Infinite Prophet

Vol 14 Chapter 3027: A hundred schools of thought contend

The chaos of the Demon Buddha brought irreparable damage to the entire world, a large number of records were lost, many true transmissions were cut off, and the heaven and earth that had been damaged by the fall of the heavens became even more withered.

The Middle Ages before the Rebellion of the Demon Buddha can also be regarded as the last glory.

Because'Wood Sage' has embarked on its own path of wood, fundamentally improved crops, greatly increased production, and enhanced the benefits to the flesh. With the assistance of organs, cattle and horses, the harvest was full, and there was a lot of surplus. , The material is extremely excessive, and fundamentally liberated many human races.

The number of people who practice Taoism, martial arts, and study institutions has increased exponentially. There are a large number of strong location-level players, far from the "current node", and ordinary small cities generally have no location-based masters.

In the Middle Ages, people who were less than a master and could not sit on the side of the party. The ordinary location is similar to the status of the'current node' master of enlightenment. There are even Dharma bodies that carry the location of strong people to develop the resources of the Xinghai. Agency spacecraft.

In this glorious period when many records have disappeared in history, and in the last splendor of the contention of a hundred schools of thought, the many dharma bodies that were thrown into the ‘history’ together all have their own calculations and plans.

There are magic ways that want to plan their benefits, some want to travel through the Middle Ages and listen to the right way of holy learning, and there are alternatives like Meng Qi and Xu Yue.

When Xu Yue went to find the royal family.

Meng Qi also arrived in Luocheng, and learned that Xinsheng was giving lectures recently, and he also knew that the overlord was still a celestial immortal at this time, and he had not yet proven the legend.

In addition, I also met Ren Qiushui, the successor of "The Sword Sutra of Absolute Immortal", the "Biyue Sword Fairy"...

"...When it comes to the location, the inner heavens and the earth are exposed, motivating the power of nature, and there is great power between hands and feet. If the fight is not restricted, the city will be destroyed, the celestial phenomenon will be changed, and the corpse will be buried for hundreds of miles. In the future, his strength has become more and more powerful. Even if he is not in the stars, the damage caused is weakened, he can move mountains and seas, and destroy the country by one person, and the immortals are even more terrifying. The destruction of creatures can only survive in places protected by corresponding prohibitions.

"With such power and destructive ability, sometimes, although there is no malice in my heart, just because I am not conscious, the aftermath of the fight will also take away thousands of lives, and even turn the world into ruins, ushering in the end of the world, so Rensheng believes that the Dharmakaya must have the concept of'the stronger the strength, the heavier the shoulders, the more self-discipline', so as not to destroy the environment on which we live.

"Under the proposal of Rensheng and Shusheng, the Righteous Dharma Body will be held in Guangling. After negotiation, the "Jiangxi-ASEAN Agreement" is signed, and the amount of shots will be reduced voluntarily. The corresponding magical power isolates the battlefield from the real world, minimizing the damage of the aftermath."

Ren Qiushui and Meng Qi had a brief discussion with Meng Qi on the Sutra of the Immortal Sword and the Seven Swords of the Sky.

He also took the opportunity to tell the "Jiang Asian Covenant" that had disappeared in history with the fall of the overlord and the rebellion of the Demon Buddha, and persuaded Meng Qi to find Rensheng who was also nearby to sign this covenant.

Ren Sheng is the ancestor of Zhou Jun Wang's family.

He can truly be called ‘benevolence’ in his life. He is a true mother who is strict in self-discipline. He will not force others to be like himself, but he will inevitably lead by example to maximize ‘benevolence’.

Even the Zhou Junwang family, which has been inherited for many years, can be regarded as a clear stream in the family, and it is completely different from other aristocratic families.

This "Jiangxi-ASEAN Treaty" is the product he advocated.

Naturally, Meng Qi recognized these constraints. Even if the Demon Dao did not sign this covenant, he would no longer easily kill the innocent for no reason, because the common customs nearby were very difficult when he was blocked by the Righteous Dao. May become the props and weights that threaten your own life.

"Heart Sage is giving lectures in Luocheng? Rensheng is also nearby? Isn't this..., what is Overlord doing nearby?"

Meng Qi didn't reject the "Jiangxi-ASEAN Treaty" but he heard that Rensheng was also nearby, and he really felt a little weird.

Because now Meng Qi is growing very fast and has less time to settle, his understanding of medieval information is not as good as before.

After all, Yunhe was not rescued, and there were not many ancient secrets recorded on his side.

