Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 658: The aftermath

The sun is rising and the sky is getting brighter.

The faint morning light emerged on the far side of the sand sea.

Dewdrops condensed on the desolate Gobi desert.

The battle is over.

This "War of the Gods" that took place deep in the Sahara Desert came to an end in this way, without attracting any attention from the outside world. Gein was really sparsely populated. The entire battle seemed grand and magnificent, but in fact it only caused some negligible damage - it caused an ancient building, the Temple of the Moon, to be razed to the ground. The damage caused was not even comparable to any medium-sized military conflict on the earth. .

Otherwise, what would Fu Qinghai say:

This is not a war, but a farce.

Similar local military conflicts take place every day south of the Sahara Desert and north of the Sahara Desert, so they do not attract any extra attention from the superheroes - in the final analysis, it is just two groups of extraterrestrial visitors who took their own transportation to arrive. There was a fight deep in the desert. What really caused shock and concern across Europe were the strange corpses of passers-by who had their souls sucked out of them lying on the street.

They were diagnosed as brain dead.

If the super-powered supernatural agencies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, such as S.H.I.E.L.D., investigate these corpses, they may be able to uncover the ancient veil of the "Egyptian God System", a mysterious existence that has disappeared for thousands of years, and then find out what happened. the truth. But those are all things for another day. For the reincarnators, the major events of the plot line have basically been settled.

On the devastated battlefield, quartz gravel melted by flames and ice crystal particles frozen by frost can appear in the same place at the same time. There are even blackened lines after lightning strikes and muddy swamps that appear inexplicably.

Space Marines receiving prisoners.

The reincarnations of the fifth dimension who chose to surrender were now forming a sparse and loose formation at the request of the Space Marines. They were questioned by the first few officers one by one and paid enough money to buy their lives before they could regain their freedom. .

Most of the spellcasters were wealthy people, and the trophies from the dead reincarnators were also collected and awaiting discussion on the distribution plan. There are more Space Marines in the distance standing guard with guns, and the Iron Buddha Chapter has taken control of this area.

The spellcasting system of the Dungeons \u0026 Dragons universe is certainly all-inclusive, but not everyone can master teleportation magic. "Any Door" is a four-ring magic, and "Teleportation" and "Dimension Jump" are both five-ring magics. Even members of the fifth dimension cannot master these magical escape skills because of incompatible professions or insufficient levels. -Besides, the casting distance is also a big problem. If a spell flashes out more than ten meters, it is completely meaningless for escaping.

Therefore, in fact, only a small number of reincarnations were able to escape, and the vast majority of the remaining fifth dimension players either died directly in the battle or surrendered obediently.

The prisoner's line was moving forward, and two Space Marines stood before the prisoner, the unique personal sigils on their pauldrons reminding the prisoner that these were probably two officers.

They were right.

Chief Intelligence Officer of the Chapter No. 56.

Kalamanda, Chief Executioner of the Chapter.

The two were responsible for interrogating the prisoners.

A prisoner came forward slightly worried.

"Name, reincarnation level."

The Alpha Warrior said lazily.

"What do you want my name for?"

The player raised his head and asked in confusion.

"Just a simple registration."

The face of No. 56 was hidden behind the helmet, and the voice coming from the loudspeaker had a calm tone:

"In case you are captured by us again in the future, and you have previous cooperation experience, we can give you a discount on the ransom, right? You understand that it means that you can register as a member by default for supermarket shopping... Now, tell me what your reincarnation level is. .”

The corner of Samsara's mouth twitched when he heard this.

"Andy, reincarnation level Lv. 3."


No. 56 nodded and kept it in mind, ignoring the obvious pseudonym and continued:

"Magic equipment, assimilation points, or...information."

"Intelligence? What do you mean?"

The reincarnator once again raised his head in confusion.

"About your society, about the fifth dimension."

Number 56 raised a finger to remind:

"This opportunity is only available once for each person. People behind you cannot continue to use the information you provided. Therefore, cherish this opportunity and think about what you want to say."


