Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 674: The Promise Thousands of Years Ago and the Man Who Forged the Divine Machine

Extreme Star Region, Yashan Star Region.

The most famous world in Yashan Star Region.

The mother planet and conscription world of the White Scars. The atmosphere of this planet is full of water vapor, and storm clouds accumulate and surround it all year round. It looks like a white ball from space, so it is often called "Milky White Chogris".

Today, many warships gathered at the airport.

Almost every starship berth is occupied.

It far exceeds the number of the battle group fleet.

For the tribesmen on this wild planet, this is a great day that only comes once in a hundred years. The descendants of the Khan scattered in the Milky Way will return to the birthplace of the White Scars, Chogris, on this day to participate in an exciting event. The tribesmen who have lived on the surface all their lives will have the opportunity to glimpse the faces of those prodigals who gallop across the starry sea.

The once-in-a-hundred-year Khuriltai Assembly.

During the two or three months, the transformed Emperor Angels gathered in the grasslands, drank, laughed wildly... They showed their most exquisite and unparalleled martial arts, and shared with each other the fragmentary clues they found when searching for the Khan. At the same time, more importantly, they reiterated and emphasized the agreement made a thousand years ago.

The oath called the "Golden Horde Agreement".

Today, the weather is particularly clear, there is not a cloud in the sky, and the air visibility is very high. Standing on the grassland not far from Quanzhou, the herdsmen can see the huge hazy outline of the airport in the blue sky. If they look closely, they can even see the tiny and blurred figures of starships passing through and docking.

What a fascinating and desirable sky.

The herdsmen retracted their gaze and continued to whip the livestock.

A moment later, when he looked up again, he suddenly found that the small and hazy starships around the outline of the airport, like the startled egrets on the beach, suddenly left the airport together and disappeared from sight.


Qiogris, orbital space.

The fleets of each regiment entered a state of alert. They turned their bows and detached from the docking arm of the spaceport, forming a formation and flew towards the outside of the galaxy.

Just now, the deep space observatory next to Mandeville Point outside the galaxy sent an early warning: an unknown mysterious fleet broke through the reality barrier and landed here. This news instantly alarmed the fleets of each regiment in the airport. The Space Marines collectively returned to their warships and then set off towards the outer periphery of the galaxy.

"Received a communication access request."

The crew member sitting in front of the strategic table said.

The Space Marine standing behind him pondered for a moment:

"Allowed to connect."

At this time, both parties have entered the detection range of each other. The strategic table projected a holographic projection of the other fleet. The black and gold battleship paint and the unique style of the regiment logo reminded the Space Marine of the ancient legend a thousand years ago-the first generation of the sub-group that once summoned many sub-groups to establish the "Golden Horde Agreement" but disappeared inexplicably.

"Iron Pagoda Regiment? Are they still alive?"

The Space Marine said in disbelief.

"The communication link was established successfully."

The technical crew in front of him spoke again.

A half-length portrait appeared in front of the strategic platform.

A handsome and calm black-haired Space Marine with a scar in the middle of his nose and a rusty red gear skull logo on his left shoulder armor is quite eye-catching.

A strange warband with a technical sergeant as the warband leader!

Sure enough, the details in the legend match.

The Space Marine stared at the other's face and his heart skipped a beat.

"Hello, the warband leader of the Destroyer."

The other party spoke in a calm and clear tone:

"I came to attend the Khuriltai Conference in accordance with the promise made a thousand years ago. Sorry, I am late."


At night, the Korqin grassland under the starry sky.

White tents were set up on the meadow in a staggered manner.

In the middle of the tent was a blazing bonfire.

The sudden visit of the Iron Pagoda Fleet broke the rhythm of this Khuriltai Conference. The Space Marines of various warbands were busy determining the identity of this missing sub-corps a thousand years ago, and it took a lot of time for the fleet to stop at the airport to transport supplies. By the time everything was settled, it was already late.

"Crackle... crackle..."

From time to time, there were subtle explosions in the bonfire.

The Space Marines were divided into several groups and sat around the bonfire.

The atmosphere was quiet and a little depressing.

"I have seen you!"

