Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 116 ·Seeing through... and being alert

Familiar footsteps, familiar voices, familiar people.

Zhang Jie.

Jiang Yu really didn't expect that Zhang Jie would appear here - he thought that only people like Zheng Zha who were office directors and were gradually giving up the thinking function of their brains would be used to chatting with people when they have nothing to do. . And in fact this is how it should be.

After all, he was just resting on the deck, not sleeping on the deck. His super perception allowed him to hear that Zheng Zha went to the senior members of the team to talk nonsense and liven up the atmosphere shortly after driving. Then go and chat with the new people to calm down your mood. Although he didn't know the specific content because he didn't listen carefully, there was no doubt that Zheng Zha had slightly reorganized the operation of the entire team during his few hours of rest.

Zheng Zha seemed to be doing quite well. Leaving aside the veterans, at least these guys who are useless but account for team points are now in a much stronger mental state than the newcomers during the Alien era. No one huddles in a corner and secretly weeps and grieves, and no one looks innocent on the outside, but deep down they are thinking about making big news or finding an opportunity to blow themselves up.

This is good.

So, when Zhang Jie appeared at the front of the deck. When the surrounding wind and sand caused more noise than usual, Jiang Yu looked at him with slightly confused eyes.

"Let's chat?" Zhang Jie held a cigarette between his fingers. The wind was howling, but the large pieces of gravel could not touch the corners of his clothes. His application in the field of telekinesis has already demonstrated a solid B-level level. And the depth of development is expected to be much deeper than other enhancement holders of the same level in the team.

Jiang Yu nodded, realizing that Zhang Jie would not really come to 'chat' with him. But now this time is obviously not related to captain selection. Then Zhang Jie's appearance obviously means that there have been changes in the plot world that he has to mention.

Xia's figure disappeared inadvertently. She is Jiang Yu's shadow, and she also knows when the shadow can appear next to her master and when it is time to disappear - Jiang Yu walked towards Zhang Jie and rejected the cigarettes handed over by Zhang Jie for the first time. He and Zhang Jie leaned on the guardrail at the edge of the deck. Strong winds hit the ship due to the high speed of the giant ship and the temperature difference between day and night. And he concentrated his mind for a moment, and a tough biological force field appeared around him.

The wind and sand partition reduced the noise, just like the telekinetic shield around Zhang Jie.

Zhang Jie didn't speak first.

The invitation he extended fell into silence at this time.

"I quite like the desert." Therefore, the opening words could only appear in Jiang Yu's mouth. "Broad, vast, endless. It may be difficult to live here. But as a visitor, I can always feel a sense of breaking away from the constraints and liberating the body and mind... Zhang Jie, what about you?"

——Has the Lord God’s restriction on you weakened? Is what you want to say restricted by the Lord God?

Zhang Jie just shook his head and took a deep breath, the pale smoke lingering in his mouth and nose. "Young people are good. No matter what kind of pressure you have in your heart, it can be eliminated as long as you take a short rest. It's different for old guys like me. The long yellow sand... has no effect, but it is limited. Oh, but at least I can still If you have some spare energy, stand here and chat with you."

The main god's restrictions have been weakened, but not by much. Black water potion works. What kind of information you can get depends on your own language.

"Why are you looking for me?" Jiang Yu was a little confused. He thought it was more likely that Zhang Jie was looking for Zheng Zha.

"Because you have great potential." Zhang Jie answered without hesitation. "You have played an increasingly important role in this team. Zheng Zha, who also has great potential, has been working hard. But relatively speaking, you are stronger. The team chose you because of your will. Determine the direction of progress. And so far, there has been no error in this direction."

Jiang Yu now looks like the captain of the Zhongzhou team, that's true. After all, Zhao Yingkong chose to stand behind him instead of Zheng Zha. As for the attack on the Indian team, he was indeed the core, and the subsequent distribution of the spoils was also arranged as he wished.

But what does this mean?

"The greater the potential, the greater the test." Jiang Yu lowered her eyes. "This should be the rule in the world of reincarnation. Isn't it?"

"There is a possibility." It is affirmative if it is vague but not negative. "In the past, the Central Continent team has never faced a test of a side plot above B level. But... who can say for sure what will happen in the future?"

There is no doubt that there are group branches above B level in this world. Because this is the place where the legacies of the saints are placed, the deeper you dig, the more difficult the test you will face - Jiang Yu doesn't know if Zhang Jie wants to tell her this. However, he just thought about it for a moment, and the answer was right in front of him.


No matter what, the fact that the treasure house is in the East will not change. There was no need for Zhang Jie to give such hints so early. If there is anything he must speak out at the risk of being punished by the Lord God. Then it must be imminent.