Finding two great saints wandering nearby, the first thing that comes to mind is the overlord who has not yet proven the legend.

Because Ren Qiushui had also said before, the overlord disdain to be restrained and didn't mean to sign this contract at all.

Ren Qiushui was also taken aback by these words, and then sighed.

"Overlord is indeed a rare person in the ages. He acts casually, has a domineering style, and he will be repaid. He has offended many people, and some of them have very extreme ideas, but more of them belong to the woods. , Everyone must be wrong, there is no way to talk about evil spirits.

"Since fellow Daoists are preparing to sign the'covenant,' you can also be regarded as a member of the right way. It is okay to tell fellow Daoists. This time the two sages and we are gathered here for the purpose of targeting Wu Daoming, the ‘Great God’s Demon’."

Hearing this, Meng Qi couldn't help but his expression lifted, although he has not learned the secrets of the Middle Ages from Yunhe now.

But even so, Wu Daoming, the ‘Tai God Demon’, is vaguely rumored for later generations.

Because he is the fifth generation heir of Demon Emperor Claw!

It's just because of the wrong time of birth and encountering an invincible overlord, that's why he was crushed miserably.

No, it should be said that each of the saints in the Middle Ages was brilliant and talented, but they were all covered by the brilliance of the overlord and became a supporting role.

It should be understood that many of the powers handed down by the sages of the Middle Ages are the top of the world, and the Supreme Demon is the originator of the vast majority of the magical path of the ‘current node’.

"Wu Daoming first learned from Rensheng, and then listened to Xinsheng, but his thoughts became more extreme, and he gradually fell into the left direction and was recognized by the Demon Emperor's Claw.

"The Demon Emperor's Claw is a master of the world. Every time he is born, he will set off a storm of blood and blood, bringing about endless killing. After Wu Daoming became its heir, he realized the power of the Demon Emperor's ninth revolution, destroyed the body, and reshaped the entrance.

"After that, every ten years, he will rejuvenate and turn into a fetus once. It took 7 to 49 days to grow up, and so is his strength. Every time he rejuvenates, he will pass through the barriers by leaps and bounds, but correspondingly, four The decline in strength within 19 days will also make him extremely dangerous.

"Now, it's the time when the great demon is rejuvenating. The four great demon who guarded him have fallen to three, but the remaining one still took him as a child to escape. Now there are 18 days before he will Able to complete this transformation and become a god.

"By then, no one can control it!"

The rumors of all the saints and the heavenly demons in the ‘current node’ in the past did not feel any special.

Nowadays, after hearing the evaluation of contemporary Dharmakaya-level figures, one can truly feel their talents and abilities.

And at this time, after hearing Ren Qiushui's face solemnly saying that the Heavenly Demon would become uncontrollable after becoming a Heavenly Immortal, Meng Qi still couldn't help but speak.

"Where is the king?"

"The Overlord's power is indeed superb, and the realm is higher, but after all, the inheritance of the too gods is too amazing, and the absolute sword is too far behind the devil claw..."

Ren Qiushui's evaluation directly made Meng Qi once again sense the connection between himself and Bawang Juedao.

After all, Bawang Jue Dao is'only', but it also has the characteristic of being ubiquitous throughout ancient, modern and future.

Meng Qi really wanted to'draw the knife' or he could pull it out directly.

Based on this alone, the ability of Absolute Sword could not be lower than that of Demon Emperor Claw.

At this time, he also broke the defense and was bombed directly, and conveyed his dissatisfaction to Meng Qi.

However, for the current Law Bodies, before they really started to encircle and suppress the overlord, they did not know the power of the sword.

After all, in their opinion, if the Dao ancestors who have not achieved Dao fruit personally chase and kill them, they can successfully escape back to the peerless magical weapons left by the Jiuyou re-sitting demon emperor. They are not comparable to the magical weapons created by the overlord of the heavenly immortal level. .

At this time, through the exchanges with Ren Qiushui, Meng Qi truly had an outline of the Middle Ages and truly understood what kind of world he was in.

Zhou Jun Wang Family Ancestor Ren Sheng, Jiangdong Wang Family Ancestor Number Sage, the Supreme Demon of many Demon Dao originator, and many other equal ranks such as Heart Sage and Qi Sage, as well as the overlord who suppressed the first generation.

This is the golden age of contention among a hundred schools of thought.

After the power is not obvious, the collision of ideas in this era is the most shining time.

This also gradually made Meng Qi's blood boil...


Two more complete...

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