Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 683: Captured and captured again

Battle Moon, somewhere inside.

Hux opened his eyes slightly.

The first thing that catches the eye is the rusty and warped metal floor. The orcs' workmanship is as rough as ever. Then the sour smell of putrefaction began to penetrate his nose again, as if the farts that hadn't showered in three days were dancing in his nasal cavity. With my ears pressed against the floor, I could still hear the faint roar, vibration and noise coming from the depths of the moon.


Hux rolled over and sat up.

The thick iron chains on his neck, wrists, and ankles as thick as an arm clattered with his movements. Hux actually knew in his heart: These seemingly solid things cannot trap him. Because there is a gland under his tongue that can spray out a highly acidic corrosive liquid, but the Orks obviously don't know that - maybe because they have never captured Space Marines in the past.

Some time has passed since they arrived here. But he couldn't tell the exact hours or days, there was no time mark, there was no day and night cycle. There is never darkness and there is never true light. Food and water came infrequently and irregularly, and the orcs seemed capricious in everything they did, without any plan.

They let the prisoners sleep at any time, which could be a few minutes or a few hours, with no rules, no timers, no schedules, no way of knowing.

Hux was separated from his teammates and he was placed in solitary confinement. Rather than driving this Space Marine to work, the Orks seemed to enjoy driving him past other humans. You don't have to do anything, just escort this burly giant covered with neural interfaces step by step through the crowd, which is enough to eliminate the resistance and riots of many human slaves. This discovery delighted the orcs.

But no matter what.

Hux accomplished his purpose.

There was no need for them to fight the orcs anymore.

You might die if you fight an orc, and even if you don't die, a lot of assimilation points will be deducted. Nowadays, perfect human players avoid this dilemma by pretending to be civilians and mixing among human slaves. As for the harsh living conditions and heavy hard work that will most likely lead to the death of a large number of human slaves, it is not particularly unbearable for these players whose bodies have been modified by viruses, molds and parasites.

At worst, they can still "eat" people.

Hux silently thought about what happened before he woke up.

Some time ago, by coincidence, Hux and his teammates were escorted to the lifting platform leading to the huge hollow in the center of the moon. They were whipped and beaten and hauled supplies in unstable gravity conditions. They worked in the shadow of a crackling door, a swirling vortex of green flames that burned, spewing out merchandise, food, parts, raw materials, and more and more orcs. The sound it made was deafening, and every time supplies crossed the border, it was accompanied by rumbles of thunder.

What is that?

Hux thought silently in his mind.

He was thinking of ways to get out of here.

Pretend to surrender, save your life, and blend into the slaves... this is only the first step of the plan. No one knows how long this major plot event will last. Referring to the long timeline of the Warhammer 40K universe, it is normal for a war to last for hundreds of years. After all, it is not a long-term solution for them to huddle in the battle moon and pretend to be slaves. Sooner or later they will have to find a way to escape.

Think back to that huge green "door".

Hux wondered where it led.

Can it be a passage for them to escape?

At this time, the sound of gunfire and shouts came from outside, interrupting Hux's thoughts. A violent explosion shook the cell, followed by a burst of gunfire.

What's happening here? The moon is under attack?

Hux stood up suddenly when he heard the sound.

Who can attack such a powerful orc armed satellite?

Hux put his eyes close to the cell door and saw a pair of glaring red eyes appearing in the crack of the door.

The greenskin cursed aggressively in its alien language. The key clattered and the door flew open.

The light from outside the cell suddenly shone in, bathing every dirty corner of the cave in light. An orc stood in the doorway, Hux knew him, they called him "One Tusk" because he had only one tusk on the side of his lip. Surprisingly, in Hux's memory, a tooth that only reached his shoulder a few days ago was now almost taller than him.

Like a wall of green muscle.

Human babies don't grow that fast either.

And this is the Orc.

The size will always get bigger with the battle.

The green-skinned creature swaggered in and kicked the cell door aside, filling the room with even louder sounds of fighting. The green-skinned creature's nose twitched and it murmured vulgar language. It stood before Hux with a blind and stupid hatred in its eyes.

The two giants faced each other very close to each other.

"Your damn... kindred spirits are here."

The green-skinned orc stared hard at Hux.

similar? What's the meaning? My kind?

Hux pondered the meaning of this statement.

A series of bangs echoed through the room. The orc's chest trembled wildly, and his internal organs burst out of his body and rushed towards Hux. He subconsciously raised his hands to cover his face, which covered his hands. With a final gunshot, the greenskin's head exploded, and a wall of corpses fell toward him. Hux raised his elbow and pushed it away.

Hux saw a giant warrior wearing yellow and gray power armor squeeze into the cell with a bolter and tear down part of the door. It was a certain Space Marine, his whole body wrapped in cold and hard ceramic armor, and the scarlet eyepiece seemed to have a natural cruelty and calmness.