The reincarnator thought carefully:

"I have a 'Rune Staff of the Eye', which allows the caster to cast the following three spells by consuming his own prepared spell slots: arcane eye, arcane vision, and see through invisibility. Each spell is prepared three times a day. The level of the spell slot must be higher than or equal to three prophecy spells. You can get the Order Alliance test for this handle-eye rune staff, and the price will definitely not be less than two thousand assimilation points."

"In addition to the staff I just mentioned, I am willing to spend an additional two thousand assimilation points to buy me a way to survive. In addition, I can tell you some information about the fifth dimension, including the organization's power layout in Faerûn. , who is the owner of each mage tower, but I cannot completely guarantee the timeliness and accuracy of the information... After all, you also know that the world of reincarnation is changing every day."

No. 56 looked at him in surprise.

He was surprised that the first reincarnator was so cooperative.

The "killed chicken" he wanted did not appear.

"Very good, you are very knowledgeable, Mr. Andy."

Number 56 nodded appreciatively.

The two parties quickly handed over the ransom.

"You're free. Goodbye. See you later."

Number 56 clapped his hands to indicate that he could leave.

The prisoners behind also felt very inspired.

Qingshan Khan is indeed as trustworthy as rumored.


Number 56 continued his work.

The second reincarnation person relaxed slightly and stepped forward.

"Name, reincarnation level."

It was still the same problem when No. 56 opened his mouth.

"Sam, reincarnation level Lv. 3."

The reincarnator smiled what he thought was the friendliest smile.

"you are lying."

No. 56 heard this and raised his hand to shoot.


Before the reincarnator could react, his head was blown away by a bolt pistol, and the parts above the neck completely disappeared, leaving only a messy broken neck bleeding in the air, and a headless body that was frozen in place but had not yet fallen. corpse.


The prisoners behind were all stunned by this sudden turn of events, and froze on the spot without even daring to breathe.


A gust of cool breeze blew, and the headless corpse, which had been bleeding for a long time, slumped slightly and fell to the ground.

No. 56 put away his bolt pistol, looked at the group of reincarnators in front of him who were looking at each other, and said calmly:

"I don't care what your real names are, but remember, don't try to lie to me. I don't have the time or patience to play with you like extreme pressure, squeezing toothpaste bit by bit and negotiating conditions. If you want to survive, , I will show you your biggest bargaining chip when you come up, do you understand?"

The reincarnators nodded "hmm" like pounding garlic.

"Go on, next, it's your turn."

Number 56 raised his hand and pointed at the third reincarnator.

The other party immediately trotted up and introduced him actively:

"McIver, reincarnation level Lv. 4."

No. 56 has the ability to read psychic minds. He clearly knows where the psychological bottom line of each player is. The purpose of asking is to make the other player start thinking about the matter. The purpose of asking about the reincarnation level is to determine the price of the prisoner. . Generally speaking, the higher the level of reincarnation, the more reincarnation equipment and assimilation points they have, but there are occasional exceptions, and there are not many people who do poorly.

Such as now.

"That's all my points, my lord!"

A young mage said with a sad face.

"I know, kid, I believe you."

No. 56 nodded slightly with regret:

"But it's a pity that you are too poor. If you still have other reincarnations, remember to prepare as many assimilation points for yourself before falling into our hands next time."


No. 56 raised his hand and shot again.

The young mage also fell in a pool of blood.

Although Qingshan Khan keeps his promise, he will not engage in loss-making business, and he is not a philanthropist. If the assimilation points converted from the ransom are not enough to cover the assimilation point rewards brought by the kill, the player will still be executed in the end.

At this time, the top of another sand dune.

Faced with the rising warm yellow dazzling sunlight and the cold breeze in the desert morning, Fu Qinghai and Augustus each held a lit cigar in their hands, puffing away smoke while discussing the details of the spoils. Distribution plan.

"You came too late, Qingshan, and my people suffered serious losses. And that red-skinned devil woman, I just realized that she came for you, and she attacked our club because she didn't find you. You have to do all of this. Take it into consideration.”

Augustus tried to bargain:

"I suggest six points to four points, I will give you six points and four points."

Fu Qinghai slowly exhaled a puff of smoke.

He glanced sideways at the Draenei and said:

"While you were busy gathering troops on Xandar, I was tracking and looking for clues here on Earth. I determined that the major plot event was the "Moon Knight" episode, determined the division of camps, determined the direction of the plot, and stopped Arthur Ha Luo... including the fact that you were able to rush to this place to participate in this decisive battle was all the information I gave you, why didn't you tell me this?"


