Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 127 ·Backing up

"...We lost...eight people died."

Gan Tian stretched out his hand and pressed it on the back of Xuenai's neck. He wanted her to take a short break. But he also knew that he and the entire team could not do without her power now. The Zhongzhou team can no longer delay, and no matter what the Indian team chooses next. None of them could stop Immorton from continuing north towards Hamna Tower.

The Indian team has no way to escape.

A loss of eight points and a gain of zero. The opponent is still in a fog.

And all escape routes are blocked - not by the other party, but by yourself. If he hadn't decided to be the enemy of the Zhongzhou team from the beginning. If I decide to adopt a conservative strategy instead of an aggressive attack after arriving at the Temple of Set...

No, not possible.

The time difference between Zhongzhou and India is only three days. The main god certified that the two teams were at the same level. And the facts prove that this is indeed the case. The only place where Central Continent is stronger than India is through tactical deployment and attribute suppression. The former is not counted in the main god's assessment, while the latter only means that the Central Continent team has gained at least one hidden benefit in the plot.

They just have high attributes. Among them, there is an A-level combat-enhanced second-level gene lock holder. In the first battle of the Indian team, there was no way anyone could escape.

The Lord God makes no mistakes. What was wrong was the Indian team's tactical deployment. But it has such a strong momentum and so many opportunities. So as long as the captain of the Indian team is still himself, he will definitely choose to attack.

--Can not change.

The Indian team is bound to attack. Even if Gan Tian is replaced by Arlot, he will still attack. And when the Indian team obtained an increase in the Set Temple, because of the timeliness of the increase. The offensive will inevitably be launched in a short time - but the problem is that the opponent's mental power is not weak. Even if he and others advance carefully on foot, in a place like Egypt where the land is full of yellow sand, it is impossible to approach the opponent's area of ​​several kilometers silently.

The psychic must use it, but once the psychic joins the battlefield. The traces of its being strengthened by Seth will inevitably be exposed. To expose one person is to expose everything. In addition, Immorton will approach Evelin and resurrect Ansuna no matter what. As well as the unknown main mission of the Central Continent team - who knows what the Central Continent team went to Hamna Tower for? If their main plot can be completed there, if they directly kill the crucial Evelin... then what awaits the Indian team is the outcome of losing the team and annihilating them.

——We will definitely attack... We are destined to be exposed.

The past cannot be changed. Even if you take the regret medicine, as long as you don't know the information about the Zhongzhou Team in advance, the outcome will not change. The most difficult point is that the Central Continent team's attribute improvement is the most comprehensive increase - this is the advantage in hard power. And judging from the stable and continuous combat ability of the opponent's mental power user, it is obviously not a temporary enhancement or the use of props.

Hard power advantages are the most difficult to deal with. This means either cashing in the money, or using the strong to defeat the weak, thus creating a local advantage. However, the problem is that most of the information on the Central Continent Team is still well hidden. However, Yinzhou...Xue Nai was dealt with like this. Who knows how much of the team's combat strength information was exposed?

In other words, how many have not been exposed?

——King against king, soldier against soldier... Of course I know how stupid this tactic is. The intelligence is not transparent, and the strategic point is still the opponent's position. If you want to cash in the money, you probably won't be able to do it right, and you can only be defeated by the opponent one by one. But besides this method, what other options do I have? If I don't say that, how can I boost the morale of the team?

Gan Tian felt a chill in his heart.

And he didn't even have time to stay cold.

"We must take action." Immorton's voice came from the sandstorm - the contract is not omnipotent. After the Indian team suffered setbacks one after another, it has taken more and more initiative. And this is one of the reasons why Yinzhou must follow immediately after Zhongzhou marches towards Hamna Tower.

"I understand." Gan Tian nodded, gently leaned down, and whispered in the ear of his spiritual power user. "Xue Nai, hold on a little longer. I need your strength."

His words were accompanied by an injection of liquid. And a few seconds later, the mental power user of the Indian team froze slightly. Then, stop trembling and escaping.

"Captain...that's all." Her face turned as white as snow. Obviously, this is not a neutral tonic. She struggled to stand up, feeling unsteady for a moment.

Gan Tian turned his head and looked at the sand in front of him.

"Your Majesty the High Priest, please give us some space. We need to discuss the next battle strategy." His words were more humble than usual.

"Don't worry, we will definitely help you resurrect Ms. Ansuna." He even used a promise of goodwill.