Hux froze when he saw the Space Marine.

He didn't expect to meet "the same kind" here.

A space warrior that I have only seen in information

The space warrior was obviously stunned.

He looked him up and down with some hesitation.

"Which war group are you from?"

The soldier of the Destroyer Chapter focused his scrutiny on Hux's skull and pupils, making sure that the guy in front of him was not a distant cousin contaminated by Chaos. Then he saw the thick iron chains with spikes wrapped around Hux's neck, wrists and ankles...


The Space Marine said in disbelief:

"How could you be tethered to something like this? How could you be captured by an Ork? By the Emperor, even if you're a fucking recruit, this is too fucking outrageous!"

Hux's mind was running wildly at this time.

Think about how to answer this warrior's question.

"Speak, soldier!"

The Destroyer warrior pressed the hot muzzle of the pulse bolter against Hux's chest, causing him to take a step back involuntarily. He took off his helmet to reveal a face covered with criss-crossing ritual scars, and asked angrily:

"Were your vocal cords removed by the orcs too?"

"I, I...I don't know."

Hux spread his hands and replied.

I haven’t decided how to make up a story yet.

The Space Marine took a step back with the gun in one hand, the muzzle of the gun in his hand always pointed at Hux's chest, with obvious distrust in his vigilant eyes, he tilted his head and said close to the neck armor:

"It's a little weird to find a survivor."

"The human survivors are united in Area 76-45."

The voice coming back from the neck armor was a little impatient.

"No, not a mortal, an Astartes."

The Space Marine continued in a low voice into his collar.

"What? You repeat it?"

The voice on the other end of the communication channel was also surprised.

"I'm pretty sure it's an Astartes."

The Space Marine said and glanced at Hux again.

"Take him to area 09-16."

Another voice suddenly broke into the communication channel.

The Destroyer Warrior was stunned for a moment when he heard that voice, and then he immediately nodded respectfully and replied:

"Okay, I understand, Lord Legion."

The Destroyer put on his helmet again, raised an articulated gauntlet, pointed at Hux and said:

"Did you hear that? Come with me."

"Uuuuuuuuuuah, the Emperor bless you."

"Thank God, saved, saved."

After being rescued, the humans cried and celebrated.

The Destroyer led Hux into the cave.

The size of this cave is very huge, hundreds of meters high and several kilometers wide. There is also a huge smoking scrapped machine in the center of the cave. Thousands of dead orcs lay in heaps around the cave, beside the burning machinery, on the floors, in the walkways, and inside the cell doors. There were also several Space Marines wearing oversized power armor standing in the distance. The blades of the long-handled power weapons were still solidified with charred blood dried by the force field.

Human slaves in ragged clothes, with sallow complexions and skinny muscles were continuously gathered here from various passages around the cave. Compared to the calmness of the Space Marines, some of these mortals clasped their hands together and prayed quietly, some looked around in disbelief, and some were so excited that they danced. They were brought before several civilian-looking mortal crew members for questioning, and seemed to be making rough distinctions in civilian and military terms.

The space warriors coming and going in the cave have different power armor coatings. Hux only recognized the white scars with red edges on a white background. They were one of the nine founding battle groups, and were introduced in the information given by Monroe. At the back of the cave, several Space Marines wearing more familiar armor came forward. They were from the same battle group as those Space Marines wearing oversized power armor. The color matching made Hux a little surprised.

Powered armor with black background and gold rim.

Belongs to the Loyal Space Marine camp.

This warband is not included in the Warhammer 40K information.

But the perfect human being is famous in the information.

Hux's nerves instantly became tense.

Damn it...can't be such a coincidence, right?

Hux had a bad feeling in his heart, and his steps began to become a little hesitant, causing the Space Marine behind him to press his back with the muzzle of his gun, urging him to keep walking.

This giant cave is not only a temporary settlement for survivors, but also a wartime logistics base. Hux also saw how the true Space Marines rested.

Several simple railway tracks have been laid in the cave, and an ammunition train with caterpillar tracks drove into the cave with a clang. Those Space Marines wearing oversized power armor staggered over, dragging their heavy armor. The armor paint on their bodies was mottled with large and small defects, and even some clusters of black fibers were exposed.

Hux watched silently.

It is hard to imagine what kind of brutal battles they have experienced, what kind of terrifying enemies they have faced, and how they can destroy such strong and thick power armor into this state. But from another perspective, even in the face of such violent and fierce firepower, the Space Marines in these oversized power armors are still intact, and their defensive capabilities are evident.

