Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 506 Encountering each other

Colombia, Department of Antioquia.

A Thunderhawk gunboat was parked in the dense forest.

Space warriors were standing guard with guns around. Fu Qinghai, wearing a blue shell power armor, squatted in the middle of a piece of flat grass. He picked up a piece of rusty thin steel bar and rubbed it casually. The steel bar turned into rusty red. Debris spilled.

He raised his head and looked around. It can be seen that this place once existed as a construction site, and it was not small in scale. A straight foundation has been laid, and straight ravines are crisscrossing the site. Unfortunately, it is now occupied by tropical plants and overgrown with weeds.

"Indeed, I wanted to keep it simple."

Fu Qinghai whispered to himself.

The Red Queen chip in the underground base was seized by Zhang Yuning. No matter whether the contents were leaked or not, it is impossible for a perfect human being to continue to build the factory according to the original plan - the construction site abandoned in the middle of the construction is a good proof. Proof that they had actually been here.

Of course, not to mention building thirty-seven biochemical factories, even building an ordinary factory will face various administrative approval procedures - even in a country like Colombia.

Theoretically, it is possible to follow this clue, but since perfect humans know how to abandon this place, they will definitely not leave too many clues, and they have probably cleared up the whole place.

In this reincarnation world with this modern social background, perfect human beings are still very strong. They can use various viruses, kardu worms or plaka parasites to control the local indigenous people for their own use. Even if Fu Qinghai used Justine's power and Qing Ming's special ability, it would be difficult to find any clues - a perfect human can use these biochemical means to get through every link between investment and factory construction and administrative approval, and then kill him. Removing the relevant people can easily erase all traces, making it impossible to trace back.

Besides, a country like Colombia...

"The clue is broken."

Fu Qinghai stood up and said calmly.

"What should we do?"

Qiao Shida came over and asked.

"Then just wait."

Fu Qinghai said indifferently:

"I don't believe they have such a big plan. They can give up if they say they give up. According to the plan in the Red Queen's data, Perfect Humanity has spent a lot of money this time."

Joe Star disagrees with the passive approach of waiting.

The first company commander believed that we should take the initiative:

"Khan, we can contact the largest local power. I have verified that it is called the United Nations. We parked the Suzheng on top of their headquarters building and asked them to hand over this Nasa named 'Perfect Human' within a time limit. The Grim Chaos Warband will save us the time of searching.”

After hearing this, Fu Qinghai looked at him in surprise:

"We're not villains, Joe."

"That's what we did during the Great Crusade."

Qiao Shida said seriously:

"Be polite first, then use force, use both soft and hard tactics."

"Haha, no wonder the conquest efficiency was so high during the Luna Wolves expedition...Old Qiao, this is not the Warhammer 40K universe, and there are many problems with your plan."

Fu Qinghai smiled and corrected him:

"First of all, the United Nations is not the largest local political power, and this planet does not have a unified human government. Secondly, there are many extraordinary powers here, and the power level of some people is no less than that of the Primarch, or even far beyond it. Finally, Our enemy, Perfect Humanity, is not a Chaos War Gang. They use scientific research methods and have nothing to do with psychic magic or any evil belief."

"I understand, I listen to you."

Qiao Shida nodded.

I don’t know if he really understands it.

"knock off."

Fu Qinghai ordered.

The chapter's flagship is still on the dark side of the moon. This time, only a Thunderhawk gunship and a tactical team came over for preliminary reconnaissance, and it was confirmed that the enemy had disappeared.

New York, Queens, Fifth Avenue.

This is a famous luxury street.

Fu Qinghai was shopping with Zhang Yuning.

The two were wearing casual attire and sunglasses and masks. The combination of a tall, handsome man and a tall beauty is rare on the bustling Fifth Avenue. Zhang Yuning enjoyed the feeling of going shopping with her boyfriend. The two had just come out of a perfume shop. Zhang Yuning raised her white wrist and brought it close to the tip of Fu Qinghai's nose. Fu Qinghai lowered his head and smelled it, then said something with a smile. Zhang Yuning lightly After lightly beating him, the two kissed in the street.

Facts have proved that Fu Qinghai greatly underestimated the density of reincarnations in a Marvel comic universe.

It is different from the new reincarnation world that has just been opened like the Transformers United Universe, and it is also different from the cruel reincarnation world like the Warhammer 40K universe, where people hate ghosts and hate ghosts. A Marvel comic universe is for many reincarnation societies and lone reincarnations. Generally speaking, they are all very good development targets.

Fu Qinghai just raised his head after kissing.