A regiment commander finally couldn't help but break the silence. He stood up, pointed at Fu Qinghai and said loudly:

"I remember now. I have seen you. I have indeed seen you. I saw you with my own eyes more than a thousand years ago. At that time, I was just an ordinary soldier, following my company commander. Right here, the Korqin grassland, the same fire pit, the same tent, the same starry sky... But why is your face exactly the same as it was a thousand years ago?"

His voice was full of excitement when he recognized him.

But it also revealed a huge doubt:

Why has your appearance not changed at all?

The Space Marines around him were puzzled when they heard this. They looked at Fu Qinghai's face carefully and exchanged glances with each other. They could see the doubt and confusion in their eyes.

Indeed, Fu Qinghai was too young.

Not to mention that as a chapter commander, even as an ordinary Space Marine, he looks a little too young. What's more, he calls himself a "veteran" from more than a thousand years ago, which is really not convincing with his handsome face.

"If you don't mind your finger becoming a new decoration on my armor..."

Kalamanda stood up slowly with a gloomy face, gently pressed his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist and said coldly:

"Then you can keep pointing like this."

"I was just expressing my doubts."

The chapter leader took back his hand and said.

"It's only been a thousand years... but have the descendants of the White Scar forgotten what politeness is?"

Qiao Shida also stood up and said gloomily:

"Who have you to doubt, boy?"


The chapter leader laughed angrily when he heard this word:

"I am the Chapter Master of the Storm Lords. I am..."

"You're a fucking idiot."

Qiao Shida interrupted him without hesitation:

"When I was participating in the Great Expedition and putting down the Great Rebellion, you were picking up garbage in the corner of any hive city to eat. Who do you think you dare to question us?"


A group of Space Marines also stood behind the Storm Lords Chapter Master. Their scarred faces were full of anger, and they stared at the Moon Wolf Warriors with disdain.

The atmosphere became tense for a moment, and the two groups of space warriors stood up to confront each other, almost pulling out their weapons and starting a duel. But Fu Qinghai was always sitting cross-legged in front of everyone, staring at the bonfire in front of him without saying a word. The dancing flames reflected the shaking black shadow on his face, flickering brightly and dimly.

"Okay, everyone."

A hoarse voice interrupted.

Many Space Marines turned their heads to look. It was an extremely old-looking Space Marine. The wrinkles on his dark brown face were criss-crossed like a cracked river bed. His power armor was covered with gray sparse fur and bone strings.

"Qingshan Khan, long time no see."

The old space warrior turned his head and bowed and said.

"Hello, Stormseer."

Fu Qinghai nodded slightly and responded.

"I've seen you before, and I've also seen the person behind you." The Storm Prophet turned his head and looked at Danzhuer, who was sitting behind Fu Qinghai, with a smile on his face, "Long time no see, Danzhuer, your Are psychic talents still bothering you?"

"Who are you?"

The think tank director's face showed confusion.

Then confusion turned into realization:

"Baoshu Lige, it's you!"

Danzul did not expect that his classmate when he was young, the boy who was still working hard to be promoted to a Space Marine, has now become the chief storm prophet of the White Scars. Over a thousand years can indeed change a lot of things.

"I guarantee it with my integrity."

Storm Prophet turned to face everyone and said:

"There are no signs of chaos pollution on Qingshan Khan and his warriors, you can rest assured."

"Please take a seat, Targujin Khan."

Storm Prophet raised his hand and said.


The leader of the Storm Lords snorted and sat down.

Only then did the two groups of space warriors sit back on the meadow.

"Warp Storm."

Fu Qinghai then calmly explained:

"The subspace storm has enveloped the star sector where I am, and time has fallen into chaos. If you are lucky enough to have been to the Eye of Terror, the largest subspace rift in the galaxy, you will know that the Chaos traitors in the Eye of Terror will not age either, even if Ten thousand years will not change their appearance.”

He used the example of the Chaos Space Marines in the Eye of Terror, but no one here asked the stupid question: So how come you haven't been corrupted like those traitors? Because the Chief Storm Seer of the White Scars had just said: There are no signs of Chaos corruption in the war group.

"I'm late."