Rows of tall, hunchbacked armor, the stairs swaying dangerously under the weight. The Chapter's servants swarmed forward and opened the locks on both sides of the train to begin reloading weapons. Techmarines used special tools to perform diagnostic checks on the Space Marines' tactical dreadnought armor, and then performed repairs. Terminators from other Chapters were arriving from elsewhere and they were also taken care of.

Hux looked down at his body covered in tattered robes, half-clothed and emitting a stench. Then he looked at the warriors wearing tactical fearless armor, thick plate armor, and ferocious dog helmets. Suddenly, a feeling emerged in his heart. Strong desire. He felt that a real Space Marine should wear that kind of armor, and that was the form a Space Marine should have on the battlefield——

Heavy infantry!

The battle continued elsewhere on the satellite. Somewhere high up, the passage was shaken by a huge impact, and gravel fell from the roof of the cave with a "clack". Through questioning and word of mouth, these rescued human slaves also understood what the situation was like.

"Qingshan Khan, the savior of mankind. It was he who defeated the green-skinned aliens, and it was he who came to save us!"

The people in the front are conveying information to those behind.

"The God-Emperor sent His Angel of Death to save the most devout believers! He heard my prayers!"

Someone attributed it all to the Lord of Mankind.

"Name, unit, and serial number."

The servants of the war group stood on a high place holding a loudspeaker:

"Hurry! If you have any information worth telling us about the orcs fighting the moon, tell us now, we can't stay here too long!"

Hux noticed at this time that a Space Marine wearing black and gold power armor was walking through the crowd alone against the flow of people, standing out from the crowd and looking a little weird.

There were noisy sounds in the cave, the shouts of the Chapter's servants, the commotion of the rescued slaves, and the heavy and neat footsteps roared across the uneven metal floor.

However, that Space Marine was not affected by the surrounding environment at all. He walked slowly, his face was hidden under his helmet, and he turned his head and looked around as if he was looking for something. This was in sharp contrast to the other busy and nervous Space Marines.

Most of the rescued men and women said nothing but murmured thanks and praise. The Space Marine turned away from the group, as if he had never expected to get anything useful from these human slaves.

Hux and several people in the crowd looked at each other.

Then both parties quickly looked away in unison.'s probably not what I thought.

Hux secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

As expected, the Space Marine walked straight towards him after breaking away from the crowd. Hux saw the golden hydra sea serpent metal relief on the opponent's black shoulder armor. This soldier has a personal coat of arms, which is different from others. Maybe he is a high-ranking officer? Hux speculated secretly.

The opponent stood still in front of him, took off his helmet, revealing a strange waxy face covered with black dragon scale tattoos. The bald space warrior smiled politely at the Destroyer behind Hux, and then whispered He opened his mouth and said:

"Leave him to me, brother."

The Destroyer Warrior nodded and simply walked away.

The bald tattooed Space Marine stood quietly in front of Hux, and after a moment he spoke:

"The name of your reincarnation club?"

Hux was shocked when he heard this. He didn't expect that the other party would be so straightforward and straight to the point. He was also not sure whether the other party was testing him. For a moment, he didn't decide whether to show his cards directly or continue to act stupid. He could only say quietly:

"I don't know what you're talking about..."

"It's interesting, it's interesting, I know."

The bald space warrior suddenly smiled:

“I didn’t expect to catch a big fish.”

You knew already? What do you know?

Hux was still confused after hearing this.

The bald space warrior leaned close to the neck armor and said:

"Come here and arrest someone."

More than twenty gun-wielding space warriors suddenly rushed out of several passages around the cave and rushed toward the group of rescued slaves menacingly. Faced with this sudden situation, people were a little confused and stood still at a loss. The Space Marine waved away the crowd in front of him, grabbed a few "slaves" who also looked dazed, and then carried them out of the crowd.

"What are you going to do?"

Someone reacted and started struggling:

"I am a legal citizen of the empire!"

There was also a mortal whose whole body suddenly turned black and began to collapse, turning into a viscous liquid composed of black particles and trying to escape from the Space Marine's gauntlet. The bald space warrior turned around and pointed at the black particles, and shouted:


The liquid composed of black worms on the ground suddenly froze, and then began to reassemble into a human shape. It climbed up with dull eyes, a confused and joyful smile on its face, and allowed the Space Marines behind it to grab its neck again.

The bald Space Marine put on his helmet again, turned and walked towards a passage, and casually pointed at Hux behind him. Several Space Marines rushed over and arrested him, and took him and his teammates out of the giant cave together.

"No. 56 applies to leave the battle, Khan."

The bald Space Marine said as he walked:

"We caught a big fish, I want to interrogate them."


The voice coming from the other side was unusually calm. But the background sound was still filled with harsh explosions, the buzzing of chainsaws, continuous gunfire and the roars of orcs.


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