood nearby and listened silently.

How reliable is this backer?

I probably know it in my heart.

Zofia followed the escape route in her memory and led the "Army-breaking Golden Armor" back to the battlefield where the change occurred. The two saw that the scene was in a mess, with parts and wreckage of the knight's mecha scattered everywhere, and some twisted... The figure is wandering.

"Plasma incineration cannons and melta cannons are ready."


The two communicated silently and quickly.

The black-gold four-armed titan walked into the ruins of the city.

The twisted figures wandering aimlessly at the edge of the battlefield gradually came into view: a ten-meter-tall knight mecha, walking slowly and in a daze. The entire cabin was bulging, pushing open the armor, like an obese patient with a big belly. A coiled pink intestine was dragged out from the gap, surrounded by black flies, and maggots squirmed along the surface of the armor...

Those were several Knights of Nurgle. The apocalypse should have clearly outlined their image, but it seemed to be subject to some kind of interference. The image in the holographic projection was always accompanied by bursts of mosaic flickering, and could not reflect a high-definition picture.


The dark battlefield filled with miasma suddenly lit up.

"Army-breaking Golden Armor" sprayed out thick blue plasma, instantly covering a Nurgle Knight. The high temperature comparable to the surface of a star made this hateful and dirty creation that does not belong to the real universe disappear and burn up in the blink of an eye. All that was left was a deep, charred pit on the ground, flowing bright magma and glazed crystals.

Plasma weapons go on cooldown.

The molten flames continued to sweep across.

The "Army-breaking Golden Armor" did not approach these Nurgle knights, but burned them to death from a long distance away. This group of stinking mechanical zombies also wanted to charge towards the "Army-breaking Golden Armor", but they failed. Like all units in Nurgle's camp - rough and fleshy, quick to regenerate, slow and clumsy.

Until this moment, Fu Qinghai was still calm.

Then a voice sounded in the communication channel:

"Bah...Khan, this is Lin Yu. At twelve o'clock, I found those bastards."

Lin Yu's tone was gritted.

He seemed to be suppressing some anger.

"Okay, I'll come right away."

Fu Qinghai immediately ordered:

"Camille brought the pharmacist over to see if there is anyone worth rescuing here."

"Copy that, Khan."

It was unlikely that there would be any survivors in this situation. Fu Qinghai's original intention was to find the body of Zofia's mother, Mrs. Janiko, and prevent her body from being contaminated by Chaos.

Then, the "Army-breaking Golden Armor" walked sideways through the narrow street between the ruins of two high-rise buildings and walked towards the Chaos Knight. Lin Yu and the others strictly followed the orders and hid in the ruins of the city to investigate the enemy's situation. They did not act rashly, so this team of Chaos Knights did not realize their existence at all. "Army-Breaking Golden Armor" soon came face-to-face with this group of Chaos Knights.

The opponent formed a search formation and was walking slowly along the ruined streets. They were obviously caught off guard when faced with the black-gold four-armed Titan that suddenly appeared between the tall buildings in front of them.

"You fucking..."

Fu Qinghai suddenly frowned and squinted at the leading knight mecha. It was a Tyrant Knight, which looked particularly huge compared to the surrounding plundering knights. It had heavy logging guns on both sides of its shoulders, and missile launchers on the top of its back. The gun barrels were densely lined with bomb nests, making it look particularly ferocious and terrifying.

However, this is not what Fu Qinghai cares about.

Instead, the armor shell of the Tyrant Knight has chains with skulls on it and spikes on the skull, with a pile of rotten corpses hanging in the middle, which is obviously fresher. The corpses are also inlaid with a bunch of black and gold power armor fragments... …

Zofia felt it clearly.

An anger was rising in the man's heart.

However, the strange thing is that the angrier he gets, the calmer his voice becomes, so calm that it is almost cold:

"Lin Yu."

"I'm here, Khan."

"Lead your company to surround the surrounding area, and don't let any Chaos Knight escape."

"Understood, Khan."

The silent city ruins in the darkness suddenly started to move, and the black shadows kept shaking. The Space Marines were moving around based on the terrain, preparing to build an encirclement.

However, the Chaos Knights were unaware of these unusual movements. Their attention was attracted by the more than ninety-meter-tall four-armed Titan in front of them, and they stared up at it blankly.

All Chaos Knights are wondering:

What is this?

In front of it, the Tyrant Knight is also so small. The four-armed Titan stood next to the ruins of a building, one elbow resting on the top of the tall building, holding a slender long knife in both hands, and the detectors and sensors on his head looked straight at the group of Chaos Knights in front of him. Like a tiger descending from a mountain staring at a group of lambs.

There is obviously no eye contact.

It feels very malicious.


King Wilt Eleven swallowed his saliva.


A low voice came from the Titan radio.

Then, the four-armed titan moved.