——The Indian team...The Indian team may have done something. Perhaps, it was not just the Indian team that did something.

——Did Chu Xuan’s guess come true?

"How do you feel about the movie Chu Xuan mentioned in the announcement? It's about Seth, that movie I don't know what it's called?" he asked.

"I'm not very interested." Zhang Jie shook his head. "But the story still sounds interesting."

Contradictory answer - Got it, The Mummy plot is a fact. And this will be a group branch with a difficulty rating of B or above that the Central Continent team has never faced in the past. doesn't make sense.

In the world of reincarnation, harvest inevitably means testing. I want to get the help of Ammanet, the ancient princess and the bride of Seth. The Indian team must face corresponding efforts and tests. The current action trajectory and goals of the Zhongzhou Team have nothing to do with the fourth part of The Mummy. Then, even if the Indian team jumps over the wall in a hurry, it is impossible for them to face a group branch above B at this time. The possibility that Immorton, instead of them, will trigger the plot of The Mummy 4 is even slimmer. Not to mention that the time was wrong, it was impossible for an immortal priest who was messing around with Anubis to do anything under Seth's eyes.

This is the world of reincarnation, and now is the team battle time that the main god is concerned about. It is possible to build momentum by promoting plot characters, but sending the momentum directly to the reincarnation team... There is neither Zhang Heng nor Chu Hao in the Yinzhou team, so the main god is not so imprudent.

——What's more, it is impossible for the Indian team to know the information about the new mummy.

Jiang Yu nodded, he probably understood. The Indian team will get a little boost from the plot of The Mummy 4. But this help definitely does not include the undead princess Anmanet and the divine power of Seth himself. At most, they can only get some scraps with the help of Immorton. What the Zhongzhou team needs to pay attention to is another thing.

——Don’t step into the trap. Don't be tempted by the Indian team and step into the plot trigger area of ​​4 Mummy without knowing it.

I see. This is indeed a way for the Indian team to turn defeat into victory. Set up traps so that the Central Continent team is unprepared to trigger a battle branch above B level during team battles. Even if the Zhongzhou team manages to survive after that, it will definitely suffer from five tuberculosis and seven injuries. And by then, it will be the time for the Indian team to tip the balance of victory or defeat, or establish a peace contract.

"...I understand. I will ask everyone to be careful when the time comes."

The conversation was still haphazard, but at this moment, both parties understood each other's thoughts and wishes. Jiang Yu suddenly felt something. He turned his head. On the bridge tower not far behind him, the flash of Chu Xuan's glasses was clearly visible.

Chu Xuan already knew or verified everything that happened here, but he omitted a link of narration.

"That's good." Zhang Jie nodded, but did not leave immediately. Now he felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted. He turned his gaze and looked at Jiang Yu from head to toe. "And, are you a little confused now?"

He began to speak human language.

But Jiang Yu couldn't understand the human words.

"Confused?" Jiang Yu frowned. "I don't think so. I did have some doubts a few minutes ago. But that's just a small problem. I feel like I've gotten a little stronger... and that seems to be the case."

"This is a dangerous sign. Jiang Yu, you should feel confused." Zhang Jie put out the cigarette in his hand and exposed it to the wind and sand. The fine yellow sand quickly smoothed the front end of the cigarette, and then only a bare filter was left in the cigarette that originally had more than half of it.

It was worn out and useless.

"In fact, as a bystander, I feel that you have been confused."

"...What do you mean?" Jiang Yu's eyes narrowed. " there anything wrong with me now?"

"You are brave and decisive. You are not afraid of changes or challenges." Zhang Jie threw away the remaining filter and let it submerge in the surging sea of ​​sand, and then was crushed or pushed away by the giant ship. "As a college student, people like you are rare in my past life. I have no doubt that even if you don't enter the Lord God Space, you will become a good person and be able to start from scratch and build a career. You can also stand up to serve the country and establish a Many merits.”

"It's rare, but it's not like I've never seen such people. However, the people I've seen all have one characteristic. That is, they are very confident. They believe that they will succeed and that they can overcome difficulties and obstacles. And this Self-confidence is their support, and they rely on it, as well as their own talents and learning, plus some luck, and they eventually become some powerful figures."

Zhang Jie did not give a specific name or specific characteristics. There is a high probability that these ‘rare people’ are just concepts he made up casually.

But the truth is true, confident and talented people often succeed. Because self-confidence allows them to dare to seize opportunities, and talent allows them to take advantage of the opportunities they are caught.

"You are the same kind of person, you are also very confident." Zhang Jie looked closely at Jiang Yu.

"But have you, trust in yourself..."

"...with your trust in Zheng Zha?"

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