Suddenly I glanced at several men and women walking by.

They wore a bracelet on their wrists.

The bracelet has a simple shape, with several LCD screens installed on the small panel. It looks like an ordinary smart bracelet, but Fu Qinghai was very impressed by this thing - a dedicated T-fear virus detection bracelet!

People who are injected with the T-fear virus will wear such a bracelet on their hands to detect the concentration of adrenaline in the body and remind themselves to control their emotions, because once the adrenaline is secreted in excess, the virus will completely lose control.

Someone from the Order Alliance once told Fu Qinghai: Perfect Humanity will provide everyone who joins the club with a free shot of the T-Fear Virus, which means they will be strengthened if they join the club. This is a huge temptation for many newcomers to reincarnation.

If the reincarnated person is worried about the side effects of the virus, then Perfect Human can also provide a lobotomy surgery to remove part of the brain nerves. The recipient will never have severe mood swings and the T-fear virus will no longer be triggered out of control.

So, that familiar smart bracelet.

It is the symbol of a low-level member of the perfect human race!

"Wait, Ning."

Fu Qinghai called Zhang Yuning with a serious face.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Zhang Yuning raised her head curiously.

Fu Qinghai did not explain. Instead, he took out his mobile phone and took a photo of the backs of those people, then pressed a speed dial button and whispered into the phone:

"Qing Ming, pay attention to the picture I sent you, mark this bracelet and upload it to the helmet of every Space Marine as a marker for identifying friend or foe."

"Roger that, Master."

Qing Ming answered immediately.

Perfect humans like to hide in crowds, and Space Marines certainly cannot kill civilians indiscriminately. This bracelet is an identification friend or foe mark. If the identification friend or foe system in the helmet's eyepiece scans this bracelet in the field of view, it will automatically remind the Space Marine to mark the enemy.

It takes no effort to get there even if you wear iron shoes.

Finished the matter with instructions.

The figures of those people disappeared around the corner.

Fu Qinghai grabbed Zhang Yuning's wrist:

"Let's go over and have a look."

The two of them ran all the way to the corner of the street.

Just in time to see those people disappear from the alley.

Wait until the two of them followed into this dark alley.

Suddenly, he found that the five people had turned around and looked at him. At the same time, several masked men quietly appeared behind them, and a group of people surrounded Fu Qinghai and Zhang Yuning.

"Nice to meet you, Qingshan."

The man behind him sneered and said:

"It's not easy for us to find you."

Fu Qinghai didn't know this man, but this man obviously knew him. It would be difficult to imagine that there would be no member of the perfect human race who wouldn't know him from top to bottom.

Fu Qinghai looked around slowly. It turns out that not only is he looking for the perfect human being, but the perfect human being is also looking for himself - going in both directions to where he belongs.

The next second.


The black gold power armor fell from the sky and hit the alleyway hard. The power armor raised its hands and "click, click, click" a burst of mechanical transformation to create a double-barreled melt gun and a plasma incineration cannon, aiming at all the perfect objects around it. members of the human race.

"Haha, just shoot!"

The man opened his clothes, revealing his chest covered with giant cysts and dense herpes and said:

"There are more than 18,000 C-viruses in every milliliter of my blood. Come and shoot me to pieces."

Perfect humans are now starting to self-destruct?

Fu Qinghai held Zhang Yuning down and did not act rashly for the time being. The perfect human seemed to be waiting for something. Lyman's ears had faintly captured the strange roar of some inhuman creature, which was coming from a few blocks away. There were also people panicking. Shouts and cries for help - the B.O.W. is coming.

The two sides maintained a confrontational posture.

The next second, the front armor of the black gold power armor suddenly opened up layer by layer like a lotus blooming. Fu Qinghai raised his hand and pushed Zhang Yuning into the open armor. Before Zhang Yuning could react, the armor had already "knocked, clicked, clicked." "Close it again, and then the jetpack spurts out airflow and the armor rises into the sky.

"Take her out of here, Qing Ming."

Fu Qinghai ordered in a low voice.

"As you command, Master."

Qing Ming's voice came from the Bluetooth headset.

Zhang Yuning, who did not enter the haunted house, was too weak, which made Fu Qinghai constrained, especially since almost all of these perfect human members carried the virus. In the fierce battle, they had no time to care about whether their teammates were infected - this was how Evelin was at the beginning. Following the path of the fungus queen Kaduworm. E-type mold has poor transmission ability, but it can spread quickly in the air with the help of Caddo worms.

"Ha ha ha ha."