Fu Qinghai then said in a deep voice:

"We are a thousand years late, and I'm sorry for that. As children of the Storm, as descendants of the Great Khan and White Scar, we deserve to participate in the Talihutai Conference. We want to participate in the Talihutai Conference... …After all, I am the proposer and initiator of this ceremony, even though many of the people who witnessed the moonlight bonfire oath are no longer alive.”

Fu Qinghai glanced at the people around the bonfire.

For some reason, it was clear that he looked very young, younger than any of the Chapter Leaders present, but when his eyes glanced at him, everyone felt a chill in their hearts. Those present here are all battle-experienced space warriors. They have seen the eyes of countless ferocious aliens and evil traitors, but the eyes of Qingshan Khan... feel indescribable.

It's like looking directly into the eye of fear.

After all, he was the man who had exiled five great chaos demons.

"I witnessed that oath."

The chief storm prophet stroked his beard and nodded.

"I didn't witness that oath."

The raider chapter leader said in a deep voice:

"But I always remember what our Chapter Master said in my ear before he died. He said that Qingshan Nayan Khan and his Iron Buddha Chapter will eventually return, and they will bring the long-lost Jetbikes, and powerful weapons that can easily destroy the Emperor's enemies. We, the White Scars, can also become those who wield the forbidden arsenal like the Dark Angels."

"Yes, I remember it too."

The Chapter Master of the Berserkers interjected:

"My Chapter Master once told me that Qingshan Khan is the 'man who forges the divine machine' appointed by the Primarch, and he is the most skilled Iron Khan. His armor, his sword, and the ones he forged All kinds of weapons are unique in the world. For the original promise, we have been working tirelessly to collect them for more than a thousand years. "

As he spoke, he took out something from behind his back.

A small stasis force field generating device, a mechanical circular platform holds a rectangular glass cover, and inside the cover is a crystal bottle, which contains an irregular piece of meat covered with shredded meat, fat and connective tissue.

Gene seeds.

Everyone present is familiar with this thing.

"Gene-seed from a traitor."

The leader of the Berserker Chapter spoke.

"We also have collections."

"So are we."

The other Space Marines nodded in agreement.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Fu Qinghai couldn't help laughing when he saw this.

Smiling very happily and very satisfied.

"very good."

Fu Qinghai put his hands on his knees and nodded vigorously.

But suddenly the conversation turned serious and he said:

"I heard from people that this Talihutai Tournament has reached the final stage, and the competition for the Kuliltai championship has ended. It's a pity, I have always wanted to participate in this competition. I think the iron pagoda is missing The participation of the ‘Khuriltai Champions’ is really not of sufficient importance.”

"Do you want to challenge the Khuliltai champion?"

The Chapter Master of the Storm Lords asked, narrowing his eyes.

Fu Qinghai smiled, and some of his answers were unreasonable:

"I really want to participate. But in order not to waste everyone's precious time, I have a proposal."

With that said, Fu Qinghai slowly stood up.

He put his palm on the handle of the power sword at his waist, thought for a moment and then put his hand down - whether it was Blue Fang or Blue Blade, using weapons made of true Adamantium alloy to duel would be a waste for other Space Marines. It's so unfair.

Fu Qinghai turned around and pulled out a long knife-shaped training weapon from the weapon rack next to him. He flicked the knife and weighed the weapon's center of gravity. Then he turned around and pointed the knife at the people around the campfire. The tip of the knife swept over them one by one and spoke. said:

"Come on together."

The entire firepit area suddenly became so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

There was only the occasional crackling sound and the faint chirping of insects.

Everyone looked at Fu Qinghai in disbelief.

"Didn't I make it clear?"

Fu Qinghai picked up the tip of the knife and asked calmly.


Targujin Khan, the Chapter Master of the Storm Lords, took the lead and stood up from the ground. He casually pulled out a long-handled ax from the weapon rack. He dragged the ax handle behind his back and strode across the fire pit. Then he jumped up in one step. , shouted angrily and slashed diagonally with his axe.