Immorton didn't answer, but just spread the storm a little. Ananya held the spell book and chanted softly, and a smaller barrier immediately expanded to form a soundproof zone.

"We have no way out." The old-fashioned opening statement. At this time, there is no need to be alarmist.

"You are talking about something that everyone knows, Captain." Arlot hugged his chest and choked out something salty. He is definitely not as calm inside as he appears on the surface. Otherwise, with his temperament, he would not stop here. "You'd better add some nutritious content."

"We still have a chance of winning." Gan Tian said calmly.

"This joke is funny." The werewolf doctor sneered softly. "Do you still think that the Zhongzhou team is strong on the outside and incompetent on the outside? Do you still think that they have weaknesses that can be easily discovered?"

"They have exposed a lot of weaknesses." Gan Tian shook his head. "Their biggest weakness is that they don't have powerful enough spellcasters. And when I talk about the chance of victory, I don't mean to beat them. It means to return to the Lord God safely."

"...Newcomer." Arlot raised his head and sniffed.

"Yes." Gan Tian nodded. "They clearly have high-speed vehicles, but they never put them into use. This can only mean that the vehicle's capacity is limited and they don't want to take the risk of detachment... Therefore, their newcomers must be placed together with the plot characters. They will bring these with them We will go to Hamna Tower as a burden, and we will not let new people intervene in our battle at the last moment.”

"This is our chance to fight them with all our strength. Attract enough of their power. Then..." He turned his head and looked at the only definite advantage in the team, the spellcaster Ananya. "Launch an attack in areas they are not good at. Kill the newcomers and take away the heroine Evelin. Then... we end our main plot."

All the newcomers are dead, and the Indian team has a total of fifteen people. Now there are seven people here, a loss of eight points. The newcomers will die because they took Ananya's life. They can replace her because they come from the same world as Ananya, and are not natives of this reincarnated world. There are always some differences in blood or soul.

Ananya didn't refute, she just hugged the spell book in her hand tightly. Obviously, she already knows how to pay the price.

"And this means that we have to capture the Altar of Resurrection and ensure that Immorton can complete the ritual." The werewolf frowned, and he was obviously thinking seriously. "This means that we have to defeat the Central Continent team on a frontal battlefield... They cannot ignore the importance of the Resurrection Altar in the plot."

"No need to defeat." Gan Tian shook his head. "You can also let them... avoid the edge temporarily."

"...I know." Arlot closed his mouth. He had already heard the true meaning of what Gan Tian wanted to express.

Gan Tian looked at the other people in the team.

"I won't hide it from everyone. You have already experienced how strong the Central Continent team is. You should also know how disadvantageous the position we are in. But this does not mean that we have no possibility of survival at all—— The Central-Continent team has two weaknesses. The first is that they lack powerful spellcasters, and the second is that they are almost certain to win the teamfight."

"They already have the upper hand. They know what a superior situation they are in. As long as they play steadily, they can easily win this team battle."

"They don't need to fight hard, so we fight hard. They don't need to sacrifice, so we sacrifice. Because only in this way can we seize that glimmer of hope."

"This is the only chance."


Then, a chilling and tragic atmosphere spread among the remaining seven members of the Indian team. No amount of rhetoric can compare to the truth before you. It's bloody and undeniable. And after even the way to escape no longer exists, desperately becomes the only option.

Gan Tian was right, the Zhongzhou team at this time. There is really no need and no reason to work hard.

There are still flaws in Gan Tian's plan. The flaw is that the Zhongzhou team cannot know the main mission of the Indian team. No one knows whether this information was exposed in the previous confrontation between mentalists. But he could only bet that the Central Continent team didn't know this secret yet.

Fate was cruel, but he and his Inzhou had no way out.


A stronger storm surged. Xuenai, who had cheered up, was able to temporarily resist Zhan Lan's attack without being defeated and died on the spot. However, the efficacy of the medicine will always be exhausted, just like the power of Seth's protection in the Indian team that will always fade away.

There is no way to go but to walk hard.

The distance of two hundred kilometers is not very long. More than an hour later, Hamna Tower's huge form appeared in the sight of everyone on the Indian team.

The disguised barrier has been lifted. The Zhongzhou team is already one step ahead. At the top of this city of the undead, the dark-gold giant was watching the raging sandstorm so close at hand.

His form disappeared.

And the next moment.

The city of storms and the dead.

Middle-earth and India.

Mental power fluctuations and mental power fluctuations.

Just mix it up!

'boom--! ! ! ’

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