Infinite Prophet

Vol 14 Chapter 2980: Canonization

"What did you do? My Zhenwu mission has been updated..."

After Xu Yue returned to the capital, Meng Qi also found the door.

Originally, Meng Qi was also fully prepared, borrowing treasures here and secret treasures there.

Nourish energy and sharpen, accumulate sword momentum.

Sharpening the sword, Huo Huo is ready to contribute in the battle between good and evil.


Oh, wait for a lonely.

Guldor had just set off, and it was over.

It made him feel like a sand mouth after preparing for so long.

And the most exaggerated thing is that Xu Yue even took advantage of this opportunity to push all the way south.

Sweeping the impermanence sect of life and death, the **** of extinguishing Gu, directly incorporated Nanban into the territory of the Great Merchants, causing the blood sea Raksha to tremble, and disappeared.

"It's nothing, I got the remains of Huangquan after destroying the impermanence sect."

The big event of the battle between good and evil has passed, and Xu Yue's ‘low-key’ behavior of destroying the impermanence sect of life and death is not so conspicuous.

It's not the first time that the original evil demon nine ways.

Incorporating the original female way, taking advantage of the birth of the master of the Tathagata Palm, the Shura Temple was destroyed.

Now there is just one more impermanence sect of life and death.

However, although most people think this is a'normal phenomenon', it can be seen in the eyes of a small number of ancient sects or families who have a long history and know the foundation of the impermanence of life and death.

Xu Yue's strength is unfathomable!

Even if the impermanence sect of Life and Death has no Dharma height in this class.

But the sect's heritage brought by tens of thousands of years is something that no law body dares to easily challenge.

But Xu Yue did just that, and he won!

In addition, the Nanban Gu God is also a very tricky incense god, almost immortal.

Also being pushed all the way!

It can only be said that it is worthy of the Five Tribulations, and it must not be regarded as an ordinary person.

Fighting power may be as good as the earth immortal!

The only thing in the South that was also active in the nearby Blood Sea Raksha did not show up from beginning to end, and escaped a catastrophe.

Originally, the Sea of ​​Blood Raksha had been waiting to respond to the battle on Guldor's side.

Then wait and wait, just wait until the end...

Since it's over, of course he didn't mean to risk his death!

The demonic forces that had raised their heads slightly were once again crushed by Da Shang.

The fortune of the Great Merchants soared, and the confidence of the people inflated.

In fact, in theory, there are several providences at this time, and they all don't want someone to rule the world before the end.

Will continue to stumbling to interfere with the progress, or entrust authority.

However, Xu Yue relied on constantly jumping left and right, relied on exposing to the Golden Emperor that he was at least a good fortune with a peerless soldier, and maybe even a background of the reincarnation of the other side, relied on brute force to turn the situation abruptly.

Even if the providence now ends, it is indirect.

Similar to the Golden Emperor and the Demon Saint, the act of resuscitating the divine soldiers to protect the chess pieces from leaving is already a brutal act of rolling up their sleeves.

To put it simply, it's shameful and shameless.

After all, God's will will contain each other, and they are testing the bottom line.

And Xu Yue's behavior is even more as if he keeps pushing his foot out of the bottom line and then retracting it.

I made it clear that I wanted to use the convenience of the last calamity to prove to the other side, wanting to take a shortcut and become the master of heaven and earth.

For this reason, he even did not hesitate to become the product of the demon Buddha's reduction and ask for the sky, in exchange for the protection of this lame providence.

So all obstacles in front of you will be brutally crushed! At any cost!

Counting this, it had indeed violated a few providences, and was a little bit past the Golden Emperor.

But because Xu Yue itself is not the'provincial will', for other providens, the tolerance for ants like him can be higher. At this delicate moment, they can only make a note of it, and then take Xu Yue in the same way. Also included in the chessboard, consider whether it can be used as a suitable chess piece.

In fact, Xu Yue's current performance is somewhat similar to Yuan Hong's.

On Jin'ao Island where Qingpingjian suppressed the flesh and blood of the Eastern Emperor, Yuan Hong was in a fairly good state of good fortune. He was able to wake up early and make arrangements in advance, so he was also qualified to worry about the ruler of the day and establish another heaven.

Xu Yue now sees people in the face of'reincarnation', and'temporary strength' is no match for Yuan Hong.

However, in addition to the peerless magic weapon of Human Emperor Sword, there seems to be a certain unknown Heavenly Soldier asylum. Therefore, in addition to being equally qualified, the strength of his reincarnated past life allows him to make arrangements in advance and play calmly in the end of the catastrophe. , The opportunity is even higher than that of Yuan Hong!

Even if Xu Yue's small tricks really can't play with those who open perspective, but rely on the guidance and anticipation of the general trend.

In the next ninety percent, it is possible that Yuan Hong was temporarily blessed by someone or a few gods, waking up early, and coming to fight with himself.

As far as Tianyi is concerned, they don't need Yuan Hong to defeat themselves, because they also don't want to see Yuan Hong hold the power of heaven and earth.

All they need is that when the end of the calamity is coming, they are still in great controversy, and the power of heaven and earth is scattered.

Therefore, Maitreya’s earthly Buddha country, Luojiao’s vacuum hometown, and Yuan Hong on Jin’ao Island may appear at any time.

"Qingdi, Qingdi, hope you don't let me down."

Regardless of whether they will appear or not, Xu Yue's pace on this side will not stop, expanding Dashang's national fortune step by step.

At the same time, with the help of the Shendu Human Emperor's Remains Shelter, a closed space similar to the short way is formed, which directly avoids the death mission of the Liudao.

According to his explanation to Meng Qi, he is now too strong to avoid sudden increase in the difficulty of the death mission.

And even if he didn't join this time, the mission was shocking.

It only gave Meng Qi a further understanding.

I began to gradually create projections by myself, and took the initiative to throw in the fragments of Zhouguang, artificially creating others.

Just after the end of this death mission.

Xu Yue began to canonize the land and mountain gods, with the help of the incense power packaged by the Gu God, canonize the Yin God, and patrolled the world.

Mountain gods, river gods, city gods, land, day trips, night trips, each position is replaced by a person who has done meritorious service during his lifetime. After death, he gains the position of god, allowing life to continue again in another form!

For a while, Dashang's influence has reached its extreme.

It's not like a new dynasty that has just been established, and the people's sense of belonging is overwhelming.

It's not just that the original life has changed for the better, and there is a way to move forward, and the strong national power suppresses the evil spirits.

There is also the expectation of consecrating the gods after death.

It should be known that the world has changed drastically today, even if the Law Bodies only have hundreds of years of life. It can be said that after becoming a Yin God, although the form has changed, the time of survival has surpassed the Law Bodies.

And for the canonization of Yinshen, Chenghuang and the like may still need to be outstanding officials who have died.

However, similar to the land with the largest number, most of them are well-known and kind people nearby.

Coupled with the integration of Dashang’s contribution points system, it can be said that everyone bursts out with great enthusiasm.

Those who are qualified to practice martial arts can find their own good side if they don't. Even if they can't enter the temple, they can become a rich man of the rich side. As long as the contribution is achieved, they will also have the opportunity to be awarded the title of god.

Even if the number of places is limited, it can't stand the attraction of Changsheng to people.

At this time, the mission of the six old Black Mountain demons had begun, and Meng Qi, who had begun to artificially drop him and me into the fragments of Zhouguang, had also reached the threshold of the law body.

And Xu Yue also left the palace at the same time, preparing to go to the mission world together...


Two more complete...

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