The long-handled ax's diagonal slash from top to bottom covers a huge area and is almost impossible to avoid. However, Fu Qinghai predicted in advance the moment the opponent was about to jump up, stepped forward with the soles of his feet, and ran directly into Talgujin's arms.

There was a "bang", and the heavy muffled sound of armor colliding echoed in the grassland. Fu Qinghai just leaned his shoulders sideways and shocked Targujin so much that his limbs trembled and the door opened wide, making him almost unable to hold the weapon in his hand. Fu Qinghai was able to turn around even after the impact. The handle of the knife turned around in his palm, and the back of the knife was used to hit Targujin's exposed neck hard.


The Chapter Master of the Storm Lords vomited blood and fell to the ground.

Fu Qinghai swung the sword without any hesitation.

He raised the tip of the knife again and pointed it at the people beside him:


"Let me test how powerful the warriors from thousands of years ago are!"

Another Space Marine smacked the ground hard and stood up.

"Uh-huh... crackle!"

After saying that, he was thrown over the shoulder and thrown out.

Fu Qinghai deliberately threw him into the fire pit. The Space Marine power backpack was smashed into the bonfire. With a "snap", the tall fire pit built with several logs was smashed into pieces. Sparks flew. The flames instantly rose and swept around, creating a heat wave. And Mars, smearing the faces of all the Space Marines around him.

The provocation is very obvious.

"Damn it!" "This is too much!"

They no longer followed the principle of a one-on-one fair duel. They stood up one by one, picked up their weapons and strode towards the guy standing outside the fire pit.

A man stood there alone holding a knife. The bright moonlight drew a long black shadow in front of him, and space warriors swooped in from all directions brandishing various weapons.

"Ding Dong!"



Fu Qinghai was tossing and turning in the midst of the swords and shadows. He took in the surrounding situation with a glance from the corner of his eye. In an instant, he sketched out the most perfect movement route in his mind. His steps forward, backward, left and right were unpredictable. , dodged countless incoming attacks, and at the perfect moment, handed out the long knife in his hand.




The besiegers flew out one after another.

More and more Space Marines are joining the fray.

Fu Qinghai fought more and more vigorously in the intensive siege, and gradually entered a mysterious and refreshing state. After all, the human eye's field of vision is limited, and the human ear's hearing is ultimately limited. After the battle, Fu Qinghai simply closed his eyes, blocked his five senses, and relied solely on the Force to tell him where there were enemies and swords.

The surrounding space warriors were stunned when they saw this scene.

In the confusion, I felt an extreme humiliation:

He actually closed his eyes!

Can you defeat us with your eyes closed?


Everyone felt ashamed and worked harder to besiege.

But he was knocked to the ground or sent flying away faster.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The storm prophet's magic skills stood up and he clapped his hands and laughed:

"Not only does Qingshan Khan's appearance remain the same..."

"The style is still as good as before!"

As a person who personally witnessed the oath a thousand years ago, the chief storm prophet knew many secrets that others did not know. For example, Qingshan Khan could beat the entire legion without any rivals a thousand years ago, and the Primarch once wanted Qingshan Khan to be the leader of Keshig. That's why he expressed the feeling that "Qingshan Khan's style is still as good as before".

In the end, the Space Marines who participated in the siege fell one after another, and a circle of injured and incapacitated people lay around Fu Qinghai. Originally, he adhered to the traditional Kung Fu principle of stopping when the blade hit the vital parts, but he could not resist the fact that some warriors were too excited and would not stop until they were beaten to the ground and could not move.


Fu Qinghai exhaled lightly.

He calmed down the heart rate of his two hearts.

He stepped over the Space Marines who were staggering and groaning in pain at his feet, and walked back to the collapsed and scattered fire pit with a long sword, and there were still sporadic flames burning on the wood. He threw the training weapon to the ground, leaned over to pick up a pot of mare's milk, and drank it down.

"Gulp gulp gulp..."

Fu Qinghai's Adam's apple moved.

He drank the whole pot of mare's milk in one breath.


Fu Qinghai threw the empty wine pot aside.

He turned around and pointed at the Space Marines on the ground and said:

"Remember, go back and tell the people in your regiment."

"I am not just 'a person who is good at casting divine machines'."


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