Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 175·One third

The jet-black flaming meteor hit the earth, and the ruins of the temple and the remains of the statue were smashed and flattened. Lightning flashed, and a sea of ​​pitch-black fire spread in all directions. And in the middle of the burning wasteland, a pair of scarlet eyes stared straight into the sky.

The screen is interrupted here.

Mainland England, the headquarters of the Goblin Knights. A tall, thin, pale aristocratic man silently opened his eyes, which were covered in deep red from eyeballs to eye sockets.

Just now, Seth/Cain revealed to it the secret of the far beyond. And an unquestionable will also blazed together with the desire to fight deep in its heart.

——'Destroy these people who rebel against God, and you will be promoted...'

The ancestor's promise rang in his heart. This is God's will and cannot be disobeyed.

And it naturally does not hold the will to fight blindly.

"A group of strong enemies...but not strong enough. The main two are both senior marquises. Their experience is obviously not sufficient, but they are very skilled and have extremely high growth potential...they have just broken through themselves. level of life, but haven’t had time to realize it yet? Then, the earlier the time is, the easier it will be to defeat them.”

The man stood up and lifted a richly decorated two-handed sword from his side. The blade of the sword shimmered like clear lake water. But the moment it was held tightly, it was covered in a layer of mist.

Arondette - This is the name of this sword. It is one of the ancient holy weapons held by the Fairy Knights.

Lancelot—this was the title he inherited. And the name it should have had has long been abandoned by it.

And it pushed open the heavy door in front of it——

Noisy voices rushed towards me, and in the meeting hall of the Knights, several distinct camps were arguing endlessly. When it took its first steps, the loudest sounds hit its ears.

"This is your own business! It is up to you to solve your internal problems! The Knights should not be involved, let alone become the thugs of your vampire party to fight against differences!"

"How much time wasted by that false white dragon in Scotland? London was attacked and His Majesty was frightened. It's all your blood's fault!"

"You must bear the consequences of this failure yourselves."

It took the first step.

And when it took the second step, the noise stopped abruptly. All eyes are directed towards it, not because of respect or fear, but because the responsibility must be shouldered by someone - whether it is a human or not.

‘Arthur’ does not exist, because only the one in the palace is worthy of calling himself king. Even if he doesn't have the power to restrain a chicken.

And since there is no 'Arthur', the one who leads the knights can only be 'Lancelot'.

"The Blood Clan will solve this matter. The criminals who invaded England's land will soon be killed. And after that, I will personally go to the palace to give an explanation to His Majesty."

Its sound was not clear, but rather sharp and rough like the friction of swords and halberds. It stared at all the members of the Fairy Knights who did not belong to the Vampire Clan, and the representatives of each camp made eye contact with it without giving in.

"Then, wizards and druids will not participate in the next actions of the Knights." The old man wearing a pointed hat and the woman wearing a veil walked out of the seats of the Knights. They are 'Merlin' and 'Wei'. Vian', represents the will of the native spellcaster.

"The Royal Knights are His Majesty's bodyguards, and their duty is to guard the palace." The warriors, who were burdened with various protections and blessings, and who gained great power through their mortal flesh and blood, also stopped taking their seats. Their words mean something, because as guardians, they will leave with the Knights, precisely because the vampires are responsible for the defense of London.

They are ‘Kai’ and ‘Gawain’. From the very beginning, he was at odds with the vampires.

Of course, there is something even more wrong - those are the church members of the Knights. Their representatives in the conference hall also bear the title of ancient Knights of the Round Table. And they just left in silence, not even willing to say a word.

The noisy and crowded conference hall suddenly became empty, with less than half of the participating members remaining. The actual reduction in combat power is even to the extent of three-fifths.

It wasn't supposed to be like this.

If it hadn't been for the previous accident, Lancelot could have relied on the authority of the grand leader to forcefully lead a full group of goblin knights to attack those people who rebelled against God. And they will even receive full assistance from England's overseas colonies, able to summon a large number of servants and call on the allies of the Knights to act together. But now...only the Fairy Knights of the Vampire clan are left, and their combat effectiveness may only be one-third of what it was in its heyday. Without the support of allies and colonies, the vampires can only exert one-tenth of their theoretical upper limit.

The enemy is not weak, and God’s will cannot be disobeyed. The power of the Vampire Tribe has gradually shrunk with the decline of the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets. No matter how you look at it, this war must be fought with all-out effort.

Then, the grand leader spoke.

"We are going to Egypt to complete the task entrusted to us by the ancestor before the people who rebel against the gods leave the Western Continent - the ancestor has made a promise. As long as we succeed, we will all be promoted."

The slightly dull atmosphere was stagnant at first, and then immediately became restless. With long lifespans, vampires long for few things. The improvement of bloodline level is exactly the treasure they desire most.

The smart ones among them immediately paid attention to the key points.

"Us? Including you? Grand Commander?"

"Including me." Lancelot nodded.

The restless atmosphere boiled rapidly after these words, and every vampire's eyes were filled with enthusiasm.