The man who blew himself up pointed at Fu Qinghai and laughed:

"How dare you let the armor leave on its own? Without your power armor, you are nothing! Qingshan Khan will die here today - because of a woman."

Fu Qinghai was not moved at all.

Without the power armor, he still has the Force, he still has the symbiote, and he still has four transformations... He has so many trump cards that he can't even count them, and he doesn't even know which ones to use.

It's obvious.

This encounter was a bit sudden.

Neither side is ready.


The roar of the unknown monster is already close at hand.

Just outside this dark alley.

"Roar! Plop! Plop."

The roar was suddenly extinguished by something.

Then there was a collision where the giant thing rolled and fell to the ground.

"What is this?"

A pretty female voice asked curiously.

"B.O.W., I don't know what kind it is, but it must be a perfect human being. Just kill it if you see it."

Another woman spoke.

Everyone in the alley: "..."


The man who blew himself up suddenly became so angry that his face twisted:

"Garden of Thorns, you meddling stinker!"

"Who is insulting us?"

Chen Xinxue led several teammates to the alley. Seeing the confrontation in the alley, Fu Qinghai was surrounded by a group of men with guns and masks. He couldn't help but asked in surprise:

"Qingshan? Do you need help?"

The situation has become very obvious, Qingshan is not wearing power armor. Jiang Yixia transformed into the Hulk form without saying a word, and Li Xingxian also transformed into the sunspot form.

Unexpectedly, Fu Qinghai shook his head:

"Not needed yet."

"Master, the Suzheng number is above your head."

Qing Ming's voice came from the earphones.

"Start teleportation."

Fu Qinghai said calmly.

The small Casio box on Fu Qinghai's wrist lit up. He gently raised his finger and clicked a button on the dial. The transmission beacon disguised as a watch was activated. In the next second, lights around him lit up one after another. Several white lights.

Ten burly black-gold armored giants, holding power horse spears, instantly appeared in the narrow alley. The moment the teleportation was completed, the weapons in their hands were chopped off with a "swish". The men with guns and masks were chopped into pieces as soon as they met. valve.

(PS: There is a patch here.)

A whole tactical team of Iron Buddha Terminators, the Chapter Leader's bodyguards and honor guard descended on the battlefield. A giant heavily armored warrior stacked with thick armor and ferocious equipment. The armor shell is decorated with exquisite and complex metal relief lines, adding a touch of splendor and splendor to the brutal killing. With one strike, there was no one left standing in the alleyway, and everything turned into pieces and scattered corpses.

"call out--"

There was a roaring sound in the air, and the power armor went away and came back. Fu Qinghai jumped up with his legs on the ground, and the Green Shell opened the front armor, completing the integration of human and armor in the air, and raised his hand to shoot. The blue plasma beam penetrated the body of the man whose tumor exploded. The man was shot to pieces in the blink of an eye. The whole thing was shattered and decomposed into a thick gray mist, which spread with the breeze and gradually diluted in the air. middle.

"leave here!"

Fu Qinghai shouted to Chen Xinxue and others outside the alley.

The four women quickly stepped back when they saw this.

"Close the breathing valve and start internal circulation."

Without the Chapter Leader's instructions, the Iron Buddha Terminator had already activated the internal circulation system of the Tactical Dreadnought Armor in advance. The gray mist filled their feet, gradually sank into the water on the ground, and then slowly flowed into the sewer mouth along with the water.

The Chapter Leader walked out of the alleyway under the escort of a group of Iron Buddha Terminators. Only then did he realize that the street outside had been in chaos for some time. People were fleeing in panic and there were giant creatures flying towards them in the distance.

"What it is?"

Fu Qinghai saw a body outside the alley.

This corpse was huge but extremely ugly. It was a giant that was ten meters tall. How could I describe its appearance... It was like a layer of gray-white flesh had been wrapped around the outside after abnormal bone growth. There were holes in the skin and the limbs were extremely twisted. Uncoordinated, with sunken eye sockets and a droopy lower jaw, which is disgusting and nauseating.

At this time, the giant was lying on the ground. There was a large hole in the middle of its chest. The skin, flesh and bones around the hole had been charred, carbonized and cracked, sealing the blood vessels to prevent various liquids from flowing out. This kind of injury is obviously Li Xingxian's handiwork, and the attack is clean and neat, but there is no way that there is only one giant like this.

"Ogu giant."

Fu Qinghai recalled it.

It is also the B.O.W. of the C-Virus.

The battle never goes according to plan.

New York is densely populated with high-rise buildings.

Wrong time, wrong place.

But there is no choice.


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