Augustus scratched his head in embarrassment upon hearing this.

After all, the Zero World Guild is a relatively loose large-scale reincarnation society. Its mobilization and organizational capabilities cannot be compared with the real army. Augustus consumes a lot of time and energy just to assemble the player troops. If he waits until he arrives on Earth, he will come back. Studying the major events of the plot line, the day lily is too cold. The success of the major plot line events depends entirely on the guidance of others.

"I didn't even find my own camp. I was helping you complete your camp's winning conditions throughout the entire process."

Fu Qinghai continued to "complain" unhurriedly:

"How should you settle this favor with me?"

"This... we actually found some relevant information and settings. The hippopotamus goddess Tavorit is the god who controls the ferry boats in the underworld. She will not appear in the human world. If you want to see her, you have to die. Can."

Augustus said with a shrug.

"No matter what, you are the one who profits, right?"

Fu Qinghai pointed out the core issue.

Augustus nodded reluctantly and admitted.

"Then it's still six or four, I'm six and you're four."

Fu Qinghai proposed his distribution plan:

"All magic equipment captured, whether from prisoners or corpses, I will give priority to your club to select. If you don't like it, I will take it to the Order Alliance to exchange for assimilation points. How about it? This plan is enough to give you face."

Magic equipment produced in different magic universes often only applies to the magic rules in that universe.

For example, the wand in the Harry Potter universe can only function when held in the hands of a wizard from the Harry Potter universe. For players whose spellcasting system is inherited from other magical universes, it is just a sandwich wood chopstick.

In the same way, most of the staffs in the DND universe are equipment that solidifies certain spells, and the holder itself requires a spell slot to release the spells in the staff. The magic equipment in the WOW universe that increases the six primary powers are of little use to spellcasters in other universes.

Therefore, most of the captured magic equipment can only be exchanged for assimilation points at a low price by the Order Alliance. The Chapter's think tank troops cannot use it - unless it is some magic equipment that simply increases the spirit and intelligence of the wearer.

"Okay, okay, I agree."

Augustus put out his cigar helplessly.

Augustus knew that although his men had withstood the impact of the one with the largest spell slot reserves in the fifth dimension, resulting in heavy losses, the battle could be finalized and ultimately relied on the power from Qingshan.

Including the Wraith Queen.

His bargaining was just a pretense. After all, he was also one of the top leaders of the club, so he had to pretend that he had secured benefits for his subordinates. He could not let Qingshan say whatever he said, otherwise his prestige would be lost. ? In a society like the Zero Realm Guild, which relies on voting to vote, Augustus is well versed in these political performance methods.

So the two societies reached an agreement.

Start dividing the gains from this battle.

At this time, Egypt, the Great Pyramid of Giza.

The temples in the pyramid have been turned into ruins. The collapsed stone statues are shattered all over the ground. The overturned brazier is still burning. The bodies of several men and women lie in the ruins. They are the agents of the nine pillar gods. .

One of the bodies was a man's body pinned down by rocks.

It is none other than the former Moon Knight, Mark Spector.


Mark Spector's eyes shot open.

He widened his eyes and turned to look around. After reacting, he struggled to push away the rocks that were pressing on him, and struggled to move from the ruins to his feet. The wounds that tore his entire body had miraculously healed. .

"I...I'm resurrected again?"

Mark Spector dropped to his knees.

He stared blankly at his bloody hands.

But this time it was not Kong Su who resurrected him.

But the hippopotamus goddess Tavorite.

He tried to call out the power of the Moon God Kongsu in his heart, but unlike before, the gray-white Moon God uniform did not appear all over his body and completely wrap him up like in the past, and Kongsu did not respond to his call.

"Kongsu gave up on me?"

Mark Spector muttered.

"Kongsu gave up on me!"

The man hugged his head to confirm and exclaimed:

"I'm finally free!"


1. "Moon Knight" is one of the best-produced Marvel dramas in recent years. It also draws on other national cultures. "Moon Knight" is much more rigorous than "Shang-Chi". I recommend everyone to take a look.

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