" can also complete the promotion, wouldn't you--"

"Yes." Lancelot admitted the wise man's guess. "I will be king, and I will be equal in person to the one in Romania."

‘Boom——’ soft words, silent thunder.

Under the premise that the gods will not easily interfere in the human world, the rise and fall of the ethnic group depends on the power of the ethnic group itself. The Vampires were supposed to be a powerful race that played an important role in the world, but because there was a king who hated the race, they had to cling like a parasitic vine to England, which was, is, but may not be the century-old empire in the future. .

The king is special, and the power of the king far exceeds the limits of the prince.

And the king's name is...

"Vlad Tepesh/Abel." The name of the king who hated his subjects came out from the lips of the Vampire Grand Duke. "I will replace it, and I will make the race great again. The dawn of our blood race is coming, and the premise of everything is that we must cross this battlefield."

"So..." It looked at all the vampires, just like all the vampires were looking at it. "The Vampire Clan cannot afford to fail in this battle. Go ahead, unseal our heritage, and bring all our sacred weapons with us. Then..."

"start sailing!"


"There are changes in the Fairy Knights. More than half of their members have now left the Knights' station. And the remaining part of the vampire family... interesting, they seem to be planning to open an ancient port. It seems that this is some kind of The ancient ritual spell may be a measure specifically designed to deal with the limitation that vampires cannot cross flowing water."

On the way to the Temple of Set, Chu Xuan gently pushed the frames of his glasses. Graphic data slides at high speed at the bottom of the lens. And a timely intelligence arrived immediately.

As expected, this is in line with the expectations of the reincarnators.

"It seems they received Seth's signal." Jiang Yu nodded. "I just don't know when they will enter, and how much intelligence Seth has leaked to them about us."

"Conspiracy and conspiracy are one of the hallmarks of Seth." Zhan Lan responded. "Therefore, it is impossible for Seth not to prepare some insidious deeds. I even suspect that the Goblin Knights are just a target to attract attention on the surface. The real trump card is still hidden in an unknown place."

Jiang Yu looked at Chu Xuan. The latter shook his head slightly.

"The gods have their own rules, and the balance cannot be tilted." He said, his voice as calm and indifferent as ever. "The upper limit of Seth's combat power cannot exceed the upper limit of the difficulty of the trial planned by Anubis. If it hits the ceiling, then the next step will be the battlefield of the gods that has little relationship with us. Not to mention..."

——The authority of the Lord God of Reincarnation must be higher than that of the Egyptian gods. The level B test will not increase the difficulty without any reason.

——And more than that...

"We also have the protection of the gods of earth and gods."

Geb, the earth god, and Nut, the sky god. Their blessing is as long as the reincarnated person is in an environment with "earth" or "heaven". The speed of energy recovery will be improved to a certain extent. The amplitude is so small that it looks the same as nothing. However, for the reincarnations, this is undoubtedly the greatest reward from the gods of earth and heaven to the brave!

Where is there no ‘earth’ and ‘heaven’?

The reincarnators have only seen two such areas. One place is the main god space. And on the other side, it’s Seth’s palm!

Gods have their own order. If Set directly throws the reincarnations into a closed arena, it will directly isolate the earth and the sky, and directly block the tentacles of the will of the earth god and the sky god. This is undoubtedly a sign of war, and this blessing itself naturally means Geb and Nut's warning to Set!

a good thing.

But it's not time to celebrate victory yet.

Jiang Yu nodded.

"But even so. The combat power summoned by the opponent must be above and far beyond our overt combat power. A head-on attack is not our first choice. If we have the conditions for immediate maneuver, then we should avoid its edge. .”

Sound judgment, no one disagrees with him on that.

Jiang Yu then made the final transfer of personnel, because the Temple of Set was already located not far ahead.

"Mou Gang, maintain the air and space fighter mode. If there is an emergency, you can fire at your own discretion. But be prepared for quick transfer." - "Understood, I am always ready."

"Zhan Lan, you and Xia stay in the aerial fighter plane. Ready for spell support at any time, and the method of action also depends on your own judgment." - "Understood." "Leave it to me, Ayu."

"Zheng Zha, you, Cheng Xiao, and Zhao Yingkong. The four of us will go down. I will take the lead, and you will cover the flanks. Cheng Xiao and Zhao Yingkong, you wait for the opportunity." - "No problem." "Then I have to perform well. Ichiban." "Yeah."

"The others are on standby on the fighter plane. If there is an unexpected change that exceeds expectations, it will be up to Chu Xuan to make the decision."

In a few words, the final preparations are over.

The large aerial fighter plane hovered at a low altitude of about three hundred meters above the ground, accompanied by a whirlwind generated by the spell. Jiang Yu and the other four people immediately landed from the sky.

Feet, touch the ground. Shield and hammer, clutched in hand.

Stepping cautiously towards the temple. And just when Jiang Yu's toes touched the outermost brick in the temple——

——[The tour is completed. 】

The Lord God's announcement suddenly sounded.

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