The ground trembled, and the "Army-Breaking Golden Armor" leaped over the Tyrant Knight's head in one step, sweeping across with two swords, plasma spurting, and hot melt raging. The Chaos Knights were immediately killed and injured, without the ability to resist. A group of Knight-level Titans faced a The four-armed Titan was as tall as a Warmaster Titan. This was not a battle of the same level at all. The Trixwick family's chain of command collapsed instantly.

The only thing Wilt XI didn't understand was.

Why didn't the other party kill him?

"Retreat! Retreat!"

"Four gods above, what kind of monster is that!?"

"Escape to the mines!"

The communication channel was chaotic and noisy.

Panic and despair are spreading.

The Trixwick family has a total of twenty-eight Plunder Knights and one Tyrant Knight. Due to the sudden outbreak of the Nurgle virus, which caused their opponents to fall into civil strife, they suffered almost no losses in the process of hunting down the Draconis family.

Just a face to face.

Ten Plunder Knights were scrapped.

The killing continues... The firepower of the Imperial Titan and the agility of the Eldar Titan, this is an unmatched enemy. The Chaos Knight did not raise the slightest intention to resist, and dispersed towards the surroundings, and was soon surrounded by those who were waiting for it. The Space Marines used terrain cover to push back with nuclear bombs.

Several Plunder Knights wanted to use the narrow alleyways between the ruins of several high-rise buildings to avoid the "Broken Army Golden Armor". They ran around the base of the building, stepping on the gravel with their mechanical feet and running away desperately, just like in fairy tales running around the woods to avoid the Cyclops. The little dryads and dwarfs they were chasing were weak, pitiful and helpless.

The complicated tall buildings blocked the sight of "Po Jun Jin Jia". Seeing this, Fu Qinghai and Zofia suddenly understood each other. The two arms on the left side of "Po Jun Jin Jia" pushed a ruined high-rise building at the same time, only to hear " There was a loud bang, the base of the building broke, the plastic steel bars cracked, gray powder exploded from the chalk, and the building slowly tilted to one side...

"Creak and boom..." Several Plunder Knights below the high-rise building suddenly felt something. They looked up together and saw a huge black shadow covering their heads, and this shadow was still extending forward, covering an increasingly larger area... The building was about to collapse. , and they are a group of little ants that are about to be overwhelmed.


The engine output is adjusted to maximum.

Rolling flames with black smoke erupted from the exhaust pipe behind the mecha. The spikes and skulls hanging on the body of the predator knight were shaking and shaking. The fallen machine soul in the mechanical throne was screaming. The mecha was designed to reach its maximum speed, but it was still not faster than the speed at which a tall building collapsed.


The building collapsed completely.

It crushed an entire block.

Thick gray smoke filled the air, billowing up and spreading towards the surrounding streets. Several Plunder Knights completely disappeared and disappeared into the place where the building collapsed. They were integrated with this land forever, and they were so compressed that they were inseparable.

At this point, the Trixwick family, the vassal knight family of the Death Skull Titan Legion, was completely destroyed.

"Broken Army Golden Armor" turned around and walked towards the last Tyrant Knight. This Tyrant Knight had already been torn into eight pieces by "Broken Army Golden Armor". The four-armed Titan was like a palace chef, and the Tyrant Knight was like a chopping board. Crab, the four-armed Titan held it down with both hands, and the other two knife-wielding hands flew up and down, and soon the Tyrant Knight was reduced to a bare cabin.

During this process, the feedback from the Mechanical Throne made the Tyrant Knight's pilot scream in pain.

"His name is Wilt XI."

Zofia sent her thoughts:

"Viscount Sunderland called out his name."


Fu Qinghai nodded.

The plasma double-edged sword once again sprayed out ion shock waves.

"Army-breaking Golden Armor" gently opened the Knight's cabin.

The movements are extremely gentle, and the knife skill is the ultimate expression, just like a top Chinese chef is cooking a rare fish. The blue energy blade cuts through the adamantine armor and cabin shell without harming the pilot inside at all, just like the tip of a knife cuts through fish scales. and fish belly, without any damage to the fish intestines and fish bubbles inside.

The Tyrant Knight's engine room is exposed.

Zofia felt a pang of revulsion as she saw the throbbing mixture of machinery and flesh that somehow formed the core of a corrupted Chaos war machine. The searchlight on the shoulder of "Broken Army Golden Armor" shone on the hole dug in the body of the Tyrant Knight, and her disgust became more intense.

Whatever Vilt XI once was, he is now a hybrid of flesh and machine, fully integrated into his corrupted Mechanical Throne. This twisted creature named "Tyrant Knight" was obviously seriously injured, with unbearable pain all over its body. It stared at "Army-breaking Golden Armor" with undisguised hatred, and black liquid splashed on his own face. Those hostile eyes remain the most human thing.

"Take it away."

Fu Qinghai ordered calmly.

Use "it" instead of "he".

This thing has no concept of gender.


There is a Korean drama called "The Birth of a Family"

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